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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jun 1950, p. 2

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VACU u ?A-S5E'A LE D CHAPTER THIREE (Continucd Froni Last Week) "Suppýosin ' you go alle-ad ike ynu'jre goin', son- Sonner ýor later thelt skuks tht kiiled Býob Ander- son, will give yoni a dlose of lead poisonl. Mac tii be goin' to an- other fl!uenal. h( tii just about fnisil ber. Webb, seli out to Abbot on ito nboy Give up that ranch1. Soi yaur catti. ary tmat gki and Ipll onit for a-e1 rag. Wcbb pn1ýili) u. Tbcy sat thleir ih afm n. eýiit !ýý - "Tbev t[e1j it, ak, adite kile ob.ina,-provin' to 'mail that tbey lie Allter that, if I'm stili al1ive, l'Il tebys ehad for a ne range. Buit mos± m-ebby 'il stay on' tIc ran1ch AÂb Abbot istryn'toý sýteal off )nie. lt povi' t Iis couintry k tat1didni't kl tebes-t friend T eve-r 11ad. I'd be a dmned cowan da i( l q( ý ju it t e r i f 1idn'lt .' Thcy ro o in silen)ce, aon Ille bedded bierd, Promi onýt thle a com boyn SbieriffI-Tlank Robents bad tunnedi Up busholecard. He Ladiostl CHAPTER FOUR,, Le2ad For A Lawmnan T'le jHoo,0tf-Owl poo ,l shi ppedý- -, eveytin bt is co0tws. Tey wornied n-, the stockyýards frody ligt 0on in th-, thick d u, sweaing, worin o hrseback and wib prdp lesoadling cattie, p un shavn crw-, ed-eyed fronla- ck of sleep anid the dust and the tvin thlat wippe-d ito th]eir faces Wben bbc last car was lojaded,. t. bentheyars1 ree rti[y, Webb Wnesand the Lanky Txrode ici town lwith thin îougb cowbioys. Tbey tvould pin the town tý ed Tc- iligbit, tLLen 1pull ont for hoine, T:ex- anld Wcbb would go b cktthir ral(incs. VTbeohr w dridie 4way epanteiy 10 mcl latfer at: somne PLacein tce badlans. Froint thene tbey wouid rde 1- gether aginr. 1They w'ouldnt lbe ,gidingatrcate owvn eb and Tex wvould be heldi upAtri wouild bc nobbed. A big gaýînling joýîin t stck ul. !They would ridez thtoutiaw mail fron Montna Éu Mexý-ico. And sonte ýCdaýy Wb eoidfnd ont wbonurdweedBob Anîderson. By thaàt whispcre-d ;word- o;f mutkno\en to thlcobo ont- law as- "t 1l tslng of thleav-,es" wie woid learu bow Bbhdbe kiiiled, Then he would 1pay off bis debt. That bd en exsprpoi tio, Wbb ad jaccepted, il. Tit i oqd be bis las, nigbt in1 Rinc.Front ooihton be c lI!at twists dwithroligb Wyomi- irig, Coborado, UaiNSew Mxc and Aizn. oc WbbWntr there would Ibe lan mlorimrocas, lebJ known it No mnore dances at tbc scboohise, no re roliick- idg fun.. Hledreaeddmeeing fI-ank Ron- erts todayý. ian-k, wt bi s searc- igeyes thi-at seentied 10 read a would't t1ntubt todo tebal he lad pancdon doin-g. Hank -wanted ht ý-1to sel( ot atquibe cuty Hank w,-an-teiîî itôbunalmny Mac and sertte on on a ncw range. But ob Ade lo ad been mur- dcred, anid Bobad be Wb' pardcr, he niy ay o live iong znougb 10 earc te1Mbd murdered Bob -,vas , 10 how in w ith thleseý K re~~inegade cwçytrail Wit1he, îuntýIlie fo11nd ont vbMt lie c atd to ian The ia a'ats o wopane witb the Trý iangle 011ulfixto 0pick up nete concrnig îl kiiiing of Ed Youn1g sudBob Anderson. Sonner or, haler, that informicatiouwould drift diwnt;e Ioot-otel trail 'and then ebb inters xvould psy off Bob's debt ih a smoking, gun. J ust thesane Webb drcsded meet- ing nid Hanlk Roberîs. Hank wonid 1îJ isaton it Corn- îng~ ~~ia ,0supr.Mc-oulibethere. ChiekenC and 'apple pic. Real dishes and a den tablechotbi A game or two of whigs1t or see up. Then Hank and b1is Twife wudgo 10 bcd, leavinigMa and Webb thene in the front mont nd iMac xvould make a stab a talkiug b itob seihing nut. (j bveto, lie 10 ber. ,He could't ti er, how be auçl Tex la akdtings ont and bow hbcd told Tex Cthae' ide the outlaw Il tea aboutnoon.\ebb rode wiîhbisbatslatedacros5s hisi eyc. e-as pw ~ wibds, stee-r bad !holcd -4t bin utthpenls, rippiy3g lis Cclr. It tas an giy-- ,tïjon ain' a prt ookin' as you tbikin jst oteofMac. Fi-e sdn' see bersïice the day the, jury hsd acqnitted bit of B ob's mu-rderý . hat as a f ew e eks agu. Goyortowaa ciotites?" -At the otl, Webb -aid. "Hosv "Dont ned 'ns.XIygirl 'ivies dýote 1n on ithe Rio Granide, ,a long wa of rontbere. 1 was airnin' to go dotn ndfet(ých ber up bere,, bujt Ed gttn klcinda changed miy pan. Sbîc's, Ed's k!d sister.", Tex,,, dongjust what Webb (ajpom iscd lu d. They would ride witb he othatv bIuncb front "I pontsed er 'd ettie doten," Tex weub n. "1 ainth er knowv abouit Ed, yei .Sv- 's afine girl, Webb_. To'n good for a renegade ile me. Sh-e kcsbooks' at store. ' naliber a ietter to- day,t!hicib-rabout Ed." Tbey rode mb ,toten, a dsy dirt caalcde.Tbey stopped ai th Jis aoon and bad a round.of drinýks, Ilcin put, np their borses. TIho-1ot-Owl Pool was in toten. 1Spurs bad becia let ont to bbc "boten hole." The Hoot-Owi Pool was painting bbc town ncd. The slantiug rays of the laIe afternoon sun sate thent walking front one saloon 10 bbc next, singly or in srnall gnoups. A few of thent lad gobten a shave and baircuit, but mosý-thy tbcy were as. lbcy had bee ,i wbe îby left tIc stockyards. Daýrknecss found thent svanming toi the ýfun.ý SheriS-fi Haul Robents, found Webinbc barber sbop. Thc bre assbavi0ig Wc' ijured, "Si hive, Webb. Wbat halp- pce l oun m-face?" "Hrefiy bit me. Or cisc ntebbc 'Colifntiuud Nx e IN CHCAOa an guI a tickt fr secdng;a quarter-hour laeaseconticke t for tbc samie offese. u a ete ours, dnriving at aot Smpb.b8ccic a third t a be l'e cie Goreo Drtthese Ire aurgeons3! Ive been evicteçj twice this wveek!" ari d 30 were 1oed by "The ,narige bonqd Ii iassui- cd to e -ajiegze1k7d afcint parteniersbapl, buitmn is th;jle un- dradservatlt anem Iarn regrdd s the permianent chcapr Sook. 'I(do th)e mu iPling, fIceed_; ca1espigs and chikn bsds ofcourseý, il thie 1hons.xor. have 0 goud healtb, uand t m not ]a7y. "f wutd 1enjioy doinig nil th1isif an prcationwcesbw. o thee i neera word of love fr-on lii, mor a caress, Wnor a goodI-byc. "Ile bsnyrvoiun1tari'v taken mie 10 a shiow. (Tu ïail thlese ycars, .tee hiave beento exactly frve movies togetbvr) ,. Hesnucaks off to town lorte eer a,5lss c to go- cdîong. He decvouirs bis me1cals in, silence, bididen bebind a newspap-er or a trashiy maga(zineý. Heseidonti speaiks- to the chiidren unjless to give a commanid. (We bave wo ri thecir teens.) A LONELY LIFE "My busband lkeepsEvt-ytin bottlcd up inside i. Then wbe.r he, does bl f is t t, arn the target for h.biis eper.Heisalways unfriendly. HIl bas sukrd Jîfront three to six rionitbs at a :e "He neyer tbiinks I awed any clo 'hIing,,but he is dressed likze a duide cvery day. My_ winter coat is 25 years oid, Pand m-imother gave il to mie. He sp>ends l-avshly loir anythin'g for himiself I -am too proud to bcg. "WJhat TI'd like to do is t. go' away and get a job-I ne(À ex cry- t ning. 1ii'at sec any future, bere -eet a lnl old age, w aiting Iione 11e who1osiders oniy11Vbit- self. I fba- e t(I soiial hf- T feei imore like a robot than a uman bieing.' Ian sirrply saemgfor, love. 'What s hall I do? ýGouaay an wok-r tay-and go 'e.and wieAre, tliere otherhusban ~'It nay be truibat ivocbu yoO Sfrtmarrieýd, you spof d-yo 3' husband (as mosint wveco),and ( *did nt ser ouIrscl ndr i *gw ingindifference. Y ýct iflie *1il ha b ukOf jUita kndes * ket yo cotentd bybisap- pr-eciation Of al you d(id àand It is too late' to cha:nge i, *now. The best you can do is b *adjust yourself tb him 'I', hei. 'and caeto expecî nthing * Iurge u oi try, even soCILate, 1o to C'iilsle ~c feann * your nleigbibors and tbroopgh your *churcb, -and (o ffd ;in y%-our cu dren the comnfort dcnlied I7ou bv * our husband. Cani youi justify lcaving home, w witb yonr children stili needint. -' o ? o r lre îey able, to shif t i orth sevs When tlhey are Sscled, you might- indeed con- ;;I sier i t Jnst no, te%,bat sort *of honte hlf e would the~y have' * itotyou thcre? Yýonrs bias been, and i,aý sad *lot, C bave heard of olher bius- * 1ad rle your owni, 'n lesser degr eys. And their wi-esbhave contînuerid to submait tlh..oughout a teceas.Theýre ,seems little to *jdo about it-except, as I sug- *geýst, t 'o find, some pleavnýreand chiange ini associating more with *other people arA~nd you. *If nmen would only realize how' "littie it ýtakes te make wives 3happy, there would bie fats et dis- *contented wornenin the world, *You have my dteepýest symnpathy. If yonr lot in fýife is a îjnbappy onue, akdolbting can be donc to, btter it, telji Anne, Hirst. She has ideas that miay bieip you make ife moreintrestng.Address bler at Get itee ra dy fori. c sl et- scaon Anidalgift-loely cr0- n 'ht ad n1lbridery for o es 'carves, pillotecase., and sheets. t Makàtea natchied set for a bride. Pattern, 896; transfer 6 nmotifs 4'A2 x 6ý' to 7x14; crochet directions. -Sendi twenty-five cents (25c) in p coins (stanîps cahnot be acccpted) for tbis pattern 10o Box 1, 123 a Fighteentli Street, Newe Toronto, a (Ont. -Printplainly pattern numiiber, 1 your nae ad desa "If o n 0a, i tI w bat tc e ere saying thi ime last, year . . and today we are saying it again. Everytbing is so dry-tbc fielids, pastures and gresys and also the dust on thei roaids- but *Ieftiitely! WeC madfe Our annulal inspection trip to Maltoný Airport, yestcrday and t eswaiiowed 1buish- els of dust ahi the way over and. inost of the way 'back. Bujt we for- got il ail at the Airport as we looked o)ver the -wo-nderful impro9vements Ttat ave' taken place since our iast vi.'l'l id offices and waiting rooi bve beeni coniverted into a nxodrn, irestaurant, Over in th,, e ncw biing there are spacious waîtring roorna a ýnd offices, and over the vehole structure thiere is an Ob- servation roof, tvhicb, I would irn- agine, would accommodate 1,000 people, From it you eau observe at -close quarters planes coming in for a landing, or taking off for distant points east and wcst. You cani watch the ground crew chasing aronnid like so many ants-except that these ants 'traveël by jeep and trac:tor. A1 plane lands ...irnmediately a utIle tractor manoeuvres a mun- iayïo iposition for travellers to aiight froini the ship. Aniother tractor, traiiingthree 10 fiveAittie trolley cars, is ioaded witb passen-. ger baggage wbicb it tocs around to 'the Customis Office. Passengers' alight as nonchaianitly as they w ould from a streetcar with bnie cases or goýlf clubs; fasb- îonabiy dr-essed! worneni, csome with rather bord expesios;mothers with babies in acns, or, youngsters toddling at their sidte-the children excited, bbc mo!1theris tbuoccupied plane, the stetvardess and the Pilot and co-pilot. Ihen ancotb.r groumnd crew takes over . . the big ship is refuelied for its next take-off; baggage is brought np by the -little trucks îvhicb also carry a loading escala- tor.onue end of wbich is evelated to the baggage compartment of the plane. The escalator is set in mo- tion and np goes the b)aggage witb- ont benefit of Red-caps, Then a jeep cornes along wvith a box-hike container carrying refrigerated food supplies. The entire container is raised to the level ofÇ the Sbip's receivîng door by t ieans of an in- visible hyjdr-aulic b1oist. In a litle ti ludspeakerOs ancýnucethe nu 01r ftfl !igbb anid its destin- ation aýnd presentiy passe-,ngers filI the slip again, betlped by a trim young stewardesýs re-ceiving thlern at the door of thec plane. Thýen the pilot and co-pilot, uipon wbiosv skilh and integrity tCe lives of so mn people depend, nice mre akeove at the coutroil; the grounld creteý ISSUE 24-1 93 sil do, ser hai Crc pel k I ah to Pl( Co Ai or ini wl t' fo tb fl ni ai d aïis their various jolys and flhe big 1ver bird roars int action eagýain. Sî il1wbees arotund for t-ake--f wn the runwvay, thiose on th'ie O-- ýrvatjon Roof han1 ont11he9 ts, and catch theýi r 1br, reated b-y the fouthrling po- ellers, swiris aoudthlemn. Idonl'tî now wIiy, but -a Visit t'oý the aiî'p6rt lways inc-reaseýs imy coniVictiol, thi'-t travel by air i's abouit as safe aiid ceasant a means of tranisport as; 011e ould hope for ini this day and -age,. £nd I neyer sec a p lane take off, rf ly over our farîn, without wish- g I was one of its passengers. [ho knows ., .some ha Lppy day naybe I shaH 1bel But right now we at gr Farm, e flot so much conIcerncd witb, bhat hap pens over ouir Iheadz s ve are- with what goes on under- mnt. You sec, right throuigb thei -ntre of our farm, and also Irough the two fa rinîediately ýast and West of Li- there arc littie ;Lakes here-( and thereL, cornplete xvith Jags, inidicating ithat the Depart- ment of Highway isv , at work 'én a ew surveying job. Tite whole neighborhood is agog withI curiosîtY because rumour bas it that a new four-lane highway, runn ing from Montreal to, Windsor is being plan- ced, and wii probably angle right across counîtry lcavinig us wîth 45 acres on onre side of thec road and 55 on the other. ei, aving had dealings witb the hiighiway depart- nent before We iknow it moves nightiy slowv its wonde r to perform so at present we are Just sittinig tight and awaiting furtbcr develop- nents. Othier cihanges have already taken place around here whicb are of more concern te, us at the moment. \Ve are, saying goodbye to our tried and trusty horses: also, to our big hig«h-po,&ered- oii-burning tractor, and in their place we have a small, exceedingly mobile tractor that tvil,' wc hope, take the place of the Liorses and yet be equal, on a srnall- er scale, to do thefieid work for- nîerly donc by its big brothier tra cter. XVitli ail this goinig un ne have also been entertai.ning. One of our nieces, Who is nlov a nursing sister at Snnnmybrook Hospital, spent a fcw days with ns last week. Satur- day. night 'Bob took ber back to RI,11 O I 0FTCT 1ýR Y 'RAC RS W HNPOWJERFUL TRACTOS nkis MOTORSm ANEW, customn-buîlt tractor for only $875.O00 f.o.bý Toronto! Why Ibis startlingiy 10w pice? Just this - Ihesýe iuteuatioually.known tractons were mnauufacbured by the Empire Tractor Corporation of Philadelpitia. f -or nug gcd South Amenican duty. Dollar difficuities lilled thie deal. The result-you get a tractor for only $875. It's aU lot of tractor-yosa>d psy npwards of $1775 for une11e il at regular prices. Look at ils big fatures- AlilReplaceuble Parts - Engine, transmission and differential ail imade b)y nationaily-known automobile minufacturers. Spare parts avaîlable anywhere iu Canada. HorsepDwer-Maximum HP: 60 at 4000 RPM. Maxmum belt HP- 4ü at 2000 RPM. Rated drawbar HP:25. Caipociy-Two 12-inch plows. transmission-Low and ligh gear. 6 for-ward speeds. 2 reverse. Powar take-Off -Belt pulie1 at rear wth 3 speeds forward and reverse. Individuil- Siakes-Clutch-type braire on each drive axle,' No Extras f* Buy-AII features are standard equipuseut. Tractors Shipped-!eady-3eviced foýr uamediare u5c. Air Claner --.ait F Rîter- lghis fronî ond R-,r - Hydroulic $out Thecy're powerfil. vriatile 2-plow tractor-brauid uew except for chipped paint jobs lu a few instances. If 'yo're lnterestd, yov, had beiter a-,fast,. becanse tat h, way tbey're golu - fait' Phone, wire or, better yet, co.rne s e afoday. FIRST COME-FIRST 5fR VED T14EY WION'T LAST LONGe Di'arr FALUCONME Q UIàpMÎ'EN'M CO, L'YD. Depit. Wxvýi.- î 3Laylt Avcnue, Turo"esto 13 -hoae- OXfo>rd211U ÇALe4W(f Tie Tip-Watch your tie racksý' men-the gais have their eyes> on vour favorite four-in-hand. The latest feminine invasioa into the miaie w ardrobe is aim-~ edat the necktie, which makes a prett y choker, demonstrated above by televislon star Faye Emerson, The broad end of the tid is looped into-a rosette, whiie "the narrow end forinis the neckbalid. Torontýo and then carne home, briinging w ith bim dauightcr and a friend. And 1 amn stili busy with the paint-pot! WHEN A PASADENA, Calif., patrolmain 4lagged down a mlotorîst wbo was zigzagging dangerously, across_ the highway, the driver ex- plained: "E.verything is ilrgt Just Shavin'g."

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