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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1950, p. 3

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New And Usèful For Bcd Smlokers. Ne uldeieae-l 1iinati;,, rehaz- ardofciartt ~IIo1,irg wrson snmda pnmni ta miner's lamnp. Meh îbig patcs bnnn prex et cotpapcr, et,C frontIl igniting if cigarettecams mnconi- tact tiith tiem r. Maker ý retommends for liaspitiize(d pranoutdoar spartw ea, smkingin open car, ne-celISflas-ligh,1tbu die -i tgcameIs on he. After ig]hr Better Mouse Trap? pads Cavered ýithhanietodor- lespitcbl,sasfm Pihlre mi,1wCihgetO ukt nm Black Snapa in Flash-. That Polaroid amr that pro- dotes a positive cture ithin -a minute afrer expasure ai thtr film naw will be available for iblack and' riit r-ýiits. Pre o"viauy trned aut sepia pints.. Gvssmgosfn ;Ish, of same ple rmanence as orinar Light Waders Ew il yhime plastic withg wad ers are said tao bai-e onl1y frac- tion bulk, weighit usuial. Fo, fresli- xater on suirf atudciot .!!g, trappirng, want eterin(rate i siun, sait wae, r ighly fleýxible, tays mae.For luse.wlteniiS shoes, feit-sled xvading ,hes, have geanilets douible-\egîlt feet, pack-- ets saidwatpof Retards Fine Nýew flaie retardent chemital is said soitablIe for farnm bruildinigs, grin levators, lhomes, tels, ec 5, J<apaorted ta be iused by US.,av for "lmerol opri nd by Garbage Bounces New rubbei)r garbage pail spn;ings rigbu back iota shlape if droçpped, iunÊied anl, etc. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Luee Q. Wben à t tht )jopecr tue cfor diebridegroom rta giv e he inisteýr !is wCdding f ce A. The bidegroomn does not give the fee ta the minister personally. He should plate the monrey or check i an envelope and give it r.a bis best man, who will hand it ta the niinister following the ceremnony. Q.What is thie proper way ta point the pron!gs 0(f the for-Ilwhlen A. The prongs of the fork, should point downwarcls when ctting the food, uipwards when co:nveying it, to the moutb, Q. Shuld saýiadsalasetu aýnd eteu iwith thtfork A.& Al aalads are tut and -aten with the foi-k. If bard hearts of let- tuce arc servedi, bowever, and they crannot be maanagcd) with the fork, Af is permissible ta cut thcmn witb the cknif e. 9Q. If there are sevenai nmait mern- bers of a fami'?y, may anc invitation to a formii affair he ýaddressed jointly ta inluide tb1em a' il?, A. No; each nian, other than the Iwsband, sbould be sent a separate invitation. Q. s i sihicotamryta usýe A. Yes, this is still1 dont, .thougb kf is not d:Onc quite as much as lerMerly. Q. Woid l ,au consider :à tour- tecns and thoughtfui ta I iii in a Word for anather persan who is talking, on ta finish a sentence for, him? A. No; this is excecdingiy rude and is most annoying ta tbe speaker -unless, *f course, he asks for EÀBLE TALKfS cjcb, A-rvd»ws. .' - of t y inrodu to a auookery arti i fcaturig sncb things. Ho,ý\ ever, jnst in case som_ý of youl have tongatten i, 1Pm -oing fa sticl. inia fexv unes front ý1con a my al-timie favorites in i!ht uayý (,f- baok, .THE HISTO'-Y 0F JMvR FOLLY, i "it vwaýs a pr-ofusely budding- Spring day, anrd greens s;ucb as Godi had( neyer permitted beforec in bu- mat'in meniry (thoughi indeed they corne every year an-d qqe farget) wlere miýrrored vvid!y in a mirror of unprecetýeid b rown."' 1.11fa11thoCe rcipes. (SAÏDEN 1 îE D LEY To,--tageuber l'1itly ard chl. I ju-nint young beet greens, 2cupa fre-sh cpinach, consiyrm (any 1 s grens naybe tub 3titu1ted ¾cup ac1hoppe3d anion 7, tncp cbopped celery 1, aspoonasaitl '/ý teaspýoon pepjner Add iiu' before evn 34 toup French dressing Toss agai and rsexeimmedi- ateiy, GREEN-AND-WHITE SALAD Serves 4 ta 6 Combine 1 1/, tps shredded leaf lettuce (ir' any gre.'ns 1 cup sliced'raw .cauliniower 3 tabiespoons chopped sweet, pickie Chili lth)iooghly. Combine 3 tab!espoons salad Oit 3 tablespoons tvinegar ,2 teaspoon sait 23/, teaspoons sugar '/s teaspoon pepper V/8 tearpoan paprika %/ teaspoon grated onit-,. Shake thoroughiy in cm'î red jiar. Pouroergreens. Toss' lighuly. Serve iiwtmedîateiy RHUBARB CREAM PIE Mcli-ïic- 2 tablespoons butter Add 2 cupsý dicced rhiubarb 1 cup sugar Cook slwy until rhul arb is e4 up sugar 2taýblespoons cornstarch 2 egg yoiks, well beaten 3/4 cup light cream Y8 teaspoon sait Add ta rhuLbairb and c3Doi until Cool; pouirjuta baked 9-inch pie Top wthmeringue. Bake atu350V (moderate.) 12 ta 15 minutes. RHffUBARB, BUTTER CRUNCH Serves 6 Combine 3 cupsý diced 'fresh rhubarb 1 tnp sugar. 3 tablespoans Rloui- Place i0i greased, 6 z lG-inch Combine 1 cup brown sugar 1 top raw rolled oats l'/2 tops four Cut in '/eup butter '/otp other shortexing Sprinkie over -,iubarb mixture. Bake at 375' (moderate) 40 Minutes. SALAD 2cupsrhbrnti -nh ¼cup spgar EfCoo lwy nn iuttne %%1 1 pi togarC gelatininii Urmtnp cold atre Dislve elatione in hotorbnbarb Add he traw bee ' 3 7,tablespooens benton pourint awbaid s, chil nII frm anmsld Gandaine ad mo1eapld roin a cnip ettuceleaves, 'îck Prda s mayonaise.t fht ýi:lr rig talon orsac 3 tabe poons butter1l ute and taspoo a n oi ýbae ie nne-inch bepi hl crepnt jst btrwuris n. 1,eqhod: Mircansugarorsac h3tcmiptue.Cookruntl hrkb sr riconstan t Ie lip%.woer rith stra. erns eiatnp beet o ansga r iuece plin 3pastryg fr3iumts.eres li tapnia x,ý bc Metoïd: Cobiejoansat nutme'ghtpiioaornge yjuceand Ntm eg, t ieptoka orane cac andg Tp with stra.ere nddtwt if daiss aveprtop. tchll Bakveeti 400degreaovefor 1 miueste in 350degi-ave Gthrandmpas gWas -,ýýRight Gru-ma was right about atch- chingcond!Remembrghow theviusd np th erba. WBocheis t reporat hiing Uvi.uses ýlta inectan raus? Onetc group of raswa e a wrkto n a ic ' Teill. A thcoir I Mrop tecntrol-a set lone gvereusxertnbac on e fir What cas tht raudms1ýa sai cicns pon t l proeiaid hg "~If yoiu want to b. really bright brush up with Nugget Shoe Poliali pives a perfect shine ...preserives leather .. . niakes shoes last langer, OX-BLOOD, BLACE. AN'D MALL BRDES or BROWM Cow-Gal-Carolina Cotton-, 22, blue-eyed and blonde, is show- ing Hollywood's he-man cow- boys a thing or1 twO thlat's new about the ol cllli) et Soon ta be starred as a ridin', ropin' and rip-snoertini'coir heroin cif a lhorse opry, Caro- lina bas also lassoed a tele- vision serial, patterned after Pearl White's earlyclihaimgng movie serials. along-fne or ini place of fentes, aonecar taue growinig sereenls Even a fneor waI! in good condition will look m'ore attractive if parti- iyI hlidden In this way, and as for ttmore conmmn ype whith is not so tttractive it taOn 1)tcolli pletely ,Screened by annual or per- eéinniaî ins There are ail sorts of plnting materiai vial for thlis opse ndfndlist-ed in anyI good cataloguIe. Thie perclnnial typýes are ell naw, Many pecpfle do not realize that )iee tan get quùite, good and quick re'soîts from ila- nuals to.DalisOrnIamnItal sun- flowers, cosmnos, spider plants, are onlysom of mnany thitigs that Inheigh in ae eeks, Ad ther scaretronle bens seeot pes hop ad norîn zgoi s ý,I FirttPlanigsC ai lsotormconer whÎi ch drýi iesont e- fore he ret, Ibs is th placet vegetables and fl ,ýowý!) ers tastan go can et nt nd ig.n Frost e ardi-o later on willflot hurtoth se,n some f( ther t ymake theirnl first grow i14thile sieandair areh Amongthe'egetbles i n tis ipratosta-n sp iahea1ry inso tadthe har- 'et of t earden es. 0f course Mainplatins sod go n lae plantted a last three time-', a fort- night apart, an)d 3ome lik;,,lettuce and radish, c-arrots, beets, beans, ~.fow/ JFRéEt: JanepAshley's Tested Recipes-,Spnd posteard tol Home Service Department CC 20, The Canada Stareh Comipainy, Limited, P.O. Box 129, Montreai~ rF~OR BETTEIR CITIZENBIIIP MAKE CAO YOUR ýPAL:) peses wýeet peas and nthn else lis.ted as very hardy inCa- dian seed catalogýues. Somne of these are so resistant to frostý that they- sow themnselves and corne on as volunteer plants in the spring. Spread T'hemi Out Area11y impos()-Ingshwn ca be made with a, f ew annual Iflowers and with a minimumii of efr Cos- mos,,, giant marigoldsý, zinnýia,; pe- ftmas. portulaca, nctn.cln doiila, alyssum, nsutus t. r e asily grown ams nweei Canada. Some of the larger fiowers can actually be used ini thle place of shrubs. Cosmos, gladioli, dahlias, giant marigolds and zinnias shouid', have about two feet each wa-- petunias need about a foot of rom. First Boy: 'What's eatîigyu? Second Boy: "Oh, nothing much, bu.t when your girl friend said she'd nig up a date for me-sbe wasn't kid ding!"

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