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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1950, p. 5

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IN MEMORIAM lier trouble-d inighfti(c are past, i nfl wn FORBES - la lving mmr\ n dl ibn~hatwkow OooPr sf~ af]Isig~Local News ; dear another, MargartFrleSh, YI- ound sweet rstli ast. ter the winter 11xvoff. wh ~~e aa My16 isl rmnb~edb irMrs. Stan. Payne wats taker to the 1oand ,lýdays spX, shndadduf'trAn.BwnavieHspital the freart M rs. M Ma gan,iw, spent Pie _brylhous lof this week. the week-end -with Mrs. Ed. Dean. .,- o o ** Mrs. Eý'd. Deanl is visi>tini;g in Tor-, onato this week. 1 Mr. zand Mrs. Glenn Tam-iiblyn and , O i an Idaugliter f' Belleville, visit'ed at Shomee over thie week-en-d. SEED CORIN Mr. Graniit Cao er returnied on Sun- I heii udeWent an operation. SUD, iRAS MrJin-Major haspuirchased the house e1oni t e -est te of thei --jS FýR K i 1-Iae arý Smith. Cogratuintiions tc _Mr. and Mrs. NDS <~' Ho race YorkLon the birth of a son in __ IL ;MHarod Dei spîe t ta is Maiio- -h, :ROBin Phone 85 r 18 Ol- ý ORONOirya' t0.C Trno and .-tï-ived hoi-.O, on Saturda,ý,y. days last week wý.it, h ler frierd, Mrs.> We will be pieased to pick, up 'Thompsion, atChfy' Locks. dead or crippled faral, animais Mr. and Mrs. P rmtrngof iqJand lpay highest pr-evailing Morrisburg, were in Orono) for the prices.week-end. prce.Doris Laing stayed with lier grand- For -nmmed'ate service teýlephone mather. Mrsq. P. Lainig, over thee colle't rP, lrn62, CoboýQurg Mr and ]Vrs. S. J. Yoirk and 1266 vTrno dlie3636, hid--iisteïM. d Ms.George CORDON YOUNG Wt. Mr. und Mis. Harald Allenl enter- 'e-_________________ aind r.umber of their friends oný Satiirdayeveilg. - V rono 'Iinshop Z-Re- 'd 'Qaf!1 ~ Son, Re-v. A. E. uut ndfaiy G Mr. anld Mrs Alfred Piggott and 1 J Gb ira ai ttenided,'th1e funeral of Mr. _____________________________jPL lviBIN 'irggoitt's mother in Brantford on elT-*eTLi Mr. and Mrs. S R. Caildwell, Mr.i HEAT~IIN U 1 and Ms.WalIer and Gwen, Mrs. F. y Farter, of Port Hope. and rs.1 fL Lamnb and Ruth, Mrs. Milton iand Sttinrtn, Enniskillen. visitedait Nr.' ~f 4 ' S -»SHEET METAL l, !tnTamnblyn is ittending Assoiaton t Torontaj on Tuesday! R. E, LOG.AN and Wednesday of this we TO10E(MONT MU1 LNO ugate from thePse ryW, A. TO IGH MM IONMr. ind Ms.Leland eate, Mr. Phonie 18-10 -and Mas. Dane ,Founid, . Mr r 1-lis W.E.Dave, rs on "WVhite , Mis. menan woenhav aEdDeatin and :Mas Johin T'holinsopL Canadia a ndw nhv attended thie fnrlof Ûbile mate Mis *~ ,00,00 dpoit ccont ini'uti oing mLxw. VWillhiamlson u)t Poltypool i0 on Thusday of last week.O the hartred-~ ad Mandnd Ms. Rsseli _Malus-ke ofg V tecatrdbanks equal to Torointo, and Mrwd -Mris..A [~f wek-end t thle -one account for every aduit. M t W tepassmer otage onak Col.. and Mrs. MàcLaýu-buin, Bow- o Banks value each depositor's business highly R eatingmaçvllMJor and Masý.\Murrayo(fg Oii eîwa, sied wit'h teMse i saeurîgyour nmoney, ville on Sundany lest. f saegarin pyigCALL US FOR ESTIMATES Congra,ýtulations ýta Mr. and Mrm. interest on yursavings, sadigready toChaýS. WikeC 0 odao h yor tadngtoBARRY E. LYCETT aiaýl of "i baby girla inBarrie bs- repay.. striving to retain your confidence Phoniie 84 r 12 PiKts-iletso.f ran0 and friendship. ORO NO - OT. M r s. i 1ett, Orono, successfu'lly O -wassed his final examiiinntions in Op- g tornetry.0 Your bank manager appreciates his< Mothers' Day Visitors 1Q_ PARK ST. r. and Mrs. Wmi.Road and obligation to you. Ask himr whatis a babyve,1owlTantod. hMr n r banker's first concern. He wili answer, UNITED CIUORCH . Nx e-nd Mrs Sa'klCobourg, with ýMr. aud Mrs. Ed. Farrell and "Safeguatding the depositors' funds." RvredMa and Mrs. J. 11t. Gibson. 11 Miss Shirley Porter -and friend, A. . stce Osiawa, with Mr. aund Mrs. N. F. For he realizes that depositors are the very Mnso Porter. Mr. 'and Mrs. G ~nLeamien, foudatonof heeffcint reit roessbyPaul and Jud, and MNr 1He(nry, Lena- foundtîon f theefficent cedit roces bm nn Toronlti,, with Mr. alilIVMrs. W. depoîtsto erveSUNAYJ. Leiamen. which banklzs mobilize Meoist eveSID1,NAY 2IFt Mmq J TT. Leslie, of Ptroogi the needs of this working, growin-g, withM ai r.W. J. Riddell. MissAde Mortont, of Toronïto, enteTflrislfg and Ma Dick Mortori, Port C>bre * ~~~~11.00 ar.Or il.with Mr. and M.AlbertMo'o MsJekReid, Patsv ïand hal 2 0O0pm.-eskard. vith lier parents l in lrok ,f&POHNSO0R E D BY YOUR BANK Mr. and lirs GanGrshm andi g ~~~~~~~clîdren, Kneowt a.Rha Aflin. MisAnaSta1plesý.af Toi-o-nto,l wlth Mr. and Ms .H Sals Don't forgot ta take l Ue dance, and drinla rona Ton Hall ïon1 WVednes-day veveingl. Maýy '?4'ih. ne e aup~cs of oronoI10.0 F aýnd A Ier Reibekali LocIge evc Club. Therreei htpise ob da f)i-, aogwth four doon at~edane Amision50. Buyý go, towaad a wor-thy -cause la tl]e' *~u w u ~ . Refresh with ORANGEADE SPECIAL a Very sucesfl sal of holm-makel Mad fomPur Oane usc é~ ~I ROSE cokn n ,Str feno last, $end a Posi's Bran Fakes Box Ton wiil, 50c in coin to Post's BanrFckes, G., *roi Fod LM, B.. 4M6 Toonto. LARGE BOX -2e LKALAND FANSi C .- ..-- Dil Pickles, 24 ozs.....28c. FUTLL 0F JUWCE Mexican Oranges, 216's, doz. 47-c> COLGATE'S le. SALE G iiIit Beauty Soap 'Reg_ 9c., 2 for lOC CORN F L AIKES WithTub 2 boxes 29, Planting your garden? If se phone us for dellvery Itables and Flower plants - ansy ad Oniun, 30cý - ANNOIJNCEMENT TPhe Wonien's Asanci,)ation ü imu'vi]e Uwtited Ghmndh willho] 5 anial anniversarT, service o 1 aMary 21st, et f7 U e' sou, B.A.,' .. . ,4a mnv<e mlusie pro 'ýed y iedý " of TrnoOn on$M, m ag -Vartljety 7'Cncer,, fill le pri hox- l the:'tamn Capi HoP"" CaptolOR 1 Fni. & Sat.. Mav 19 - 20 "ITASK f ORCE", With Gary Cooper "BROOKLYN ORCHIID" Mon. to Wed.,, May 22 - 24-, Shows at 6.40 and 9.00 The GeI'yo ylit Direct fromi 6 Wees at wo onto Theatres; wi'th Clifton WMyrn and eannie crain IN TCINIOL MATNE-MON, 3.45, WED. 2.00 Massey-Harris Farm Machinery and Repairs 25 Squares Verigated Sealed-in-Siding, reg-uar $115.00; whi'e it lasts ............. $12-00 36 inch Lawn Fence (Hlaif Flled), painted Green, per fit...... ..........27c. McClary Rfiea . .,....39O M1axwvell Power Mow ... .... $195 Eureka Power 3Mom .. .. ..... $SI20.00 SEEDn 1EXT WEEK ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 - Oro Ladie.s' Rayon Kanit Nona-rua Slips, Panties and ......e-f...... ........ ............ $3.25, $1.15 and 95C. Perfect Fit and Fren\zîh Satin Brassieres ..----.......S135 Straighit-cut Lace, TriqIed Silk Slips at .........9 Fancy Gif t Items for Shi-wfers, 'Wedidinigs and Birthdays. j Let us help y ýu wîn 0it.u Gift Sug-gestions. MRS. L. REID 1 Mleter Equipment Private Ambulancee Northcutt and Smith KIN4NESS COURTES!Y SERVICE Ei-quippetd to ake eare 0! the modest funeral at the mfont ritaaoable charge as well au the largect and Most *xacting Telephone: Office 6"S Reaiidence: e23 and 726 Telephone Collect omnll.Oi ARMSTïRONG'S t Wash Dresses, in Prints, Spuans, Merricord. priced from.....-.$95 te $7,50- New Dresses, la Plain and Printed ShIeers andi Crepe's. aise Tr7icorids $9--- - $23.00 Blouses andI skirts lin New Smart Styles for Summer weaxr. Ail Wool dardigans and Pull- -overs. priced ... 3,95 - 5fl I>umps or Strap Shees with Platform Soles, aise W'ed- gies, priced .... $4.50 tco$6.95 Girls' and Women's T. Shirts, ln ail different designs, style tire-toue stripe or with zipp.ïer - $1 25 -$29 Children's T. Sirtis, la plain or patterned, size 6; ta12 years, priced ---75c. to 81.50 Men's T. Shirts, stripe or Plain, priced -. $1 50 te 19 FANCY AYLMER PEAS 20 oz tin. 20e.D 2 tins8 Cable Stitch or Plahii, col- Ors Yellow, Gi'eei, Dhie, Beige........7.50 tu K9OO and sizes -- - $95 te$5.0D. bress Len-igths, la heautiful Sport Shirts, la ail shades Patterns, .4 yard lnts priced front... $6.00 te.$89 AwnIing, 30 iniches wU!o, col- ors Green andi 0rang- priced per yard------1.45 Eyelet Embroidlery, coilors of Pink, Green, White, pri- cüd per yard ---------- Girls' and Wfomnen's Jeanis, sizes 8 t( 2('p...$2.75 - $2.95~ l Ien's 'Prinit ~ rduio S tssizes 14 te 0~'$3 75 Naturlie's Rest, Choice TontaPto Juice, -18-0z. tin.. ý...... 21c'. MaceWhip, Large ...... 72c. MNedium ........ ý. .....4,5lc. Smal................ 28c. Baxter Pork & Beans, 2 20-oz. tins'..........25c. Neilson Chocolate Bars, 6 foPr......... ý... ...25. flutch Set Onions, lb ...... 21c, Ried Rose Orange Pekoe Tea, Pure Maple Syru», a1 ... $3.95 S Mledium Cheesel, lb ... .... 49c. ~FRUITS AND VEGETABLÂES New Cabbage, lb........ e. New Potatoes, 3 lbs ....... 25c. New Carrots, 2 lh....... 13e. Spaiiish Oni<rns, 2 lb......25. Phone 12 r 1 WH" STORE At viw 1

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