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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1950, p. 3

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Jak' l estzýlF'j 11ie day before Darlings tlree- ring circus, largest to ever visît New En gland, carne to Dexter," Siuas Ledbetter called bis 12 year- ûld son in fron the barn and said: "LDolk here, jackie, yoi îve becr. a pretty goo d boy ibis sunier. Gue ss you deserve bein on1 band, wibthe other boys at tliat c Ircîîs heivgets here tomorr,>iw.", Th11 Ledbette rs were pour l'as churclhi mice, and Jackic. hadn't dared. cien let himself tliiinl bis pop w udlet bini attend -the cir- eus. Consequently, his round bliie eyes grew eveni rounder. Old Silas griîîîîd and swallow cd a lunmp in bis throat. He duigdon inito bi- -p:ociket and bruglit out .Jakiecaefnlvplacedl l!be halL!,- over hilArnddy face, puckîre upj 'is lip an bgani to %histle. HeI wýhistled ail thaut aitern-oonL and vas s[il whlzIng 'vIhen hle c-aine 7u froi tbc luwer lot lor supper. Once upstairs, jackie carefulil tookl- off bis shirt and thci. felt in the pocket of bis overalîs for tbe bial dollar. HIe'dl better sleep _With ïb under bis pillow, he rcasoned, like he'd read a,.bout folks doing. It was rigbt then that, jackie's iieart sank,, rigbt then 'that bbc world, turued black and thcre ivas a ýhorrible, terrifying,, empty feel- ing in the pi t of bis stom acli. Thé baîf dollar-was gonel Jackie wanted to cry but lie \vas too much of a man, for that.ý He searched through the otiier pocket ',ery carefully, and then iuoked in bis shocs, and under, the bed aud about everywbere that the halL dol- lar miglit bave been. But it was gone, completeiy vauisbed. And su Jackie, bis heart acbing yiith nisery, crawled into Led. And tîen-be coluthelp i-ecried. But ail the im-.e hle kept teliug iim- self bie wa aiii ma owI sud be'd better sto cryiug before nom calme npL- ttick bIim u niks felbad and( probably er-y, )ooAn He coli't e decided, even-_ let V son know tht iehd atte hýalf dollar. Orpp) ihr That wonldn't ~ be fir. led el s g f b ieftonilorr-ow afternloonud 2ihere w asu' ay one I in h o luad a fetrpop sud mloml than he,ý teaJrs. Hie Àidni't -ion after breCakzfast and set ot w3 bis pitchfork over bis shoniîder and a mbit ) on is lips. Once onlt of sigbt of the bouse the bite id, Theý_ ache aud misery of ieart just wvoûldn't let it go, onl, StlI h was going to aee- the pýarade anywaiy, aud pop andý( mlomr wol 'itl ink.i lie vias go- elug to the circus. lb Was comnfprt- igtO kno ltat pop and mous Jackîe rece h ower lot and )egani to. sbk nt tbeC hayas pop hsd" asedbu b do. Hiecud' koaf ou7 the( jobb tl imcf because ifý ýlie i pop wnd' îii J ackie urned tle bay isf ocs ruply batsame er amc siy liat iay duite stu!blIls unider' y,» ~ ~ ~ ~~i teorflfbyb'd just p)ickedi p.Aiter a l1ong time h seemed, hibeart beg n t b again. Iefeit gose pimpjlestrakn ont -~~~~~~ 'e n hntadd Il sorts of And ~~ àhn jci reuensbeî ed bbat~ ~ ~~~lr bedhinv rkn seeo the ï erno beoe al tC, 0 1L dollr inat avcsipped ont o ispocise-t. Fie p)"iked uip tb coi aqeec it ligly and,hodn h tgbl~ n isclenicbed î_at, wentý TIIFR M F R NT sOu"usa leal gb 3s bcsart of atunmaldirg-asd wîata love- lY usit wasbub folks 1wbose daiiy bahamuat le ue ,O-ut l ise G1copen, air, l'ui o well b trea tu source uf unr ligît, heat ans- energy w itis due respect. Lverv suinîer conntle'-s tisous- suds ot Cauadiauss ubter, bu sunle exteut, from bise seat. Tisecuisse- quences eau range from mmuc dis- couîiurt bu deabli. Tisese cou)nse - quecsesare herber know n as iseat, exhisnoi, heatstmoke, su-d sun- stroke. Escli of bliese conitions usa differeuit symspoms sud sigîsa, anti echi vaies in bise -treafiment -e-- qnirttd. 1* * * Take lîcatexhaustion timst. This is duceusainly bu pcrspiring iii suchb *great arnounts bisat the lods' la draiîîed of îssust of its watcr imd- sait. Ir is isot neccssarily reisted bu puy sîc,11caexention. lb usnally 'couses suddely wtb mrkcdw aîsss dizziuess usuca, r somliisg. I tIc person i staing e msy rmcc. :isis-:11viii bepaie sud miobt, lis pulse wcabncabing: rap id, per- sp;,ration profuse. For heat exhaustiomi, do this:, Have bbc persun lié, dows,_ if' poÇ- ille, lus a coul place w bene cair la circvlatiug freely. Looseus bis cluthing. If tbc patient la cbilly, nuousatten boxv but the day, keepý hir warnsw ibis a hsot w aber bottie or:blankýet. Ifl£eic cnscions, give ins sips of sait w aber (l teaspos uf sait bu 1 plut uf w'atcr) sud a stimulant (tea, coffce or arunstie spirits of ammoula in titis pruporý- iuu: 2 beaspàoisin 72 gia5saoh wvter). If bbc patienît ducs isut mi- prove qnicly,,rail a doctor. Sumstroke aud heatstroke have tbc same syînptoms sud effeets lut sunstroke cuisses frmu exposure pt tise Sun ansd heabstruke cornes froi exposure ta extrema indoor heat. Bobli are fanrmore serions than lîcat exbansbionî sud require -prompt ac- tion bu save tise peraun'a lufe. Silice cause sud reatusent oi aunstroke ansdliseatstroke are tbc sa-me, we shhr icrhncefurtb ouiy bu sun- ýstmklbmauý1 ccur wbbsurpris- îug sddencss;i may le precedcd by, acute hse'adache, dizziness, sund nauca~rapdlyfolluwed by nucun- scosss.The akin of suistroke patiebits iS dry sud lbut, tbbc face fbushed, bbc pulse rapid, sud tbc emperabure lîigls. For suinstrok>!e, do this: Cali a pisysiciant at once. Whilew aiting for hlm bu arrive, take bbc patient bu a cool place whcre he eau lie down vibb bis head sigbtly raisèd. Re- move as isssucb of bis clothiug as possible. Put su ire lag or vcry cold clutha ou bis head, Then try bu reduce bis emperature by spuug- iug his body with coul (nut iccd> watem or ly wrapping him in a slîeet sud sprayiug, or geîsbiy pour- îug, cool, water over him every few minsutea. Do nut givestimulants, Aiter bbc patienît becoîs con- scions, give lim coul ivater bu drnîk. Heat cranlipa usually dcv clop lu tsewbu 'vvorl, indoors isnligh bemperature sud; wbo perapime pro- fusely. The nesuliug husutfsait from bbcth body causes cramps. Te unseýt is suddiens wîbb painltul r ampa; of bbc ab;Jdonior Jijbs, Tsscn dition miiay ast for about 24 ounra, but ranely msure tîman that, For iseat crampa, do this:. Have patieîîb est inm a'coul place, Apply Historàc Canadian Beauty Spot Here, on the Uaguenay River, is the site of the eariE st Christian Mission in Canada. The first chapel of boughs and bark went up in 1600; vand t-is littie white building erected in 1747 on the, still Stands. v rncloî!is, or a botwater bottle to, tbe abdomen. i-Relief sbouid, corne qnic1,iy; if it dues not, give the sanie came as for heat- exhanstion. Snnibnrn is, anuiber consequeuce- of to nucb exposure to the su. However; one may be sunbuned ou a cioudy day. Sunburu, is. a reaf' humn, and in itsý effects it is jnst like any otlier humn. Mild sunhumu eau bie painfnlly unconsfortable, and, se'. c suiiburii wlicb covers a large portion of bbc body is dangerous. lb may cause stomnacb and intestinal disorders and sunstroke. Serions, anuburnunsnaily is avoidi- able if expusume'tothebbcsn's rays is, brief until banning bias begun, If a person nust be out lu the sun for any iength of time before he bas acquircd a cuat of ban, clotbîng abonld be worn. Tbe ouas and lotions ou tbue rnarket for tliseprevention of snnibui' also are bclpful. For smnburn, do thi.s: Apply bak- îng sod(a sud, water, a buru oint- ment, tannîc-acid jelly, 'or calamin e lotion. Whenyon purchase the cala- mine lotion, bave druggist add. enougis caîboiic acid to maké a 2- per' cent solution. If the brns is severe and extensive, or if tbere is a ever, caîl a physician. lb is xise tu kccp in mid that sev erest effecbs froîp the beat and sun arc snffered by oid Reople and infants in their first year of 'lit e, Aiso, thuse Who are very mucli os erweiglit or lu pour hcaltb are nost likcly to suifer from the ef- fects of heat, 'especially i0 Ion-cou- tinncd bot spelîs. What ta Do? J obny lhad been commissîoned to mind bis baby brotiser. Preseutly, ioîîd cries from tbe garden reacbed 1;s notbcr's eaes. "Wliat lu the wo rld.,is bise matý- ter?'e sbe cslled from the kitchen wiudowýý. "Cau't yon keep yonr littie brotiser eutertaiscd 'for a few min-, utcs?" 'mr trving tu figure ont wbat to do"rcpiied jolinny. "He's dng a lbIe lu tise ground, and now lie ivants to bring it into thue bouse ih bu," Once Speed King, Nowv. Junk-Slowiy rsin u his Londo'îs car dea1e-ýs' junk yard is the lateý Sir Malcolm Canspbell's famed, "Blueb)ird," formriy tise world's fastes'rac7ing car. The once- sleek r-acer was the flrst land vehicle to travel at 300 mlsper h our « and broke the world's land speed record for Great Britain no Iess than five times 'Its gîor is ssow fading- witls its paint. DinosauLra Came In Ail Sizes, Sorne SmaI1 As Cole Dogs Wbat vieme the Dinosanrs ithat ocnidthe ancient world ral libse? Dr. W. E, Swintou of tbe Bnr- tîsis Mnse um of Natuirai History rccently went bu Canada and the United' States tu study their collIec- tion of Dinosaurs sud comrpare theus v is Enropean ones. Lu a radt(io taik lie btold listeners somietbIing about these pre-bistoric creatures w bhicb w ene the dominant li.and ani- mais for iiearlv a hundrcd -million years. 'Tise first misconâception lie cor- rccted xvas that atl Dinossurs were buge. Suise were cuormous but others were as smali as aà coulic do.They were ail reptiles1ý, itant relaitives of suakzes andÀiiizardn sud rather d coser rltie oi coo die.Tbey werecodboddofe scaIy lu ppea anc ad fmae laid egs TheJIly are kisown rfrom tbeir fosiized remains, the oî,slly contact betw'een theni and modern iaan, for the last Dinosaur tsad beei dcad at ieast 'sîxty millionî yearés lefore tbc first man appeared. Neariy a bundred differcuit kinds of Dinosaurs, who adapted tbem- selves bu varions ways of lîfe. hiave [cen found. Dr. Sw ,iitob-si distîîs- guisbed them n uthe easeést w ay, L-y their habits. There weecflesb caters with twu short fore hila and two strong bind ones on vibicb they w alked. Their tcs sud in- gera w ýcre claw cd aind thex sd une row of sharp, kuife-li ke teeth. Some werc amali, somre more thaîs tEn eet bigli, thecclmax of itheir developusent leing reacbedý in Ty- rannosanrus, nearly ,fufty i cet long from iîis snut bu ise tiof bis tait, These flesh-ïeabcs wrecloscly relabed bu ai' even larer ge tarian gronp, with very long nec ks sud ta'Is snd elephantin e dles. Týhese animal staili b1d(lefg hbind legs but svilked un Iai furs Suss wcre only thirben i-cetlng ise amons Brontosaurus was bcbw cen forby and sixty feet, whit ise l'iggest ut ail, Upiodocusmeaure iiearly niueby feet ansd poa weighted tw cuby-five bons ýTbey spent mucb busse lu lakes ariviýers wherebisey nused their sbrong teet ou bbc softest cegebation and ilicir c'aws bu grasp a oobbld.*A t'ird gronp of Dinosaurs 1i alkc-d ýcre and bad beaked mnoutisa and teethý sîîited for feedîng on iseevrgee palm like vegebabion of tise tueII Sonie outhbc snsîler kiidsuîy have ciimbcd bîces. The fourtb group, tour-legged cousins ofthbbleakcd aîil'als sud np bu tweuty feet long, sveme called arm'onmed -Dinosaurs because of thýe boîy iplates -suLd spikes tbey oe Sunse were cntirely covemcd wt sucl thiga;obliersladaoul owofplates aluug bc cetre o bue ack others-lbad spikes ,ou bb face sutd brow sud a gr(,at i;nPu lunje oven the neçck. Complete skeiebois o sm D'Iinusaurs are u xitncinhr rejust isoiatcd boues J Iipressin of skiîs arc fonndonterksu vssociatiunwtbbcbossaî theme arc rmisu g'.iii very occasiOna priosofcsseciI ['mousL'iicdte nfra o about their foodl eucl'db' type of rocks lu whicb the-fossils usmç prcsenved bell of the-gcography aud climate.' Tlisre la a guod collec- tien uf Dinusaura iu London aud others ils Enropse but by fan bbc finest collections are iin Canada and the CUuîtcd States' for tbe types ci" geologicai beds wvbicb preserve the bhunes are mure amply repre- aeubed there. Dinosaurs lix cd for a buuds-ed millions years sud tbeiv vanished dyiun'g witbuut descendants. To-vsrds the end ut their crs there siere seý,ide changes iii topography, cil- mate sud bbc nature of plants, al of whiicb usade demanda or a stock, acons oléd luhabits.Thy hd teir> sho0rtaIgesof fuu, abitr u ittoat pDotent ot al, abort-age C.f brain. Dr. Swiuton concjiuded by d -srib iug bIis visit buthe wc or1d's largesu becI--ope ou MJonut iPalomrar 'lu Calîfurîsia. Wi'tblb ý mari eau sce systems ineredibly remute, vwhose liglit bakes oîîe buitndred ?sud forty million years to, reacli tise er "Liglit that lett bbc onter nebisîse wben the Dinosaurs wcmc alive sud were masters of tise world isow gicams upoîs blîcr bonoured boucs," lie saaud. The Professor Ag-ain "Hello," aaid ftiseabsent-minded professonr. "owsyour -wiie?" -"O h." replicd bbc man, "I'm uui nianmîed yet, y ou kuow." "To be sure," uudded bbc pro- fessor. "Then yuOur mIfe is atili singletuo Oveberd Wen iy fathe-iu-lw for givn me bis dauiglsjtcm's lîand le isaid ïbbc éday was youug yt Hlot Weat-her Do's AdDon'ts Do 1 nuh f yurwok sfîý inus ubi, ueJly, vui Don't stay in the s-uniilit too long at a time Take (-tirne off t sud then bu rest lu tbc shade, Do keep yourhead coveîe-d w workiug lu bbc sun. 'The ssa ry% are niust harmful wheu taliîugffi- i îctly oubthe bead. Do weaî liglst, bousecluig Don't overeat. Chose e- asilîy'di- gcsted foods. Leave ont fats sud cnt dowîi ou meats, cggs, and obise proteins wiîicb serve bu "stcam up" th'e body. Fruit juices arc hlcpfui. Go ligbt ou tes, coffee, tobacco, sud alcoisolie drinks. Do bry tu create a lrcz y o %v:ndow a, or fans wlei,. nkngl iuteuse indoor beat.ý Do drinsk pliîîy u o ld (i(luotic v'ater. Froni '8 bu 12 or 1;glase a day niay le needed bu replýace tise fluid bat tlsrougb rpimation Do use picusty of sait viith Yuuir- food aîsd add ;h bu your driuking w ,;aber, unlesa, your pisysician ad- vises oblscnwise. On, if you Pre- feci, use sait tables, Extra -sait la* iîeeded but replace what is bast in perspirationî. Don't overdo lu any way. Keep lu good condition witb becaithful living habits. Get pleuty of rest sud slccp, avoid too muici,-physîcali activiby sud fatigue. >Don't w'urry. RelaxLrqcslad complebciy. Flower Garden Tipi% Ci'omwded iris clutupa should be divided sud replauted. as sous as tbey have fiuished hlJouriniug, Re- move spent flowren beada3 of peonies, sud, iris as son as tbLey appear. Py doiug rthis aHSil s e,y ing ine. Alluw bbc foliatgeuatr DDsevaaTbderta tb glada, caîua, cd ild as, peorçeve Tbrips cause mulirdauagfl is iolus. F( S orsonro, ppy i mf you wai util bli-,e bliripa hae caions wil le needed, sudwe roses munrscoutrol ly îwcekly doses lcad aseab vibi9 part' of -h edustinýg aulpbnur. Pro*4pagandt(a Battie in Berlin- Lates't weapons of t iie Coîdwa mnt GermanY catýal include match boxes and bailoo nsd iA propaganda offïensives and coister-barrages. The match- cuer Ift, is osse of many-which vewre smuggied Isto Berl'ï. Wres't Sector by Commun ttiists. ( OIuÈit are inscribed th-e wrs "Aul Strngt h fr Cie FDJ <omns ot raszto) . Wîiin~ t WokanDefmsdPeae."The baîiooii at îrigbt 7s ne i hndrds CcaebY naiimumunSt Brhin ,bPar- ~in'g %h icher "F" for "Erecen," and tihe words: '"DIj fr- vs Isiu ,r o saeuis?"' tiRcilafesar, ibc Ld s

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