It wlraps! tbuttons! t' s gay, sienderizing andi comfoî table! It washies like a hanky, ano, ùî ens fiat tu ireri. Get bnss riglît uo on tii.s siew Pîincess \4.rapabout! Pattern 4604 comes in sizes 12, 1s, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 3j. 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 5Jys yds 315-lochi. This pattern,' easy te uIse, simlple te sew, is testesi fer fit.. ,las corn- plete ilnustrated înstructiotq. Set-d tweiîty-five cents (25c) in coitns (statî'ps carnnet bc accepted i for tbis pattern. Frit plirnly size, aàine, address, sty le number. Seod order te Box 1, '23 Eig >1 teentb Street, New Toreniý,. Ont. I'eg , rair . . uýl! Once aanthe nmiracle cf eariy spririg has bronght about a clianige that scecns alniost incredible. -A sseek age sc inticît snoeîand 110w, big patches cf bars ground, aithengh there are stili pleniv cf snewbaoks iii evidenece. For a few days h suas suc], a nice, slow than' .tlîîat fleod conîditionîs were net 1reahl3 seýrions. Ditches rose h i(irtbntlîe cul- verts andI flatsbcanea iniatuire lake as thie naimsue îneited the sîîew, but n 11h the gcilig clownîî01 the Sun thie iater Ici ci dropped; hitches became normal andthie creeh a plcasant, gui gling littis streani. But the*mud . . . coh, dear! Now it is raiuîig, ses liat happeiîs today reolains tote-b cen, Geîîeraily' we think oh miud as belenging te the ceuiîtry, aînd cean, dry reads as belenging te the toîvl butîlt it eii dstic.Our- nearby toîîn i, still b ,y îitJj its sewerage system-and se bclýp mc,' I neyer sais sun iîîd in al m life. 1 go te tosun as litile s1 cao, Tee aiiî streets, tha,-t user cpped nlp last fali te lay Steri: eîcsare se full of pet hoecs yen voîslr lcu many springs and beits 300 wuli leSe froni yonr car bteie et s berne, ansi aise if any part of ycnr ciin aîîatomy willi break hoose. Pari cf the troujble tibese dax s lies' in thie fact tuai ne dont expect tw contlend n ;th nmod any mo~re, \lc,ýi reads in iveil pepulatcd districts arc îîow Cillier grai'eiicd or piscH, and mlost fa rmlers have long silicee made a practise efhlaving tlieir lanes gravciicd tee 'wthat mîîd, sucb as ne on'n et, itoie s clo ne ti Clt 3clî whien n e lîad otîr first cai -a Mo dcl T-- ix e ahi ay's vntibacli to tlhe bi ise and buggyîinecarl-v srîî Phcausej the lanie wisli'tgiaiet d îrltb iilî'r îhotdpuryl boîi ita si0, Ifstl , laeti;11 ni glui C rt iisi -'rMl,10gllacc2pnsaibl tw inlg of the mn " e shal Save aon Ihere 's Duhtilatest :Per- îence. One of hec ten ntslsokin-g iii bcd, set lii e te-biniattress! 1 wolider hon' niany disastrouS ies haebeistarted in just that way. lî~oe whe is 100 Sleepy te lcep an a ~c ong cnogb te finish sinels îng igartte nrey doesnet ns cd a smoc ver hady il] the lîrsi p 'ae.Adof course th e hng happejns in pris tee homes ,just as caile s i aroomnirg one aitog orenme e . o beai aeiie aiestie e Sioude hred s ifcc isege ivpacst for e non fout1v m lter.Sô on, howtellî oagîh a adisa ago wc bie iie te grnole aou a frien of grnIbIng., 1 ha hae Ivnon bdn I b g tiîis Aut t unî-, u iu,%F il -n asti , lI eplaiithj1VtiadTe oiiersa a fiei cf oJre Bugid w mc flid nev ar base (- u ad heî diiigthig 'oi-l. n ofiU, îtï'c," f.1n2 i-eei,, ef ~ ~ -,nJ byaa btgîac agod nancftaly 1 ', iiggun e dug id bc bt on"ec t is a 1111e anlisb caro tiîat Baril, erçsid i remiCUi U.hnie omea lied of hîîg. Ycs, I ailcer.? A nc hn t hat su i l be a good albut lnerthngt-tht us alitti, etee, eanc3 uwdysoînchroîs Juor B ,sicl-isenincb ohre expre1ssiî e1 Buntn ithskten s the iige gearsilice, ne ariii Ibir eter f rip-s thetrand it ieei'- Like ahc bn i rigf ht-a bngsliasrse arebeîtig ilwitcra us uh cd its wy Upthrhther asr iticly tmd. nohe ing i ave e cerieod vritlmachithe.steering celurn gacsbieale macehingednte neu fer oaethie extra orepa e ga wicernî otef thescar, glish cars Befere we gendtot cartnas sel- 'Tor ythînklovg of gettiîîg an dc yti etloa sewing machinesvin aînd traie ymacf his den't -s tee nc cihegeheand I e use a s,ýCwing nroacheinse mu c. Segos eu we wei 301 etiee a sewing machineGa wc ve epecîte ode much travelling but if w111 be nice te have somcithing that'.s; really dependable-er sheuid be-se that.wc cau. go eut wiîtlitt îverrying about tires er wbetlier a bcaring w111 buiicnt and leave lis stranded i, an i ncomfnrtahlei distatue.. from a gàrage.,Ani-iiget- ting a smaIJ car we, are aise think- Je Ahe" ronLrcd epsFE O. oxi124P, C.tea ,. B 1 Andth5 RELIEF jiLSTN Nobody knows the cause of rhe,;uma- tism but w do know therc',a oný, thing to ease the pain .' INSTANTiIqE. And when you taire IN,-TANTINNM the relief is prolonged because IINSTANTINE contains mot ome,_ but thrce proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients worir together to bring you net only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Taire INSTANTINE for fast headache relief toc . . or for the pains of neuritis or neuralgia and thezaches and pains that often accompany a co"id. Get lîstîintine today s and always Iîeep it Iandy 12-Tablet 3Otl25 i9