Testing Wînclmills As Power Plants ouSiywindy Thepiinciplsuc fpiro n tlise islands is tisedies- el enigineo. iesel oinisiatve iJ-- expnsveye f0 xpnsVefor the, Orkneys, After suvinig theis Pteti oard 1bs decidetl Io build11 a windîc'il n Ile winiàst spot J1;11. A indmylill is nlow beinig -FrCrfed tliee-onle of, 1100 isî1lowAatts, rapaciîy, which i i Iot exacýtiy gig- anflic, yccfbig enough forreaci Tiseexprimetalplanit on Costa !1i1 be ubc 1ject to glswiCtî thoseU that prevaîl at 1ftimeS near tIle poles. T he fower wii be bu-ilt oi steel or üloid rock. The sai1s wilJ be eaich thirty feet long. 'l'le inacelle, sîivenClty-eighit feet above gr ounld, cr11 con aiti cger box and !,en-< eraor.If îllrofate to keep tli(e rounded1 or propeiler enid facing tise Littie.NowKow Tisisexpemmenta wind ileto xiii be. fud intýo 2an1eteven-kiiovoîf is i-ss than tise imiiimumloca s'îmmem-igbt deand, so Isat ;z le nlot ikely f tandidiefeue- 'y 'lhle plant wl be automratir. Thle research egieer cilo w iatch this wnldiii ill be prin.- cipall ineestedin ifsanuiof- ptadits trustWortiliness. Flt Csr more iffecrenit 1kind(s ofmlefers will be! lacd wre iand tflere f0 measuregenerao otpuit ndl Con-. 5-filition of the cnrlcircuits, ont ti nmber of strt, outs ou ~ ~ am oprto hn ours of idlenless wisen ,indsare too iigil. Larger Plants Foreseen If tbi, experimient indîic is iat vdperis imore tias a utroman- ,il psibiey Scoflanld ani Brit.. alfl, Too, sill pobaby ly-- dottedl uitlispLilts. 'Tie more bo el e- gnesin Scotianld ble'e tbat wini,1kle, to!rive 120-ioatt gclsrafors are around tihecorner ï,nd isa ,0klwattgener'a- itors, tise probable mlaximum nicap- actare flot wil d improbabi.lities. It s-tili rem1-ains f0 be dtrie abieror flot a large iVindiii, One of 1,250-kilowatt capacity, for examçaile. ,orlarger, Wîll be tffjeieiit even if if àcaIl be btlîlt. 'he ouily ivay tf0q ansýcrr s tf0exnerýiimen wifb iinmilis, operaf e fisem in ausdiyro-lecrirplants antid tius get it: ie fatesStijl i etcee.i S'cap From The Skies' A Car-diff lhousewife baa sliocit 'Dse oth'er day.lin ciue ofbier top r-oomJs sise founld ia mys terîolts quanl- tity ofice. it cam1e 11,o11ian *ice bomis xischha casedtrouigi fic roof. A quan3tity of tihe ice w:ts faken týo die cifyanlyfWlo daie if and foun11d tat if consiisfcd main- Iy ~ ~ ~~ _ ofs yWae.I's said that bt vnietfldfs rn of soap! Furiser iniqiries poiî e 0the ter fIslat tise ire bomis" acam jrom an aircraf f-a huier onifsit way Irot iseUited lS , tats0Lonldonl, It s blieed hattbcireformiled in tlise iaste pipe of tiselne' ïvIshb1OV1Wl whle if wslving about 20,000 fit. oser te tli tc Tise arra began tf0 Cescend ureainess tu land as if approaris- 4.d~~î Enln, fusreporfedl, aud in tis e w arîner air at iower lcx'els over Souti 'W ltise ice.block, in tise waste-.pipe started f0 f iaw andth ie Coof îif was tise "ice, bcnb." Shle 2may inot have been a photo- rxhrsdauigisfet,, but she cer- tainly was ýýweli developed. CHILDREN SHO:'ULO BSE SEEN -NTHURT 17 A S1~lTC t As one wiso has foý-rr maîsy -,ears belI-ad silld-te fmnuopinion that basebaîl gives tise customerls less reýalactinifor tlieir imoneyv tItan any otiser gmtournamt1i ciîess possisly ecpeiew'ere r-crentËly hotli surprisýed amdI heart- ened tf0 notice t1isatone d1iamiondl maY1-gn1ate nof on1! holds similar views, but is prepared f0doG some- thýing abouit if. Player--smlart enosî1g!1 tf0 quit 1tise gamle before tise gamie qit isim attsoogis ofcourse, tlise fart isat hie inarried a girl w ortis several 1nmilions iglis av m tsuis ia derision so1ieWf1at essier for hiim tisais it is for tish vae pr'ofessioni- - 1hlCiset. For onie of ise a[ddeS t iiis uSportis 0s ,-eea former star frying tf0 bang on long affer, evrtigelse bunthtie urge bas- cepairfed. As Loreieui Lees mà-id said, i0 GENTLEMEN ,PREFER BLýONES, "Tise ime tb leave tbem is -wien you're still looking A wa, ise afoesaid Mm. Green- berg is ý1i0w generai mnanager of tise Cleveilnd Ioidas-a club that pet- frei0 a balilpastume wbicis takes a beCap of filling, especially ie tise feani is'f going so good, antI miore patciarly in times like- thsese whieutise sports dollar is get- tiga bit mlore cboosey about what, it gets spenit on,- At <ail event S, Gieellb)rg lias purchýased a jeep for 4ie relief pitchersý, to bavse fiem- and tfise fans-tisat long, fusemea-,l frt1k from tise bufll pen f0 fisc pifeli- er's motind Now, atfifrst sigbt tbis mnight ap- Pear f0 be. nofising more tissu a Piere of smnamf siowmansiip-iike telling tise sfrip-feascm f0 go lut o ber routine wisen 'youm theatre catchses fre-and desîgued fo f ake f Le Cleveland clients' minds off tise farct tisat thse Indians, wcre, ilniug jnst about as ýmauy games as fhey lost, and- getting nowheme fast, But Greenberg seems f0 be eally sn- rere in bis desîre f0 speed up a sport wbich gives every evidence of becoming siower aud, slosvcr to wat ch. Is tise intemests- of science, we me-,, cently did a lot of fedious researcis - a wbolc flimccjminutes of if- clîeckîug up on tise eapcdtmes of e-,,gise major baseballi games contest- etI oi a certain affemnoonà u eve- ing. Tisose eigbt aveaged Jpretfy close f0 two aud one-isaîf boums apiere-2.25 f0 be exact-wbicb is, a Iegtby stretlis of time for any buct tise most ardlent bugs tri boltI sti,11lookîîsg af a co)uple offeams fryPiug f0 get t1ismougis 8'/2 or 9 in- nigs of rtîn-of-the-mine bal. In adeilfio à f h is jeep inniovation, Ilank Greenberg is also suggcsting tlîaf pitchers shiould awaiftisceir turn'at bat in tise "o det"cne like ofiser playe-rs, ntea ofSitting in tise dugout 'tii tise 1last psil Secod; isotist upires sbuld be ilotmu'ictCo to e mnake tise players b;îstie svben chatiging sides be- tweeo lînng.AIl of wibwould. id(icate2 ti1 ikfr One, reahly realizes wiiat -a mienace ftisýe cash- cilutoner t.iseiarathion contests us ioor what isrepnbi for fIsle SiWIg-1p--WcII,, your guesýs isý probabl'Y as good as ours, or evenl better, ITisere are som-e Cwb blame tiseliveI b)ah, on tise gounidstfisat if _gives tbebafer tf00 - Mg a edge (-Ver tise pfeBuIlt nce d L3arrow, whlos ie vewS 0on %asbaî cwerespeýct more t1laan fislose of any ot*iser 1mat, reminds us îin hiiiigisl. y reada1ble )reminisceCnces BOW ývruinii-g in Colliers tisat tise souiped-up b Iorseiside vas initroduiced by ,tlisessrt vdand long-tIefunct Aidi,ou don' need to go back j otsfled t1isoulgis gamles iný 90 mtnii- utes or -so, antI one rould enjoy va -aturda, afeno ouIble-b3e1der of two n isig games :au!d stli get" tt, npl o f tiis'e 10 do a lîie onilcolugbeorise oases sisut dwnfoýr iseSabisatis neek- end a[t,6 p.m1, Tisere a-re oisers wbho pufthtie Manme ci, tlise sports Wmriters whio tL üotbokson basebali af tise maue f-judgintg Som publisisers' ioss-onsbngli<e one a inuýý1Ite. Tisese alitisors bav',e _writtce1 so mucis about -"inside biaseisaîl" sud tise like, thais, ýe manage s o 0bulsy reiy lose iglisfof tisose folks in tise aps sd b1(eache(rs wis ose cash coutibuiots mae teirlarge sal- ares isd la-ger rpttinpos- sibe. isat is laugiigiy kuocru as a duel ofwifs betweeui a couiple of Leýnchi managers may make verylu-. terestiuig readiug,. But Jloking at a parade nf 10 pitcisms i s gamle -as happeîsed lu a game-,, reportedj his today's paper-can bec, as tise Esuglislimanl put it, uofbiîsg 'but a Leastiy bote. As for our ovvts personai opinion weI!, wýe oud, jîst paraphl-rase file oltI saig, -"Ail of tise world's troubles beD(gan ivisen ehey flrst tauý_b1t woenf0read," 1by sub- stitiug "ailplayers" fori- rnt en," Not s0 loîug ago wxve1.sa at a balilgamie rigt uxft o anotis.er anenti. 'Two batters is succession one, in which, French Traders hlad made b1its, aidtisepfercol te seenl glatscinig, first atisle 1bencl ..nd fthen tosvard the buli1-peni, plain- ly exýpectig-and xvant'ïing-rlie Dicky Rudolphi, Jo cGinit, r N ick Altiock haný1gi1g (out thie ewite, flag îs1 sur1is baspt. Wh, thimb i agrpractically isad to)nç hm d1own and drag tbem off(!yt1ise m-ound1 wienle tl ist tey ,ý1had ha fnou1gh." * * "TeWIIOe trouible is,"grxld Our et-aein repiy,"titt iost cf these modem ipitchrs go loto tîîe g.ame uniab)le to d t(mseve jutc.T fi VyRE1 50() TUC7K- ERED OUT SGNIG UTO)- (;RAPHS AND J)PASTjING U THEIR PRESS CiPP11NGýS I T-ITEIR SCRAý P BOS HAT, THïïE-Y JUST H VNT THKE STRENGTH TO îGO) MOR)TE TITAýN TIRFEEO FOUR IN- ,o, for- theCtime beIntlg yay ' et, if go a t tht-wvith de 'howv' iii thec direction o as to sýtep on1ise gsin aýn age w'hen' everYth1ing elCse sceemis to be sed iîsg -Blp 1with the ex'cepf)t ion o f WHEN A MOTORIST vWbose ýcar had fplunlged intoasvmpBr St.Pal refused f0 ,payth le !bil fer having if plled ouft,ise twin Service poptyretumnled týise ato fthe Sceule and pisheit iýbacki WHEN A PASADENA,Cai. paima111n flagged down a imofrist, -who svas zigzaggýin1g dangeroutsly acro-se the bîgbway-,-,the driver e- j1iainied: "Evemytb)iing iJ,, igt ProteS anar BOOII mCS %d f r. FuIRE andTIIIEVES. %% e a oa tize aud tape af Satfe, or ca ifor ceus [parlese. 1Vieil us or wiefor oc etc., Ù. PlapI. W. j.&j.TAVýLOP LIMI1TED TORONTO SAFE WORKS WVAKE IJPYOUR LIVERBIE Without Calomnel - AuJd You'll Jump OUut O! Bed in the rnmingý Racin' to Go The liver should peur out abouti 2 pinite ýf bile jue inte gour d!igesiv trcvery dy If this bile i. le etSoiug freely, youfoed ntÏsy net digest. 0V sy mt dçaylu tiie digestive tract. Thon gise bloats uip Jour stontcis. Yom gel éoustipat.ed. You fbel sour, suksud tise world leoks punk. It takes t hose ni, pgeutie Carters Little Liver Pilla te gelthe1e 2 p)inte of bile feow. ugfreely te akeyou foot "mp sud up."! Get a paIckag9e 1oday.Efetv in ntalung bile flots, frely. Askc for srter'*e Little Liver 1O, 18f ýat aydoeee 5U 5TH YEI4Rmam TORONTO MPELA TL ELgis Whon OndeCi,, *.C1as~ified Advertising.. STREEEETS ANDTE L-,R : Be sUlO GNT e! tgofsfei u s ile ,n rygonsaaî naes hueh1 Ptreet W Moestif Moîel 12,qImp Ilers an rü re tokge.ýs fr ue by old, chicks e, s the breevn3.,Teekaoriny no-ee Twdlpure bred ,hitkmareinirefi b kand Orpu leree CataloguPe. cta'loge Topick eaîChrieksaLmief, -FeIreo, Ontaro. foArTour oniguîererTo 2oth mv Eermen AppriefichickorTuîkysri $1 'CoRoi esock. rki e eueifr-u. InnstefiMachie.cochrls, o tinnu-hk [AVf trE Ys11 Older pgutds. Fre cata lgue. lnART your own i.rping busiziins sharp- Lianglawu mower Spare or fou tme.t Ecetere onnecesgry. Mahie cos791 only carlo Camp 2NDCLANN HaprViS Ot ayrnn oedsdyîn o da lus? Wri,,fte tou for (informatltîn. WeIl areI Streo. Tornin O Onrt. make caniat hn i eannwhile You loarn. Fre euloen sPpf.0. Crr1 pnuc course Natinal Istitue of onfectVan- dfeg, On,: o 8 egel 1641'OMRÉ S ANRI avaieble arivin seo. Wite ýM!te L. Vn. deubro. ox9. Oi e nt;phn TARPAULINS ANY SIZE tie-e0s Jur nainestn 011doneacb séide ai de eeite yr 1uMareesain lO f'fPleage enclosýe ion 0or jo hou wir yur rdr.Ail inouirles' ansrd promty avs pecialpy Colnpany. 52 Yeue treo.t, Trno UNWANTEÈDIHAÏR- PERMANN,T l'y ealcwitlh Faca Polo. Thomstrmabbl isoerof the iae. Sav oolaaaate ýte Il! Se rOots of an-1y hIlîr. andicntie drg'r ehümicals. Lon-Beýer Lb.6759 Gaauville, Vnicoue, B .C, YOU arent-10 Iste te Set oir Broall Brase, Bronze or, Beltsville Smai! White Turke y Poulie duiugJuneor Juily. We aIea bhave one tveek old andi two e ek aid poults for Inimed ate sliipnoont. Phone, \vire or write teday. Itilîcroast Try Farni. Route 6. Pont- laroke. Ontario. MOTOTICYCLES. Earoly Dav'ý'idson. New sud used, bought, odoxhîgd Largo stock of goaranteedi usof Ohrte Repaire by f'actory trani hn Ice.3ccles. and com- ploe linieo f wheel goialsýo Cuns, Boats sm.dJohoseon Outboaî-d lMecors, Open evenlngs ountil nneexcoot Wednesday. Stranfi Cycle & Sports, Ring at Sanferd,HaiÀ,iltoni. tMON RAILI11NGS Biders. Home 0Qîvuers, INSTAL, yourself, niîh special kit a-nd in- structions. Write for felder. Modem Rlail- luge Dept. E., 65 Eroadviel%' Avo.,Trno TFRKEY POULT'S WE! RAVE :available frein 1 te 8 sesolfi, etartedi. r ad Breastefi Bronze Turkey Poitfrnt vernint apprvef tockand Ont. o h.1 -54acr5po tN FOItOA - ounty Soesfurulslîed, lighs, gofiroad. Beutiul wterfront CîtusotcLeelyJea und li1 aehed lat sudsec me.1S.,tibson. FI',rt Walte. :,,ia. Ontarlo,,Nýtuaro - AMZIN BL TRet - MOT WTEE fr anhudy nywhre, cou.- ry.twuo-dyr",oagan e [GGOD RFISOLIITION-EveË,,ry ,suf- f'erer of Riseupim, aiuýs or N-euiritis shotid tri' Dîxoni's Remedly. MUN',RO'S DRUG STORE, 3 3 El giýn Ottawa $l.25 Express Prepaid, CRESS COR'N SLV Frsure relief. Yaur D'rugis sela CesCallous Salve Vrellevesi POTSECZEMA SALVE wil îlt dsapeit ,sron. " 'jchiG, b alinbnîin icrm, acn'e. repefireduy ihestainless, odorless O--in t- ron, egadiosof hn'stubborn or bpls PRICE $1.00 PERJAR Sentl'est Free on 1Rýcelut 0f- Prîre POST'S REMEDIES or'$.r0 j",l,, twoLPBEALa-wonceScaîpheal Coutnt 911 Centre St., Chatharoa, Ont. $MOK8ýNO noresSasmoking ru iltig so hlealih? Write fori free information on ai"- solutely safe inethi te stop. Replies stricîiyý cenfideutiul., Arn Rus Ce., F0. 208, Ottawa, Ontario. oL'ol'rNIl' FOR 0ltMEN ANI>)SVOMEN 13E A HAIRDRESSER ïlIN 'A.NADA*S LEADING SCH$OOL retOpprrtonity Leirn iairfiretEaiu Plaa i dguifled profession, good wages thonand suceotulMorel graduates Amedas geaes sytoe llusl rated cota,. log-ue free. Write or Cal) 80BorSt.,W.1loronto Bract~s, 4 Rng t. Hamilton &f72 Rideau S'-treer. Ortswa OPPORTUINITIES FOR REý4 AND 11OMEN1 TALRNDrezemakiug, Desimgu taýuglît in Jur hme. ei for Free Bookiet. 1-'7 ARTS.RouteSe.1, Bx371, Berlini,No PATENTS FE'TI0EILSTONHAUGH & lCompany.t'atent Sco!1dlor" stabliahed MU 5860 lRay Street. lor-ulo fionkl8l of! lorînstîn n<sreuxiit. M. M .LiDLAW. 1S Sc-. Paient AtturfleY. Patents of Invention. 56 Spahî S.,Otlsa.a LZATEMPERANCE MOTEL '59? Jantes ,treet.' 1Tloronto flake reservatioris for çmr Tononto visit, Frec Parking. TTE AUIJSTA Twsbp hool Are B4axrd invites ap-pîleatiotns fnm ualifled eahsdulties f0 b6egin Septembiter 5,:1950. Apl tattiug oulflcations, salai-y expected. sudnc laine of yoUr last inspeit or 1 .E. TapR.R. 2, Preocoit, Ont. SALESMAN reqoîrod for exclsive bouse- waro and hardw are fluet for surr()1iiding terrltory, Commission or salary tu the in wbho bas au excellent felowiug amongst, the retail trade. Kou-Mar Sales. '72 Prince Ar- thur Sîreet Moitntreal, Que. WANTD Aproxmates'100 Acces. Sultable for mgrain aand beef catile. Gof buildings 77oSt-Toronto. WITCHCR AFT Fortune Tella eklt cnaîlg ecre tiolns of eharmme sd etn.These , olts of hooa umbug ,se-î teo Lseîd n' idelýy ye myhaýve eue Pleane hlplubis reîj-ch ou MIA cemnVpnsiin.Mrse iRobbj, Trent TtOa, Belevile. ntarlo. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consuit your nearest Harness Shop abo 'ut Staco Harness Supplies:* We selj,] oui goods only through your local Stace Leather Gooda, dealer. The goods are right, and so art aur prices. We m-anufacture in aur factories - Harness. Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Hlorse Blan. kets, andý Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and Vou get satisfaction. Made only, by SAMNUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE M&nystiyles ito10cunose Icem. Direct frornfactory to s'eu. Sec far or near. Reafi imalleat print, ibreafi fineet needie. Satisfaction gusrsnteed. Senfi namre, afidress ad ago fer 20 day free tral R EE! chart, lateil style cata- F. R E !loge an fuli nformtiion. .-4VE MONEY VICTORIA OPTICAI CO. Dept. GB 534 273 Yonge Street Teranto, Ci. ISSULE 23 - 1950 H istoric Canadian Beauty Spot Standing at Tadoussac is this stockaded log hut, a replica of passed tise Winter of 1599. TIEACHERS WANTED SALES AGENT WANTEDý'