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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1950, p. 3

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Other Women Found Theie Hints Useful1 'boescacs ummr eaoîs, sve syýîniy etpotitio rsintovent. theC y o Po ing auti,, l ohe F ios- rsotin plntssetito 1lthe ir lces Wrejo hecinaiii lcolr ti g:ves cor C itome. l1 ý1î1 i i itii tPe piiot lht us t ligoven ruetstyP, i nt Pe os ru ,,ý lito ris anitepot kccpsn li js1'Pcril 1tCpeafue e te colt. 1ý y\ 11,ý1iest svcather. isIýWl-crackersor poato chipsPecom iim , put thens t i itise venohernit ani tPe îsext day pouceof paeraniap aofsitis 1owen P iluaugCionlygtPe pniotig. Poot hïrw-,ayaittte doleli Po tier eft oe putfing i utPe l .whlten abut o ins. ariug ys tt) ietis reuesllltsgnThi 1itca ha! I save exta l cosex du"(t!p s'-f t large-porkt canig ot of placeo neingrepsýair, L'u finto fisc rhihani poket 1,l,'e tbrl asylae put into tP -loiett i pekt o uptying svh)e I mispiaceti itemsarchiretoio theiir pfrp1er plaes svheu i. rcaeh thnl lrig acleuniisg.l To t a e l cke vit(1lsout havinOg ti crmle, use a ii threa rthet-,gli tcaîy Pt ci oi isantis. cae n rot.tedyssokwt Pistýhro ner lcuircul f sis anti oeý ti is etr iin ohîn witb e osewain machine t Make a haîsdy barber -p ,ol on tane or setibraorbmades P lleîun eiin lcîense Ftie utikea Éwtb rtiant icitecni srp P, nýt ait wineuevcui arga enog waor Plandsfosp àIhvrngi. K paer o'fr plastýieiPaga, wlets, yont Store khentwill pro-d et fom gatheig ildua cutt. "a ýC litise sik wscr neti i Cl. thankaý 't10heti au oa metal baskeit b abot1)inIse 1uart, Eju.1, be0io zLcroý)ietinri. Then, hulditr ï hrongh ther e s anti inerfi to Twrqns Vie For "ue"Tte ue~ I',reiî'l' fL~ junior Cleefaucecilatog (eil]n ('in7t 1 enof ther tadtioalMay Fete. BothEien ftadDoiSexe, 20 yeaýr-oid 1,dentical twi ls wce. anddats(fr tehnr the jcgn arw down to this rareý pair, tue que(tîon sens to be(, "MÂchihwxinsoinletvw i llix B3 Rev. R. B., areB A, B.D. Mabakkuk Teaches' Trust In Goti 1aaPk1:1-4, 12, 13; 2:1-4; Golden Tet:- Yet i wfll ejoirýe iis ise Lord' ,wxiii joy in 0tse God of iy salvatioî.-HabaPkuk 3:18. TeChaldeaiskiîsgtom, Pai Pc- coitse the douiîatiîsg poWer iii tPe world xvlin Mabakknk uttemeti lis proplsecy. Me was perpieseti. Wlsy sva s here 5 ss ucis injustice i n the svomid? WPy w'cre the xsicked per- mitteti to catchî the ,righteous îrq fiseir net' ands tirlum isn? WPy ditilît Goti do soîneitlsiîsg about itl? Maîsy of us ]lave usk:etli te saine question. Goti eniargedtihficvisions of Ha- býakkuk. He suw tuat "TPe juil shah lire Py taith," sai-d Goti will eaî " ise uris shiallbe ihietiw t the kîwideof dt, glory of tPIe Lodaste saes v tPee." upoîs ijtPie wieked. Wo ta imtlthuf -wýoc untio lbit that giveth, is isigisbor drinik, that pultest thy bottie f0 iti, anti makesi hini dî,mnuku astiaithon mayf lookc on. theuir nktnes"Goti wii per- taii it no cii shicislie dais wiseiy previi. PBut inauis free 10 choose whcýthieç r o ofPclie ii obey Goti. Hlabakku'ik suy sonsetiiug (5f tPe gr-atuess et Goti. "iHis glomy cor- ere 1ti tPe heaveuis, anti the cartit xas fii of Mis pirise" He xas then conýteniLt f live by'faith in the ser- vice of sncb a Gýreut One. No mal- ter isow teurful are the cicnsfauces Pce wili rjoice. Let tise faith ex- presseti in Pis conclusion lie ours, toc. "Alflough tPe fig tree shl not bi >ossomnsusiler sisail fruit Pc in the vines; the labour of the olive shail fail, andsth ie fieltis shahl yielti io meut; tPe flock sisal1 Pc rut off frontthe 1 foý it(it îere shah Pbcriso ýIterd 1itn tPe sai: e viii rejoide in tPie ILordl, 1Iwil joy in tise Goti o1- uy savatîom.' Scots To Raise Reindeer For Meat It is iiîtrsting f0 icaîn thut a pplt is unider coîssiteration by fise Dcparfment of Agriculture is Scot- laîsdt f0introduce reiîsdeer juto tise Highslandis. Reindeer meut is saiti to Prcnmore tender, less dry tuiai culison. TPe plin ias Pýreis put torward byv M. Mikel UJti, owuem of large Pedsisi ofs Sweden. Mm. Utsi isufunti that crottera ihont Pc Ilia approacheti weleoîne lus plais. Fis meriady f0 provide ain initial Perid ,lt 25 artiinsals. He %,otnl puy for theuir traýnsport ai io (ok at-ter thits Pî '11ssselas i old train c:rtt- crs fc0 do tPe ediîîiIg turinig a trial peii. Anti lPc wold pa te rul Tiel'lfiseut(ofAgricu1lture( for ctiantii cuidrugtepos-1 si'iliity Cota trial lPerd on eueof tPeý isint of ts Cottishcosf ThIere. thle assuascii Pc studicti ut lose rng, sîi the liliboot of dise nsesigfeiBt tisere Pas becîsis o iseuse amiiong the s ast S:caniuaviun lPerds for over fifty WsutPe 'riai PerdhPus nuder- gon1e sncb a ,ýperïiodi of quarantine, tPle deprfmlent might Consider the futte ossib)ility of etablisbing a Pr insonie rem)ote part of the iiis ud vbr tr w oul1 Pc no iertere" ;nce wîtb tPe unSaitna t rusie drcs aep r yen ret oitirertfo tuiýs li ay vet rindrc vloid e ael ou lyiheus (, xvb'cbfar lto Pc fon.Uti ao thesthicrail-s.v, Mr. ' a bîrovelt rti wbttePriitnrI tcs othe arcsIwicb Pc ias s si;et esll ipcrlyi arracts ot S,ý!i3ý\uis TheiantialCainom. dea ,i Cs piset ont tht reideerfoi lorng in itr 1i tpeetsaut udouinedly teewoîdP f0 thely othreakc r ner skînso ef uaii-fr wtise t1u ý Ltar- trc ofgles ani bnPg--wr forot t )vlrm hAluPPî po rets of filenoping of Perligilds og înoail impored troSciS ciania TPe nima ýi1eau inain a speedar if ue or 10 mies ait Poror a() long lmaura u easii, tirw AiTevieyf pa rfa desi nma i usetif uthesout was 3. k_, frnte prliy, theiporeof $eiutee juoreatelBritaint svi a re aytar cand twaf tpca deastrcin cf ese tohe stast fraitrsuualyp Te dreisnerfrom bcng stili as ra ncht iitt ind.Ae heina o Scoîlaîti das itcandnxia.y n Wnd ter Fruith Cocoandsus xviiiaY a laen art ini snppiyand catPe100,000 onsdisf vetabhoesilwhirch ita sion nei su takcsy titisyear. t gt ,csai lim te, pantajïtio ow'n ull si't rTPe pier fcra teitiried kruc te nut) rPsas rill-or tsai tsee war fgreo $0t AFortuaelycocosuts are ea t enoiiate sy 0o0ris. of iî tis ceosi o troiclis oli, cîciudiîsg,ý Tnfic rasnifor ise firaiine soîsoadffe fod tý o fn stetnt- retheyc drop of, ni îany us- ev itablrl intso;the ses. iii fibrousbnsks adcleatisert ins reudeF ruitheîs 1sau cticy, aîsd tPe t11ClsIfidea creus ary isntaeo The oran ucst h ,1es sp u i, s- fo tseais f aufoodllilmain ý-,c proucefou crps îsuTae il for soute cven o'tr i)years. e veve A thou astinam oouts give ca- ptexNvat o i 500albesofcpr, fovnt of Dtiteyfie igalot of ou ra jrPc obtiuti.This caris hind sti int teustatinactureof margaine, dits, anti attiefot, Tasty1 con- fhectior cti als P sslefont 1G. A Run For Your Moiney One c-ati grow vanaaig lot of ivegetables in even a iny",-plot of f ef b 20 with a tile plning anti oublecroppng, wli yield manymeal. IntPe erySmali veog(>ie gardoen one 1is svse to sfjuash, or u ese eesolicon- reutrate uo, bea, is, rarrot ,'beets, spinarbc ib , etc, oshya Piaît tozen stakettmaos niper- brjys a -hi I or two of cuicumber)fs tra-ncd over tPe hontirvfenceC. N oue- ofthese veetb lsirutake up n riih uooii. Baubeets and aros frisance, rau be gr(own pin sol otaaf anld 10 tetof amyotthem wil poduce nîau tiaisf0rtPeavra~efamlily. cVtPsoe fthe, %Lry :1a1ly thinigs doublerroppu cunbe practised. apt, ' t r1uftP aertig etc.. u ei s eu fuCaad here a gartiuis ncot psil EeI'SccifitP souîs vry hrv, xet tcl day andas i at as a pancaket, with a littl1 atec ansd plipning if eau be trueod intfo a-fair gartien. It 11ay- Pc)enecessary and profitable to 1have ittiediei suthat it will gt i:(! of surfa-fce xater quickly. lu mosc)i-ases a few open drains, o seey urr-ov Or two, wiiiPcsificet.Bohheavy xassy iproed)y diggiug our1p1low- îuig îIl anue at1li green miaterials PPea \cla-oercroCp ot atspea , e dorer, etç.Evena gond (lcropof xeedS wii lp i) f dug11,dr.'Al waste marter uPck( 'pea potis carrot tops, corm staLks, etc., should bu saved and doug il, or-piiet ilp just in a compost ýl iscap t(o rot aud theni spread o\er the garti. 'TPe rottcd vegetables re U1e dugin adds wat is tecbuicaiiy k1uosna hms puts some Podyint'o the 1soil il. wili holtiuosur etr Paths and D-Urivewaýys A wiildi11g path adds int'er-estf Pcabo ti t ccssary, Bult ilt shlould no Pe ctoo ovonandii onle Wauts a cuirve or two; thenl there shonld bPc sonse excuse for that curve, such as, a trce or grouip of shrubbcry. What tPe pathwvill Pc matie QF il dcpuld 1upon11 how ,tuch trafi-reant i wht rmaterýals are available. G;ocotifirm sod wil taise sonie vwar slud if dry wil! even carry a car. For- miore pejr- iiauleut resu.ts and heaier taffic, tlag stoncs, bicks, crusîsiet1icindlers or weii pack:ed galar-c il suit- obie. WlPere these art as, drive- xvays as wellati carry hcýavy traf- ie somie foundatioii ai aiag are advisabie. Coarse g-avel or intiers or crusheti stouie'iii(1 very well,. To kecp dowu w(ceds ini drive- ways there arc mauy gotiweed killcrs ou the markýct. To(>lay the dust rommon sali alfd olti car oil eau Pe useti andt1i îheyissve the additiotiad ads antages of b:iiingf tPe gravel or rinder aild dîscouraig- ngfrost. MiABLE TÀLKS Asimuy Àofcyou knio,ckge d1ry ixeýs for bicisqrufn nd caks-4atis to say ixesto, egýg need becde-rebcmn more pOpular everydaepcly So prap ou ýl ma îcitrs cld tok);- wa-tatth clÉture is doatn hr-ae dryixes of various linds. By using such ixsit is saitat food values alre greatl ncreas-ýed, lit fact, one n iotcd home)ecnnmSt, romp1lar-ing biscuiits md t the inxwith omedou acordngto standd recpefon teformier1 si per ent rceri peinanid* Btiepast3M0 Per cent. hieàinCal- cioni anid rbfaî-ohvr m portant0 tosal Se burt I'm givigyou the basic suggsn orisue T-,canl aiso be usùl cd o ea i tpi a ays. Basic Biscuit MiJ,_ý 8 Cuipaý sifted enriched flour 1 cup non-fat (sldmj,) dry mailk: ¼cup baking powder 3teaspoonis saIt 1 cup fat-aniy kind flot needing Method: Sif t dry ingèreientst- gehe hree- timnes. Cut or ruab in fat ,'iitorugi ixed. Lift-, i rcoghty into glassjars or Yi catis xvrtioutpakig Close tigh1tlyan Bliscuits (From ,Mix) Method: Ld to iicui of the above imix enogh Iid iik (ap- a soft dou1gb. nea, ct and hake M,.eat-Vege-table Twists (fromr Mix,) Method: Prepare enoigi biscuit baýtte(r for abu 2 bsut (use two cp no ix). Turn rut aon a 1ghtlyfore board and knead gctya haîf minlute. Roi! ot toa quairter-inctl inthiknes , Ctmi vidua bisuitsof 3x,4inhs Puit a alf-cup lmeat-veget(l fd!iing onr afo the bsut UtPom fter11ha1f, cut qatric strrips from cdgc of dOlogh oward filling,iusinig 1kuife or patry whvieel. ilo i hee trpsover meat imix- ture, twîstiing striýips a-cross meat Pinch Strp to cudge of m1at-Cored shee and bake at 37s, F. for 25 te 30 miinutes. Yield: Six sýervinlgs 0; two biscits eachl. For flinlg,ue groun cookd suat andcoke dium white sauc, T'le intîiffin miix, ofiicb-lcomeCs from theicsamesorc, podce Uminsthatmare osideaby supe- ior ini proteiin and (caciuin,mtths recipes. This ix may bc nsed, as w'eLi for v' tils and giddec akes. Basic Muffin Min, 6 cups sifted eirihed 6our 1 cup dry non-fat (sk-im) milk ¼cup baking powvder 2 teaspoonisSait /cup sugar ¾cup fat-a-ny kind flot needing reýfrigeration. Method: Sif t dry ingredieuits to- gcbc hretime, Cltntior mb in our paing. 1Coe tigbtiy 2and Muffins (From Mix) Methlod: Ueathr upo ilk aud a beatn egg to one cup aove1 nix fo i]ve slixmuffins. Mix and bake ý1)1as sal or"matmulis WGidl aes (Fro Mix) Mpethod: Use tre Iurescup11 of xilk andoebeat e egg to onec cup ahve mIix for î o ig waffSvls _Mibakeanusal a Gridd lCki(es (Fro Mix)a Metot: se two-hirds so one up)miat ii beatenegg to on î~acaks.Mixani bak assui .1 -L Now, Eto c P oni ehre's aeipe ýa thatdoes'lle fny prepar mies,"orbutwFicds11, malIlkeus unou tdy h etberry Gode S 1/3 cups sifted pastry flour, or 112 ups sifted hard-wheat flour 2tsps. Magic Baking Powder ¼cup cold water l'. tsps. vanilla ~,tp. sait 4eggs, separated 1 cup fine granulated sugal'. lMethod: Sft flour, bakýiing pe 31nd sait togeth1er threce time,-s. Beat egyolks tick a nd lighlt; raduiaily beat ii the colti water ad /3cup of thet Sugar; beat Conlstan!tly for- forminutes. 1Beca t ùeg wi utisiff, but not dry;1ngradnally betiii reiinjg Yý enp sugar, beatinlg after etach additi on uilf mxuestt1s inlpea1ks. Add f1our m1ixtu1reltO y i mixtuire abotta Ituarter at a tinte, foldînig ligiy aitr crhaddtio .ust unt"il flour :s inopr t;folt in vnilila. AUit merin]guIe to yolk ix_ýture anid fold getyuntil cmîcd uuintoj tswo iungreased (l8 inich round cicake pan1s. aei oert vt,35Q.s, caesae bktinvert pan and aliw akes to bang, suspended, mntil CLd(! 0 bag" aksrest r;Im ofinvre pan0on thriee in- verted egcu1ps -or-coffee CLIPS). P'ut -c1(dcakes togeflieýr with Sweet- encd, cruiPed straberries; tojý with ligbtly sweten d.d flavoi'ed sehippeld creasandgarnish w'ýith whole strawberries. A BELLE ISLE, Mich, mt cans- toth le concluision thait Pe ramn was gettii4 too haywhcen bis wîper faileti to keep water ot the windsbield, He sepeiout fo see for himýseýlf and hiad to-c swý,ins, ash4or-e from irse iten-fCootlagûoon iintLo whichehad driveIl, Scotland Wails Over Mired Whales-Two S, ýcottjish boys at East-t Lotianti, John and Jaïnes Cpau, look over somie of the 147 whales strandeti onl the be. Washed;il during a î when it went out. And East bflltian was ieftttide, tP-'aIonterx'ee eft hghand i wsth a whaie o)f a pr-obIentI. s' N s, N N 's N N N N N N N N -s N N N n -s 's r' N N N N

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