COWANVIL LE sl nFia vna.B uet 1 Mi- and iVrs. -W;ilis Farrow, Ne-%- MJack Hlewowh ttaie, ietWdneyeeigat hetrcer îs silin du Boý i- i îille CIlarenice Buîey's. Ilspta.Chaie MeLNe-iJlraid HectorIMilison JDoný't ore the bazaar andbakeIre slowly v imprevin)g after their, car ~ ~Ms Mudom-aipson of Toronto, O a fewdays Last week with her sud neice, Hector and Addie BUYA NW CR insuToronte over the weeý-(k-end. BefreyoucoparCor FIR EA LE STÂTE ture, RIailand Wire SNeil F. Povrt er ~ .A ER Ph"m, 9 v I; 1> ýJ- 0Lo(t t ,Concession8 Phone92 r 6 . OONO anvers Twp. ~ ~oit No. 7A llighway, Formerly tie, ta igr mi your ikg System EXT WIENTER , LOGAN Pliovne180 the HS±rry ,NeaLq* lF rm ATUDAYJ- NE 3 Sale t cq mence 1 30 p ni. The Ral E~stec sists of a 10.roîss ante uselarge hp Rof Bt~, sten, good spring w il11anid Awýo acres of iadms yin )r(-hard. This Real Est wiil be offered for sale ln o0e prcei, stibject to a reevdid. If the real estate is; not sohLdthe buildings wil h ldseparateiy, to be, remov- ed fron i the property. Terms anndounced doy df Sale' Ted Jaýckson, Auctioneer ___________________________________________ I B3owmianviile Mîâigets Again TaIke Oroo b aSco-re o 5 te 1 met dhe had itting Bwmaileen- try. te f'Ind theutgaýinsit.iff 1opposi- tie. Te ocal bo>ýys (d i reawell la holdIingte stsonig Bowýmanýville twejnnngssawthe Orono ld in the lea, hvinig the oaly scor'e odthre ganeattet ie. Up Luntîilthis time HmltnBoyd-,pitched a good -ame,hoee his throwing bcrt ing erratic, it wasý then necessary te brng in Kii etnt finisîh the "ýame. Hai[Ltonai- oea inumber of walks candKet fuhe forcPd one inon awý l eivrdby humal- se a two-Cbase hit n?' the sixýth sored tmro ,nn frthe BowmIainvil'le souad. Tiis ) oro twa hasý improv- ed in the'rfilng but 'are consider- ely tveek Jn ittig Bob Goode teok ýover the cthigdsty for the first turne sd oedatiitude in this position Rontii le WVesit scored the lone talor, the b oisz, getting on first from n wkanýd ithrough ebrrers by the omil e ysand a bit by OrnewsaLe tei taire imself showd geat imreemntithe P.lcr>l. Tlire boysae quite stabi-le in the fie4Ldbut bow î-h1atting1 ave-rage hinders ýthesu greatly la taliying points. Orono Girls Take First Ganse Of Season Fo ecsi The Orono igirls-' sftaltnr playing ýa consistant gain o hll proved themselves the icrsvr fileir rivais, Newca",tle, o usa aight at Oronu' Park. Theloal ils, d,,rov'e home 12 ruas w hile Newcas-Lq-tlel were helId to only 6. The game was well played by both teama, with good out the weakneusses Of the play. So (Coantinued on page five) Any way, and every way, you measure it Fiene st , a Yes, itfs asy to itentify tie Lestb'y i cas wheu the margin et superjiority- is as clear and over- ývwling as it' is il]a the Pw1950 Cerlt Measýure , arfid youll find Cerltsthse lonest bavistcar init ield bario, .Mes uro styingnul bauty, sud you'l fAd it' %heo+7 car in its fid cWib Hewer-famus MBody <aft,iiiýanld yu'l fd's the onily lew pIedar temand fman ohr feecr dana e at he upkposts. Corie hi! See heroetfor 1950. Andwe kunow you'lagree hOa, n ynd envrywayColi rineasure it, it's pro' aud ffinetat tlostcost 17- 0 .ç- and *at Lowest Cost!. HIGHLY IPOEmoRE POWER!FUL VALV-IN-EADENGINE!F The fine C-hevrolet enine iuis iono ade evn iner brnigyou morepwe-[atr(ik-p greater over-ail perfor-manýce..-Plus te uttad inaeonmyfor whic Chevrolet as alay been n![poed e oer- 1, refr - Jett-ai CarbuliS retr netov sin ,fChvrle'swoiT imvespeorm e low -.peedperfomapc 41 CA NA DA'S5 SE ST SELLER ,..CANADA'S B ES5 CL IIEIRE'S Y( To ýhelp the 1 tims,. There's ttý,, dance in leskasIl June 2, atL 8 "'0 1) Ladies pleate li preceeds' for th,.' M'es. WVREATHàS FOR SALE I. amniýow In n position tu suppiy, tifircial wreathis at diff-erýeut prices.* bey ma e eeu at thse honte of Hi. app's, phuee A p 2 9-p reotsor ,Q. W. We alre now a a pos i)todo 17 r '7, Ooo -1p TAMBLYN lu (wOnm, on usdy laJe s .Tarnblyn, in her j-704h yea j. ReHig at her late res- seric onThrsdyJune ltat tery,. SLE E lFGISER'S 1 have Ïbeen irth(orized to sei1 l" -public auctior n o uraJune *3, at1.00 p.m.. the househ-oki effects and farmmchnry)h oe yo J. E. Vnleat Lot ý10, Conlce-ssIonl ,CakeTownsliip. Pro-peitYSod Reid Orono, Auctoner the Exc ior 'o tie E-tate of ithe Late JmsSi;,one, to sel] by public, auctionl at bisý late re-sidenceý, Lots l and 4, lsrk" Townsip 1/2mil' East of Cr ooke-d Creek Store, on' Saturday, June l0th, horses, nilk Cows, Fàrm acîer adsoe househoild efct.Sale ýto cmmenlce ak 1.00 p.m. TrrsCash1. Positively jNo 'Rerserve. - JckReid, O o F-ARM H ELP Exýperîinced, rlibeHolland faml- te S. Bm,R. R 1, Nestieton, O'nît., Phone225-2-1, Port Perry-. 'Tun i-p. WATDTO BLJY Deaid or cýrippled stock, remouvedl freeý- of charige. Onie hour ser.vice. llighesztprcufrodhre-a- gu FrFaa Cali Colect Bow- manevile 2679, WANTED0 aelderly lady, T'he or te beon Clean u-p yu tbe and pig pemes now tuttueecle arecoutHave them )ibrightý for the sme.Keep dîown fiue ,de'sroy gues Fir nst- maites Cea!i Kenneth Sehns, Phorie 410,Ooo -2o-p. FOR SALE 198Chev. Heater, rdogood tires. Best offer. 11u' 'ýim-Pson,' LOST In Onn or surroundjng country, hlack feeuitn mpua'Jhkeni t ouach Reward kfor opeithe at Tieofce-1c Two Ioor, 2'8ai-- 4ve NEW STYLE-STAR LODIES BY FISHIER (ie sprle ewceerhar- mounies) Now mnore tha:n tver 'themstearelbde ecuiete Cheývrolet ajnd NEW TWO-TONE FISHIER INTERiORS (cxta-romy. .. extra- stery -ewcolIors - ncew appointmnents - placing Che\rolet 'far ahead l bon 1beaury and comfort. viral fearure ýfound ely ii1; ýChe ivror admr iinîhr mre oi Supyegetaviina around te car etrabd strogrh ae 1 du 1biiryý_ exta afty p'wrro o PROVED CERTI-SAFE NYDRAtîLIC SRAIS4S Gîvieg s hier, ster, or soirhine stops ano ~b dons' nw Dubi L~c s etîs U~ ns v r~ tony The Styleline De Luxe 4-Docr Sedani ROY W.@ NICHOLS ONTARIO MT M ED iCAL A'. F. McKEINZIE, IM.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office nbarsG 2.00 to 4.00 pm.; 6.30 te 8.00,~ Sundayýs and Wedniesdaysý by appointment oi PHONE 47r1 ORONO E. C. S-YER, M.LD. PHICIA and SUIIG(.EON àddres s outýhMinSt. Office IHeurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6,30 t0 8.00p.M,. Sundays and Holidlays by Appointmient PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO ) noTinlhoýmp 1 Is the LEGAL Lawrence t. îMason,1 BA, W. F. WARD Office 825 Ridne404 BOWiMANVILLE, ONT. TED JACKSGN Auctionieer and Vaý,luator Condluctz- Auction Sale, of aH iuzoe and at reasonable ratez Communicate with hlm MtPo Perry, Ontario, or see his Cierk. j.4 E. Morton, at Orouo, fair date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi, Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for terras and dates Phone 5r -Onn LIFE INSURANCE :Penýsion Planls; EducationalPlcis Protecionad a"v.iïgs plans fer, ChLildren and Adslts; MýorËtgage In- ,surLnce Plans, F. E.LYCETT ORON, On. .Phone 20 r 1# The RUTTERGRNT COMPANY MonuetiGavmres STAFFOIW BROS% ý MONTMENT ANI niie mnmet rp tih rst ing prlace of oraoeces îtitis las trîbue tl'Dgier p one7-6-ONON FOIR N R. E