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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1950, p. 3

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Birds That Open imIk Botties Lu1 1921, birdsdecie 5lt te« u eopoî uih ik beties lot tvu tise te of1bou1ses lu wylig user bsseba, Soit mtoni, Esg mcd, sud drikilig t1isemikNewýý .~ lent1l p oi cf Eglislis i are1 pleycgulilpon t1ise; xvaxbý1oard tscfiik Ibotîles i înnyparts VVahos, Scciand usd Irlaîsd. Ilis BriiLî irds, Jamies Fisher aud R. A. HIinde fiud ise satisfactory, auswers le tisese questions: Did lu- dividual birds learu tise trick frcm eue anotliur or did tisey dîscover il tiseussolves? If uissi cf tsefin learnied il, tiisonby ulisat proess?, T. l I-i. HawkLýins rel.lte u ar beeuobîauedof bottie cpeîiug by. lits suid a hesser cumber 'D Ibouise spýaýrrwsbahrs, starliugs, rois- iuus, cisaffinici)ssasd ,betge ,par- rews. He tiinks' tiat mest birds nsust bave discovered tise trick fer tîseMsseives, because lits, tise orig- inal experimieusters, do ssc imeve, -oienluixi ciiter, more tfisuaiiifew ilecs from liseir breediug placesý. Tl'ise betties are aihy attscke sith1in a tew inuites ufler they1C bayebeenlo-tI at ile door. Th lere are a fwincrodibie tales Cet Lits tisatIhave fiaoveds iik Cr dlowc ltise streel suad iremored tise tops eofloties wliie tise driýver 's'as ncywith s eaivry.lise metliod of Co-enliug ftise bottie varies. Somie EnglîsIis milký bo[ties are ciosod hiy a cap cf iuseta;l foil. Tise bird puno- tures tise cap), thitis beak, tison tearýs off tbeise mosini stripa.,Socie- limies tisewhiole cap, 15 îemoved, and somnetimos ocly a snailh lîhe, is drilied is Il. Cardiseard caps are' attacked lu, varions vay,accordicg le LIawhcý- iss otfy t lie records. Tise wliole top may b)e remnoved or only ,tisepc s- onte r 'tuie card- board imay hie toriloïï layer by la Ye:r jjttuit is tibm eniougliste ho pîerced witis tise beak. Tise miik mnay ho druuk eltiser threugb tise lioethus made or tise bird may iusert its beais iutetiseisole and flick off what- rensains ofthtie top. As in tIbis ccuntry, mîhk of dlt- forent grade s ladelivered lu seme Englisis aras unbotthes wilh caps of, differeut chr.Ha'skins says ftaI 1- obýsewreas axoatîsabyî) lits ouhly 0i1 bttîlea of olee tpe, asud four etisersý repertod a dccided( prot- ernefer- eue type. Somie osev ers repot thl boîtiesllhd witil .ý,water or -eln empty hoitîes are oc- eainlyattacked, "but ýibis ccii- voy nohiîg,"says tise cautionsý Hcwkius, "nui l isepoin s tory of tise birds lakîeo. SMART ANIMAL "Tinsie aflor lime," said ise' big- gamie bunter, "tise lien sprang aIý me, sud time atter lime as hie loapt I tisrew myself fcrýlradu hie wont harmhesshy -'over nîyiead. Eventusally tise acima2l gaveý up tise attemlpt to 1feh ime sud ltreîted off lite tiejul.Tfise foowing day Icause le a clif overlookýing lie ses, andt iere ouf tise beach I1 saxo thiat sanie lioîu. I stod tausfx at ils achecs." "Good Heavenrs ...put iluoeeof his listeners. "Wsî was hie doing?" "Wbat was ho ous? said ise bunter dramnaticslhy. "Tisat lieus 'sas practisicg shurterjms! The Little Foxes-Geri uri.10. isbrhad sl [bhtlrebayfoelor pets. shot '-a-I"ixe supcede il Isoti.lVrs. àaris acedtise ut plus. 111 . . .. .. ...Palmistry Was .2. -lis Religion Kan-garoo, Kidna1,pping Is 'Inside Job'-- "Wh at are you d&ýing.with rnï Jeey ?" the marna kangarooý, at left, might lie askIng of lierý sister, right. Joey vacatcd bis methers vest pockct and was- promptly kidnapped'by hbis auint, wbo already had a kagaroo baby lu lier owýn pouch). Invented The Stearn Engine Yet Didn't Believe In Railways Mcst f ns lhave asome lîa azvý ,notion et lJames bwatt sitiîsg 1b. tise fires,,ide xatchiug boli2 kettie, idly specuiatiug on tîse pro- h)rties of steam ensergîng froîn tise spout, and later dreaîniUgp u steain englue. Like many popular cotions, ibis Isas but aflimsy basis cf, tru.ti, w rites aý Special Corres- pendent le '"Xswers." 1Tisere was, ilu tact, very little of, tfie dreauser about James Watt. lic was'an îîsîîeîssely practicai mais, a sklfluiengiiioer sud a great inecha- iical goulus. His contribution te tise devlopm.ent cf tise steain c%, gice lay iii effective improx emeuts te machines that aiready existed, aid wrked-after a fashioîî. TIhe earliost kucîvu descriptions'0f a usachine-or porbaps il igist better be called a' cotrapticî- worked by steam eccurs ii tise Plisoumatica et Hero of Alexaîsdria, apprcximately 1,866 years before tise birtis cf Watt. Help fcsr the~ Minars, This istis- e,>loipiie, 'silsollcw twe benlt ppsatce ei.Hr 'seC have a orfn mdl talà extlremecy primitive reacicu l1tut- primir,tvetype cf englue worked! by Wlysncb ,inventions, subsse- qulently te oprove Se vital' te Our C~vlto, slîonld haâve remaiîîed dcrmnan îd nrgrddnutil the seventeentîs ceninr\. m*;a a iystcry. Mýaybe it soas eanso Mac gel aloug well eneuýgli'(ani iîdeed tlîere are some ivio eel 150migist Stiil get aloîsg eleug) withi tise saliug ship, tisewidmliand water-mill, tiherstýisecxsuaieh ,slsve-using always sse pr-iînary nmachinies tishe r asid isixise t. was îlot usii t3 iseners, literally usilg bukeisd spdel dnig tbeir nietal miesu a depîhi ivisere water flowed1 lu sund conld nerit becisheckred, tisat unclrs-eut sud' îîsssteîsî douîaîîd arose for0V po«, o nicîseîe tisat WOIIld ipunsp eut Ilîi w triutis reasonab)Lo spee(idad e v ciisc lad eailtise muneste For ilisemnsica sto iIelîdt coefr 'tie deveiop- rseust cf lpnîssiug mchin,.arely i<epýt jpace n ils ie ueod.c( l'or isdstiL fiiin, ideed for ;iw as aI hast peiycf c loivefe mci10îrî i iiir mind, tc tise T ise tirt practical steaus puupîîsig eîîgiîse i pateîîted by Thomuas Sus ery iii 1698, but il soas ulîsatîs- fictory anîd utIle progress a susmade nîstil James W att brcngkl lus lu- venstive goulu-s to earout thie pi obleni. Watt %vas bbous is 1736. -Ho cas tie son cf a smalh sud îîissccessful' îîîerc Lianst lu Gieenock. At tise uge cfý uiLueteois lie sas senit te London, aproîtce î isjiýntiumeut naker, aîï .beaîieskilled iiithie use ci toelsp Bt livinîg ,ias se isard tisat at, (ieid of a year ise xx à Leoule forsai Hi ridteiL, abiisiîh iiissof as aiu iîrîîseîît suakolýer liGasoî, ut ieo ]isad net seroed ise fuItenu cf n 'l hol University, 7isleixeer , IssL&1 iÀs rescensd in 1757 hie was established asà Il s il(tiematic al fitnîîntatr. \mle1 of a pumInII"Ig eýlîgineulonied part of the Univrsit's cllecionof 5ciOftlfic a pparatus, and it came ie .Vat hands for repair. W hile putting the niodej lil re lic w as inîpressed with, itseni- eus censumptien of steam lunrela- tion tetheficsnall faiiount cf vork achieved, and he e l imself te dis- cover iv by this ,,as and lsow te improve upon it. It ýwas t*elve ionths before he hit uponi the idea that ivas te 'rex elutionize steami *ngune design. I w ill give eue of \Vatt's prin- ciples inihis oewn, words: "I inteud in .nany cpses te uw- ploy the,expansive force of stearn te, press ou the pistons, or xhatever may be nised instead of ticmi, îin tlie same nniier, iinwhîcb thec pressure cf thie atmnosphere is nqw, emipleyed m iconmorn fire cugïînes. Iu cases where ,cold wter canulot blc in u lntthe ngiesmay be %ronglît Lhy lliïforceCf aý"s eamii only, by dcarigtis staru jute thse air afileî b las dueits: -Office.", Thse daring nio tion that eniglues mnight b1),- ug tby thi, force (e" steam n-iy, ithout ftie aid of a conidenser at ail, arc a measure cf Wattýs genlus, boldly, yet calmily, taking whiat w as then an touprece- dented lead into tIse futuie. S aiî1m oI? il e-Notorists near Amnarilleo were startled i'ececitlx' te sec Ibis landleckedI "satil- boat" skum.nt-licg dexx ia u gh- w'ay is the heart cf the fiat Pausauidie district.,il tite strang e, three-wlsheeled craf "t is ils builder, iRa Landrcmii. The dry -land xahtnanbs tic gaels robleun, but lie mav ruts eut cof wind. PulcDanger, Ytet hopre r abi t i tsth siêaeic strideicto n-sueh'suclue oftesetion shouldatorce" so aisie tl stean pressure lu isshouper- oth wr ds, v c-lfeumoug hanigepresr suec ise atusosphere. And lie osj oulii as far as te try-te, sponsor au Aýct cf Parliauseut'forbiddiug the"Lisc cf iis-pressure stoam on tise gronîîds lîsat it w onld be' a public dang-er How f ar '!lis ix as gcnuiuelx' prcmptod by isumnîe tearsncd ,how far by tise tact thiaftarii engiceer, Trevithick. hadl successfully used pressures of 120 lb. per square' incis iS a malter for speculation. The- Last 'Invention. It is also recorded otf Watt thsat, whien is e idea of, a steani locomotive te -runsou rails was put te him, lic refusqed ,te have actig te do -With i", Buit ths;ant]s ques- tfoc of isigissteanspsr e areýtise only ýdiscruible bildspotsf iii a i,îsid that,, ou tise level etecbi aies, soas of almost incredile fr t 'lity TIse iust cf bis;incîîîsserable irsvectîciss wfss a cuttiuig ca1i o miaàiug accurate copies, eîtiser lui rednced scale or facsinîiile, ot pieces of sculpture. Not long before bis deatislie presected copies of busts te bit friends, describiug tisons as the work .cf a yonîîg artist just eistriisg on lis eîglsty-third year." Picked Up From Here And There A STATESMAN is's polîlicl aî Whîo agrees saitis ycu. il HA S TO BE bornse isi micd tisaI ini iar tiei e ix us, second Piiize. UP TO NOW, tisecost poal te perpelual ueini sal boy's apfsetite. IF WOMEN'S CLOTHES did ue hvtechange sý')o otenl, er IT'NEVER COSTS oîyhiu~t pat a gux coi tise back suý1d tll lim about k ix iscu ivetisiik ho lias doue a gcod jobi, but v ec don't do il very otten, IN T-HE ARMY tîey sdtcsy "if niei aregrnbislsye happy." htalspylzucso folks soc 1aveinuCanad1a. BEST WAY le gel yon.,self ac- cepled as s.cisc of profound judgmeist is le agree iit'lise per- sou vhio's passiig idceton Iyen l'air jeoked (euLt cf tise widowCf bi pat ietlu N ew Yok an1d sn1i i Ed, yy S tand (jing twodeec steco ut cf sighit iwcre býun- dreda cf oipeople, ail sat(,tesee- L by? Because a Sucday, îîiews-, ý,pper ad prinited bis -accvuaie Kas- tirika cf somneone he isad (!neitiser mlet cor s-een. Ktii-istise Brahniscience cf alnisryand the insu wýas fou"tlis Hamon, kuown tez ise weîld as ,Cisiro. To Cheýiroi , ipaîuîiistry was bisý lîfe's w ork acdbis religion. 1-1 tirînlif eievtithat Ccd had giveni- miac pow,ýer te t oret ell the futuircw for bis own g%1 ý,ood. lHe hasod t!jis bolief ci l the wurds ilu'tle 37tis Chapter cf Job1ý. "He soaleUt up thse b-auds ofcf very mail, that ah men inay kuow lus 'work." 1At tise ugeocf il, Cheiro kniev cmore abiout tue, sci ence of palmistr-y than a1dulitpractiecoers, and was famed lclyfor i-correct prophejýCy. But beforo ho was21 lhe had sîatrled a~~~~li ivrlleaci cermre kcxxedge- Yas0f Study Ilies iven firee acces-. te the greaut '\atican ib an îd baving eshu t1 hi, pcred over the loie .'f A'ucinîEgypjt. Finahly, ihe!'sent te India and studied with a litle- known and exclIusive lirahiui sect. .BROCK-8 ON 9-12 EMS- The incident lu New York isap- peued, wien lie wasworld fanions. The editor cf a Sunîday nexvspaper had sent, hlm.the pinbts cf several bauds sud asked bim te read tiseu. Cheiro refused te ub onlieeoe themi until hie lad au assurance lisat the owner had given consent, Theu lie said that, it %\as the baud cf a snccessful imurdeter wbo bad, hcwever, become c'aretlss. He wculd bie couulemcied te deatis, bdht would net be executed. It 'sas, iii tact, iehe aud cf -a doctor who had niade a busnes c issurderiug people for thecir ins-,i auce money., At the samei( lime heÈ -was awaiting executicu, !bu thaer this was clîacged te penailsevtd for lite. Oue cf bis, fir-St haudý-readiug sc cesses asaceta.Ch 1o5u silttigluauiaycmatsel reýadlicg abock ou palmislry% when thle mass opposite hm bgan te odis- cinss the >subject acid eeta lsehd cut bis biaud te be readl. Cheire told hi liho as 's succes- liluman, but ithat eue day is suc cess would tUrc te ompltailuire. The mac laughed acd askeUd thse cause of bis final failure. "A womi su"roplied Cheiro, sud îthe mac laughed leudor stili. Doctor Or Lawyer? "Yen are riglit inii overytisi ýng yen lave said, except tihe . omau," lie î:fu eo orwill teeb. lie passed everc his iiic as He was Parceil ise lrish aton alstladrbt ut tlhat tusse le had rcbt met KitLty OSbè, fr o f 'litebcmeapoiîalet cast . More-than oeue attemiptwiss nade te discredit Cheire-. A certai ,in ly once, invited bim te ber bouse tc, cuitertain ber guests with' hand- reading. Cheiro wect, and read ex eryffoce's h.and. One gunest was a msan whomij everyone bad calied "Doctor." The reading e as se accurate that the man adnsitted that he came w ýiitî the intention cf catchiug hlm Ôuti bnt that Cbeiro's rensarks '-arbi n amazingly accurate. Cheiro snsiled and added "Qu last t'ning,-sir. Yon are w tda a doctor. There is ouly ue pr- fession for yen, and that is acis- mial lawyer." Only then did themilant ilsat everycu had been piîdt eall him 'doctor" as p)artcftise trick. i as n tac, ntnîu The King's J.liness rousib Chi ro walit- tbat he bad ilrince re(adi iseKn' land, aýked him if tiseKig h had appeudicitis, would . cf bis4hý illuess. Cheiro replied tha ttise King would net die until hýe mwas 69. Atter that, King Edward referred te hlm as tise man "who coudecl nie te deatis at 69." Net Chirvas rigbt, for Kmng .Edward 'tEd di t that age. Tit For Tat Mr. Goldb)erg. îreturina f roM Europe, was -aSsigj)edtÏ a al for two. Herelisewa prety joined by a poiteFrchanwe before silting dow, bow, smiie aud said, "Bonapei"Ntteb onîdene, Mr. GoIdberg ros, bo )(wed, and said,. "Goldberg." This littie ceremouity sa peated at eaîcismeal. O()ise fou"rib day, Mr. Goldbergcnfie bs cemplexity te a macnlu te smok iug Ilounage: "It was like tis, ynse h Frenchusun telîs nie his nis-o Appetit-and I t ell bmm as -- Goldberg. Se we are urdcd But wisy keUep it up1 dclay-after dy" "Oh-but yen dou'tunetad Mb Goldbe~rg,repied iseehr ~B011appetàit means, 'fI hope e bave a pleasaut iel' "Tbanks," said Goldberg--. That nigist M. odbrgarie lafte for dinuer,bwefrnayns said, "Bon appetit.- And the anrcm- nsured, "Go1dberg.Y "Canine Cep' Goes Through Pce-Areal!police dog, "-Ra-jahf" demoustrates bis peenriin yjLump iing vertheck cf Police Consstable William Reýbeýrt drîg sbew- at themnbe Court Police Training Centre in Tbams Diton, Svrrey, Fng..ïiý, land. The dogs at luis Centre are ýtrauned tefasIst1 ape hienfing crimsinals

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