a> g '-s 't5 2 I 2 J s s; I r CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estiaxates APPLIANCE SALES Pïuaxp~ anti Guaranteeti Repaira b ai' makes of Eleetricai Equipment anti Appliances Sncb as Motors, Water Heaiers. Radios, Stoves, Irons, Etc. s Drono lectric Ph. 55 r 1 'j' I 3rndMs Hr. enlsanti Pelai spen Sundy at aesaea wh bis~liild paets r.ad r H p ey- noitis. Mi'. nti Ms. Wn. Tunnsky aSi akenoveî thts'tre )fom M. ad CapitolOPE "Se ",theCie" and Hnry F nd S Thrdurnl, June 37- "DAKOTAN pIRKLAS EJY TUPRE SU N r-- Kar'ine to tis onvny Mr. nd rs. m. oydanid Mr-I '-cCMisMaoson of Toronitspent Alexander cf Toronto, spent lthe r'ek'end wVthAMr:wnd Ms tk icoake Alexander. day. e coud usea ramlike thiat The visitr fom he cty ejoyed the pure air injCend l andtheret 'o ae -dtued up a ttle penergy with the lawenxwer anM in r' I wef grden The monthl eng ifthe T.hA pol ea wa anweiedbv donaýting1 an~~~ ~~~c aril o h huc atya1 meet'g aM rs T'crnerendanl stryofho selrined14 la the Olive eri Ril dsia.nc. The W. A, tecateriýng for the W. I Convane,- tion This was put o the vote nd r'ied.The metngcoetit h lime enio0Fd f.r Stke ii husdÉet C antiis r ig lrk wrý1 Us nd Ms oW Bcvd. isof Tas Te 1 Hllnda1Sh). 191 the xx, eeek-e eIndh C igrtultinsttMr. and Mss. TueKetia nday Sh oolAn "1H belisthe Rex'. Seymour of - n i 'k lien. sm î'q.s Soper nti Mr. 5 i~'n cd dinner-o, wih Ms. Jnni l' ang-e I!al n rîa ngh, a lnlf, - ef a e o erw s giefr Ms. ati Mi. Chrles amnh luie Jusunit Barna<. Mr. t o war' hairnan. Msn MagaretJack Mi'. and Mss. caIes(misa Te-aIellneet hainy hav yo Smnooath oawitli, - IOncer'laýiir Iy sof i protecti glGliouis hades pink to dark r, Pink, Radacnt R Red Triuoi Red Mi 1 WITHOUT A BURN NoxmaSki Cear ~ . -21-c, f 3e, 6l3i. ana 79e. NoxrnaSu Ta Ou .. .... .3 c,60- SilqueDeoteril C-e---- 5 ln u Deo1eTn 1 i r .....)Z]e 6c K S $1.50 1 Fcitir radiaince i ý. Give doub. fon In sven red. Jed oasý spoke a few od nt unt and Chiaiestanoith ik o viteti ~U L aiie iittmi thin-w were seý_rveti'by Msss veyeÏuiiiey,- MagrtJackson. Mr-.Olive'-(,Litie' unid MsLloyd Glassý. Daning 1Il-avs enjoyeti the rest cf the ýeveing. Pkctures .Show The pictures shown on einsa last by M.C. RKCrvthinith Ken i n-day 5c'holoro W" veîy mch noe.Te eleBl (1 e 'The ,Echio 5ol,"Chra Cocet">"'stii-e boy l tt btitei bot"anl o idFec ogad"_Aveý Maln" "eoiesofSken"show- eti the beantiful cnr urudn ha SeenaRive, B.., sla-on fisis- ing bytheindanthe odi 1 h-ý sUnlferl nd( wier senesail of xvhlich xvet t mk amstclos- fui, neetn aniinform11ative pic-1 jo botU old amdyugasee bo1 caa e alig jonsn. TUeý I elephnts x'er ftrwaiis pt t xxok urolin te tntswhcho as 50x4'îîag s rnd fr hir peror- i-ons icesohe wedding of 1Prics eizae - at-i Prince Philip (tise- Di'kae o din-bîgh) 'as osvdn aý,i lbd piuip-ad cesmony nti w te cn,)oî'on sod oweeon fil âwT e bA Pic e CUaî'le s'ith bi proud fthe atimoh YYCZLr- YVILL uîth ,avry goo iiatt.:iace. r. tedet. TUndda-,. Z y Scisoooff- Oke pecig a erypt ar esn p1ïei' gtil" non.teo Mir. anVicts hîrdye irsk Lnd amcbo'e teFeenati-lon WednesMiybve s and Mss.akrLogya ofrenvilleb Fie.i C. B. TYRRELL 1Dýrugla' PHTONE 68 Aetfor Jaekrnan Flowers ORONO0, Ont. TExhiï.bitlin of Pai"ntin"gs -AT lu HS HOME IN ORIONO SVARIEmTY CON0 liCE RT ORNOTOWNS HIp HALL Friday, June 9th, 1950 Pi PR-ZESEN\TED BY PETERB>,OOIGH AÇCORDIAi CLUB j p -Aduits. 50 Cents - Childkren, 15 Cents --I -" -I. LIPSTICi ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURlPSDAýY, JUNE li b Boro-elze . 25c.,49c 95c. Pfounde Taets . $.50 anld $ Fiée KingLCas ndSauicers, set ...........19C. Jgis-h Teapots, 6 cup size.............65C. Dol"Ca, aes kbber Tires, each.....36 Mlisses' TaffetaSlips, White or Pinký, sizes 8 to) 12, ec....................8e Lde'Crepe Siîps, Straighbt Cut, obers siere To,-,1, sizes ý32 to 4:2, Whit--e ony-. .. $18 Mosqupito Ntinyard ',wide, ýGreen on1y,1yard15-C.q AnieScks, Lai,,Ies' and Children's,Rao Plaited over,-Cot)ton, Whie ad Colors,par2e viamond S. B neSanadSzgive goodi service, each..............1e FreshMasmlw Peanuts, 4 ozs. for .... , e GROCERY FEAT-URES B)olognaý-, Yo)rk Brand, 15 oz. tin......3e Clarýk'sIrs Stew, 15 oz. tY .... ...... ,. 25'.e, Mliliionair-es, Nrein-nolSardines....26C4 p lesae ready or yu * ensnede,20 oz. tin 22e. S'pieeayCherries....39ce. PieRedBueere.,3e GravyJus ea1 tn lb. for .....................2 5'L Bye, New ,-Improved, flats ou he r, 2 reg'- ularpkgýs. for ... ........--..........4e. Cohoe Red Safinon, 2l.tn.........32e. Old SouthTagrn Juice, -20 oz. tins, 2 foiý '37ec YUR POPULR OIPPING CENTRE