ORONO -WEEKLY TIMtES THURSDAY, JUNE 2d 1950. SPECIAL -1 cent SALE NO. 1 ROCKSPAR VARNISII 1 Quart.......... $2.35 2 Quarts .... 12Pint........... 75 2 !z-Pints ... $2.36 . .76 BEACH BALLS;ý See our window dis'pay of a large asso)rtmenit of colorful- Animated Water Toys GALLON PICNIC JUGS -,-LARGE SELECTION BUJY YOURS EARLY ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR ... ONLY $149.50 The Supply is Limited IIEAVY DUTY R!ANGES $96.75 to $3J69.00 12 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM NAILS ,NAILS Conmmon - Roufing-z Finishinz . Box SPECIAL PRICES IN KEG LOTS JOHNSON'S CAR PLATE The New ChemicQ1 discovery that has taken the work out of car polishing. You must try this wax to appreciate the fast, thorouigh -,01. RENT OUR SANDER Ask us re comptete fluor pollshing. Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 r 1 ORONO THEATREBOWMAN VILLE' THUl-'RS. - FR1.- SAT. JUNE 22nd, 23rd 24th UNVÏA-NENTINI rot SUJ~PJ1se ~atTCI3Medna Zau ?tts Ray oUl onM~tr AN AMUSING SHORT MONDAY AND TUESDAY - JUNE 26th, 27th arcu,,rnde,,T W' - wIn WanerBrpos: MOVIETO1E NEWSiTECUNCOLOR CARTOON WEDNSDA - I-TRSDY - JNE28th, 29th ,,JEAN KENT DENNI$ PRIuCE'FLORA RoBSO GRIFFITH JNSHRETLON I AdultEtetimn NE WTON VILLEVAC Mr. and M1-sJ. T.Pac n Mrs WaterWhittaker of Toronto, inotored to IMoitreal on Tue,sday,. B T G C Mrn Bill Couch is hoime ,from Riam- Nw tleAsoTHINcoloC, a ilton.NI les, a9sortedcoloai$1. Mr. Bih Darlington amnd Budî Jonies 6e,9e n 1 were homi-e frro Kingston anid Nap- Ear -Plugs, pair ...... anne rcspeCtively. Mrs.3 Wilbes¶ýt Hancock visited in PeterboBeyough.t Mr. Melville Jones is in bed with D o- B y8ft a heavy co'ld. Make it easy to learn to swiiE It ws ii a ettng o quet msicSturdy shoulder straps. Can It ws i a stti'g o quet msietaken off in a jifi anid beautiLful fioîwers that ,,the W.M. S. observed the 25th anniversary of Kiddies........................... union on Tuesday, June j3th, in -the Youth's ............ ----.... ...... haseent of the church, when ail the Aduits ..... ---.......... w-omniiof lthe congregation We-î -_ guesgtl. Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, lst INSECT REPELLANTS vie-reidnt~was in charge a-nd Rexail "622" Insect Re- calleed the meeting to order with pellant Cream ....... 50c. hymia "The Church's, One Founida- Liquid.......... 59C. tion". The minutes wrethen read Sketo Fax-.-.,25c. and 50e and adopted. The scripture lesson, Skat..............--75c. ( John 17: 1, 2 (6, 17-21 wats read by ý Mrs. SidnIey Lancatse. The presi- SUN GLASSES / det tihen gav a w ord ýof w ele omie Polaroid .......... $195 e) to the, guests. The history of the Willsonite.--- O5c., 75c. Soeiety, aIs a %hoIe sinice unlioni, was For those who wear griven ibv AMrsz. Willis Jone, MýNrs. 1-1. Glasseo-SUN-CLIP A. un, Ms.Ros Hlloeh, Ms. Optically correct clip Arnold Wade anid Mrs. McCullough over glasses that fit any:I and Mrs. J. T. Pac gv ste f'rame, pair........----$1.50 -Peep into, the ftr ciiis Other Sun Glasses from Throughout the programme )two fine 19C.. ui -4le solos were enjoyed, one by Mrs.Ar thur, Redknap and the- other, by Mrs. "KODAK AS OU Melville Jones. The pianist, Mr-S. Kodak Cameras.-.............---- _-- Ross HaIlo-well also added mach 'Ln we stock Kodak, film in Verichroi the programme with her pianoü solo. ort ftalCm One minute of silence in memory of Clrt i i a the memnbers wbo have passed on These were two this 'year, Miss -Isa- bel Laing, life member and president the whole church. from 1930, to 1942, also Mrs. Johni The dedication service "To, Ad- Barrie, our Community Friendsh1-ip vance" was both dignified and sin- Secretary. The history of our owný cere. A uxiliary was given by the Presi- The Society then presented the ,dent, who sipoke of the liveýs of the -pastotFs wife, Mrs. H. A. Bunt, with past ýprosidenits, and made a- plýea for afitting address read by Mrs. C. leaders who are so badly n.eeded, or. n osg n tigo Mrs. M. J. 'Holman, ýone of- the Char-Morsadacraganstigf hi-pearîs were presented by Mrs. Jiohn ter mlembers, spoke aiso of the bs Lancasiter This was a real surprise tory of the early days in the So- n fe r.Bntgtbrbet ciety. Also mentioned'tihe first .So' andafst rs nk t ot e r be c'letv which was di9banded over sixty bc h hne hs epnil and spoke of the herart ache of iea-v- years, ago. igfîns The' Society then presented the Th-e lunch was then served. The Pre~det. rs.Ceil uPly, nd heplace of hon'our at tihe head table S,-cretary, Mrs. Cecil Robinson, with was taken ýby a lovely cakýe which Life Membership Certificates -and had been baked for (the occasioni by a Pins. Two life members of over 27 W. A. memiher, Mrs. Willis Fairrow, vears, as well as charter members, and iced by Mr-s.n. Oni one side Mrs. M. J. Hol-man and, Mrs. W. C were lighted canidies, anid- on the Lane presented the certificate-s, while oth,-er side a ilvrtea stervice from iMrs. H. A. Bnt pinaied corsaes on which Mr.John Lanasýter poured aIl four ladies and presented thie twO tea. Smnaler taibles grouped arouad pins. Both recipients voiced thei ere o aetelnc'nejy ee apreciationof the honour con- afble one. The pasto)r pliaced the ferred upon thero. Mrs,. Robinson knife, in the cake and carried it to the has beliind her about twenty-four, kitchen where it was, cut up for dis- years of Auxiliary service,, the last tribution. Al tho&e present feit the 201 of which bals beew ,spent as secre- soul stirring clràllenge of the heur. tary of this Society. Mrs. Burley ____ ___ has been an active member S5 years, biga member of Weslîeyville W ES YV L E Auxiliarv before a Society was or-' E L Y I L ganized bore. The pasitor then added words of 'Sunday Scihool was held, at 10.30 congratulations, 'both to the old and with an attendance of th-irty-,five. new Ilife members, and also streàsed Miss Jean Duif taught the senior the dearth of leadership throughout girls' class. in the absence of Mrs. Clarence Nichoîls. Church followed wih Dr. Oke con- tinuing bis, ta]ks, on "Furtber> Study plu mbing of uis Life and, Ours".' On Tuesday evening several girls and of the community attended- a shower for Miss Helen Binsted beld at the home of Ruth Payne. Helen receivedl Hêr Waterl manvlovely gifts, nfter the oponilg HI ~of these lunch, was served. H~~tun0Mrs. L. Holdaway spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ree, Sunday visitors with Miý-. and Mrs. C-ALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES Harold Barrowc,,lougli were rs Jim H1ARRY E. LYCETT Grunerud and Perry of Orono, Mrs. Phone1 84r 12A. Martiný of Brighton, and Mrs. Phon 84 12Fred Smith and Sam of Bowmanville. ORONO - ONT. Miss Muriel Austin is spending a fepw days w ith her grandfather, Mr. 1John W colacott of Por-t Hope. jThe Wesieyville Women's Assiocia- tion entertaineýd several ladies from PEthe Welcomne and Port Hýope Wo- O r men's Associations on Wednesday af- teioon to pay tribute to'the, union of the WM.S. Mrs. Truman Austin. r, Sat,, June 23 - 24 1 the vice-president, led -the devotional (Net a Matinee) ilperiod. Mr.Rcad Bsan - TI7ON LPS .25 y Floats rim. New feature. >be put on or fy. .------ $3.751 ... ...........$4.75 .......... -- $5.95 GO" .---$,6.00 to $39.50 mne-Super XX and eras. NEEDS T«yrrell's ýDrug Store Drugs - Agent for Jackman Flowers PHONE 68 :- - ORONO,: Ont. Broýcade T'able Covers, (oilcloth), 54 in. x'54 in., each ....................$1.25 Oilcloth, width 54 in. patterns, Sanitile, Mai-hie, Floral and Fruit, yard.........80c. Clear Plastic, 54 inches wide, tardl(i .......... 59C. Boys' Wash Suits, sizes 1 to 4, each......... $1.25 Children's Linene Sun Suits, sizes 2 to 6, each. . 65c. Children's Rayon Briefs, Lace Trun, sîzes i Vo 10, pair ........... ............ .........39e. English White Jugs, 1 pint size......... â9c, Beach Baîlls, large size..........2 Ankie Socks, assorted e-olor stripes, sizes 8 to 10V2, pai......... ...... .. .......... 39c, Ladyv Beth Nylon Hse 45 gauge, New LIOW Prîce ....... ............ -......... $ 1.2 9 Men's Strawv Hat-.s, Pinch Front, redora Shapeý in stock agaiin, each.......... .. ...... 45c. Meat Baîls with Brown Gravy, Helunds, 15 OZ. tins.................39C. Side Bacon, Maple Leaf, Sliced, Y lb. pkg....35c- Ileinz Ketchup, 13-oz.-bottle...2c Sal.mon, Sockeye, Fancy, Minleci, i 2-b. tin ..............299c. Special - Molasses Kisses, ½-lb . c 1 lb. for ....... ........... 19c. Aylmer Deep Brown Pork & Beans, large 2Ô oz. tins,, 2 for.......1c --4 uEn OcRYTAS2-25ý Wîiard Wick Deodorizer, Store Closed Ail Day ýp kg. 12 c Freeze Easy Jle p Cram Mx, 2pkgs &u tana Seedile-s2 Brunisw"ick Sarýdines, in3o, 4 tins ..3e bote..... ......59 Saturay -July 1lst URONO 5c. TO $100 STOE I YOUR PPTLRSHOP'PI9NG CENTRE-, o g Community Hall Grounids g o NEWCASTLEg g on the evenjing 'fg o Friday, June 3Oth cl9 Draw For Television Set; Bingo; Games of Chance; Iii Fish Pond for Children fi FUN FOR ALLI, WHITE SHOE CLEANERS ....... ........T"......... 15c. aad 25e Palm Beach .... ......... .................... 25c. Guard, Plastic Shoe Polish for white shoca (washable), bottle .. ........... ....... ....... 45c. Mum Deoderant................................ 43C., 65c. Silque Deoderant Creaiu, stainless, dues not dry out, jar---- .... .............. 45c, Veto Deoderant ........--- ................... 39c,, 59c, Arrid ----........................ ... .....----39c,, 59c, FOR SUNBURN Noxema Cream.... 21C., 143c., 63c. and $1.39 Tangel..--.---- ....65C. Unguentinie.........-- 60e. Gypsy- Cream, greaseless, tube....... .......... 75C. Noxema Sun Tan OH, at ........ ..... -30C., 60C. Caligesie Oiatment, tube âi for.......--- -....-... t85e. 1 1