Ono a'i tbzhnndreds ai quoa- iiis Iï think Inaw 1nil ty ta put ildonon paper-is Ilie oneT 'thal some ody WRillprobably st ta- musa, one ay, and ti i TNE PARI"S-ITK'S soNG, I"m not g'-'og 10look teqoa havte srnaller fIlas upon the ir bacs abIr,1,te 'em-î; and sniallerfle-as bav leser lea an 50proce4d a Wbichsould be eno1ugh 1 0 n- troduc smcoHobvaiosfrom Dr. Chiarles W. Bown, f ithe IUn-iled SttsBureau of A1nmal IndlriýY. Me ay tal nearly e very farmibas hail same experience oif animal para- s3ites. Somç h'îave lad ho1Cg trouîbes, or an.nimal it with Banig's Dis,-1 sose. Or mab-adIknaow 1this 'mviii bit rigbt home with miany cai elly' edes-caIlle ilalhave And lhere s wha"t Dr. BrOwn lbas, Io say about somne ai the imore cômmn dsinictaîsand 1the way they shouti sed: Preparation of Buildings: LB efarÉ -y0ou us;e any (isinifeclalthe builil- -Mg sn!ldbe tilorouighly "dry- ýCleaned7." y R.emo -Ial lilte rad niaure Speadil an fieluswhr Iivestock wilfot corne in imm1re- foors, Ctwoll pay A eanle relgîosly" rown explainis. Di t form a potecivelayer aro)und t.he bacleriat, pro-îýtecing ftbem friom Application: 1)omeCind o'f a presui spaye isprobably the inosl atsfat vy ay 10 trat no setter soil disinfctant than heat, Wou=auuse a humner or flainothrwer n aopen lots. Threy ar0an1gerouLs iii bildinlgs TheC prompt buning orturng of dead anmasdeod cics ansa rtewd 'letises ap notiho tretsseditoa Bunn sbest onlly if yo0u :cp- ltey um thie elire cras Otlerwisenhuryin1g depy at rorotection 0 thehet, I' iee. The disinfeclioni preoentieofsunlight are gyeatly redued alerIl cames through orý- FormldeydeSolution (Forma- lin): A4 er cet solution af for- aoaldelyde i, water is considemed a rlibl disinieclant. Phis is Iflae h adingone part ai for- Vf teue stas deep peaceating pawersa7, apenerating odor. TJhe gau s îsver iritating ta the yes ansI se CabheAçid(Phenol>: 3Bath carali aid ndphiena areC- x-- trcelyl5osonusand imuts-tbe Ilaldedwit etrmeca-reý. Car- boucaci isoneof thie aId-limie Bathshoudbhokeýpî under lock antIkey, w0 there is no passible dankgero1;f children corintg incon.- Taaofler disinfçctanîs which aî-e not z30 dangemouis 10 the user e prier, A persun usiing even weak coeofu ns mcrolie cidMust taeprc-ulion ta protect thie Skin, Haowever, a 5 Petrcent solution of carboic acid mis saiatoy for comdnary acteria. Il Mid nat de- stTy hmgchoIera virS or te qOspo ithrax and Éleaus. Lt us',not nat hused iin dir'y barns, SapOnateil Solution cf Cresol- Inside Trilby - Trilby, a 4ircun epwpt how v+yhn ýkimown tahei- tonsils as -she opes ideto Thit itrailer Frnnk Naciý -hck lier gm.after extraction a fv-pud oth, ihhl ai 8,000,000 utnits 6f peniicilli, the gum is hai nicellv. Dr. J. Stewart Lo-it, Loîrtion, Ontario, ,viiolas been award- e dite first fellowship grauted by the Onýtarj7o Divis1ion(,Jf the Canadian Cancer -Societ. r Lott willcotneccrr- search stuidies i nga and How To Get Rid 0f Your Farm- Mf you're tired af farming and wait to get rid of your land, try tlis Yecipe 's'ggested by UJniversity "cult onetmdiunrii,-sized' iarm into '5Add seizeral cash cropste1 re 'Île te humus., "Sir the thin layer of top-soil urqctyrntil the soil particles re radyIto be carriedoff by the hetlard tain. Carefully. work. lan-d up anîd down the siope so theý biIrrOWvs will form water-ways for kapid disposai of exces w'ater and "When hardpan shows through en hiltops and siopes, cul ito deep, irregular gullies andl leave out in the sun te bake. 0Wlien done, season fi ith ain un- p,iintd hue roe-onfences, solme aid worn-out, macinei(ry, a kikety Ibari1, agood sprinikling of tmpaid bis., A'dd a pincli of des- pair aind garnish wîth wee 'ds. "'Ser7ve with a tax sale andI move 011" Big Boakie - Franîk Ericksýon is boaked in. a New York police station aiter a Couîî ' Cranid Jury, probing organized gamib- ling, returned a 60-count gam b- lixig anid conspiracy information against the booknîaking figure. 11e faces a maximum ai one year in prisýon: and $500 fine an ea'-h counit, ~hih i aIleast interesting. -He 'studyý Ing mteais hudh taugît practical t'hîings, sud as ,'t gamlin ottIson horse-ra-cýi drwpoker, shiot nmachines,rai gie-wy prograrns, se epstakeLi tikes nI sol on.p, euao ihnk Iat if IhIe kd grew jup kn hn o* bibtle chance they la ai inning, tbey rrouldn't gajnLblo Weil niah he culd Iho ,right. But orneow n all- e eare jilsl a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o theomieduhfl Nion th,ýCgitiealiahaut.the edis yga is l, ýoy na myus"-.wuya 'rs agothy sedtatol aou a notinsandedwhTaclestaly de-' ploedth aignoance ofîlea rin gejacki on abut sud molets. Onip dyu a yun fllwcae-anin "Sieon,',sance.iysO île agent his. mny"eoIom,"hamed e get« cornéjack w1udo wnth, blot CilHIDR EN SHOULD BE SEEN -NOYT HURT lived as ýlong ays you ha ove Bu4t that1i;S ail ly the way. Beure wegol Offanthat dtu ewr eatinl of thei sort proposedl by thlt Cailiforian ,1)wouild eradicate ithe gambFling Lurge, 1no mal.Iter aIt a agyutried t',0apply il.Asa ref ormeI1(d hrepaegv l lustration from re ral i e. lwa bv k vheiî we dthe world wýere conisideraliy yorrn]ger wue bad a friend vwho-allhouigh ho ha» prtty fair posiliOîi-waS cn tatybroke beaneo is burning pas;sion foer havinig a bel: on a ,hor7se in cer -ry racetawas card1e0.W b1açI iven hîm theold stuf about. "Yucan beal a race, bt y ou aî' beat the races," and -ah the rest af it, but il ma.de no differenice, iïnally wo tîmlol that mybea mthe- 'e.* , "Ge yurelt penicil and pec ai paper, No, ,you know tat the, 'bite' aI a race track is arotu 20, per cent. -Every liimeyo put aL dollar intibase imutuelimachinies, ,Only eighty centîs "f il corneso)ut." "I kniOw Ibat as wil ;aS you d," lie anwrd, agl onwith whýlat yau hve a sy, i anthinig, be- cause l'min aP, rr. "W ell 1e's qsuppose, ilus sa xape"wecotnetatn a certain dJay there are jus"t a thous,- and, guiys aI a certain track. ,Iand that each aithem lbas jusi 'a hunw- dred 1inliis kick. So they m-ake a agreement - lithkt tbey wil l ailý,j tIhey bave oncil ryrace. Nýaturally, uoe flhmare wýiped ouin îlý te veriy fir-sirace. Buit oof 0 rta 20 per ceîîî bite, how much cornes bac], afetat fî irst la? "T doi't n-eed aypenicil ani paper for that," answecred1 my friend Mac. "It wouldbelight thousand or thercabouts "Sa that eiglty grandgesbc on lIhe second race," we said. -"Whaî is the comeback when il, is in- a c'SItc-Iour tîs" relîe 0ne tlousand cores p"Fwa Mac's 'se, ony I wshyo' liurry Up ad cI metelgoing. But we weren'lta obe eald taking him ri ghî down through an aflernaan's racing and sho1lwing him how, aller Seveni races, thiat original stake ai one lundred thousand had shrunk- ta ,usl about acefifth of that amaunt. "So 110Wyou fan see what suck- ers, ail you horse players are," we concluded, triumnpban.i "'n . addi- tion toallah îe other chnces you take, you're trying ta uc a racket that will aulomnalically shnriuk a hundred grand mb o-a )lith over twenty> thousand iiilust seven races." 1 thauk you kindily pal, for the lessoùn and 'tle sermoîi," sai,,d Mac. "But I've gaIta gel going,. I kîîow Ibat you haven't any mioney, s0 I've gol 10 lhustle around and try and dig up a few bucks.. Honest John Calder bas a real good thing, in the sixth at Thorncilfe-one that jmigîl pay eght 10 one or better- and I'd bale 10 ho looking ouIthile window when il camles down. S long. l'Il be seeing- you." 'Just a minute, M1ac,"W epid "Here's lwo bucks that we were going tc give Ile îlkmi1an on ac p- count, but we cap lays staî hIiini off samiehow. File deuce on1, Honest Jhnsgood hig t' pretty near lime lhe had aWrnn R%4 Richinfvor *.lassifiled i STOREIKEEPERS AND' DEALERS Wte fr hlioqlltatd WhîuaeCaa Strtest WetIoRsi 1. Inroe ad IF TOU WANT Quick Poiab uef boy bredin-n t jusLcik.Bo wdl R O.P. bired chick-ef ht ththv vigor, live, grow uniforml, ý ly '!and mture quiekly loto heavy layera and goodmeat i r. Prites'reduced for Junei. Pop e liY ay old started fw 5crefur ai f ys wýeck oid,no-edpulfcck'l. Tuirkeys day old started twO. hroeund fu week ý,odno-xdtoms, bepc. Fies Cta- logue. 7Tweddle CbickHtheis Linfd Frg,9 Onrari, WM TECHIPS are dwnm ne'bf of hors whentho rSuIfa f godbreodng ufilshoý,wo byorp" ke bo hee r t wo ways you wt'vilmaa Ieerofitin190 Boy the beset ckneka. you tn gfad have thom, Use the b5f angeen.Th-n ^when the falmre rw immn o Not cliChicks -41i be filli'gi thle eg bse wifth profite. Send for red -d piceS for JueDgy oAd, sate wo heead fu week oid, non seed cokees ndpult chioks. Turkeysý, day old aiidlstated oxe or un-seced. Frea cataloue(. Topnot;rh Chiuk Pales, Guelph, Onferie, B1V SINESS OLPORTUNIT11IES START our ewn big payincg busieýSssharp- coing lawis SioWOtS, i;te, or f011 fmo. Experience o-csay Mciecssoniy $126. Real onyinkr Lfrauefree. Is8iloafon Machine Compianyý, I 1)g o , On- tario. QTEING AND PLEANING iii? Write f0eO u orinfomati ",l e are gia.d fa aoswer your oucaflns. Department :H, Parlîer'e Dye WrlsLimite-à.76 Tos Streef.Trnontr. CAMP HO-BA..CHEE FOR 1101BOf HA LIBURTON HIGHLANDS. Ontario On brc Brothers Lake;. accessible by bus, car ortrin, Constructive programmýe of Cýamp iectîvifies assures youi bon a healrhy hapy oliday. Rosident doctor Ini attend- ente., and experienced supervision. Tenta and cabine Recreef ion Lodge, good wvboesome food. Rates $10 pet weekc or $1100 ner monfh. Write for toldor to-Charles Wren, lil Ash- land Avenue, Toronto, Ont, EARN MONET AT HOME $PA.RE or fuli f imemnemkig Learn f0 make cendy ati o; crn w ýhiIe you learn, Free eouipmÏenlt spio. Corresppondence course. National tsitf fCnnfccfljonery Rog'd., IleLorimier FKu_ Bo lilMonfee2 Que. F'OR SALEI UNWANTE]Y HAIR PERMIANENTLY radcafcd ilh Paca Pc. Tbe mosf remeerkable dscvey f he age. Sacs, Polo is goaranteed f0 k111f be roots of any hair, and fontaine no dreuga or cem, a Lor-Beer Lab., 679 Granville, Vancouv \erl, H. -OU are nor too late f0 got our Broed Breasfed Bronze or Botsvilie Smali White jTurloey Pouite during Jooe or JulY, We qlkoo hiave o)ne week nidanS two week oflO pouulf for immediate shivment. Phonow iro-or write IliON RIIO Boud(er. Home Our INSTAL. orcoif. it scaittnSin-, structions. Writ o fîo. ioer al mags. Bept. . lBediwAve.,,Trno MOTORCYCIES', Harei Dvlsoî -"Iwan ucd sogt old,eihnedLaestc of guerenfeed useS mfocyies Bpars by fectory-treined mechanico, Bicycles. anS comn- piefe lins of wheei gods, aise Guns, Boats anS Johnson Outhoard Mofers. Open evenings ountil nine oxcept Wedpesday, Strand Cycle & Sports, King et Pentord, Hanîilten, IN FLORIDA - Çountry nomes,, turniohed, liable, gond rosag Beautitul waver front si tes anS acreage, Pmall -tractsa Biack land Cifrus, etc. Lovely year-round climats, health resett country. For sale by aCanadin-tome and ses me. P. flibson, Fort Walton, FIa. FOR PALE EHydre anS Toiephene Polose. 7AnY number. Jonu Mindmersb, R.E, 2, Coderleh, Ontario, and, as you say, il wotîld, be' a shame to iss it." 'LIat, as wo said true-to-lîfe lincident; eniough ta île ictruth never-imind. And il before, is a or as necar as' nîakes no shauld show why ive personially daubt wheller mathenlaticai (education, even if slarted in île kîindergarten, is ever going taor(,adicate Ilie desire to gamnble. Wo e may bho mistaken; but we think that tle, only remnedy for thal dîsease is the sanie that tho ,)I fellow in Tom Brou î's Schaol- dýays said was the sole cure for "'the curna tic-s. SXFEET 0FGAVAR A(DOU, Advertising. MOTIVWATER ý'for enybody aywere tua- ciurd no body 0 Rterb c eesphôf: he a ýýj, ,>Eng f fel.j ua o h týe pýa, ,ad ASCOTInstntane is WfPor e-N esNw1 Toronto 8Ot, rpoo agav d9 tye -eon sic 10' x 6" ipdwitb Price $000 Apiy cKe Bis linita, COCXSIIJT TENFOOTPwor B2der. ub- 40 TO 60COLOIE1IS Be;es 10m 0tram Guareleedcieen aili excellenttni en ne f Ieate, adsi tePr'ovince spd reiaygon oainonhgwyBa Sonfo eiin ii ltb Aceibrinfo somono or uîcksale Phno14, 01f- CHAItD PRK APIA1, EmwpdOtalo Canad, Fr711informai1on, WsenHm MEDICAL GOOD ADVICE! Every Suff erer of .Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis shouldt Try Dixon's Remnedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, 1 Ottawï $1.25 Express Prepaid The wone remod for the beedi. If you b1arsv danrui. ellnahait or going gray-GET SCALBEA etonce. Scaipheel otintient 01.50, Sceiphýeel Lotion 12.50,or $4,50 for the. twxo trei t.Posfpaîd.Scphe m~gy 91 Centrie St., Chefthem, Ont. SMOKfNworrislessmoking riii ot hlf )ite, for froc eintormfi!on ouah Poite."y ses method f0 stop.l7fpiies strict1JY onf,,idnilArRuCoPO20,taw O-Utat0" Drugiasdi CREPs Wert Roovrc.0 OPPOTUNIIESFOX IEN AND WW.IEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOINý CANADAS LEADING POMIOOL GIreat Opportunity Loaro 11airdressing Pleasent digni cd profession, good ýiwages thouenda succesaful erolgredoates America sgreete4et Sstomn. ilustrafed cea- ingue troc. \Write oriCal MIARVEL 1HA11IDRSPING SCRUOOLP 359tBi'er SPt W., Toronto, Branches 44 Kina PSt., Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa TAILORINGI, Drosmekîng, Doignina taught in youornoe, b-ionif, Froc Bookief. Low c0sf. ZEPHRIE' P SCiOHOO F AP2'LIED ARTS.' Boute No.* 1, Box: 371, Berlin, New PATENTS 6'EHE.STOHA 10H& Company Fateni Solcitrs etaiieed1890. 360 Bay Street. -C tf o. ia f Inormation on requemt. A. M. LAIDLAW. B.Se;, ParentAtrny -Patents of fnventlon. 56 Sparlîs Sf.,Ota PEIISONAL LAATEMPERANCE MOTEL, 592 SeJýrvis Street, Toreuto, alt sreten fryor eras l5 TAfEýAGENT WANTED Bereýd ivte ppIai-otrom oualiled teacheursdoesto ,ei Sepyotem e ma1n0 Ap plyaina ciUeidficationg aery expte foaog, 1fR. 2, Poot, t1. Go ulig adwer andhardwre lnos fr curunin Irevigfrad. on e7 Sls. 7 rnc r WNtED talpome -ndy 100 Acres.Putetl fer grin tnhet cetf le. r' tGobudns Tnd later shupid prauaiabyet2 Vnefn blenduAc App yox 6digesie tiact eenfli b., trct na hn s V ne Pp nu somc o W AKcntiaEd.YufelsU YUnadth Bttae bths îd eMniog Rar's tGo -r ive ilsliuld pour ou2fabtsotbileplo a Gie a pckageut oyrdigetive acieo1,dy ftsbile is e lowing frCrey r'.fondlemnayr Pille.digest,l ay justndeoa 0teietv trat.ThnE lotsupynr tost, o ANEW is a prefahicaîed chiney speialiy designed for homconess and Camps. Install it yauà:seîf, 2at Iow cost, in itva lime. e S uspendeol from eeilings or l? Anchored te floor în homnes of 1 ao' 2 stoaes Linedc with gas-tigbt acid-proof' tule, VAN PACKIIR will last- a lifetîrne, Approved ýby Ucsderwriters Laboratory. Seif hf your dealer or renumo this coupon for particulars andI IDAVi'DSON-McROBERT, LMITED 1 Dept. S.I 1 29, Elizabeth St. North, Brampton, Ont, Picate scnd me parnikolars aînd specifications on the iVon Pocker cliinney. I Nns............................. ....... 1Address,...................... J .-- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- --- -- ---B