7 t s s s s s Vol. 14 No 16 ORONO, ONT., TRHURSDA'Y. MAY Ilth, Subscription $1.50 per Year Trinity Uited9 manvill i Sunday evemng, May 7th, a larige .ambr i'm Orono Park Street con- gregation mere greetly 'encour'aged in thre great task, set before tliem ,ia the rebuilding 'cof their clinrc.,h. Moi'- \.ýal aud fiinaircial <aid along w-,ith tire eýtrc-ngthejnng oeffienidsIip thirongli congregaticinal w'ors!hip, iaapireýd the0se from oronlo who were presenit -ta;eelsrie with Trinity United Churchin omavle The Oroniq United Curcir Choirl -was present Vo sing the hynas anidi anthours, and Rev. A. E. Eustace preadhed the sermon. "The Dangerl On The Uaiconzscious LosOf God"l ma-,s tire theime taàken liy Rev. Eus;- tae, asud Ire suggested that we guard ~gntthis l1cm by examinigou' ,selves sud by mnalking a defiaite ef- forts Io stay closE to tire _-de of Ccid. SRev. 'S. R.. Henderson asked Dr. Decvttc, secref-,tary othtIe OfficiaI1 Poard, Mr.i'.illin.g, treasurer cf Tria- isVy Uite;,,d Ir'trcli, and Dr. Slem»oni, tr-easurer cof thre Pres;bytery and wli îsia lso liairlinag tIre funid for thre O0rôîo Clhurcti Vopresent toi Mr. O. W. Rolph, treasurer cf VIre Park St ChancirBnulding Commiittee, tIre ameont subsc-ribed througli Trinlty ~Unlted Churchin la adof the Oronio d-,ii. A cheque foi' $1,725.0 rvas p-resenited by Dr. Siemnl Vo 0Mi'. Roipli. Ia replying,i'r. RolpIr re- atetIe tliouglitfulnoss aýnd humcjn V~ ~nereat reealed ila sonme of thedo n-ations whi'd lIad already beeni re- eived. Concera1 by those outaide cf, tire illage, and aIo f youtirful or-1 g<anizations and inldividualis wa-ks m enrcouraginig. He s3ai-d that tire eve-,1 ïrg's worsliîp tnegether -fer tIreVw cougregal iois cemraiuly streiigthleed tire frîeadsi ilrýýedyexisting lie- twv7een tire wo communities and that tIre donatio-n received wvas a, decided l fVte otihe one iadihercuts. WifiVhpevcsdonations beiuigj rade hy imembers ci' 'h-iinty ChureIr tiregiftfro VhschurIr otIs 0over N ir to thousand nuark. -Aiter tire service tIre meinbersi cf Oronio Churcli ero eterlxtiuned byl Trý,uity, and iV mvas expresaed by, mey iat suecri evein gaweeV toongregatlons met Voge hersould ie ceated in VIre ùrture. Eany Attend fThe W A.Ckwrch Servicel Thiere ma ag congregation at- tened hespecial serviîe cf tIre Wo- nrans Asociaion f Park St. Clur ch1 ýieldin tIre Towa Hall, Orono, eu1 _Rev. A. E. Esùace_ conducted ftIre *ýrvceTtleg.est spe-aker for Vihe oc- casfion -was Rev. S. Hedro f Irinity Cirurcir, Bowuran'ille. TireP ,cheir -fror tirait dhurcii upplied Vire m-u-4ic, sls¶iî ei reudered au- trems -and a hlidiesa quartette. Rev. My'. Iedren forceful ,nessagît wl 'long lie rememrbPred. Threhall was 4deeorate-d 'îlh standards cf pale pirnk smapdragouDS.1 Aitte(r the ser-vice tIre Orcono W. A 'lrisserved delicins refreslrmnepts aia social boni' was eejoyepd. Tirei apecal Collection amounted tcoe slàxty dollars, Church, Bow- Villagers Asked To Co-ope- Chuch ate In «Garbage Collection! 1 0rono Ç u hLiadies asud Gentlemen: ___________________________ As a measure ito proteet the 1Liealth NIof oui' citizens and fÉiends, adt Y oui memner improve the appearance- of our vil.'1 lage aýnd 'heapproaches thereto,' wdc ReorsFrom Ota ae tryîng to, iiaugurate a systeniof _____ collectiolndmi isposal ofgabe If it's exctemnent you are craving a, t rfsscl sw il have. Ottawa recently lias been the place It is entby -with your assistance and te find it-ý-especially la the dignifidcooperation that we will be table Vo, House of conimoals. miake it a- succea&s. We have ibeen First, we had the visit from the giveni a place Vo use for this purpose, 1Unenipliyeýýd Union representatives and Nwe ope to start ellecting as wbuose leaders; are- reported to lie near the(,:s of June as possiýýble. fnedl o if* not eniployed by a gen- It will hie necessary for acli houise- tlen named Joseph Stalin. They older toi proivide icovered mnetal gar.- *iarcPhed here and there ail over 'the city, flnally concentrating lu front bage containers suficient Vo conVain' of the Parliament Buildings. No- bas> or lier heusehold gaÉbage, for ai body bo liered them or païd niuch weekc. The garbage should bhe wrap.; attention te thern -sû eveatually they ped ýin piaper, and the container iceptI brok<e np intosmaîl groupa and roami- cean and lu good repair. Tbis la Vo ed Vlrougli the buildings, buttonhol-Iprevent offensive ours and exelude iiig any and ail members of pairlia- fliles1. etc. Separate containers shiahl nment and cabinet rii s te rs withn he used for ashes. whicli shiould be whiom hey camie ln contact. 0e-4utlmpi. The higliglit of their camiipaigneo're ntl mtîd came at the afternuon si.ting of L'he More inforlmation as Vor time of col- House cf GCoimmons. After VIre pray- lections, etc., wWîeptiblisher- later, ers, thre doors were opened and the We hope yuwiil be prepared VLo ce- visitors sýtreamned into the galleries. operate with us in ths endéavour te As the speakecr was about, Vo open make our village ch nud healhyý the [business of the ýday, one of tIre fpr al who live here and these whe faiithlful iose Vo ha feet lu the gaI, come Vo visit us. lery and liegan to shout Iis message TeOooPlc Vo the cliaurber. The Ilouse police, TOronoeePoce who were expeeting trouble, tookTrseBad hlm eut wiVhia -seconds, but no soon- R. E. Logan, er lied they laid hands' upon thée in- Carai trudïig eraVor thans a second man la a dffereut part of the galiery roseW. .M ETN toý carry on. This procedure conia- ued for several ýminutes until seven - or e1ght mnembers of fIre galhery liad been Speaking and had been removed Thre W. A. of Park St. Ufit'ed by police. IV waas Fmnething necw Vo Church was reld la the Masonic Hall Vhis st-aid andi digusifiedi bildin-ýg--and on Tliursdlay, May - 9th. Mrs. -Crun-ý ertainly d'dia't help VIre cause o-f the anpesdnt, eccupied tIre chair, Uion for Uuemipleyed. Cotrary Vo Mrs. Billettldcag o eyj-1 Russian procedure,' these mien were gplrlng devotional service oýn faithi. not shotl, not thro-wn in jail. Theyl Very 1c r.iigreport sof tie ac- were mrerely eseorted outside thé y noagg frcor dror ai tid o le on t1reur tivities were given, anid a vo te of way. A coupfle of ,idletighs added thanks from thre choir, was extendled te the inte-rest andi confusion. to the W. A. for ctnigto H*gih Wlien thre fr orator began has ParkChi after the concert on Fr1-1 spveechb, Speaker Rosis MacDonald daky niglit. aýs Vhey also banqueted' tiioughit one of VIre memibers -%as lie- oui'ew choir. enigan umîauthcri.zedddrealtid The qeet [gcosed rith prayer[ Sever'al times caýlled the, M.P.s Vo, order before lie realized VIrat Nwe bv Mrs. Duncean anid the Mizpali veren't their nes , who were offendiug. benedicition. Aftoir tIre(event had conclude(d I 1 bappened Vo be Va-king V- o Mrs. JolujFaml eino Hl Deifenibaker andlnd thiat she had ml euinH nFo bensitting in tlie gallery between Mik And Mis. J. Grunlerud, two of ,!tie would bcoratorsý. itr lier surnprise and exeltement wlren onie roragh-loolerg cliarac-ter on ecd i sde oit' ler e t speak, SIre sai-d A family reuiion was held for Mi'. shec departed f-rom thbat comipany as and Mrs. Jamn1es Grunerud (ace1Mur fast aýssie eoiuld. icI Moriton), at thre homne of lis fath- Tin diirect conitrast, we hadul an ýinter- ci', Mi'. and Mrs. A. T. Gyrunerpud oft ruptiori ao ednsdy ifternoon roeicSask., wlen aIl tire withl w,>hich brouglt home Vo -us ail that, in the, excep tion of two wrr able Vo C anada, we love oui' Irome-life and reaclihoe oui' chl ire lmcl i-imiore than we ad- Amiong those present from out-of- imire peoiple wlie are trying to de- stroy enVl way af lvn.JmyS- town mwere Mi'. and Mrs. Rosa and clair, Parliiame,-ntary Aseistant- Vo family.of IRosetown, Mi'. and Mrs. Mnlster of Finance, I'I. Abbott, was Dale Grunei'ud of Milden,, Marvin on hais feeit explaining. some proposed and Hovai'doit Wadena, and Mi'. and chang-es la the lincome Tax Act when Mos. Tamres Grune'ud and Tei'ry from Iis rvife 'and tIrree daugiters eutered Saqs-katoon. Completing thre famnily the inmac gailery 'TIre three- circle were Mr. anîd Mrs. Cres. Lai'- yer-l 3ongster was leading and son and Mi'. and Mr&. Allen ýGrun- suddenly, dnring a pause in VIre pro- erud. Those unable Vo reacir home ceediags, we Ireard "Hi Daddy" las wr toý- oc'oýpAbra nie spoitted hier father. 'EverythingweeOtofPueCpAlera wazs quiet for a second and then and Mineroa (Mrs. GeorgeCo per) viiosin thegllrisami mem-,berýs oit Keeler. James Grianerud, -who -ce- broke ilnto spoutaneolcus applause cently gradàated from tire Unilver- iwhile miaay cf us had tears ain oui' sîty of Saskçatchewan, left con Mon- iees. Veteran parliamnentarian Sim- .day Vto take up perimanient eachiug clair gul.ped a couple c-f imes lu hÀs dutieslinVIe state of Minuesotba and confuision and s-tanered that in aIl will hie joiaed later by Ms Grunerud is years la the fluse he hlad never who with hieryon son -ME. visit lier been eurbarrazssed by tire OT>posittionpaésMren s.Gog o- but hs fime he certainfly lad- been prns i.ad r.Gog o' by lia owýn fai-nilv. Tire voungater on and famiiy cf Oronoc. was noV r-emocved by thie House Pc>- The ,plast few weeks have been liec- tic for members 'who are on coinnLit-l H>rdro Change'Over To Cause Power Break, Tis Suindahy, May ýv14Vi, the local YIidv-) cjmmlission la havingtVIre lhue 'aiged ovecsdo trtOrnoe ii re- ceive 'Vs. elictric power fcmtire sui- SftnalJirm vR o fce t0 yr Oî.nlo -Park Ready For Sumnier Activities Uine. Tire pemo,ýr m bclieut off from Tire damage ýdou-Le iy VIe creek rua- 2,0 Vo 4.00 O'MOckintIre aiternoon ding tîrougir tireloal park iras nom mIen Virescsîsary ecliuLe over -Ï11 for som-se timi elio ep'are, ith hie mïace. the boo)tl concession ami park ma- Tis alteraticu lu-inre suppiy cf agweet being given out sud tire Aetrciy for tire village mIlI gve aplproachiug wrm m -eather f(me a hglir vltae o Vie pIme ~y-. roe), VIre pacik iènom ready for tie Vuresulting lnaa steadier snpply ý1,immier aciivities. M'.Dam, ou cf power. Orono for some Vime lias as la charge cf Vire mngigoitVire fit lhe need for an in, eHinvol- Park sud is aIse operatisrg tIre bootir. an sd wiVithre iterations to he ~~epce ia I akmi ,adetVils SLnday, iV ics ho'ied ~~tha ga it is e e tire 1ý a ck oit a :Qre efficent usecee ctrcîa - ap- nnti (a e h cle ' n1V $jîauces mill resuit. sportiug events. ees. One day tirerereref. -seiie group meetbings nt tire sarec tirne on a, variety cf aubjecta sucli as Old Age Scuity, PublcAccountaRil-1 ways, Canais ami Telegra-plis and several. others.,IjIrad juat comîplet. cd a ýgruacliugsix boni- a day session on tIre Railmay Comnittee -wicir ad been jehecking tIre activities of tire C.N.R. and T.C.A. wiren wVe -mere haudcd Vire coutroversial gas pipe hune bis tionsIder lcse you are InoV tami-ilia r vmitir the pipe lina ics siens, I siould explain trait aurycue mishing Vto incOrporate at Company Voi build e gas or Ai pipe hue in Can- ada, imuat comne Vo Pa-rliamienit Vo ob-1 tain prmuission Vo incorporate. At! tIre asat session, caoi comipany mas graated Vhis permîsicu. and, at pres- est, Vwo otilier cmalsare Vyu Vo citain a similar chartIIer. Opposi-ý tion Vo grau)ntiu'-,g -hem a chairter iras been so intensive, almînicat amonntiugn Vo an ail eut flbutr tatvery lit-I the progresa iasbeh a de lrAcand a great deal cf time iras been cnnmr- ed TIre opposeras WAt that Pur-- liamrent sliould noV pasa theCs bilis n'til sme step lias been taken Voi (CorrItinrred -on pa)ge foi') Pleasing Progiani By liigh I Park United Chuîck Choir' Th,- choir of Higir Parlk îUited Ciruicli, Toronto, presenteda musical concert lin the Tomwn Hall on Friday evenlnig cf Himt vweek. Somn-e iorty mteimFfrs consisted cf Vire choir, wti Vi e assistilne' soloists, Selma Jet- insndson Baluki soprano; RutIrý Jeukins, contralto; James Sparir, tenor, James Watson, basa. Tire diriectür and orgianist was Mr,' C. Roy Grass. TIreur seIecetion ýcf musical nurbers thrilled a large apprecialtive aud-. ience and it is hoped Orono !miI have 1ire Pleasuore of hearinsg tIrm again. T1his choir very 'generousiy ga-ve ail. tire proceeda Vte erouse C'birot go towvards tire pnrcirasing e-f new gowins. After tire concert ýtire Orono ýWa-. mnen's Association served tIre Toi'-! Corand Orone Choir Vo a suluptu- cus supper and also teok hspo- tuuity o býeceme ucquainted mith ione another. Fuither Contributions For Cliurch Building Fund Tire followung contributions have heen gratefrlly receivedi and record- ed ýby tIre cliairman of ire Finane Pre-viously ncka'owbNedlged . 'Local --..... ..... Mrs. Worknmaa, Bomman-. ville...-----... .---......- Mrs. Gertrude Rickaby, -To-onsto ...----... ....... Toronsto....... FMrps. J. Warr-1,, T(oento. ... Mr Orme Falisý, Reudal .. Xr sI nd Ts<,JaileFk wa FKendial - -- iMr. Geo. Cro-wtler, New- castle............... --- Mr- CcilCarýveth, Ne-wcas- tiýe..................------ Mlr. C. H1. Robertson, To-r- o ----------. ----. -- . Canton United Churclic, Caniton............ 'Miss Marlon RickaibyvTor onte......... Mr.IaWright , Cav',1n . manchezater WMa70 As- soltoManchester, -- Rev. S. T. Tueker,, T4-ooi Mr. and Mrs. L. 1B:uckle, P'eteýrboro............- TElizahbethiville Churcli, Eli. azbethville --------- Mr. Stanlley, Sharpe, H. Trinity United Chur4c'h Bowmianrville......... -- Ladies' Club, Býowmanvible Mr. Neil Stewart, Kendal.... Mr. E. Casweil, Pont HOPýe Orono Red T hird Oreuo Brancbh of the Redi at the home, of the Presid WR EArtonwhen ,e portant matters were decà treasurer reported a banl oýf $735.42, of which $4( votýed toelie sent Voý theOut isýion for lits diffeenit !nes The- balance wili be kept work, L.e, the supplyiing lveyr oillcapsuleýs to ail puý children in Clar-ke Tpoýwi autumin; and tiie ent'i Sw;nimning and life snlg Oronio next July and Ang viding siiitblearagmr ma de' S i xt y ebildren weîE last year and mnany reeeivE foi' swimmling. A bill1 for chased by public spirited cit provided 1hot eoffee turd s for firemein aud othe-r Fpebruary lOth, we r Chulrch was burned, wa_ý paid. Tt was- repýortcd thlta- recen't campaigm1, our "mvie" la n, Mr1. C. R. shwda Red( Cross, filii i comimunities forty..four tin Branch appreciates VI e assi Mr. Carvàth, aud ais6 theI 2,0-60.40 9,645.00 10.00 I ~ Local Women Attend lWomen's Institute Coenference A bus load of wemeicn fromli Orono,j Bowmauvlle and village of Kend-al attended 'the ciesîiig session of the animal --oiveners' conferenîce of t~he Ouitariio Pederated Womiem's Insti- tutes held in Guelphi the latter part of lasit week. Over one thousanid wo- aitedd from the different rural Womleni's Institutes of Ontario. Mfrs. J. E. Hotick, Brampton, Cana- dian confvenler on citizen1iship, told the group of 1,000( womeii froni ail parts of Ontario that "wvoinen would neyver become the force the-y should until they heemne -more active, particular. Talk was Pot suf-ficient andwod doý no good for hey miusit be connect- ed with a political party be-fore hey coiuld have any ,ay in any policies. Citizen!slip meant takiiig more inter- esýt ini publie affaira, she declared. Citizeniship required eniergy and ef- fort every wakinig minute, and wo>- men snust serve their Country wehl. 'The w-if e usit take lier place along - slde her husband in making- the fami- ily a most effective- unit and it wras jus!t as important for them Vto take their plaùce beside mnen in politica for! hetter go)veram-ienit. Womien do not stand together in sucli thiîngsýý-not as they Ahould she added. Mrs. J. R. Futcher, St. Thomt-as, F.W.I.,O. prpsii&nt, adýded that per-' haps the reason polities was called' "dity" was "becausie 'we are net ini Two'd>elegatea tLo the F.W.1.O. con- ferensce were called te the front by Mrs. F'uýtch4eit. They were Mr. Lea-. land, of Rainy River area, andi Mrs. White, frous the Guelph area, who, MIrs. Fuitcher said, represented, the groups whîchi lad travelled the greatest ani least disiance Vo the IYptet c to earth wonien who are bes+ ablteÈý think and develop a goodphlohy of life for our yo)ung people" Womien dont realize -hat gre-at poCteutial Power lies in their ihande. They _are smart, strong, and bec-a-useý thiere are more women tihan men Ln aliioisit every country in the wrorM, [the'y have great ,political -power, armf 1eau, tlirough this power, build the_ kinid of world they want. ,Wonien are ne dumber than men, s.aid thie Iovely, gracious lady with ý twinik]e lunler eye, *"They could't lie!" "No one bas as much po'-wer in- creating public opinion as wý,omen," continued Mrs. Sayre, in lier sotft American accent. "Our cude' characters and attitudes are fre in tbeir fornuative yea-ýrs by methers and by teachers, 75h% cof wjom axre "Looka liere, womeucn you've geV the vo>tes, you've g~ot the children, yout are the teaichersF. If the wrt isn't wliat lit should be, the-t some- wlhere you are fallîng down ont the S:peak*ting on citizensbip, Mrs- Sayre said the fundamiental point in exi stence today is that we under- stand that -we live in one neighbor- rood. "We mus-,ýt realize thait whegi freýedon1 la lest ini any one part of~ the world, the peace of the whole3 world la jeopardl.ýed." Grace of Cod It iýs only by the grace of Goda. continaed ithe aýpeaker, tVka.V the re- cent purges in f reedorn -!ovin g Cze- ehoslovakia were nui nlu env wri country. And Ëas long as stLcek rge.a take place we cannot ha0ve peace et securityin tihe world. Then, Voo, we must realize ore spoitsibulity te the peopie i t% wcn'ld nitp,ibohod,. j AI! Deonl4 areas lad 0 tfic- rani 25.00D 5.00 3,00 womn f rm Vie t a _,aes on t, ancri. Tne boy wire ges tr ljttle chores as hd kné'ws Virat 'ha - wasrerpored Vo have rome Vo Gue10I must hle inl orderi that 111e nray goý 0 5.0 by train for tire confei'eee-and it o n. Mtrr can do tiroir bit by en- was tire Aut time Auh ld been on a couaging tser dhudren Voa cceptV - 0.0train for- 40 years. and take pi-ide lVinturol' u peci2al Mra. Sumer Scott, ofBeiarjos 9.00 Engand, onle of tire two Bèbtsi dle- Duriag a Oiit Vo Gerrauy ima cg aVes, declared tire meeting tIrheaor Mrs. Sayrc discvei'ed Vra.t 15.00 "grest exnaeerece cf my lite, and 73V% cf t1Ire ranpeople -ldnee 25.00 1 am gratefuil for it." beiNzso civdi ior~4o _Mis. Rymiond Sayie, of Mc< spr but cur11; ""f ail -he P"pl - 100 ort, Iwa.a frme-'smit ,!a- actiVely opposed lEVier. 25.00 drssed tir womexr assembled lu Wa History CIranged MneoriiHall, O.C As In terna- "Juat thin, cotinucd IMra. Sye â0.00 tional Presideut oit tir AssoMited-"if tIre 50% lad joined wtl tIre -, Couulty Women cf Vhe Wold, au it would have chainge-d tIre Iristory cf alt0o rganization cf fM and a hali mi_ tireworId simd my sou sd ud'er 'son - 5.00 lion womýen, inilclding ail membera wouldn't have go ne Vo war. Tirat is 1,) o ninsit ýtts is ai'wirat irappens wliir e edutaccept 1,,m5.0n'esI'ý.tte, Mr. uvr idivdnures-po)nsi.bilit ies". 125.090oes rtio ertiredeotwîh maittyAs citizenis -of tire world iVla oiui' 25 ) aonis f ler wn it outhefarnduPt o lie informed cl; carrentt s- 5.00M itIre mIlle forcibîr gcttiug across sues, Vo evaluate tIrat iliforinatien lar 5.0 lermesaeof lbrntIerIrood. terrnis oit oui' own good c.'pirurion It is tIre women oin tIre iarm,"isenîs, and Vo contr oui'arions $13,792 40 jsaid FMrs. Sayre, "tie plactldoma along Vmo or tirreehUes mInihw- eau do beat. "Ini youi' mcoeings ,do't trv te takoellu too nmanry po nts. 1Dweiu o Crs Cmaîwla few tliiags ait dc h(,el Da Cro s C m p ign relt issues peliltica t'oo. IYJI Iuo im sut ue ue w nrMy evn- 1(Hb e t n VU hage world ha tory". Il tlgh sts day and age a hrenký is net just a golod housekçeeper iii lier Cross met fili sent by Natiornal Red Cross. c1 o rn ie. 1 er duVy te keep the dent, Mlrs. Tire foiloming letter mas recclved icommj-unity, tIre uttioa and even tIre everal im- last meek. Orono Branch sVood bord morld. dean. Sire builds thVirrdeni&- [ded. Tirelutire Prorvince cf Ontario, tliing amd cliaracter into tIre tVirigea Vi ik balance reacied 230% cf its oibjective. pvorld is doi-*ng. 400.00 mas Toronto, May 2nd, 1950.1 As a final p oint Mra. S'ayre efrpira-. Vario Divi- Camipaigul Chairmaii, Orono Bacslzed tirat advance cannot separate s cf mo. Tire Cairadiani Red Cross Society,1 ecconii issues ofthVIe time firom uer- ýt für loa reno , Oirare,ïniai issues. Tire gralat curse of env of oi cdDear Mrs. Mellor: tinle is Virat me have piaced mternýai sucesaet ie ~ - vaInes ,above spiritual eues. Tbat is iofc school Tirsccs o e ca5pain l rt happued nlaGeormany, and -,va îshp rex±lu oui l3aucr ias i'osedonl' a- uat iorgive tire Geruraus for part nuance cf ereat and admiýiration. Iln addition cf \mhat \vas wronig in tielr cournLry classes ilaVo exceediag your quota yon lave Vo ui s ý,t is mrouj saitiral i cf us We îgust, pro-Idate reipoted. more Vlian yonr- final tice are sick because mve have llvved by its cars ie figure ii 199.econonmie valu.es. 'e eurcl .led1Tis is tIre finest possible examaple "Science iras built a ig1iborliood.. Ted awardsicf the restrits Mhat tn lie açeom-lWe miut buiid a brothe'rocii 'This, .food pur- pihhed by public spirited peopl-e. We ladies, is y-oui- rital joli. tizonrs -mie kno tirait un1tUalcareiras been "lIelp us, O God Vo save ý waitlng saudMicires given Volanning and organizatlon, 1 orIdf coudcluded Vis reur{arkabse- orkers ou sud tInt msu an vasr have faith- womiau mwioroad tie re aptateio mi; Uin ed"fnlly done tiroirdiffcuit part.1Iamnlcf tie packed Ira11. s ordered sur e rt cadi of yvil icela rfewýard-tHnmrorona atories plntuaketPd ler- cd by VIre generous response -yen have sýeions Vnlk te te audienice cf tarint duriug Vie encouutfered. memien wiro lad corne fr-cm ail, parts Mi'. s 1nYouuîg joins Mithr me in payîng cf Vle province Vo nttndVie irti geerl tute coreý_r omrncdo Caiefh sPPcýa trbue t ev-ýoncWh ba Wedncsday. (ne delegate frani Nor-. ni diffciert Irclppd in yoiur campaign. tirera Onltapie. sunmed gIstire feol-i mres. Oui Yours very truly, insgs ofthéJi lige gatrerirug wen sire istance cf Harley Neff, ssid tir& speakei' "mu w a-,Vt unng us ettr apiu ietor 1a long way to ha, E