ORONO WEEI<LY TIMES THURSDAY, MAY llth,19. With eve'ry pircWase made iu the CARD 0F THANKS f Lâloving sto-res in Orona, Coleman Mrs. SindyPîayne wishes ýta ex- & Philp, Oraona 5c. ta $1.00, Lunn press lier app)reciatian ta her many Hardware anid Rolph lHirdware, anc' friends, Hieatheri Rebekah Ladge and can obtain, a ticket free, which with Orono Park Street United Church If~teen cents, wili admit them o the Ohoir for their -thon0gIIful acta of sbaw in the Town Hall on SaVturday Idudacsduring lýý-ier rcent ilinees. nglt Plh Durham Farmers' County C.-. p. Can you* beat this?, Purina's New More Profitable IIog_ Feeiding Programme Weaned at 51.4 lbs. Marketed at 5.5 Months FEED MANAGEMENT Compiete, Sow and STAGE Pig Chow Cheekers1 Hand feed front 4 or to 6 lbs. per- day. BREEDING Sow and Pig Chow Concentrate mixed Start 5 days before t* FARROWING 1:4 with grai farrowing and con- Dyand Freshening inlue tili 10 days Dry w after farrowing. Sow and Pig Chý)w Either self feed af- Cheekers ter groually, in- FARROWNG tocreasin ,the feed or FARRWIN toor ~ feed bhat the sow 100 to 125 lbs. Sow and Pig fh and tter will just at cmp1 ts T i s eliminates or Ï changing feed at> Sow and Pig' hlow eaniflg time. -and grain 1ýxe .1:4 eau at 8 to 9 __________weeks. Complete Hog Fini- Keep feed in front 100- 125 Ius. to isher; or of pigs at ail times. Hlog Chow andgri Supply fresh wter M'ýARKET in. separate grain at aIl tintes. If no partinent om o- pasture supply good pertm sofhp quaity hay. Note :-Water Should Be Available at all Timtes To Alil Stages PURINA RESEARCH FARM-ý RESULTS ON TIS PROGRAMME 1.-1-3 heavier Litters: Litter weiglit at birth 33.7 pounds. 2-1-8 Bigger Litters : 18.1 lhogs front 58 sows in one year. 3-i-3 Ieavier at Weanig : 1949 weaning weîghit was 51.4 pounds. 4.-More Pigs at Weaniing . Average in 1949 was 8.94 peunds. l 5.-More Pork to Market - 1-3 more gain than single source ,f pro-, tein, soch as tankage. 6.-Faster to Market 51/4 months does it. For further information see your Purina Deaers at the Durhamt Farmers' Co-op, Orono ASK FOR QUOTATIONS ON BULK GRAIN Have you ordered your Fertilizer and Spray Lime yet?, Feacing, Rooting, Field TuIe, Farm Implements., etc. PHONE CQLLECT 371 JOIN YOUR CO-OP. WE DELIVER SUPPLIES AT COST STRAWBRRRY JAIM 24 oz. jar 45 I MINCED SOCKEYE I SALIMON I i/ b. fin 30e Granulated Sugar,\& ,OO Ib -.91 Party Marshalo4,v, l¼ pk 25e AIMERICAN FIRM Cooking Onions, ltk fo 5c. LARGE AND JUICY Grapefruit, 96's, for....29c. "CLOVER LEAF" Fancy Pink Salmon, lb tin ... 47c. DAIRY MAI» -Chocolate Chips, pkg.....25c. Ileinz Tomato Catsup, bottle. 25c. Wle invite you ta drop in and see our seiectioii of Beef, Pork, Cooked and Cured Meats CAR D 0F THAiNKS Local News Mrs. Albert Harris and famtily1 wish to expres,,s to their nmy l{ý Jaoefo te iToronto, f rieuds, relatives ind neiglibors their 1w--s homie foi- the week-enid. hearýtfelt thanks anid appreciation for 'Nr. anid Mrs. Rosa Stoîiebouse acjt ofkinnes, mssugesof Ym-and family, Tor-onto, were, visitors pathlyiiiad bea)utful flora-.l tributes I withi Mr. aud Mrs. Fe TruiL. extended ta he iiheir recent sad Mr. and Mrs. Glenï Wiggim, Torý- beraveent eseiialy tankng v.outo, were with her parenti's, M4r. and MeKeuzie, Heathfler bkaiLodlge, rs M. H. Staples. and also ,llev. A. E. Eustae for bis Mrs. Oiver, Bobhcaygeon, lias been many omforing wrds.witli her dnughter, - Mrs. Neil F. farter. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Fred, Green' bas returnedi ALLIN - In loving memory of frorn a month'a visft with friendý in away ýone year ago on May 9th, 1949. We rnake the -word oýf 'Gad'aur stay, 1e bâds the rai eiipestscease, And by His grace we calmiy say, Rober~t is resýing in pence. --SadI y mis'sed by Wife and Faro- iiy When you have soniething ta seil, barter aor trade, try a wandt ad in the Orauao Tmes-they briing resuits. u 0 gORONO HYDRO Y g CONSUMERS J g Power 0ff 0 Sundy, a'1 gý To put into e ect. a -ew powerg 0 supply for ýtIkiIllage. g rono iydro O g ~Commissiongc Plumbiong1 and Hot Wat10er CALL US FOR ESTMAE HARRY E. LYCETT' Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. PARK ST. UgNITED GHURCH Reverend AE.Euutace Minster SUJNDAY, MAY l4th il 0 am.Motevs lay. 3.00 p.m.-Kirhy. 7.00 p.m.-Oddfellowa Ser-vice GRATED CHEESE Mil-e Cured 1/2 IL.pkg. CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 2 Large Tins GOILD MEDAL PURE PEANUT BUTTER Lb. Jar' -34 Orono Creamnery Butter, lb. bc.I, hone 12 r 1 I Mr. Haliowell, who has speait tho winter moiiths in Florida, is wii hi sister, Mrs. Fred Cowan. isr W. Stutt lias returneid houýe after apending the miniter nmontlis in NenivcastJe and Toronito. Mr. and Mrs. John iA rniirong clhatdtheir wedd*iTgnu'esr an Maudayv, May 8th, lu the city of Toronito. The niarriage of Miss Grace Marie Mercer, Kendal, and Mr. Edward H, Coatiaâm, Orono, was solemnized on Wednesday evenilg last. A nuimnb er of ienabhers froni Orono I.0.O.F. were represenited in churcli parades, bath at Cobourg and Osh- wa oa n Sunday last.- Four-teen miembera of',Orono Wo- men's Insititute alitended n confer-1 ence of the Fedderated Women's in- sttitts orf Ontario (on Saturday, beld at the Ontario Agricultural College, Mrs. L. G. Carn of Garden Hill' Mr. and -Mrs. Leo Canri and baby of Baileboro, and Mrs& J. Kelly and gïrlsý of Part Hope' Visited SUndayý 'w'it Mr. and Mas. Fred Dunea-n. Through Leroy Haimiltoni, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones, recent arrival fiioin England, have rentied the Albert Knanuý praperty eat of Ent-r-prisýe service station. Ma. Laverne Patteason, Orçrno, bas piurcbiased a purebred Shorhoru bull from Mr. C. Mu'mford, af 1Hanptoîn, ta ake the place of bis former berd sire. The sire of this newly pur- cliased bull was a grand ýchampion whenelever shown. Orono Laodge No. 436, I.0.O.F., wili celebratec the anae hundred and'hirty- first aniiiversary of eche fouiilîng 'of Vhe Order an this continent by at- tendfin- Divine Service at the United Cc1h Serv, ,,ice on Sunday, 3May l4th. ait 7 p.mi. (D)ST). Meet at Lodgre room at' 6.30. -Ail Brethren are re- quested ta lie percent. Thc 0dfcflowsmaid Ileb ekabhasSer- vie lah are hoi0dhg a d asd dane lu the Taw,,n 1Hall. Orono, onr Wednesdlay' , May 24th, 19'50. ii viuia'ble prizes given away., pLus faur dloor prizes. Fretrs Harmony3 Band in attendiance. Admnission Si. per1 persani. Proceeds for a wortb- wleobjective in aur com-miuity. RecePnt vstr at Mr. James Mid- dieton's were-. Mr. and Mrs. EBiner Middletou. O's ha-wa; Mr. and Mas. Gardon Immn-iin, Greýen River; Mas. Ruth Middletan, Claoeenon1t, Mas. R. Tolrton, Hamilton; Mr. and Mas. Fred Pa-rtiier, Tyrone, Mr-s. Milton Wannan -)ud nüice Do)nna Cowan,, Kirlby, Mrs. John Cowan. SxthLine, Mv., and Ms rc Tennaut, Ma. anrd Mrýs. E. L. Middleton and daugb- ter Margaret, and Mus. Wiu. Mitchell, MARTIN LINTON After a short lness of a few days there ppmssed away iu Orono ou Thursdav, April 27tb, TMartin Linton, in his 73rd yearit. Ma. Linton was seized witli a lieurtaitack from whicli lie failed ta reca-veri, The la-te Mr. iinton was i-borniat Cîn1remiont, Ontario, on Dcmbr23, 1876. a son of the laVe Mr. and Mas. J. Linton. He rereived isý education gt the place of hàla birtb. He wns United in marriage ta Floreýnce May Middletonu. Mr. Lintopmas e-nipfloyed as a section banu oh the CP PR for flfteen years, and for the C N.R. as section forenian for 29 vears. A f- ter retiriug hli oved hta Oriona wliere lie bas re.ided ev-raice ne. W,)s a member oif the Uniited Cliurch, anýd in if e bis, greates-t hobby- was that cf geavdèniung, spending au of bis lei sure battra la tbis lahor af lave. The miauy floral tritaites bio silent test*mrmoy of 'the biglb atPeem in mhbï i e waa b&ed iin the (co)nmnunity. From .tbe different organizatians floral tsibutee were received from' Heathea Rebekai Ladge and the Oruono Bond. lfe leraves ta m-urn bis losa, bis; wvife Florence May Linton, two, daugzliters, (Eiizabeltb) Mra. Ienr11-' Cornish, (Cora) Mrsý. Henry Caal-i tremI, and ane sou Ioweard, al of, Oronio. The funeral service was bl at Vie WT H. BaV-ow Fuinueral Service on1 Mrondaiy, May l, ,with Rev. A. E.1 Massey-llarrîs g FARM EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRS - o1 Ail White Enamel Harriston Coal or Woodg g Range, reg. $125.00, Reduced to........0. 0g g1 set Reconditioned 800 lb. Svales, rece ntly g tested .................... ...$ s0 OîO g -. Bats, Bals CC M. gGloves aBIYLE' Ladies' and Men'ýs g gROLPH HARDWARE g Phone 43 r 1 - Orono g MOTONPIC1T uRE s TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, May l3th 8,45 pm, CARY COOPER, in 44UNCONQUERED» Courtesy Tickets may be secured at Coleman,& Phips Hfardware, RoipbH ardware, Lunn Hardware and Orono 5c. to $1.0(Store with any, purchase, which will admit purchaser to show., plus 15e. 0O Mater Equipment Private Ambulance gNorthcutt and Smith g Funeral Diretoire and Furniture Dealer@ g KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped te take Care 6f tke medeat funeral at the. meutg 0 reamenable charg, as wea t .helargeat and 0 meut .xacting 0 Telophene . Offiee 18 - Resldence: 523 and 72î Telephon, Colleet Bewman*ville. Ont- [ARMSTRONG'SI Sweaters, in Cardilgansan Pullovers, in Nyio,ý and Wool, priced--.. $3.50i to $4.95 We have a new display of Fancy Dish 'es, Vases, Tea Pots Creant and Sugats, Cake Plates Cups and Saucers; also sets of Dishes. .Axmins,,ter Mats, iii Blues, Rose, Brown,' Sand, pri- ced fronl -- - 6.50 to $950 1Plastie Table Cavers, pri- ced f vom --.--$.75 to $2.00 Badr.o(y Mats, in Chenille, -coi ers Pose, Bliie, Whi-te, G een, priced.......---- .5c Runsers, la Rayon or E- ýroidered Cotton, pic f romn-..-..-.---.-$1 65 to $250 l)e Ciothas, in Lace Rayon, Linien or Cotton. priced front.......3.25 to $12 0 Hiand Twes and Linon Tea Toees 39C. to $1 5(k Prinit A prons ...85c. to$15 Harry llorne's f amily sized Peanut Buter, , lb pail for ........ .. «....... 16 LýiptOn's Chieken Noodi4e Soup, 2 pkg-s......2âe Clark's Pork & Beans, 2 20- oz. tins..... ........ 27c. Orono Creamery Butter, lb 57c. Fruit Beit, choice quality, tin ...... ..... 1.......15c. Mal,,rshmellows, lb. pkg.. 39c. Bulk Macaroni, 2 lb......25e. Brunswick Sardines, 2 tins. 19c. Apple and Cherry Jam, 48- oz. tin. . ..... ,........ 63c. Washed Carrots, 2 lb. Washed Spinach, pkg.. 9Tomatoes, pkg. ... ...... Celery llearts, 2 in buuch.. Large Hlead Lettuce...... Bananas, lb......... 27c. 20c.. 19C. GIFTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY Nylon Hose, 45 and 51 gauge, 1priced front..... $1.60 - $1.85 New Summer Dresses, in Plain or Printed Sheers and Crepes, aiso Wash Dresses, luin Mercerized Cotton, Tricords and Spuns ail new styles, priced front.........$ O-5 to $29:Ï00 Ladies' Hats lu Stf wNs, cý ors of White, Navy Block, Red, Beige, Pinik, Brown, Light Blue, pricad $ 5$.95 Gloves, in al shades, 'ilor Chamois, priced $1 O 0 $1.50 Shoes, lu Pump, xo Sandais, Strap iiiNd W - glas, priced fro $4 50 - .I700 Si1k Head Squ ý.es, variet 1 J of colors. $1.50 to $2 O f Iaud Bags, ii Black, Brownl, White or Navy $395 -$ Dress Lengtb, ilu Sik Crep- es, Marquisatte and Spirna, priced.......-$595 to $8.95 Guaranteed PURE 1VAPLE SYRUP gallon $39 SPECIAL PLUMS any kind 2 20-oz. tins 25cM TRE RD loRITE TOREWe Deliver e 1 q