ORONO WEEKLY TI CO MING EVEINTS ý s opedli, Ontaric;'s 1eog 1 ithoiity on MArica.,iViolets, will c n Orarno oridnMay 2ith-, rthle auspiýcelS. ýüF Oro.no/ Wo- Inttt.P ,TownHall,! 2.00 p.li. Mi-S. Vplnsbi plants for le -gessome ýiýýs. TIhe In't i s\$XSo giving icky ticket z,7es tW institute. meru SjjilCr've cllection to de- expne.Eve7ryonie icme , h, -imual meetiîg of the Orono, Figure eSkatin'eg CIlub will be held on Moanday Eývendaig, May,22i,3, at 8.30 l. the Orange Hall. The-re will be an ,eection of oflcers and other .hn- portanit business. Al that are !n- teetdin Vd club please be pres-J ent ?Jrtthis meeting. The SolinaYcl mg People are giv- in1g terpy" adpsT\ n rSis- ter" in Kirby Unii ed Ch ceh on Mlonday, May 2 o'cloc Canead enjoy aïgoM pty. Admis- sion, 50c. and 2F a.--. HARTLEY H. BA RLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINGS Orono, Ontario --MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Ser-vice in Time of Need FOURTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) Tw Vrlshire Gilt, iVi#r Ps H. Hinton, phone pno'h416l FOR S-ALE Dressed -yo-amsg.fowl; ia efor boiling or rioa? Uais Rho Ilaundl Red yea ug hei-s, momnbred- to.lay stock. ý"A ot phonei 18 r Il Are . FQR/SAL~E Hay, ied anq' laosi 11,11à 1M J. Tawribyn, ptonlN Oronoe FOR SALE Woods Co. Comab'ntMon Far-m Freezers, 16 cu. ft-12 cu. ft, freez- er plus rfi~rto,$47500; Fr-eez- eron, $3)75,>0I0. ïortaEe M'ilk Cool- ers. Mýilkiing Machinecsý , Rbey Culti- vators, $690; Fer isl Spreaders, Trac,,terPowFetl$ Spreaders, $151X00; Fertilzer At- tachneits Vo ordei-, us:(d mei' Phone Carl ToddH, CLarke 15-20. i-l8p. D OL! ROOM AND BOARD Available for elderly lady.Apl to Mrs. Evelyn White, 22 DukeSt FOR RENT Cermnnt block machine, m-akes 8- Uncýh ,rmoo'Lh or ro.ck faced sunfacel bloc1ks. AI)ply to Ross Canletonl,l lOronio. c-17-p. USE 0F GAPRDEN Anlyone wishinig the use of agr den for oiie or two years. may have SainebY applying to Box 43, Orono. BERRY RUSHES A uatiyof Coltimibi-an lerryý tips fr 01e . D. Sandercock, phone 5r) r 9, Orono. -,17-c* FOR SA-'LE 1931 Dodge Coupe, Apply-Vo Mac Carleton, Orono. c-17-p. WR1EATIIS FOR SALE, ï an now in a poýsiion mto supplyl artilcia wreths t diferet p is They rnay be se at the borne0of H. Pscott's, or 0. W. nap',phone 62 r 1, Orono,ý Ap 29-P FARM HELP Ex-perieiied, rlal Holland farn- hisav'ailablle. Arrnivimg ion Write to S. Bumra, R. R. 1, Nesteton, Ont., Phono 225-24, port Ferry. Jun i-P. WANTED )TOJBU Y Dead or cri;pplýed stoc-k, réanoved free of charge. One hour seý,rvice., Highest prices fQýr old hre.Mr manvifle i26i7 9.'w A tan~ andbac aal fox and beagle hiouiii, Neiginpý roimte ly ?o lbs., nround thefrtofMy Ever-ett BErOwn', Phone 6 6, Oron3o. % C-1.-P. Wrfbin l ietr MEDICAL A., F. McKENZIRE, M.D.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON4 office iHours. 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.1m. Sundays and W'ednesdays b!. appointment only PHfONE 47rl ORON(Y E.- C. SYER, M.1). PHYISICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 pan.. 6.30 te 8.0pM.. 5undays and Holidlays by Appointmnent PHONE 74r 19 ORONG Lawrence C. Mïasoni, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWA N-VIYLLE, ONT. Phones: office 688 Home à55 W. F. WAIRD BARRISTER SOLICITOR CHIEFTAIN DE LUXE -8-ÇYLlN DER 4-DOOR-SEDAN' inost beautihdl ~thing on wheels Look to your eye*'s delight and your heart's content-for this '1950 Pontiac is beautiful in the Silver Streak way-thie unmistakabie stand-out. styling that proves your good taste wherever you drive your big and powerful Pontiac. And under Pontiac's beauty is ail the intiegrity of Pontiac engineering eaeshp in riding and driving ease, in safety and in economnical operation from fanious L-head engines. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE FLEETLEADER SPECIAL-2-DOOR SEDAN COUPE Whethier your fancy is cauglit by Fleeticader, Streamiiner or Chieftain, you'il find that Pontiac far outi-valiues its rivas-doLlclar for dlollar, icature for feature, aInd size for size. See the, Fleeticader Speciai--a fulli-sized six passenger Ponitiac -priced rigit down with the iowest. Examinethe large, luxurious senior Pontiacs, ,offered Nvith 6- or 8-cyliinder engines and with famned GM iydra-Matie, Drive* -and you'il agree every model's a mar_-vel of value! *piog tetaeu 1 oY Wn you cadt beat a I A 4kWieP. 3 50A. NIOHO0LS a M ONTARIO NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Residence 4W BO1WMANVI11LLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail dtam and at reasonahie rates Communicatp with hlm at PStf Perry, Ontario, or see hi. Clerk, A. E. Mîorton, at Orone, for date. JACKREID Oro>no's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fan and Furnituare Sales Consuit me for ternms and dat1es, iphone 5r 18 O'n LIFE INSURANCE Penision Plans; Educaional Policies; Prýotection and Savings. Plans for Children' and Adults; Mortgage la- suraneplans. r eF. E. LY.I.ETT R ONO, Ont Phone 20 r i The RUTTER GRANITEJ',, COMPANY Phono 501 - P.O0. Bor 62Z Port Hope, iOntarlo Monuments, Graveniarket-s, STAFFORD RROS Moremenfal Wrks Phonýe Witýby 552 318J)udasSt. 1E., Whitbjy F INQALITY MARKERS Let us eret n hadsornie, diAg- nified mionumient over thie rest- it-g place of your loved onî e S It's not expensive. And seein.g this lnst tribute -will giîVe yoendl comfor4 ORONO Furniture Hospital_ Reuphiolstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Botight aniod Seé our lino of Drapery material Kitcen 1UnIïits nade toordet1 C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - OROûNO j 4