EE TE Vol. 14 No. 18 ORONO. OINT., TH U SDAY, MAY 25th, [950 Subscription .50 pec Year Orono To Stage A Don nybrook Fair The Parsonage Coýmmit ee cf the Wom 's ssoiatofo Paýrk St. Chrhare undertnking a t m -en- rdous pr-oje-,ct in holding a Î )nt ~brûak Fair on Saturday, June 24th. lu. titis undertaking they a"e asikin.g for the eoý-oiPeration Of e'very miem- ibel- and adlerent o! the circuit ffOreno, Ki.rby and Leskard ). 'Die procecds o! the sale to ibe for repairs teo the parsonage anod the Building We- are asking for one or more eýaleaIble articles irorii our homnes or farnms niih we eaui spare. nnd wbeni afl is nmassed toge_,ther should re:alize aà grand total. Mr Jack Reid bais agreed ite do- osmte bis services. The W. A. and tructees of the chureh are gi-ving theair aid, and f urther organizhsg i tobe done at once. -A canvass wl'be muade the -week !Jimie 5th, and we ask you to miakýe a list of your donations which yon 'ean hnnd tej the canvasser. Below is aý list o! articles sugigesteýd, 'but give aut~gyou imay have. Furniture, edig lirens, pillows,anius 'earpets or Miats, pictures. live stock, poutsy, ianplements. "A Country Store" will lie stocked with om co-kim, eggs, canncd fruit, vege- ta eswellery, etc. Tnlk tis up wlvth ever-yne y7ou mrieet mnd let us ialke it a day to be remmbeedMore patictulariis each Bugitle Supplies Sent To in0nip eg Flood Area' rulbber boots, w,,ork soccs, r-ubize glve ad üther cquîpitmint -L Wn -'l' by Redl rs ranIchIes aloe OnaiRed Cros ofiii sid. Tfotal llealth Unit Cost In Durham $1.21 Per Capita~ 1lI the fourth auual report of the Norh'sn'erand- urham i Healthi Unit received by the Times office ls week, this 1-4-page boklet gave a suimmary of ;tbelarge work: iu pub- lic health unlit which ise new emlbraeed by titis oue agency. Covering che two large counties, the Unit operated lent year with a total expenditure of $7G,70Û.34 which, including a balance fromn the previonus year and incl1udng th e pro(vinceial gýrnt, wosks ont to a coent per capita ot $1.21. The area aldm-inistered covers1,5 square miles with a population o! 52,4aû0 Gra'ss Effective 'Crop Fer Soit Conservatien AMImcd at stressing the importance o!f grass as an efciecrcp in soil con1serva1tion, several "Gsassiand Dnys" have been i-ïranged by the Crops Branch, OtnoDepartmient o!) Agriculture. Practical demonstrations o! latent mc,(thods and mlachines-y for the har- v:esting of grasslnnd crops, ýw-Utb m- phasis on quality conibîneýd with low cost, are to, 1,efeatur-es o! al such events, a spokesmlan for the Corps Bixanch Snyzs. Duinig th-e past three years "Gsssln'dDaysý" have proved ex- tnereiypoplar OxordCo6unty lu- tsoýduced them lu1947 mnd ithis yens is saiga "rsln Silage Day". Rxvii takeplaceon the am o G redo otoecy iha 1, at ýtheedeo! the City o! Woodý- stoc onJune 7th In RatesuOntarïo. a Gnssland Dayv vilI beqe0idon the !arm o! G. E. heher. earKigstnon Wed- nedyJune2th Bn h hve been oniking t top, ThIIe frtGasadDay for Nos- pedto collect 'illme mach neded thern ntarlo is dnned for June stems through local apipcaus The I oth at tbeDeostato Fan,' articles are bing sbipp'ed by an- con- pNew liskeard, tinually, phenever there is cUa space, and nushed for distribution to, h ign eisl and coun- 'Red Cross relief haqnbesin e ncnta n wsenOntario Wi.nnipegn Ill stage Gasan Yyon tbe farin Thme iso!UL.cBrucemtMableifbachereunder the Thee i sillauurgntnee fr1aspceso!t'e Ontario Cnorp lmn- thise itEmsoffcais report Persons - rmn Associaýtion o! wbich ho who can donate wraders, work gloves,1 is residenit. Mnv Mahienbacher's rubbei-ized glovos, thermos botties, frmis loctednon Cayuga and tbc fiabligs, flnshiglt batteries os- event will take pince on Wednesday, ubaare asked to deilver these as- JuMy lM. Facilities o! Haldimand tcles te tleir loal Rd Cross Branà, Yout Centre wiil bo available for at once. this event. Po ~Ta e .Uruguay An Ail-dy pogram is pianned for achoset. oonlunches-aud maswill be scrved oniithe grounds. Speaking rograns Itke place xviii bleation. Contributions To Bildiego Fund For Park St. Church, Lo --al --. ----. -----. -----.-. M.W. H. Adams, Tor- onito.................---- ------ Mr. Çlarence Woodiley, Tv- --- ----.... . ..----- ýMiss Etlyn- Rowe, Osthawa Mi s s A1,11eda Couel, New- caIstie................ - ------ AFriend, Newcastle.----_ iOshawa Presibytery Wo- m nan's Association ._---- 1Coiborrne Masonie Lodg,-O 1 A .F . & A .M . - . . . - . . - - - _. - - - jMars, A E. PowIlers Mîlton, la meroryof lLhos. H. P---- ............... !Mrs. Arvella Bryson and Miïs Pearl Moorow, Hame- 1Miss Katlleen Ard, Bow- manv .....e . ........... 45.00 5.00 10.0i0 20.00 10 0O 5.OiO 50.00 36.25 lOO.OQ 15.00 5.00 $15,174.60 Omitted Promn Previous List Miss Adele Morton, Tor- .Mr. Dick Morton, Pont-,CoI- borne.... 10000 New Sidewalk Pregram Underwayln The Village Last -week the Orono Police Trus- tee's started thir new sidewvalIk pro- grain for, tis ear wben w-ork wvas satdon nawlk on theuosth sid o! Centre Street. This waljk bas nowII beulaid 'and l t cnesthe sidewaIlik' etenMs. Robrt Sferwin' ,s faid M-N.r Ton-Lwis Thiis week the formus have býecu laid for a newý sidewalk long the south side o!f ricfstreet., l westcnly direction Thi.s new pice( o! cntuto ythe illa-ge vwill face alongte pocr ofMNf. c- Gee' an Mn J. D. Bous It Ilas) npot&to coStyUCt n newý mil o thiee ast side o! C ýhuchI Ms. Wn. Watson, caretaker of bbc Towns ipHll at Orono. bas- been basy bbc pst coýuple o! weeks lu making flower bes on the soutb- and west sidesOite hall. The bcds are ýnow pla]ubntd with flowering plants, sud when bbc bibo'om develops ýshouid make a rnet « o oo. The sbrubs on the wegt side have also booen noatly trimmed wbicb bels in plncing tho hall in a pitur- esque setting. It just goost show that with a littie 'bine and patience, any place <an bo made loto n beauty In the ýbaement o! the hall the new kitchen lu the subiwesb cornor wa the scone o! acntivyhbbcfosepat o! tbc -week. The waeils o! the kictchen tJnuuayconinus t hoa sca.y1Aspecial demonstration o! iay-crelaserTed sud soon iwill reccive Uaialrt fo Cnaian c o etiicdsc'd pasture plos, weAedaying, irrga- theputtyeat. There is ne!partition caseor C - misnCerteo e on nerainsd eucabmionai on bb e ast end ol the titchen, which iv ~ hi >revforaou w10 00cbes te!exIbitsame a part e! each osent wyI give bue momnen catcring at ban- ai Ck; ft bou 12 O elteofThosein change anc stresSing the ou t1 asy cnss te sud fro fronbbc bbcKaahinan 4,00 cabs ! ar tt ide iiboveiconie at kthen. tbc Poiac vnties.. This l5 SpalO'te. noodpurhwases madl"ie las t ya octbvedt or a Grassiand POultryRag wh~ch woro do ; teaM'biptt u a nbbc far o! Wesley Mag -__ csgae drneticpoduction ! os- od, aovrunder the direction aces tacs hc4by red(ucinàg im onts ýio!fo Cry Cunty Crop Improvement 'oigcckwhciav tabe eta-oo. Purchiasos Wiii ho as o 1ai, stsed for the Bîuceý te e 'ned,,-,Iop 'iab-o profitable siade by tCe Offciai Seed DstU- Pesiiîunrd Weern Ontasi, on poditi>t î e!rg Maridrcet ith tie Seviclona Publictno asJl t. lner feedi coatsý. Blthe raiîge aiust lie fro !îo'ncontanuiormand suchl Orono Figure Skating Club Orgeanize For Comiing Season annuai-lmeet.;ing of!!bcOnn Fgr Skting2Club mas hed t the Oraznge 1ai. rThen e jusýt tnlde precatths siali u!tedal'a-ý-t tie diappo inbitoci e'xecutive. Fr tanaelythetresur r'srport ms very ucuragingevn afben auot Tie noflicens leted for-tHesao "- fon. Preùsident -Mss. Wmi Ar,- strong. 30c Fid ectt Saclutsy -Mss We.nGraha Treasî'er Mss.A.F. Mceie. A,[' Basnett. plut t eaoe Ms d s o teg saaundntl: ug ucuet iillasa N tul sithe -c1mop m-sî cm- fo sn a rane Fril1st hoe oci-tptd ta t eil1ali ad ciae o th pies arcs.e ocni au t twoive ps Man hacre ba proed e odbbc bemsied e p ly forage forpouthrangt egin gie roh eantyinatc ing ad if Iyrecoves andea nainces. Clarke Home Ani School Club Meeting The May mieeting of the Clarke lUnion Homile and School Club w,,asl hLeld ont Friday evening May .12th. Foilowing the business per-iod cou- ducted by the president, MNr. E. Rainey, the mieeting was turued over to Mvr McClure, the social convene, Mrsý Co)oke gave the devotionial read- ing, follow,,ed by prayer. A trio, con-ý s iig of Jane MeýClure and the twol Cooke children, sang "Birds are singing", and littie Lorraine Cooke sang a couple of so)los,-Mr. Camieron 'If Les;kard, and Mr. REaymon(-id Cbap- miau favoDure-d with' solos and duets and Mr. -Robenit Chater gave a couple of readirgs. Inspector- Carlton was the g-uest spe-aker and spoke on "The Newv Sdu~Booksaan'd School AMca". Lunidh was eerved and a social timue1 spent by ail. Threc Forest Fires In The Trent District Three forest fires occurred over the week-enid. The largest of these was located inutihe south east corner of Cardiff Township, in Hali'burton GOunýty-; it reached 50 acres before it ba brougbt unider control. Ano(therý. occurred in Lot 28, Concession 9, of Chaindos Township, ln Pcterborougli County; it reached. 15 acres before being brought uuder tonitrol. The third fire occurre-d in the ncorth West corner of Hindou TownýsiWp TIS! fise, was reported by -a Departm*ientb Aârcneaflt on patr-ol. It is luii an iso- lated area, ad al0houg-h final re- perts have yt to'-, subiiitted the -,irea burn)ed i S reported to be about tIihree vweeks, it is n iot uti;il a rine approaches niaQ .or proportions that it bDecomnes aý frrf-et -geoeal co)uernr, ýnd yeHt evey fre hatoccrsis poten-t'iallyl dangrous AilFoiest lProtection! personnel inM thle Trenit District, un- der hie Rager assdydetect amd suprerta reautrmany ftirssbefore, thy aclnaraof Imore than Da fe ce.This is don ' ie .. corse ofteday's wr.Nevertheless the high azad caterthat ,xists 0on ac-out Of thla te, (dry snn ol cause an epdmi !finesthog the thoughtlessneýss of ýtoo man1YI campens and fsemn people whol are seeking recrýeatîin offered 'by our natural resources o! Forest, Lake and Stream. Beef AnÈd Dairy Cati Club Organized By Jr. Farmers The organizabion o!, the x'aln Junior Farmers' Clubs 'is gradua under theý capable dli tioa o! Agnicuiunal represeutaL Ed. Suynmers. Assisted by :,Artý G. Benncett, thirdyensuatt Ontario AgricuitusalI College, lie sembNedbath theBc! Cal! lub the Dairy ýCal! Club rHeccn'biy The ýexeUutives for these ý,tw,ýo cl were elecbed a', tbe, com-lbîneýdmn ing. Daisy Cl lbofcr Presidentb, J. EreBvw;vc- Ron Brooks; an scrtayG Brown. Beef Caliubofcn Presi7dent, Sai'res: vic-' p Cliffor;d Bistow, andserear, Record boots manuels sud raies sud roguistions more di" uteri amono tic ambers E ireruber mili coud a mont}lv port on bis animais î-anaîking on eosb o! fecdirg aad gains ;n mci beigbh and girtb. ~r, Sumners I expiairîed the obli"'tions and r roi îected n ibli bei ig a r en be~ these clubs. The Dairy Ca f Club wilI hiclude Cordon T. Wilson, (lai-don HilI; Ken nebh Tiak, WaItr Tint, R. W. Biioak~ Rona-ld K.BckeOsaw BwaGad Braa a Browa, estlie Donabý Orono;oits Mlr, ot Chan Btl, ntn; FAllia Qu Hampon, ud GndsCralii mn avilIe ~lJerniil Talk On-ýAfrI'can Violets Draws Many To W. 1. Meeting Highway Death Toli Shows Drop ln April Deaih toîl freinOtario stireet and highw-NayaIcidlenits during AP.,il total :35 victimes compared ',iJbh 66 in April, 1949, and igair(st in 1ü-ye.r vermge o! 43 for April. For thse first timne this yenn, there wvere fewer children as; wcll as fewer aduits amiong thel accidenit victims comp,,,ared vith a yeai, ago.1. Of th ise ethcildsen who itost theis 1lîves, four weou foot, crosýsing or fflaying ii tIhe str-eet,; two feil eut of vehieles; one ou a bicycle coll-ided witih a truck; one was 'a, pa-sseng er iin a,, (ar bit head.-on. by an oncomning cair in 'thle centre of the road on, a fiil]- top. Crusaders' forer drivinyg dianw P.eouraqgement iu the fact that April ta lhe fourth succesýsive monilh to have a lower trafficKtoltha the cor- sepu in onths o!19419. But bhe mnore dangesous ýtime for accidents rnmains ahead iu sumner months whidh Point to, a record traffle situa- YVotorists a re ugred to check 'brakeSs, lgtsteering-, tires'I-aid wiundshield -wipers ýte assure saý--fest possible cndtoo!veices. "'Check your dIriving, too", officiais sa.y. "The nma oriy !iccidents hapl- ipe u under oo ê r oa) d an d eiLber conditions with aqpparenIt su! ecas laigonly the hummn fa-ctor to good motoimnunens eau do mulcli Ïo reduce the dcadeth'aud ijuytol oni street's aind highwayi,,s. Careless- driving menais acdnt-aemenus safety" T-hýe, emstr-uct.ion of bthe Gon-d Stor- age Plant at Nwateis rapidIly go- ing ahea7bwic~h wheni ompeted, will be stuated nt the C.P R.,ato at Newcastle. Mrs WV.fH. Cooke 1-,ad the unique dIistinctioýn of turingi the finst sod fdr t 1he building. The e-1 cavation work is lieiîng dn by thle Martello Bros., ,0ile the ctalcon-i struction will be" 4one by the- Dickie' Co-nstruction Go. Abot sevcnty-five ladies atteuded the Orono Women's Institute- meet- ing on Frid-ay afterulilooný , Mny ilithi wheu Mrs. Copeland, the Afrieen Violet exýpert from Port Credit, was, preseut Uo t'alk ýto the ladies..ý Mrs 0. W. Rolph, president fort thene teliro, opcned tle meeting and Mrs. V. Robinsout, seerebary.. treasurer, rcad the minutes a.nd cor- respondîeuce. Mrs. Ed. Dean, conve- or for this mieetinog, then took charge, _Mrs. M. H' Staples played a piaueo solo, "Lotidonderry Aîr". Thiis ua cal number ýwas appreciated by aIl the ladies. Mrs. Ed. Millson was ic-all'ed on to give 'a report gon the W.ý Iconference held ini Guelph, whîc~h she attended as delegeate from the Orono Women's Institute Mrs. Mils'on-'s report -was reai l it'eresting. as she selated the toDies of the lif- 'ferentt speakers., 'also the inspiring mieý"ssages given by MsvIs. Sayer, ThitCl?- nationial Preient 'o!theA'scad Ooanty Women of the Worid, as guest Speaker fo(.r the coccasion. ~Mrs. Dean irtroducefi Mrs. Çoe. land of Port Credit, wh-o' speeializes in Af ricani Violets. Mrs. Cope1and ýxpIlaied te the ladies o easily violets eau ha grown in the home. Th-e tavorite violet of the houSewiIfe, she finds, is the dark bine, known ne) Blue Boy". These plants have to b>a treated with ca d atklpted to gen- eral boulLse, conditions Gas fumes or col as have a bad effect on vie- 1'js.Mrs. Co'pela-Ind aslso gave dif- Feent meit hof o! ttiug pes ts and bugs ou,- these plants. Thme soit used should be a nice miulchymite with a f ew lunrmps O'f charcoal to koeep their heailthy. PlaInt food Sihould 'b- ediliquid forni. Theý-y requise .lots o!lili,not too- bot -un, and water violts henthe to~p soU l eturring fnrat kee.pnthe-ni saakd, warth romtho ,tnp, ind su'p'poDrtiug the aeps. thle plant 'back and forthudrthie -wnter, At.tise cnlusion co! bhe meeting s ag ispky iayo!Ms.Copelands violets woire ofeed for sale. Taeee plat l-vr ad Oono wiil hEave some ire amp ds'o!violets ta seec Sunday Observance And Alcoholism Subjects 0f Addresses At W.C.T.U.- RalIy ous1 evcry-day in drink. As long as M1 111Y Ms W. R Lang oheDomnIionun 1ons ýIum"ptifon goos up soCmciid- rec- oard WMSwas the gucst Speak- sas gesup. Aehlbas its uses tive (I er - abhcuchon at NcwcastLIeleit- la.l a ainsd vrihs bus cd Chncu is. wen te 54bhanimal con- "Air-ouolputs to sleep the hunman bbc vetofo!Ontarie ud DurhainMCW ar ! h ban.Crittodus t as-C.TU as hcld rcnl. u o u'lie nt ingtat -of- MWs.Lang spoke on the "Sabbatb rason for col r bIindnesssuý'ad un- lub Dansd its Oiseprvnc" Ms.Lan- taie91ibiccaigh.n lsumiMe have suwmeeda a i st taý te m is ecn cet-' bck lW Toronto. have taken hri are~~~~~~ -fInI nlzd oe-stg !drupLtecss nd the tird ý)qýzdthe v efori ana jatiraiouacoo i nrcos-iý-. The 'rs., Sprs Unc ar! oes709 roe Ia avertised la n fcb a way raId i againws bbc-verdictThetiAt, m tueaieduced tedink. The- arhe 0 ajnt aefei w Iui in.erest muthv Wo Lire os.,,~ nr a Jwish mardwhic lii u~ îifkr- e briynson euh arts thobevitSbatbuntono!IeIwolst gydre ght -uiix~ iliios c o! Ashkît, "Thie Avknrgo! Mss. He",wa- presneHy eea .S.Ho'ag, Oshaîvatek hageo daaide Arhlaser. Ms. W.r hLang lave an eadress ou Whab Mnc-odcî-nl Science Has - To Sy CoacernngAvI- William AFisea; Pi-esident, Clayten Le'-' Vice-Pc cuident, I H. Muldîcix; Record~ng Se Mcc. H. W Quantrili; Cors esi S'-creba~ Mrs E. A. Henley: ucer, M H. G. WiiIes; LD. i-obus', Mss -Chance Laagfieb Ros. R. E. Menton insballed ti ficers. Mss. Pbihip o! Nevvcasbl a sala "To Babylon". Mss H. G. Wîlles preseombci F.. A. Henbe'v with a Life l~ e s