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Orono Weekly Times, 11 May 1950, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THUTRSDAY, I4jAY llth, 1950. M lsMao M cKeve y, Bwa ve, and Mrv. John i KIvyof Gas,-tieton, \isited during the w week - endii wih rs. W W Van- ROOFING - oIled RoOfng, 3-4-1 Shingles M.1ake our store your sho ii Cenî, e for ail your- SPRING/ NEEDS SEE OUR LINES 0F REFRIGERATORS, while the stock is plenti- fui, only .. . . . .. ... . . . . . $149.50 up "The FlghtIug Kentuekian"' ENTERTAINING SIR - TECHNICOLOR CARTOON -W. A. Meeting Mrs. Ô. Chapman took the chair for thep W. A. meig lh scrip- +ur, taken fromis)Taiah )4f),eres6 to 15, wasý read responsively. After themnte anid reports were read, much business wn -,as disoussed. The laisdecided to pact(k a bale of used clothing on, Tues,-day eveniing, May 16th. Let eachi one of us try to find at least one article to give, and hip somneoine wh-Jo i less fortunate than us.- We are- also doing ,a quilt 'that evening to put in the bale. KENDAL Mes. N. Kennedy and Mrs. F. Stokpir of the Kendal W. L., joinéd the W. 1. members of Orono and Bowmanville on a bus trip to Guelpb on May 6'h, to attend the meeting at the ýO A-C. helM in the Assem-bly Hlwhieii the guest nspeaker was Mrs<. Raymondf Sayre of Ackworth, Tow.Presidentt of ýthe Asseciated CuryWoneii of thýe Werld. The firF* ýitem on the programi was a grand dlinner ini the dininig hall which was very much lienjoyed. 'The(,ladies then gathered ii latheAssembly Hall, when they were etertaiaed by, sonie grand muiinlrfing s'orne cof the o)ld ,s-ngs thiey k1now v and 1love with Mr. Y-oung at Che o1!gan an Mrs. Younig at thie piano, atrwhîich1al] joined in a sing soç,1g,.Thespakr who was possessed with awe't of humiour, stated ithat we hiave a c- sponsibility to make eai thne thiinos that we belîeve in. anid warned usio to give up spirituD)l and mral val- uesF for mteralvalues. A rile whiich the sïpeakei h'ad cle rma Americain paper wa entitled -Wo- men are smarter thian men" ndwa very nrnch relished by the ladies. Mes. Sayre remarked that sýhe had another version which went "Womren are not oniv dumber than meýn" and turnÏif to iCol. Kennedy with a -wick- ed smile, she added, "they couildn't be". Vocal solos by 'Mise T. John- ýýon and Mes, Peggv Wood Clark were beautilly rendered. Follfow- inig the lafternoon sessionthù ladies zathered ihY the diningroom for, af- ternoon tea and met Mes. ýSuyre per- sonally for a chat Conigratulations 'to Mr. and Mrs. ddeCouroux on the birth of a da'ughter in Bowmanville Hospita'l on Mayý 2ni4 Mr. nd Mrs.-Wn. Boyd and Mr.1 Wilsýon of Trao spent Saturday with Mr. iBert Holland. Mrs. Blake Aeadrrtre home on Satuirday fromi Oshawa Hon- ~ai~~HOPE Fr1., Sat, May 12,.' 13 WitliHa ke1 p1ry Bogart and Elenr 'Par -lr Mon, Tîïg., M yV15 -16 Acadenqy 'twaidlWinnier 44ALL THE KI NG'S YMEN" Wed., Thur., -May 17-18 "Bride Fer Sale" With Claudette Colbert anid Robert Younig -THE WIR1-LPOOL" Wýithi Gene Tierney and Richn-rd Conte sudsdte- pssmgof Mr. AIbeet lar- ris. Thecmmnt etnd is!M(art--nt5auda i1tvt dieepea sy~pnbiy~o is eeevedher parents, M.and meýs.Wml. 'AI-. wife ai dfamîAy. lin. Mi. and Ms Reid and familY W M. S' . Meetinlg spent Sunday with ftriends in Peter- The- montlmetli ng of thie\W. NI. borouh. S waýs held on Wedne-sday aftoer- Mes. Patterson, visîtedl with Mr2s. roo, Mv rd. with Mes. Brysili, P'errin on Satueday afiternooni. vice.-pesident in thie Chair. Th'le meet- Mr. and Mils. Ken. Shackleton and ing "was ceebratine- the( twertv-fifth anr!versaý:ry of tie Wo)Yman's 1Mssion- ariy Society of the UnitLed Church cf- Canada. rs. reon led in the' oeigser-vice of wýýorsh;ip. Ms. S Bui ll Waunan took chalnge of ParIt IL, i F frm r S inwa the7Se - -m-Rutherford,. Mes. Win. Paitter,- i A IanI~ n so, Mrs. Lloyd R fansberey and' Ms .4.n il L1 L IL UI Wm. Allin. Eaoh mnemiber br-oughtl out i- ctof the -great woek whichý _________________ the WIý.M.S,. lhan accomplis.hed. Mrs. T TH I owel- took change of Partl LUNDY 1111II., in whiceh we rleview,,ed our own LUN I Axilarvsince its formation. and FARM FENCE - 'scused mens of irpomet I..Mes. Lowefry led ln a quiz or. temiper- -FARM GÂTES - vie. assi'pd bv c" S.Ghiaiiman Mes, 0. Chapmain an-i1M--sý . RCb-ýi maltMesBrývson tin led in thel BARBED WIRE 1ios'ingltany of dedicatîion to) ad- 'v7anýe. Mi-s. Low)ýery and Mes. ALýO Chapinian rendered a lovely vocl duet. nital and we are pleased to h-ear suie> is progeessing favourably. We have a correction te make in' the time of the May meeting !of the W.A. This will be held in the even- mng of. May 24thý at 8 o'cIock, not in the afternioen as previously qanted. *Next Sunday a uMthees' Daty ser- vice will be held ia the Kendal Unit- ed Churchat il -a.m., when, the ladies' choir will render an anthem. Miss Betty How will conduct the M'oth- eW's Day form of serice. Mes. Gorýdo i Matrineil, accom- panied by tWe cousinis and theïr hus- bands,' mntore-d te Toronteit for the day on Saturday.- W ESLEY VILLE A. very s horit Sunday Schoolse- sien preceded ChIurch ervies.The was ld with Dr. Oke prea-ching- on "Tredilfer-ent wvays te worship God." Me. and HRon Dog-ett of Wel- co"'e sang "Hold Thou Thy band" and Mes. Dggeett, a solo, "Nearer My God te Thee". The large atten- dance presenut ated the beautiful appearance of the Churck .'Much (redit is due te the Women's Asso- iation, Young People's Union and, the cengregation. The Younuçr7 People's put on theiri nlav for fle fourth tinie at the Camp- belroft Hall Friday evening, with a geod crowd la attendance., Miss Helente Barrowclough of Lakepeet. spent the week-end with hec parenits, Me, and Mes. Edgar Baerowclough. Mr. Sidniey Lookhaet ef Port Hope, speiït Sunda y with Mr. and Mes. Roy Nicholîs. Mr. and Mes. 'Geerge Martyr, and Lynr of Welceme, visitedu with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason onr ady Mr., and Mes. Herb. Gover of Pet- erberough, ,;p-nt the-week-e-nd with Mie-. and Mes. Vannatteof Kendal, spentL Sutiday with Me. and Mes. Len Oiinrhtred. Me. and Mesý. Stanley 'Nicholîs of Teomiae, iaid Me. Siields of Mount Pleaisanit, spent the wvceek-end with Me. and Ms.Carroîl Niecolîs. Mr. and Mes-. Ala Clarke and Glenn sperit Sunday afteenoion with Mr. -and Mes. Edgar Barrowel'ough. We are sorry te report that tie wolves- were at Austins sheep and have destroyed a rnumber of them. Mr. and Mrs. Hicuks eof Cerbyville, sient the week-end with Me. and Mes. Richard Best. Me. and Mesý. Clarence N4ichelîn spnt Sunday tfterroon, with Me. anid MeLs. Harold Barrowcleugh. Me. and Mes. Ar-inold TheËndyke, Cairol, Sharon ,ind Liirdah, spent Sun- day afternýoon wthMe. and Mrs. C. Payne. NEYTO-NVILLE Mr.Wmi.Chse vin;ited he <other, Mrs. Wmii. Whittaker, on Weaeglad to report -Me. James Stone has somnewhat improved. Mi. ald Ms Wilbert Ligtf An iand Helen-, -witi Mes. Mabel Me-. and 'Mis. Roy Burley ef Osh-ý awva, visited Mc. -and Me'S. Willis Farrýow, on Suilday. A mnsber had a giod time at the Qlde Tyme Dan in the Coi-iniiunrity H1all lnst' Friday nigýht. MisJean Millig-an wan home n Monday. C.0 B. TYRRELL1 Drugs Agent for Jackmaa Flowers PHIONE 68 ::ORONOIZ, Ont,, MOTHER'S, DAY, MAY l4th Lady Beth Nylon Hose, 42-gauge, full fashioned, popular season colors, sizes 9 to 11, pair ... $1.10, Lady Beth Nylon Hose, 45-gauge ........... $1.39 Lady Beth Nylon Hose, 51-gauge........... $1,59 Ladies' Rayon Briefs, Lace Trim, ColorsWhite, Pink or Blue, sizes.small, mned. or large, pair., 49c. Ladies' Print Aprons, 0. S. with Bib, each .... 59c. Ladies' Plastic Coverail Apronis witli Bib ..... 7âc, Ladies' Plastic Tea Aprons, asst. colors, each 39c. Ladies' Crepe Pyjamas, Short Sleeves, asst. col- ors, sizes small, med. or lage each....... $2.49 Ladies' Printed Crepe ,Gowns ...... Ladies' Rayon N-ightgow ýýs, asst. styles and- col- ors, sizes smiall,\med. 6r large, each ~ $1.98 Ladies' Bengaline or Pastic Hand Plags, asstý styles and colors, \ea ,h .......... $1.89 Flowered Notes, 15 sheets paper,, 15 seif-seal Envelopes, box ................50c,. 31c, Specàl - ilereford Corned. Beef, 12 oz. tins ...42c. Mon arch Pastrýy Flou r, 24.. lb. «bag ...... ......$1.59 7 lb. bag...... ......9, Clover Honey, No. 1 White, Pasteurized, 2 lb. carton 39e Paramouint' Red Cohoe Salmon with recipes, 7 3ý-4 oz. tins .........3e Special -- Peanut IButter, 16 oz. Mason Jar.. ............ ..........35c. Lynn- Valley White Kernel Corn, 3 tins f or ....... ..... ......... 29c. * I Special- Brolen Olives, large 12-oz. 16 oz, jars............25k, tin 42C. Aylmer Straiwberry * v<E ' Jarnwith added Pe W AX Onions, new hT iport- FOR BRIGIITER FLOORS ed, 3 lbs. for ..... 27c. ii b. unh 49ç Baby's Own Soap, 2 Cakes .... ..... 25c. ORONO 5c. TO 1.OOSTORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE RIARTLIEY R. DARLOW FUNERALýi DIRCTOR & FIRME FURlNISIl'G.S Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Tme of Need FOURTEENYER'XPUNE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) * BARGAINS I WALLPAPER Whiie they Iast, over 60 patterns, of Sunworthy Wallpapers at 1ALF PRICE We lsohav instock miany extra Borders. Mother's Py Select yOur M3other's Day Card fi our /complet e ýStock of Ne~w Atýtractive ýesig1/s1 Priced froni 5c. each »25c. eac4 MOTIIER'S DAY GIFT VGGEST ONS Perfumes and Colognes, Dusting P'ow, rý Perfumne ets, Water- man Founitain Pens and Pencils, >eilsn's Choc Iates' Brushi Comrb and Mirror Sets, Prophylact i ai' Brushe#,YSmiles 'N Chiuckles Chocolates, Hudiiut Coml4cts, S ationiery, f1ý,ôdak Cam- eras - Ail gifts mnay be gift wra ped or wrapped er mailing at NO EXTRA COST. DEE TEE MOTH FUME CRYSTALS Safe protection from moths, eggs and larvae 1 POIJND 4 e r ¶1~12 t 9

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