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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1950, p. 7

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W'ere Tlhefl yRe 1, WaIk 0O-1_Gold For csometre now, the i-habi- tnsof ,W7ed'derbur, a littie town-. sbîp in cast Australia, have been vainàg aiong their streets aud fI oot- paths witbont the lcast- idea that tlcy ere, litcraily, waiking on gold. Cold bas been lu the news before in those parts, but that 'was .a century ago, and, aftcr thse great goid-rush days, interest chifted toý biggcr and richer fields such as Ben- eýsgo. From tbc radio station ,it Ben- 4igro Tapiev Timims told the story "few we 1sgo, VWedderburu aSleepinlg peceuly ,n the worthern Victoriani plains, arnid large holdinjgs where farmners- bar- s'est wheat and graze sbcep. Then a fariner namied Smnitb,*acti-.g on a bLunch, dag a hole a few test deep in the iootpath lu a Wedderburn street and uncartbed a nugget of gold vaîued at £1,100. "Soon after, a reporter visitiug the site iookcd-over the palirig fence ou the other sîde of the footpath znud saw that the quarter acre of ground inside bad been reccntly svorked over. Soon the, oecret was ou t. "For tbircc .years a retireci farmer s-.aed DvidButtcrick and his scn-n-a ad been systematically propeciugthat piece of' ground, auId had won froni it goid uuggets w o(rth nany thousands of pounds, Anýd the other day the addel1 to.this swealh by turning up) yet an!other migget worth £8W3. "When 1 visited Wedderburn I fond Mr. Butterick and bis sons- in-law stili at work, Mr. Smith stili deiving in the street ousde, and people far and near staking dlaims in the streets. They are dîgging lioles aud sinking sbafts in the roadways in Wedderburu oow, and local residents are tearing up their îront gardeus and their backyards in the search for gold.' The police are bard put to itto deal with the v euple whu are cuming huom Ben- é" go, froin Melbourne, 150 miles away, and even from othi r Aus- tralian states to peg out da;ims. "But the iuside story, the hegin- siug of this gold f ever at \'edder- buru, was the careful, ploddingwork begun tbree years ago bv David llutterick and bis, Bill Ilatthews and Rex Chapian. Mat-. hestold me the story: "About tbree years ago mny fatcrin-lwMr. Dave Buttcrick, ptirhasd aplot of land frorn the ?Iakof Australasia. Heicbad a bunchi -tht tixee was gld i" t, and h le invied il is sns*n-aw oig ,mwa oruate eog obe -~ su oliayat the im iie, anid sank a, hole into éthýis grounId, and was lucky enough tç f corne upon a nugge, ivighing seven ounces. 1 drove into "-< this hole aud found the runi of 'the g(i ~'à'My father-iiu-iaw notidlcd the corne upi- and dig interleisuire tmadwç have ýMFCd thousanrds of pouuds' worth <fod.At the present trne we arehsxting for a reef cailed Chcrki * ---wih, in the oid days, wvas very 1i:ch-anid I think, witb loch,, we sbould corne upon tbis reef."' Loîïsa Lobster - Larry Se Com--,pares an aeaeone- pounçJ lobster wt youndnil s t e r recently eaughb t off the shore by a %,fish- ing dragger.TOO bJg to g et ýintothne average lobster pot, the37inh ur1s ta ce-au vas ialdaboard byfshrn with a oat hok. I ML' I cl,1X0 Ar~c1vtcws. Betwccu eariy stiriug and labe autumu most "boys"-ages rauging from. 6 to 60=get the chance, or make bbc chance, to go fishiug. Which is ail right too, and juit as it sboold be. But when they briug home their btrophies' 'and expect bbcý woman of bbc bouse to turn ot-ou short notice-a ternptin1g fishi dinner, it's -s lit's wcl b have a- littie kunowledge, asw il asplcuty of patience. So 1 hope these bints will be hclp-. fui. Tbey refen, of course, to fresh-. wxater fis - producti of ponds, creeki, lakes, rivers and brooks- ratiser than bbc ualt-water- varicties,' Some of tbc hints, by the way, go for tise men-foik boo. fi rst responsibilitv for the soc- cuis of tise fish dinner tisat mray follow sucis rips reits squarciy ou bbc person Who catches thse fs. F'ish should be cleaucé soon after they are caught, exccpt lu coldest wcatber, sud not carried arouud in creel or' boat unclcaned. rif a fisis is cnt open, bise gis and entrails removed, and bbe blond along the backboue- scraped ont wibb bise thumbuail, i il xviikeep evnin rnidsunmcer. Ignore those experts Wbo say.water should neyer bouch a clcaned fish. Use al the watcr you wish, but wipe the fis dry with grass or ciobh. Neyer let cn.e fish touch anoriser, if you w aut to, preserve* natoral markiugs. SCALING TÈHE FISH Troot need no furtiser prepara- tien for cooking, but other fish must be scaled or skinned.ý It's a wise man Who scaies the ucatiy, cleaned fish bc brings home, because bis wife tisen wo't objecbtotc future bnîps. Most fisis ane easy bu scale, but bbc brilliant yeilow perchis an ex- ception. Dip it briefly lu boiling wabcr, sud lb xvii shed its scales as a molting chicken dues featisers. Catfish (a coutry favorite in rnany placs) mst be, skiunied. There's more thaoisne waytu kin a ýcat- fish), btbEll ea]tSicsb metbuýd is t'u puit bbc fisblu lta paii sud pou s;ca1lding0 water ovCr it. The uk1in then lstips off ikeý tissule paper. Il bea;ts nailing tlise f;ýih bua huard suid piling off bbC ikini wibb lirs DO'S AND DON'TS IN COOKING Cooking i-i more a matter of don'ts thain foliowýing any intricab&* recipeLs. There are uuoily s few basic wsys to prprefs-bakiug,. broul- ing, steainig, panu-frying, wibb their sevc r;1l va ria tions of plauking, poacbiug, and fryiug lu deep fat. Please Don't. Tisere are bbree en- emies of success lu cooking fs- tocurmuch beat, boo mucb cookiug, sud (É1ù e strong sauces. There-. Don't tutu on tbbcbet fou Jlblast. Fi S is delicate protein food and needs gentie beat.- Smnalier fuish (brout, bloc gilis, brca-m, percis, suîsfisb, sxicb ,ome caîl paufisb, sud catfish) si'ould ne- ceive s protective covering before bcing fried..A persoual favorite is made thus: Roll tise fishin lu our ses- soued with sait and pepper; dip into à besten egg which lias been diiuted Nvitis haîlf an1 eggsbell of m1ilk; then roll again lu another scasoned mix- ture of baif flor, baif brend crumbs. Tfiis serves for ordiuary pan-fryiug or deep-fat frying. Iu pan-fryiug, 1 like tise fat hot for bise firit few minutes. Puttiug in tise coated fis cojols lb quicklyý,sud bisen tise beat shoulé beý turued down. Wbeu tise sbcatb browns niccly, bise fiah osuaîiy is douie. Do't umother miid, delicate fnesýbwater fisb in bot and beavy sauiices. Creole sud similar sauces aie fine for sronger-flayored, sait-. waber fis, but plain lemun butter (4 babiespoo ns butter meited with 1 beaspoon emon juice sud 'A spoons mnc o,¶tbepo clîoppcd parsie-,. iedimmedi- ately before srig Hetre is ï a ailymde -sh sauce: 7.cup swecu_ ream wh,>iplped and mnixed wt /'cuip fresbiy gra1ted hurse-radlisb ýor caefuly ranef prepared os-raib hiii e fr7geritoir and srecoid o o PLE ASE 1DO. 1if o ellk -a eIînon flavor wý:libtb pis Icmon juice 0ou ý the ihafer 1, îs cleanled, beforesoriugin tise rrzrigerator.'T'ise flavor i pen111ete 11:cely- If pan-fryiug and you wish to clusinabe these maîl boucs souse fish- possess, miake scoring cots leugtb- w ,se froni tail to ucar head, ý inchs apart and' deep enougli to bot ch tise larger rib boucs When f.ied iu fairiv deep fat, tbe tiiy loQsc boues wiil crisp so tliat theY cani be caten. Well, noy "fis story" scenîs to have struug ibseif ottlonger tissu I thoughtit lbwouid, soI1 von", bave suace bo 'tell you anything about tisese recipes I'us passing aloug-except to say tbat they've ail h ecu tried ai-d pronouuiced good. Springtime Pie 1 Cup Finely Diced Rhubarb 1 Cup Diced Pineappie, Frcsb or Canned 1 Cup Cooked, Pitted Prunes .2/4 Cup Sugar 1 Tabiespoon Quick-Cooking Tapioca 'ARecipe Plain Pastry 2 Tabiespoons Butter or, Marg- arine 2 Egg Whites 4 Tabiespoons SuÉar Combine the risubarb, piucapple, prunes, 3/ cup sugar sud tapioca. Pour into a pasbry-liued 9-incis pie pan. Dot witb butter. Bake lu a bot oven (425' F.) for 15 minutes. Re- duce beat to 350' F. and bake 30 minutes longer. Beat bbche g whites until stiff but not dry.Ad sugar a tablespoon "at a tuei,bet ing until mixture foýruis zbLiff peaks.ý 15 bu 20rminuýtesbfreur i.if Spread ligbbiy over to ofpie and bake l ai deateovn0(500F.) yuu wishi, chili pie aud srve Nvitis swcetencd wbipped cream iu place of the mneringue. Tisis recipe makes one 9-incis pie. Apricot-Spice Cake 1 cup browa sugar, firmly packed 2 cups water 1 cup dried apricots, cul ln emal pieces !/3 cup butter or margarine V,4 teaspoon cinnanon V4 teaspoon cioves Y4 teaspoon sait 2 cups sifted fleur 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon ba*ing powder Combine tise brown sugar, xxatcr, dricd apricots, butter, nuumeg, clu- namon, cioves and sait lu a sauce-. pan. Simmer 8 minutes, Let cool to .lukewarrn. Sift together .the four, ioda and baking powder. 'kdd to finît mixture, strrng ouiy util ingredients are weil blcuded. Pour into a gneased loaf pan and bake lu a mnodenate oven (350' F.) 40 to 45 minutes. Cool before sliciug, Serve plain or sprinklcd xvtb sifted cou- fcctiouer's sugar. Makes 1 loaf. Cheese-Rice Ring 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 green pepper, chopped 2 tabiespoons butter or margar- ine 1 V cups canned tomatoes 3V2~ cups oooked rice V2~ teaspoon saît 3/ teaspoon pepper 15/2 cups grated sharu cheese Sauté onion and green pepper lu butter, Add tomatoci and rice. Simmer util rice bas sbsorbed the lîqoid. Add sait, pepper and checue. Stir util cheese meits, Pack into a greased ring mold. Uumoid and fil centre witb scrambled eggs. Makes 6to 8 servings.1 Cottage-Garden Salad 5 suices bacon Mother 0f The Bride-Few nothecrs live to enjoy th eir chl-. dreu's Golden We/ddi1,g .aniIversaury, so 90-.year-oid Mrs. janet Terry, center, is righLt proud o)f einig the >-ueist of honor at the mid-lune Golden Wedding party of her dlaughter and son-în- iaw, i\r, and Mrs.AaiVat HOW ONE RURAL CHURCH PAFD OFF ITS DEBT Members of rural churcises laden with debt-and, unfortunately, there are many such--wili be interested lu the story of how -one congrega- tion put across the ideà of- an old- fasbioned banni auction. Thsis rural Mecthodist churcb in Iowa put on a benefit aI which over $70,000 %vortb of goods and livestock was cffered for sale., Tisete-uit was so gratiying tisaI now tise churcis, whicis started five years ago wltb a "God's Acre" plan for raising fuads, bas paid off ail indebteduess. Also it bas been remnodeled labo a community center as weil as a place of xvorship. Tise story lu toid by H.* O. Brennan in "Successý- ful Farrning." Tise ides was Loru ise day aLiv chuciscomniteepitcbcd lu to hise1p tis nw inuster, bseReenu Xeuley Frank, unioad bis !bouse- boid od.Tise ,Rcvertud Mr. i-nank, wbo ýissua been a farn paston for 23 3 cars, isad brouglit aloug a dozen pullets. But be fouud tise ciiken coup filied witis surplus lumben, doons, sud windowvs whicb w-cru icI rovin frou tise churcb ne- nsodeiing. Binging ônt au armload of lum- ber, one of tise man ssked, "Vs iy isot bave a sale aud dispose of tis ssrplus-P" Someune cisc suggested tisey ask bise churcis meushens for dlonations of livestock bu make il a biggcr sale. Tisat conversation led bu a general cburcb meéeting wlisee plans bon tise sale wene made. Thse bachisone of tise planning was donc by five farmen-membens of tise chusrch, witb their minuster., Leonard Dibtmer, wbo manages a iserd of Hoistecin cows ou 'isuplace near tise cisurci, waýs chairïisati. (Que member su!ggcýsted tisat isey solicit mercisaudise frouc daenll ise îseanby towsiis o7f Algnia sud Bort, obu be sod ou a cmisinbasis, Tis1&,ideaistr proved vcny profit- For tw o weks pior bu tise sale da, isu v men weub about thein co-rrnit sliciting donations sud puliiig tise sale. Eveny-oue rspodcd.Qucisurcis i'iemb)cr offened àn electric crearn separaton. A farn humemakeýr gave a used coal cookutove. There wss s pnize Hereford steen, tuve gal- ions of bsouse paint, a îîcw iaîf- ton pickup truck, sud a case of, soap powder. And so lb went-hun- dredu andi iundredi of items, lîttle sud big, fnom turkeys to tractons. Some were given ootrîgbt and some un a perceutage basis, Wheu dealers in ncarby bowns vere solicited, they uffered dozens of ncw and used applances, trucks, cars, sud farus machines on corn- uisson. Commission rates for tise curcb's sisare were: Items wortb up bu $200, 15 pet cent; $200 10 $400, 10 per cent; $400 sud up, 7'A pet cent. Perceutage items accouuted ,jfor amost baif bise day's profits. How ducs thbc work gel dou on a farm sale like Ibis? "Te mportant tbiug," says tisýe Reverud 'ýMn, Frnk,"h 0ive e"eryone aplconacmibe This makes 'for a spirit of coopera- ion tisat ligistens bise bard work uecessary for sncb a projcb" Wbat cousmittees do you uecd? aWlthe Good Hope men appoint- cd seven, in addition bu bise plauners wiso isasdicd tise solicitiug sud pubiicity. I.1 Fencead Tent Committce. Tiscy build pens suad f ences for livcstock and put up a large tent for dispiay, of appliances. Tbey crected s stnrdy piatform vhere the eonîpment w-au auctioned off. 2. Livestock andDatd Articles Tisis groop stipervised 'uic oading sud umlnlaing-of i teýs gvnfor Sale. 3. CisýcIilng-uCumte hs coruific'did ucr itisechoc for a paýrking ares, isud Ibs-ommqittee directed tise raffie. 15. Receptïin Cmi e This Butanetiise prdu es biýke flmDe wbl lu prese,,lae gocu o; A MOTORIST lu Pacifiu Calif., luit a wbeci off bis He watcbed it roll into tiseJ' a man who ioaded it into- sud burniediy drove away.1 is 2,700 beIr ulsgs no 0wick, sk size;ý en lever xL' wis11e1 cBeachi, t railer. haandi('f biis carý CraISt» Crnnchy DI NNERROUIS * e'e reýaIIy ritzy-adn trouble a-. ail to rnake, wjihne Fleischmannir's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast! Gives you fist action - lîght douglis -and nonte of the botber of old time perishiable yeast! Get a dozen packages keepi uli strength withiout refrigeratiori! ~c1~ ,,~ * Mensure into lrge bowt c,~~~ýoi lueam ae, s.g krnu larE ugstir utll sgrisdi solvd3c.prike with1 envelope 1 tip. sait. Add, ail at once, 31/, c, once-sifted hread flour and vork in with the hands; work in 3 tbs, soft sborteniug. Knead on lightly- floured huard until sniuuth andi elastic. Place in greased bowl." Cover with a damp cloth and set in warmn place, free from draughit. Let ise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough in howl, fold over, coveroand again let ise - 1 til doubled in bolk. Turu ont on lightly-floured board and divide into 2 equal portions; shape eachi piece into a long roll about .1i/" ini diameter Cover with a damip clorJi and let rest 15 mini, Using a floured sýharp knife, cut douigi into 2" lengtssdpace, weul apar]t, on unrgrecased cookie sheets. Spr-inkle roIls with cornm5e.-! i and let isecre, fr1/linur. BruiSIîwitb Cold )watc1 and Jet rise, another M our1 Menwhle stand a broad sh-allow ý-pan of h lpt water ii).the oe n rha oven te, bot. 42,,)',Rem-ove panii ')f warer fr'lion ilen d bake thie rolj; isin. eai-filled oven for 1/2 hourbrsinlg thiithcl wtrand ipistkiIiing lighrývly i Cornnpical after bbic fir-it 1,5 1mrins.,' and gai'n buhngte with' 11-ndherg dee d chur ch L 7. Poice Cmmitee. ime - ganat 1ç:30, The spritofthe bd 1ing soncaughit on~ t upt itiu i$10 o itpie w who h lad.oFCercld it on pe)Ccentaget eodec f tit!, a mnodel adgave 7 )pr cef of the pro-. ',0s tothe chIurch Abou ioclock abxofrotrswsput up ifor Sa1e, given back, and re intil àt brugtii 80 u h idie of thle afternon, just r ý-f ui, some- oine blroughit li lia mule. It vwasý sold and resoid u - j~d$17 One commiIitteeman brou!ýtghýt a fn eairy cow to tht sal (n bouight, t backhimsef, liig90god price for it and dontIng heamun bt thFe hurch. Even the minister's e odson- D)avid, got iuterested in t he sale w~hen a Bautain niother lien andcý her six tiny chicks went on t hze block. As a joke, some, farmier iriends outbid the minister, thien presented the Banties lto littie David. The sale.was a socI;al ýffairas well as a fuud-raïsing proJ ect. Thle WXomen's Service Uniît serve hornemade soup, sandwichies, and hot coffee ail da,,Arpon he ccoked a gooid dinnaer. Everyon.e heiped fil(e: paer in 'nearb y towns rau ig ads and, priuted thousands of sale bils freeý. A flyîug-farmer friend o-f tlice rc scattered the bilis roiihs plane. The auctioneers gv h~rsr vices, and an Al]goma bauýik çClrked tbe sale. The Cuntyu Fair or supplied the big teut, anili e iig.-. w ay Department lae thick ery provided hot water iý creani cans for the kitchen. T he key to thisces was the Spirit of th e cre \io' s a local editor remaârked about ilte salje, -It was like a sica rouer.- When qthbiddngot sta ted1, the comiinttee badatoghtie put-. ting on the braes N- -s, 'N s 'N s 'N S S s, N s, s 'N 'N N s- t N N -1~ N t' k 'N s- 1~ N f5 N N "N s 'N 'N N N N N N N S s 5' '1~ k i-N 4 'N 'N

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