Vol. 14 No 1 ORON, ON.. TURSDYà U NE lt1950 1Subscription $1,50 per GarbageCollection In The Vi'llage. Commnencing June 5 Q~praiv StI'~eLiite1d tiishies' tHe cosrcin of the( new Cold storage lan 1ext teý the C.PR.st- havýe anl' L p-týo -dat',e Planý1t -to keep 1 theicr friThe excvto for the ~$20D,0100 buildig les ready been coimletd b Matelo Bos.of Tor- te, anrreaatosar eigmde for the ayig ofF the coceefouni- dttuns. lhe euie Uld, m1ot forty feut f'ri the( stton, ma!s sold to the Co- cperaýtive for $1) 00. $45,00f lias e r1is4d hl the thirty-five sharehod erthe Domliniion Gov-ernmviemt is îiaking ( a gran .-f 11,000 ad A ban of $100JI)0. The C.P.R. wiliu build a shxi rt spuir fromi th-e m-ain imie to the-odi. patomof tesohue.Thel l-!- 'ter tiiibe vo ltrcs irhiglit, wihonegoudflo and( a flrst il-Ioor7. PrvsoIiil mde in tHie strengthi of the cosrcinfor two) addritionial storys hen ther need arises. of teifrut w u tll more cons i ant and greateriftey ondc- loral a 7d reary ars over a celars whre heybeco(ime sort ina compratvel shot tmeor in cold This -iddsý to trn raincosts, an-d ofelecs uatste dum-iping ut fit-. ThLe gr ('er is m1m or 1, ess20 ut the mercy cf the purchaser. Cold storage pce il.eae'the gro- ,r to hbld utfort faIir prices. $harehelders take in about tio (hrd if the appe growers in Dur ham~Cuuty,'wth mteestd fruit grows urcasig socka"Il tHie xvay \foiOrno ,,ii thec northà, andi Canri- tun on tHie enst y Mscie Grove on the 'west, srnlle sule rBt whn the Cunnvais- sighad bee i pltd isteadl of the oiped-for $2,. Hie total Wasi ~45,00. hîsaddiionl amunten- èurgdthe nrer tosubtni- '\.... jy inres (he sief tlhe proeC. L Tefruit wijb' 'k(pt at, aemer hoioedi ttti iIIte eue o chries ar teraai fratt "l s not knwnjuI ow l i pa o~f inii tie eas frsacinrwae for the( planItj 'the eli diller Fauer- & Soldr , o of peterborough, ment dowin 408; f ee IlroCgi 6 fet of sou and '! the pure Go feet, and tire sýolidwai pipetheres cfthe way doýwn. ges rom8 b 1 e, bu th bse F Mrs flormib 14 ft. limr Te ex 0-1 ca~tîo wa coopltedin ight day thrntgof thre ictir sHp cf ardsnn. Tire ronoPolic Trutees ftera numbeî' f yearsof diiusionad pleted bbc focesturycarrangemens te A sireuleiras liou .ndrama upq) by tire Trutees an on eryMonlday ce!lecron1mii liemade lu t1b-irat part cf tire t*oma lyýýin1g orh cfCnr made Iofrom Cefntr-e St tStation St. and sentir -ýof SainSt. onWdns Thismenure ias lenbrouighit iii- tage. Tire Orene olcTrstear lage(r in OrnoIo ass inl a s is asired b ipro videcou rod meta 'ceatainrs, lar o roglir(o irld tiroir ped la( i jpapor AlisoSeatecni- ors' a1re teLo se ýdfor. tire reval c1 f ire tasir of tiere roivi frm ie 1rueoieste tir oairpdm n-est cf Orono 1Tire cest cf ýt1ins udraigis to ho' paid by tire huuhle dtn cot 1)llle $1.,00 eery bnt-,o mnis Enir am il mii hobilled inogitir the ydr builsmncrare sont oeut evet oletis. ]t is tirougirCt iy tire Trusitees tint, sfcintto effetcireceof tire col- te ce-operat mt Mr Buttors. Near $400 Raised BY ono SerîïCviceClbI Norarhin"àia, La r g er lans For Doônybrook Faxr Population Th f rham jStuda, ae.24, Proceed annal coamîcsuroyshos trarfora, t1re I-«strict,Or01on,Kib hum is Ppcunat615913 Accrdrg IpnilaC tSrzyour teeuand opulticr, lre i Noitir ~ Onameba (0,orothermise, Notiubeiadcoumtiy, the sur-j Ooobgutua oit ave! voyý shw, ,a qLuare mlegof, lee ioi nudthe Ora 73,Duina 69 Iok at tire lasd iii lie in atrlic uc nnerof peope mro\ iveonrms,,il! be serred c sidwcspie,bo and irermle wýho live in towns and -ca Rtdog stas wl i -and vi gsis 'n bit itrsbntco. l' praii.Lo :smkopit a gm- Tho report shows tirat more people airy'ay i both cutislive in rural aîreas . Ls f rile se for: Fursij- 1 Fo isane,1,15cfDuiamsture, ledmlnnpillosatqe .a-pets or ats, jibrs iesok totalvý pputiolrein tn-sand putyinplmns" cry vilge (ndi ,99lireinrrl pr Tire piue in Nrhmirln ' il i tced mtr hm ccmnraivl iene, 495 IM Cookig, eggs, and rivege- in tomas, 19519 so uerm r inirosotblesjewelle, nyson- snitod ri Clark-DarlngtonSUnday Sehgol Anniversary i N June M4th Football Schednle - Foloinig is trescirodrul cf tire Ciar7e- - DrigrnFootballLn gue for 1950: 27 ZI n vs Mapbe Grove. Tyr!one ,vs 0rono. :'l solinlavsZion., 3 Hanptosvs in, So]lian vsCuri. 5 yoevsMpeGea 7 CouiicovsRa-pon 14 Tyona aPvs Sohi. vie CluL irldthioirdaico an il dram Z!ion vs< niiiln la it&ToashpMail nt orsau 1 ~7 Maphé Grovevs 'Ucuitce. Wepdnesdsy evoaing of last smeoi. Tyoevs Hnnrpte. Isrg trnutfior tir.e mi 4ecftire Ceurticevs ZSon. meoir. ey Forrster ad iris dirico 4Hmtnv-lniiila badsupplied t1ire musie. Near mid- MpeGeav oa iir igitt pizeýS mr daafer 6 Gurtcevs Tyrone. " itirly eue remnip i n.iing in Oro1 o, 28 Orono ovsZon sud Nen-castie. k.o MrePterbro îxatero ~ Shn sHrpor Jaci Stliab, Oono raio, iar 3 MPieGrave vs Zin ka Sce oino ]IO js plEnisRhin vs Curc. T> ,Oiaa;Eeti etl, OoovsTyoe Ira Faro-, emeste; rocris, Cotie v Or12 Mm. Donfod, Ptoro"o 100lli. 1Zampen s pitireve trie ~ ~ ~ ~~~~0 dok a uint srm;1 nn;vs Soa. fisbig ree, Davd Kemo,29rama. enuivkiiiens Ocu- Hacmn vurtice., 'rleay ee cnructdt nto ate ThmsColdstorage buding uili b tifirs+ cfits kind in Dra on ey.1 arwill aieap-plegrinth second largest w busines aon1 fr detpilfd Cartes n ir- Drive NwOnT0Wp ut Tubercuosl3is In Clarke TwÀp.l 'Tîychnez r lo? gogaie nace b treCimltms zaend W nd sruiielv irePrvnaDe Thensaur s cf l-ontamhientzede dew.Had they beau X -r'ayed in tire eny sta-igecf tire disease, miern 4iey w- wl n-v eln I and -výre un- trmiret ldhr oymesoed bioem bo irenîti,lam)lv sud k;ppineus. Will fyen gl a cbest-ray n of" m ý enuring tire aa i fnumc elush- 10r an 'sops iii hoain nýOg at for fo---aci mebe cftire famiiyh cards-are-te ireue i ud breuit Or--------Jun-e --S--- an lth ---------p-------- lne l3th 2 ourbiev Mp>zroe Haruptonvs ree 5Mpe Grove vsgOrono.e 5 Zion vsACcnrtice 9 Fuîsiilln vsHamton goiavsMpeGre bo irbd in tie Toma HAllAit1iun'cloci os~ ~~~fe Sunsy Ju_ lixfAchjo an d etp i t ,Ir prnsmI cor e d rrein the cleraio ,c on mestuie in bb hfe c ou ïWuldtz t'ireoir adaltr lse Ose aad a 'il n tire ce rrmua111ar NE WTOu-N VILLE1 iridypal zon and Mr, Cee. îg nom cars. iston mas irostees cf a number ef t'en- days -ISSueumithe Gma- Mm andMrsý. HryStnTor- onte, spen t4tremekea itirMissý Jonnie Tlrompsin Mm. aad r Emer Bandi su oail fOsam, peufthtien-ir emd iti irs moherandsister Min- cCo lined n page rive) Mrs.0. W. Rolph Re-Elected District-President 0f W. Un f thelretatne et ings c f tire D!istict Women1ui's1 InSt i- bribes in se 1ral yenrs as held on TuesayMay301, i KedalUnit - fity laie gtirered togeýtirer fer Mos. . W olpir, Oronlo, Distric't Preîdet. [4ewd ie ieetiaig. Mrj-, S. GrantiBommanvil, Secrftary- Treasure, rend ie inuote of tire liaIaarau f me ting, aisetr dfnn tidistict. Mrs. Tliickacn, Bon- oanill, rod tieauiFors' raepert. Ms O.W. Relphir, in i1r presi- denb' reprt, tod tirat sire d vuiited ah ibranchies of bbc Wc rneas IniUtiue hast yea"r -anld found tirm ai i a enlirycendîitioin, mitir n1 fe' ofkidesadsilfe- in e spoke cf our assecuiaticai Engliir Istitrtesand iow wotanene moelaii aving 'Mi';s Nobl, Ho e(. ooistmirose pro- jeo isJuiorGirs'Clubs and Lhon- ders ip. Tis jnir ork laSPIer pmpiorat, s 1eve 0]'gaizai' ubve n foundation Mrs. Ro-lpi rroedtint Sme irenour tire eier ýmoenini our-organization ard maire suurehr is a plaice fer tiremi on ourprgrm Slie ms;;glad te sec se0 mayladres, present. and left tb(re f suggesýtis te taie back te OUr iiistitutte imeetings; tbiat me -use bbc insalatin ervcefor, cur n(lýom ff- rw or;have tire viit cf our District redetprinted ou ourirerns sead a intire Feder-ationlfoc"s te Mrs. Graýnt mot itefitan J'nuar, ad stdycauniraalioks.Sire snidl eu Isiitt~stands c;for. etincation, culture, and soî'vico,ad xrse b-er tiaisto ail for thiroir o-oeera- tien and courtoy. Tire nddrec,ý f mocoe as î by- MisSoreKediad re'plied te by MIseCc"ke of apie CGro. Mrs. L C. Snde ave tfie re- por't, s ereoti o te tireFedý- erýation of Arclue icrsire bold' ibte ldies was a pý1asleljoigani- izatica itirtire Wcmen's i1stitute. 1-Mrs. C. Morn1es. of Oukville. fcakj 1e,SI idenit -mrs. OW lent ~ 'M - r. .m-l meron, esîl4et1on. Secetay-rcaure -Mrs S. Auditrs Ms.'RS. Dmawad Mrýs.hcisn Livestock Judging Competition1 By Jr. Farmers A Real Successi On Saitumday, Mn-y 271ir1 tireAn mual Duirm Cirty Judgý-ing "Conli- pobtion vn-as bl aI Orono mitlirforty- igboliys ardgils bkn at Every Tomnsliip mas rpr-esented inj the 'ay's pregriammo. 1Erdcasses cf hivstocir more! mlge o irle flemgfarms. Jer.- seysDr. . W. irer in; oisteinis, udý lgjin mares, Jas. T,Brna Siorier onsaudirierW F. Riciard i& Son!;Lcise srep sud somsRoy Bail Tiresecý,(lasses xrere ai i u- terootl, ,ýrirebysad ilsgvers Nosieon ndFranIcis Jese, Non-cas- Merr'll anam ' Tr'am e eigrt oysandtwogirstrJor-t aaoftire cov t1,)horurs is tira beajur"I :l Canadian Nai iona!i îi I Ex 1lilrii. tien1 Sii eld f lori thel,-Iliigino v ( i (udge, Ph is -was'mon1by La iner R1( lý ,osevear(, 1i T, rnWith thipe oxelienit scýocf il9 lubis firat cmeito.The standig cf the fla euanJMnirm as: 1làii Erl BrownG47. Snd PLrmer 101 4, Keith Wood 69 IKii A' 'c artil, Merili Bof, Hml to Br, oal ieie 'olChn culture - Mrs. N. Sodn Conenr ofgricuilture aud Cý, dianIndstris -Mn,.Allison, Co 4ne fCitizenshlip and i Conene cfCommu-nity Ativ. Snd Pulidealtions - s. Ws Davis, Borvnranville Convenor ollf oersEcýoomhc. Roslutons oenerb) - Mrs. Mis. Finowdlen amld pMrs. Stion f Mrs. C. Moyntih1es, Oak)vi ll wh be te o ielsWof e's oystitte B for throe yers, spoke ontie fo onatfctohfeliesafdrt sdtuties ma pd t roach v) Mrs i-Flutce andurs, Huk te the Boar c the Ryl(' W Faîr, 1hic is quto an h.onour I Moys eporltod o.Isitutosml cfm te uodsrict PYarewopri< n the Tem ir Hstory "L, ~ tae cfetleuWcoue,'. a~ yongrldre",oand si r ew ours tire W.I eb erste ieoW.a te"etedin he i or. i~ do ~ ~ t thahstmeen" ai somdcaroful and ilougl) panngl-7Tir laktokInstitu won firýst prize nnldmeerse Mrýs. Rip'nir intrreduIce'd 1 Dr. broimeýr is a vrydynan' or am iron3t tire ladies rea ofîtire Dr'mHatrU-nit, in bep)nidt l lebai teld oýf' trefcurng ef th unit la14)4leTire1mdiicl j comntv.Sonie 8,000 c-i i u tire md assM X-rae'guve eta on(--i-!-ir date MissNobl, Rene ~cao West ~ubam D'srit -i tîmior' mi. - Diq Tr' ce 1 1, d teenter', l i'nouce.yi re, 1'erg sonIl ...2( 'ý Ue L y, 1Jle dU- ') L 1tit Di', aksn- 3- noCrlFneCliffordBrs e 1iLýh1 fiulk toB he.ki . Maxidues cett Donld hselV NB.ia crfo: i M,G.HtiyF citae" eiJcmnmcCore, o afordAi ' eriibe vmrtirg et i Ween's 800 k"-icltuma Roprsentaive oVe tienusTomobo. sonrexviat in auarlDsregfrour rovai 5ë bs us1 '-r roi VictoriPna Cety; - fo Boter or ire prizeiake may lie a ttal c r700ms hnoir man luli A e 1, Nr1r ,ran;Roir eceiveoonoainpie.gibie for- tic otirer esalier prize lmney!tive Dnnillranr Clcumtyý y l %krhcimalSbalsutd vas foltcm:E. A. Summers, AgricultuiaHp'- 1 The 10 best aneswmii hopro- 1M, Nel MfftG64, 2dRalpir Tolar rsniaiv ire is un -,charge cf tire 12- sentedite Go'den Wedin'g Anuiver- mer 632. , Glenn La rnmer fC)fG, dtil. 1ce-rrpelticu, mas gra lffiad w .ithe tire 1 saryicnipes a aspecial evening O ille HîudrranUS.08,5%h Rchard flue irterest she'wn by tire con os-t- de' cereman af'erte jud-giug. De-adi. Va-nCamip 59,5. )tAlian J. Wnyan H e sanse ve-y gratefu ferW lino, ifor t-.ire negistraticu cof enties 57G. tir e o-oertn r"eeied b~y tire en-- w is ugai lth -Tire Juior Section cf tire Comipe-. ens cf tire live stock Kii bEcs G Hamulti adqnaî'terc. prcsc ire program. TI cided b I-ire a strict Sn-r-vico ai aient, "Coieni- ia u"sn miii tair- î p becrib cm. An incitation ura role Gi-ove Inrîfi strict Convontier epic Grove 'Dire oidest Tact oding tire meetiri Nemimnville, r'. i nag. Sic n-ns a ~s giv"o a ireari ruse. Mes. Hold n persea sud st ~esiI la Instituta titut ClO ORO