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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1950, p. 8

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cial- iDay Ony SATURDAY, -MAY 2th- - SPECIAL - On...$9 ,95S d s-d Ra~te........1.5up ~hL T pRangetes, oZa$29e9 Rduets n o atne Our Villag Fat1erî,cave, ýannd I andpani And onIce ,a we 'oebreak ofday Someone-wl uti aeitaay The uesions -YOUneed a,ïcn Yon canulot use ado a n, Soif you cone ito our store YOU'll find thatwe È %e canis galore. WVe have thercv oru we have them tail, They stanid upsragi - theyi do not fali; S,-o leave your orders at the store And we'Ill ivrthemi right 'fi)you,ýr door. Coleman & Philp %Electric Phon0le 89 r 1 OROINO and SAT. MY 8li9th, 2Oth BAR Ry ,,MLO N CARTOON IN COLOR Tues., Wed., Th r~T~r~¶~ ~TT'-4 -M1AY 2th to 25thi If) p.ln 6.30 pm THE REST 0F THE JOLSON STORY ON 3141 SAMZ PROGR.Am IWOVIETONE NEWVS starring - il.<"~ m ma LARRY F IiIUWS BARBAR- A LE Wlilli m Ldwig BlI Myoni' Tmara Demarest - Donath -'Goodwin 1Mccorick -.Shavnl . SHORT SHORTS ONS SPORT AD TRIS Àf R! ALLFUNI [TE SHOW -Door's open 11.45 p.m. )raw fýor Cashý and Otber Pîe %ou1d Not Rang" ORGNO WEI KIRBY~ Attention XALINE ",Foi.'Itle PîIIEVENTION am Treatment of Coc-cidiosis in C"hicken,.s and STurkeyýs. Tisdeaes ousflr"epoasible for' the 1loss ofabu 105 1of MilcHics hatcd. i-Oxaline i a iqid andis add othe drnkiDngwater. 1t Jis safe '.'and efectuve i41iK use. 4ounce bott1e for ..................$,5 - Iounce AHttle for ................ .......$3 5 32 unc botl~for............60 M.Roy7 Bryýson Spýenjt tj'eweek- vlitorro iie ihM.adMs M!. ad 3Mi1s. md anf ~rs. Ja1.1Wannan Ma ad Mî, R.rd o Su t, ey Mr d'fei1s'raad ad ercul buti SarfMis Eînesd Liuna atd famYy i, Bowmaaille, ySpeo nst nA ofith Ms erq e d eidon Mrhe adofcs.moîý.Ax W aikrl3w en'I an MasJ l LowîyMrs Piat"terofaid rs Imli Waaan a tendead Moter'ha saîie in Ken- oo f Mad Vr. Wnnn sstenti of Hithtthe musi, othr'sDýa7y ServicemiSik'v A r atene as ouethto obfrveMr. hes Dy.thnergua MoYather ay rograme s fol-th oftte cas, ltssens.Msedrn jrs.A. f .thehrch sI was te Chth daughter . aT is. Ls asr- ence H-arris; Bavrbara line, Thej11 daue gbtrof. anMs.Crec dmel, -01erp of MJr. ad Mi.Kenh w,ýon ndyeetn g.dv -a r, ýe Mboutstf the me *i ths sec-f i o have ý temW.eAed teir sîing si ng. T e lii- mý(, p ii- o Rbaitames, on bof r. and Mrs. t te lMoi tei' D'Srice on undn371e. Twaelenvýisit or in Sid. Hll- wevll 's. ý1 Sç e Vea rocei.ttned th fueraleM1.Jams i to)1ne onSun Mis. . . Pina hus a, goos01 Monchrell9blieesinprv2in Chistmas i 1;é, T.hîsa gouse basd int Satchetielven gr otigcero elevene1 gs ARpeal vnn a pn hEfomer of the. and o MIs Silo- abou thire-fvei me ,itble oform o asocall for the oW. A. reg cuff eet $4g.000e ladies maeklaSfree n cazose andsleofpinho1me-cigt enteld a te htwrch en Thea Welevîle Yong Pnepe-wl wil reosn lathe play igtanis one enîoardd la ag g Keyluc hog. asy to use. Fast ,, nd ef- fcvein action. 1 Pound tin .$1,37 .... $6.0O C. B. TYRRELL- Drugs PHONE 68 :: :: ORONO, Ont, Log Cabin Chocollates, another shipment just received Of these dleliclous Chocolates, 1 Vatrie-ties tlo c-hoose from, liard or, soft cen- tres, per lb....... ,.. . ........... .... 50-c. Tumiblers, Square Base, clear, 2 for......15C. Chuildrien-'s e, Rake andi Shovel, set for....5c- Nylon Hose, Ladies, 42 gauge, Lady Beth, regu- lar. $1.19, for........ ...$10 Ankie Socksý, Ladies,Rao Plaited over Co- ton, Plain White and Colors, pair ... ...... .25c, Men's Athietie Shirts and ;Shorts, pair . . .._..,. 59e. Ladlies' Plastic Tea Aprons, assorted colors ... 39c. Ladies' Crepe Pyjamas, Short Sleeves, colors of Pink or Blue, pair...........$2.491 Garden Tooîs, Trowels, Wý,eeders am Forks, eaeh ................ .....e Mirrors, Wood Frame, size 10L x 14 in., each . 79c. English Toffees, wrýa,-pped, asiorted fiavorls, 1-4 lb. If or....... ............1e GRQ ERY ETURES Orange Juice, gian\,48-oz. A........ . Fruit Salad, 1-o ist Aylmr Ptte erriesý, 15-oz. tins....... Aylmnel Blue Bernîes, 15-oz. tins.. ISpcal-SirifsSeville Orange Marmalade, large 24-oz. botties.. Individual TeLa Bags, Gold M/edal, Campbells's Pork S& Bean's,-15-oz. tins, 29e. 2 for - ...... . . . . Faîl wvIeat in Durhlam C ("ouknty tonk"serypIroising withn the ecp ,ion, of nafew l ow, spots, nccording to a r'eport from t-ha OnItaîjioDer- men of Agýriculture. Mn farmners are akpial abou.t the olIdmaos the mjoîity of which show cnsd- able raaviaýg of ailfadLf.J K EN D AL Mi nnd Mrs. Herb. ReynioIdsan Peter s. pent Sunlday with bIi's pa- ents, Mr-, antI Mis. H. R. Reynolds, Tor-ont. Mrs. M. Soper aind Mis. S, Patton visýited Mr. and Mrs. Keinefl Soper IUh. Re beit Alaxander spent the wee-enPid ,withi Mr. andi Mrs. Blake AIlexander. Mr. Robert HuÀlditcih, offI »oman-! v-iPL, ard Leona-nrd of Oittawa, withr their parents, M. n nd Mis. Tomn Hil- ditcih. 1Frienda laiiidnlwi!4h ail happii- naafor, the ffuture to Mr. and Mis. Ted Coathîam (nea Grace Mercer) Who werle marrieti at the parsoniage, O)rono, on Wednesday, May lOt-h. We ish M. anid Mrs. Charles Cnmpbiell(nea Juanita Bre-who were recently nrîied, every habppi-2 neaý s. Thse M'ay mýeeting of the Wowen'b Listitute w7as held in the Sunday Schoo)l rooni on "Wedinesday. eveninig,11 May Itt. The Co-operaýýtive Pro- gramme la Homie Economies w SI studied and a subject elsosen tob taken to thle District Convetion,- Most of the ,time ws paýE n la ma- ing airrangemencýits for this (onivýen-_ tion. Tersmnswe servedl. The Molhbers'Day serv i ce s medCI to be nmuch en]joy-ed on Sundny m.noîn-1 ing. The ladies' choir rendered tiel anthem "M Mthers Payr,'n Mrs. Wm. Wnanandi Mis. Hrwi Irowerv,, kindly fa ourecd with a due(t.1 Th FIv . A. Bunt thake -ha laisfrt-heui assistanice on t-is oc- oaonai for tlie splendid mannari Whbich tbe antheso md duat were rani dermed. Mss etty Hlow conductedi t-aMthe rs'Day'Foim of serviceý amd. ga]ve jihe story vof Timothy, antil also cama la ýfor- her liarP of aIppîe- iat-ion. On listeninýg t-o the "VoicaO o)f t-ha People" n -ft-eî the service, 14, sfeemed Ïo indicate tbait a choi.r of this kinti \\ould lhelp intli e morlngul service ev-ery wek. Aj ovlysfower ni d.Lanice wns heid 4t Cam.ipbelir-ï'ft Hall on Friday lasýt- for thbe bride and&groom to, be, Missý DoreenBrtw of Cnmipbell'- croift- and Mr. Wmi. (Bih1) Low of Toronto. _As ain infant, BliIl lived wibis pareits, Mr. and Mrsý. 1David Low ivJr and gr-nnidpnrenuts, Mr. anti Mrs. Daid Low Si., on tha faiam wihis now ,occupied by Bil's uncýle naad anMr. andti Mis. Art Low. SALE REGISTER Am-ion sl of B'anýd Newv Faimn Maciney, sad Tract-ors, Cars, et-c., tbe propa'rt oaf PB. F. E"iliott and Sonls. 21 iles eaust of Osbawa aard 10 ~ ~ (ý rilsws Por't Hope on No. 2 Hghwyon Sit-urday, May 204oh. Sale to cmeneat 12S 30,p.m. (DST). Ternis on imaciaer.y, Cash; on t-iutts and caeýrs, bailf down, bal- ance on fina4nce. Jack Raid. ,£Auction- 1 have racaivad iitnictions from the execuTtois of the, Estata of the late Jane Rickard, t-o salli by Public auction at ber lata irasîidanca, II Stirt', _New ,caý 1st-p, 1at i P.m'-. on sat- uidy, ay 3th bar hosaol 1 a- fet.Tarms Cashi. No Rsre J.ack Raid, Auctionieer. SPECIAL I Heàvy Wax, Paper, 100 ft. long, 12, iches wide, per roll....... ..... .3e Agent flor Jackman Flowers 27c. 28. 09e % Ri ALL HOfRE i YW i h- e-ie t0PRTT T pur garments from M14J Damage DEE - T E E u ~ -1 in for . ............ Bags...3c 49e, 98c, 1i r. guarà.ntee toz 83c Berlou Moth Spray, 5 Larvx Mth Poofng year wýritten uaan Luid ..... 83e, 125 L tee, 16 oz ...... $12 Speeial - Colgate Beauty Soap, cake... ...9c. 2 cakes for.............. 10e. Quak~er Corn Flakes, with free tube 12 fr.27C. Borden's Chateau Creamn Cheese, ½/-lb. pkg.0... 25e. uRONO 5c. TO $1.00O STORE YOUR PPIRSHOPPING -y'CENTRE IOrder Our Best-Quality Feed To4day We have c-omfflete 1lunes of diastoQni, IlurÎna, Master and Co-op. Feeds. The nAtiofl's Top Quality Feeds. "FgÉSIIl" ASKý YOUR GBO ABOUT THIEM We are as close as yuyPhone 37 r 1, Colleet JOINY CO IVENOW Youir"Co-op. provides- the l place ýee you, the farmer, can buay at C05.T. This is foeý'r which Ontaino farmers established their Co0-op)s. . and w R patron shares in tw, aownership and operation of their C-o-ojIG, beyond the i'ost o rf ope(ration, belong to youi. Yo C-op is the only business etrrs where you, as an owner, hia',nve n eu vote. . regardless oýf how much youia 1vest in yourCopPaoiz your OWýN bsns your Co-operative. it's go od binet ..- becauSe it's YOUR bulsi- nes-s. Cornei and see us niow, DON'T WVAIT. $5.001 membershipý en- titles you f0 shtare i ipurchasinýg dividends. 5.Q,$000 $5.0,$200.04 etc., to draw 3% per annum. Durham FarmerS Gounty Co-op~

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