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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1950, p. 1

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"ORONO 'WEEK Vol1 14 No 17 ORON, ON., RU~SAYMAY l 8th, 1950 Subsripon$ 1.50 per Year Ten Contestants SouightLauireis! FrPublicSpeakingi sousHal, Orno.r1ie chirmn fou-th evuin uss Rr.A. E u- Peuy Rre, ýMissý Ten(-a Fcierguso anrd Mus. Ganet Rieard,1ai ofNecs T7erere rehe onteats si'x girls ainé four boys. The gil -~n DEeanuou Osb-ornle, Donna Brunt, Ethel DonldteekBerniard LycFrn- cis Beruton and Milton Rainaey.Te whijch ad if oure difficu!t for theI( judges, and thie seiections given-- werel exeln.Thedei so was genby Mus. lare, first am-iong t1he gils o- te o oaln Koropatwai, andé First te- the boys Donald( Leask. Mus. Ha-re uýlo pieesented thep miedal-s Vo the, winueus,ý. Rer. Eni,,stace presc,1ted ie boJ!kc Vo) ill tha contestants. Theýre was nîso a pu-eentation of bcks ho pupils frin11 Mi"s Foste's rornmi. l thep public sciool, ýwho lhad ta'-kenr pa-rt -in a Poster Colttes' and au sea Conteste Iu the(o- e Contes first pise1( Wssuon byLoe nué Sd, Bob HuaI. Ii thé ese Con- test thýe pr'ize wsnesuera, îst, Mr ('oule Whi-te, 2a-d, LouniLwi ami' 8id Faci ruo.Tha pues et a - tinwas moeby Rer. Eustauce. The selections by the contýestantsý wcr litespersed w'itb finle m1usicafl ¼,~-i numibeus, eensistig cf sereral Selec-1 tiens fylth L7yncb nd Rowe rhs tr, accompanied on tepiano by ioye Suttoni; n piano solob Do)ug- las LCalit, an.d vocl1 due-s ;y eajn 1lala and G-len Allin, tcco-riipni(dd fil g Ca adials the fiuist major post- -war public bond issue. The experts dacuib Vem as an atrcieof- t'es," and trie foeasat lu- Ottawma is theywiI be heavily oa-sbeibd Thi, leau consis[ts of -nwo matur,. dlia.Oua îs an 18-yaari 22/4, peuret lis sue £ offaed ah t95 o yieild aboutl 2.79 peu ceýnt Vo is cRîaabe afitar Junie 11.1167, This vii hae the- longest terni Canriadian govjeenit bond now availeble. Teothier isseep i-s a 41/', yea,tVwo par ent bod baing issued ah 911U'0 pa eto yield about 2.05 peu Hon.DoulasAbbott. unister of 'lnan--,ce, will datliumne' tha amnounLlti e bce aýCcspjtad- for ecumatuuity. Theseý Jssua-s are to provLde aht leati $'450i000 or rfnugthe us ca1-edf issu-es. One i-sue beinig ca-. eedi- the $G50,0O0,000 fluet ViC'tory Laabonds, c-allaed f-or paymient Julie lfith.ý Thisi le widely halé, and the goeru-ment bhas urgaed the public Vo ,c sri es since Jnteuest couponýs afheur June tSýth uson'V be good. Teother lsuai ca-llaé lu- $500i. 04* t1huaaý peu- cent,. bond isszued inu E1. c ýAcd for redemption June lst.] n The bDon-d' ca-n bei ssribad to thro'ugbý 3,6010 br-amch banks acu-oss WuES5LEY VILL week end îniToroio wlý ,itl rparensn y rtie.' Mr. Wre Be 'sentSunuday aV Mr. nd rs.heuOughtred and Donna spont Suniday vwith Mr. and ~Mrsý. Vnato edl Mr.WalaeGresle of To)r- onog cleuabenOgtrdson MIis H1teee Brocluh,! Lalkepoiut,sptth weknd a Miss Jea,-n Duif ah1dMr Douglas BaÀrney atýitended the Te-achiers' Con- vention at Port Hope onMondnay l'st. MIiu. laindc Ms. Ken. Dinner andl fmiyspe-nt M-Athers' Day with Mr cn'd Mrs. Percy Slell. Dr. ann-d Mrs. Gtble and, famrilye of Rochesýter, are speniding 'a féw days with Mr. and tirse Percy Snell. The play "Pigtails" Wshpid for- theýi fifth ime at Port Britaiu school Wbous('eviti a go-od attendanice. Chuuch ýrn.s ~edin îthe evening ta 7.311t , lh 1Dr. Oke tnlkiýng -on our hme life. Sunda Scho lis helid at 11.00 ltIba very god ttendance. 1Mr. Catrro11 icolî-ated as superin-. tendent. Mrs. larne Nchls eto Thursday Vo ý-tý,v;st i ber Parents, Mr.- anrd MIrs. Pcter Adrsnof Wes-t- M.anid Ms.AodThorrudyke and amiy Sent othrs'Day witih ber pae ts, r. mnnd Mus. Joshua BrimIaconibe of Osaca. us. S.Mouisund Miss Winona Silell, of Port HFape, spent Sunday withMr. aVlMrs. Hn-,rold Barrow- Mus. Q'. Beig.ton, Mfý.- Effga-r B 1 uowclou1gîh andmi Heene, and Mr. Wil-1 [fred Bee a'ttended lthe, 20th weddiug' andvçrsgay f _1r. and Mrls. Reg. Bee of PortV h{pe. jSeveun1 froin the coymunIy went- Vo Pot BriON on Friday ni ght o I sce tihe pictres wldch Mus. Ro<Ybrt Sýcultihorpe was silowing of theIr hçieymoon lui-1Englard. Misfoutune stuc he hom-e of 11nrry Whitie h t fle destroyVed' thir 4¶p welling on Tuaesday deapite tihe(,presence of ihe e brigade be- iiig p et Alil he contents of the homie were saved. The Womiens Association held liheir monrthly mn-eeting at thiehoanie of Airs. Gavence Nicholîs on Wed-l eday atrno.The e n groiup under Mus. trnoldlors! i; 1 nreanted a TOT noceMotheus'Day de lerad morethan 8 ,'200 siffb- aigents of th1ese denilers The lneutu bonds are o be ludnmiain of$0,$1O, $5=010 f25090and $100 000. The chorter terre bonds are 'in $1A000, $5»O0, $fi0ad$0,'0denomn- hmatins Books of the lban open tis Thurs da-ýy in the BnJ of Canadalu O 0t tnwa for the ba-nksnd the investmlent deniers. Ei ers pointed ouLt that the yield fuoni the loni-termi issule i- right i l p une ith hie pu-esent yiel(iS fromý thb fthree per ent. vietory bonds, which lare seling now 1't a premium a1bove thelu fae vale. Six T eams Enter South Durham BasebailiLeague, Tha oUv'! uramRural Basebaîl The ctry fe for te seasîon will languewasognized o Satrdybe $10.00 nnd ustbe sbitd eveni'g, ay 6hin the St. LnrIwh a list oýf not i-ore tbat; 20 p ence Hoteh ,Porit Hope, with the cens ah lihheText meeting. Not ior pr~dnArnii>I Wade of Newton- thnlthueoInamfeis or unipires Vo be Jiti du hah:ni. uIsed by ,,the club nmus-,ls be suab- Alfour of lest year's teamis werenmouhd ahthceimeetin. represeiuted and two new tennis hadi V as decidcd that no piayer hold- repueettvs puesent to e n taiing n,A. ntermeýdi-,te cetificate their uteama. Witlh the eaceaptance oP for 1950 wou-id be- cigîble Vo-)play lui the tiwo niew clubs thie lague con-1 thoi leaigu-e and that anly player wbo Isoss of the foliowing six teams: has, play-ed moue lhia thuee gaines. Pol-,J1qpe, eias CanIbourne, this season lu Juvenile or Junior O. Kendelîa, Garden H11[1,Weicme and] B.A. is clMigible hon play in the DIur- Naccastle. baninleagpe. A rnold WaTde wase-elected puasi- Folowiug theIlangiue scliedfle [the dent w-,hilel asV ea'vice-president, top four teis WH]lplay ouF or the Wm. eircer, was re-elected to thetchmponhifist and thdand offic-e, Gregory MoMaihon of Port second and fourtb teams, playing C lïce was seetd&secre[try - tesu seun-ilfil series und the -vwo uinners au -crrînpletiîig the tbree-man execu iis hseuMes tolayotffin the final Z[lve1 ssies. Folwn be election o? oficer The langue exacutive will bc re- ~ te eaue uiasweme v~ cnie-sponsible for -the settIing of all league atinreullig as foliowjvS dispuites andpotss j A ýiEPlS S , NE A wlknowa faum-ý-er ila the Nc to vll isrc a i s l,ý ,ý1 1 ý 1i feý, James 1c- Soie.beloved !usý,baurd ,cf "t1e for- me r LindaSmthiéedlutheO s-J he u 9, IL8 2, te1dcesdwaaso of the I, nteWila Stn nu M- tildaj Costley. Afr se il bislf ne '.vas amme fteUnltedJ Churcbt i. Beiésbi ife, Vo wbom hewasl marrlé ahNeutonville onu erur tb,11,Mr. Stone s'isurvived byv (Hln.of Osaanu ,V ons George of Neeinvile snd Lwso PcteilboýrouLgh. AISo; Surviving is n grnndaugher, uth gdenof Ob na. Tihefuncual srvcewe onductedc by Rev, Il. A. Bunt ini Newton'vilie United Church! at 4 p.mi. on SUuéay My,ý lêtbh. Interment wns madeinýýu Bowmanville Cemeýtory. WVILLIAM ALBERT HARRIs- whan 1V b(ec:ve In Nownthat Aibeuti Hauis Oono), bd passed awr'ay sudï- denly ý-onTuesdasy, -Mny ,-5thi, 2Mu. Harishd been ïworkinig ail daiy, ebt ia tihe eveing suffeeid ut benah-a tnck frýo!n Wbictbeha faýiled ho rally.1 A quiet w eds" soente at h sUnited hclcb aprsonage Orono, o f dcodyvMy 0ha mai daug , i'te rM.aiéMs m and iecopatio ad CotiçuimOrno Iythe briws loelyin an loor- stý i uthmatcting p , al n -cosgeofedCos hbeitpsbus Misaole, Burl00eyer hrWesnideg nué cors'ngl ofuShl)ie rsebuas. r, . for bhP LTt uran.,o j The ]late Mu. Harisuss h bo -r orkp As a iesýult of anlape,,l the SýixtJbiUna, Twnbi f Claýrice aht tlhe ohuu-ch services onSuay Ou Pfebrunuyý 11878, n son of tile severd al atiles cure douated al-oug laVe Mr and Mus. William Hrmiswiph $43.0-0yu cas, QeeLodge He uss uiteé lu nariage Vo Caro- i.Oi.(IF, senta chaque for, $25 usbich une A elinBsding. Ha followed i nluc utitis amount. the purwsuits «of Lfarming frmn venus, ané nfte r g p Ai'iin Aitols skeéfor- iinn taleguin Pa mnoucé Vo Orono. F-orsix yeas;fuoni tbc Canadian Red Crouss is- ,h-e uas employld 'at the Goodycer lunas'teu HFeedqau1teuýs, useracflashights,l o stmaunvllausic position hae ga,,ve benv-v ork socks, work glbovas .id up 0 =cn7.Haeuas a membar of[ hi eInHb wnd- 10aWitbte $48%Q0 tise Unlited l-Ciuc. the local (coumilittee usas a-'bia Vo pur- ebnse n arige iinlme fetleier ati-1 Hie leaves Vo murhis o !,-is l- s Dntoshave bea en h e.tït uswife, oan& sou Lausu-,ece, ts«daugbi- iaa'iisBae ers, (Mtbel) Murs. J. E Wlllinmis, aud (Mary) Mis. C. Cousenale PL I' B II irno:ne &ddbiéoï F ootball . DBe rlay- Ieyf Wdlty,(javna) d In Orono This Year CUt 1LÀr rI nv -r, ! nI 1.t-t Ei Mus Win. mley cf Orono. Tha faneri sevice usas ,halé nt bis laVte rasidence on Friéay, May ')th, withi Rer: A. TE. Euskhaca offici-ati-g. lu-tarmant wuss made inOinoCeme- tery. Tlie palliearrs usere Messu's. Fmnn HarisChales Taylio,,nué AdésonBralay(uephetws), Jaias, BagaGeo. Heudrerson nué Robiert Fuýiens inué relativ-es ueeprese-ut frolin Sunlclêga, ýOillaBr-amlien, Ter'onito, Lindsayaynué Oshausa. Amlong the 11,11Y firaitibutas Ire- caiýveé usa-s oua fioin the RamHer Re- bekab Leége. Contributions To Bulilding FUn'd For Park St. Clrnrc-h L-eskaréc W. A.,Lekd Oshawn Woo)d roduct, oshiusa --- -------- St AnduusI s Unit d. cib-urcbi, os-Ia....... Mu F . -Brousa, Gep miss NeIlie K-»ig, Linidsay Mm Dold SaplsPine Mus. RobV. JohsoHm ilton........... 10.00 100.00 545.95 50.00 50.00 25,00 5.00 $4,88>3.3 a W.CT,. MEETING The vgalar kmeeting cet the Wo- mnen'a hrstnuTeunlrpenuce Unienr xas lé ou i Tuesday, ay ltb, 'et tIre hQma « ýf Mus. LcV.Mus IR. AainnuéMr--. Lycat couénuctaýd p very insPilng devotional prm l> frei lprsidd a ah Vhs piano. Ms Kelly , flic paeasp itnduren d aspl-endid p-aper, entitieé "War De- stuacion". Th come nigsacre- Vnuy renýd [aera freiný berearséd mnembers. AMu s Bcsgavae e report et Vhs GCouity Convention ah NeuscaFs- hle. Tire peietceéuctcd thclip sheet anué heue -usas a genea!a ics Mus. \Walshthnkad Ms.Lyct for th nldaiessailu using heu homne. Thep meigclosý-ad usth r punyc nué the MzpahbleadictIi. A meeting 'ft1ha boys intarestad la playîig footba11 ýLi ss halé ahBd., Nelau' parhmnen!t Onu Mouday avenlg, anué a club usas set up w'herl the follousbmg officeur w-ýere- appoiuted: Cai FliitoifT, Prasident. Deoug. Simpson, Secretary. Redé Lann, Tes Jack Stohaut nué Eé Neilsoen, act- ing , s nsmnager nué taximiinu. A nubaof very important itemrs usere édiscusse d, anuéin Ed's opiniocn,i bei raid -heha nevu expeuianced 50 mucb h t-soidnnué1his hopad tbeh Vhs Queue Football Club usîli briug borna Visa cup. fithe boys kaep up lihis "Pep" the folks b-er-a will. sea soea goed gainer. Due te the laVe Eformatîin of thae Club, -anéi tho langeah(,dule being érausa up anué closadi, thlere uilI be no juniior' club) this yaar, but aitl the boys iu- tae(stad xiii ha given liea opportun. i-y cf playiug. So turu euit. The Queue footbaillhenni uill ha-ve a -prnctice gaine on Fi-d, May ,L 19, at 7.00 ocIOck ah Maltpla Guove'. TheI first aciseduled gaine usillbe tha fol-1 l-wugMond(ay, Queue iat 'Gouri Gaine et',7 0o'eck 3sharp. For in- formaionra garding gnaeccon- btc h commitcea, coussistiiug ef C. Plnti, .Simpsrn ou E. Nailsoni. ~Orono Oddfe'iIows Hold Church Parade The -annual eburci:h parada éet the -OrnoeOdéifall-eus u-,s ehlé on Suni- day, Mny 4Itb, ushan thý, lo-ýdge Voek serice uslth VhO ono ýUuitaé bucisvvd congregaltieu et 7.00 p.mir Some fifty manibers «f Vile leége, pan véuith tbe assistance of thie Orono Bas Baud Vo St. -Snviou's Aï-gEtihnaCburch -where thay usera nédescéd by Rev. A. EE astýace Tble tieefet Tha inis ýter usas that et "Frenéîhîp'anuéthe )reqiraniienitsi -necessnmy 'ou fu-iendshjp. The Rebekais choir ffilleé the choirà lotV cfofthe clhuuci, anuéc)ou thfis occa- i sio-n udécé 'futbar Vo their esteeni.1 SitrGîndys Bouu avourcé t'hose puasetuitb ,a sole, xvill Srie Mary Pbasey and CernLiCuntral rn a deýligtffl duet. A numer e Qééellowsa fueiGo- l'ýdges jind t h t1hosc rat Oi-oQueu for. theu chsrie The Qeuet)hdfelouio ii olé n1 chucb parade iu Leslknud ou Sun-! day, May 2&Stb, ut musýhbthe Orono Brasa Biiid usll be present. Oddfkellows& And Rebekahs Sponsor Dance And DI Niowdl Home To Be Displayed At CNE Tshow lia a undein famcoiy arun $ 50,teWomnds, ivison som lukyC.-N.E. vs le o wusin the bos, sich w-ill be duplicaited ýfr e e'carge on bMs owu lot any place lu "Eveuy Canmpanfamiy usantsn homne «f lihar owin thase éys"Katel Altken, C.N.E. Directer o--f W1a' Activities, poiýnts eut. Despite al!i the rosey predictios that building censts ,wouId coie dousa 19% Vo 1% pie nre emaiuung sheady and ny go c-van high-er, she explaiuad. Buiilt accordîng te a piai4 nppreo-ed by Gaitrai M,-otg--aga and Housinig OCorporation, -the C.N.E. Budget Hlomnebas fiva rýoonis. -IV mbdi evrtiuCanadlian hbuilders and de- signars have learusél 'inbln st 1I1 years, ns wal as an numbrou bn~ n'ew ées, t SurroLnd.fitýg-this $f 0l udget Homie, will bei one of th- nmostcon plate imefrnsinsané ddecorat- ing dsplay-s aveurasaibîé u his countuy. An informnation ceteuili ha set q p wlth people qualified toi give practical aduice Vo p-rospectiv!a homne builders on bnig construc- tion, flooing, li-itîng, p!umbbg, landscaping. Specilal attention usd11 bha giron Vo cule ith childuen îný planning pinyroosis undliving quaer- bars foir the ypungs teus.- Exh-ibitin Vo elp oa fai-ni misa by dogilng thaîr mousu igsipcovars, agig pen>ry are aise lnnd CJ- 1 e-- -- - - Weed Killing Demonsiration -.At Agrieutural Collège A e [lrecreuséetfarnrrn nutlhorities, inembers «f nmunicipal couacils, useé inspjec-torsanué oth-ers ùterested, la exjpecheé Vo gither ah thie OutAuloc Agricultural CoIIege, ati ,,aU(!p)1, on May -22 foru t is spaial Wead Spray Sehool. The discussion groups nué taîka uill take place ilu, bea Fild ubndyBuildin)g at thae Oritarlo AgulcultuanICollage, ind damonsua.,Vons nselicehd arens on collageprety Tha dn'.,s pori p h1 am.uitlieitain. Fen11 Vo 12 noon thaee wi11 be discussions etcaiasfor usýeed ( coatuol on Servce lubhavesýet t asuiof for thlelu contuibu -0io a tousarés ere1in o -he e riPkSI Unité Curch 1ohelp rmise sun-iflicleége, us in, lathe mus y ave been active lan n wvays, aire ohig a dance andué ou Wvedneséay, May 24tlu% Orono Towna Hll. Thie émus lck are nous vlai cul u u from il raports nue ing us1receivcé la th!-e co)Imu Puizes for thý e lcky draus are,a verI tn service, i mnsteu',r ollectric ktigroceules (value cwt. sua, -eMctul ock end fi! reel. The tickets ar-e balntg -solé 2ý5 cents ou 5 for ndola.The <, will be maée cduring Vhe dance puy LdVh. Roy Forrester aud Ils 'or1Cli is supplying the miusic f-ort-hae wihcbyis Vo e meaah 9.0M diuulng thea coursee f ithe eninxgJ dloor. prizes nue tob- givain awn;ý lihose holding lihe- cytick-et. Sapport ýof this unèeriaking of Oddfellows anué Rebekahs willgiý ly help themin la eal'izinig theýir 0ac£v e $00(1, which is Vo urned ovar to tAie Building Fn Park SretUnited Cuc.A thyý venitura by a :îworthyouazi fou n -wouthy Cause. County Student Tops Agric. School ExaI te Kemti-e Agiict Miirç,v Tsoi arcof 3 J. S. MeLeani Z eadouer of th( inrDrhnm C is nous presiésut ham Cona Cy Juniior Faii for many yau taken est lu,andé lad, eepnty ýcerTh, carieals, pasturar, braah. Lunich usilI bea O.A.C. duiug raem. At 1.30 disculssion fou w-\-\in uilI aêl by a' , euh)iough demn spranylug equipinent. 'T wiIll be compijlted by 4 Tbepueatm i ýs spoH tari Daputinut f Aý Counties' Health Unit Effective In Many -The _.Northumberlanud and Durham ciludin-g mna'ss uy HelhUnit bas issuc n pamphlet aaýilAble in 19416, nmoue( dmecubig nehanny dffrUan aesm outaed.Cases nue-nous fe" AMeiter hnt tat is carrséon secrilu Vhs du-e by the unit iin the United Ceuniies, for> e iy raore mo--e Ani important part of thre acheel 1Puenatal la truacùon bealil hperiais hs raferrc-Al et givea 'e0-xpachant lmot pupils by the principal ýte ha nrse vlsits. Public ealth nu for spaci examinah-.ins. The phy- innéAe 4,135 -hrnie v-laits sical emcmiusione ha hilé enter- arsts et p ing School la au imÏkportant -bancîÏ! t t ir éria. Dru-a heur-e measwa .Any deets to)nné ma1Y enlia hava thre opportunr thaen ha corrctad. Uiueslr n urse about puocbleny corac.Ved defeets may sarslmy 'W the i Uilren. pacm tde Mhis enltb nué iaffect bis 1 sehicool work. Dm. Rneur, Madical Wihhin -tlibalast thre Officar etHof t, dscusshem find- vusera nl7proved by- -je inrgs witbtbbaparant usho la present ousve nn ai dunlui th axainatin nu recin-ethe -Townshripsr i.t jnandations are inefufnta nsdspecbai- by4nWs fou-us p b that'anil.phyiciu l the le ati m, contructiý nae(sSuy. -tien- ef raL1gherhousea Evary Chilà la givan -avisio-n -Vcert aatbbishnts are rm-cg by neh, nurse aV leastthbrea tiner Jin ed te eiiosr1 r( ;rOeo-lu, eeenatnýry schooll. Regular dental1 ment and sanitry disý attentio-i n rin8 yaas of aga la ne- hes, csaytor ensume gooé euponr Dr. D. F., Damnée, nué peuinanant etir. The chilé writb wmbo bas adloa i the blue dental card ecéerséfreinPulic Renltb, jeincé th .te narre au seboo takas IVtA e bi a on Sephesper 1, 1 deu tist, usho uSaigu the camé whien asjnauln's usmA<ladbr ah1, esr denrtal usouk iin- lnrly te liilk huninqt plesad. those dinsess eofau MIrilun and àifants ara g'rau ta fct thle beltrnd f seas gintdiphtbarin, -whoopig Imian. Tan the Heaath Tjý eonugh iré V'eanus, nué fou sinuilpo uz1«ie 19 dainesanué M vaciltip.Tan ra ut least 75% o M ilk saiples nue tiaker etf the ssýhoof population i lu- the Uit- both ausndé paýVeuniizi e-d Ceinities ush-o have rcelved rcanleilk tests ha-ve Sh'uowýn prtetin gnus éphheinfrein bauds pteVeé av'ý'e ev tI'f Pl4enl h Unit staff eitber usith thé titis i 1,fect'ion -, nué inlitial suls o uith riunfeucig 5024et be-ms rbored doses. -tienns ho tha"Riný,g Tes Chant dm1 s are belé mrou1thl nt losis. Thtis disense is flue centres fer pat-icit's uerued by iun ndý,'iant t'cver-inluibra te tnly pyîen.Wh- -ln otuac r- y-d'nk prorcéd facil'Vîes for diagnosis, lu- i iza<1 mlll

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