ORO-.0 WEE LY TIE Vol. 14 No 23 ORONO,ONT., THURPSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1950 Subscription $1..50 per Yeer Encouragin nanciai Report Submitted To Congregaion TIcfinancalstaemeitof Park StctUnited Chutceh Building Fondi redrdte the contgiegaýtion ut tire scnn ervice of Jnay2tjs nine weeks fycm the SÙnda-,y preccd- 'Ighe Bliit Campaiîgucof April 26th whe echairuxan cf tire Finanie XOomiteo asked thecegegto te support thre cmag.Juat how weli !thils has becui doitela set forth ru the folibywng sntmrt Cahiee' ed frorrs car iKrd flids aald congre- gaýtica cf Oshawa Pics- bytry.................-- ---- Aounit plilgcd for puy- Arotpievged for puy- Amutpiedged for pay- ment, 105e........... ~L1440.70 6,110.92 7,212.00 3,771.00 1,868.00 30,000.00 ToaMondu',y, Jue19..---.--$601,10;l2. 52 'pýie4edby the coniggatin to date Dr. SI(imon, tre2asuirer cf tire Osir'- Do'ittprsented to Mi. O. \W.Rop, treaoie cf ireBuilingFond, a ci qu f $,0,0higtire totalý fu ids i-eeivedhy mm o terepres- euttim. Tre ota ufods cf tire Osirma resytey't date amoonts ne s 28. 16, PlTire 1-uurer'tiranked Dr.Sieronfoiiriïiner'est in OUi caus. au a1-d1-ur,,te pas along ce Te pstoal hareaof tue Osir- amaPrehytryou!-sncreapprecin. ti f tire tangrble ex-pressio'î,ns cf -ympatIry te tire build;ingcf or Tire Finatnce Com,, teeretiy aporciaes ire splendid co-operution tcl igoui- vilbefonds up to tirepreentamontbut xvould stute, tint irerela s il onideprabie moni- res e mie t reair or ýobjective cf WESLE-YVILLE with reltI!ivs ut Rochester JMof IVaunatto.LI Master iliBarvcug spt und Ms. Egnr Adc-ongi Congratulatiens enMi.tand Mis. miremor mariedon ednsd Cr-y ~t Renal cFalldsy Lukepentspent t le me"k-o d miti - hec parents, e auid M-s.igare Payne- Peters Nuptials Anrrdst at setting cf Lavender lu- pimu and blue iris banked \vitir foreat fenLilliain Pauline, daughtcî cf Mi. and Mrs. Alin Peters, becamne the bride of William R oward, son cf' Mi. anid Mis. Càriton Payne, on Wcdnesday àaFternoon. At tirîce o'ciock iu Mo rrisir United Churclirtire weddinig coermony was peîfoîmred by Dr. C. Clare Oke muile Miss Phyvllis Challice cof Bomran- ville, and Miss G'wen >Budd cf Port Hope pluyed the wedding music on two pianos. Given lin maringe by ber fatirer, tie bride more un orginal-g'oxvn cf heuvy Valencian lacc over satin. styled mith short sieeves with doeu- bi-c layera cf lace forming a Bertha collai ýrand pepium. R er fingorip veil cf toile illutsion and appliquel Vuleu!icIan lace- Yrmotifs wus heldby n beddtiara. Sfire ore long lace mittns ud crri a nspray cf mwhite r>oses,; centereud iwith a guidenia. Mviss Rutir Peters mus her sister's madý of ironour. Gowued in floo- leîgti orchid twinkie taffeta with scallIoped Beirtira collai, short leeveo auid ittens cf the same muaterial, sire 'vore a, hmaided headdress and car- rîed a spray cf Johanna Rillroses. Miss Mildred Jane P eters, sistei cf tlire b- ide, and Miss Rote Payne, sis- tei of tire groom, wvere bridesmiaids. rey toc, carried sprays cf Joirannai Hill roses. Ail the bride's attend- ants more identical gow,ýns oi ginlly designed and made by tire bride,. Little ,Cuatirerî-ne Jane Laugden, cosin of the bride acted as flemer girl wen,'iug n ficor iength drescf orchid txinkie taffetu mitir a gatir- ered' skirt and a -siioped Berthra colli. irecuivied- a ncseguy cf Swethieart rosesý. couusin c1 f. ire h11e, u d RosaP Di1ner, cousin cf tire greem, dIay Sciroolrm.Tire ide's mte recive, earnga blue niesir frocir witr lce nsetawith wmite and navy masois.Tire groom'g motir- e-r recei ved, weariug a navy Ibloc shee frck ith navy and-wmiue n- cesres. Botir motirers wo ee cor- sags f Pink carnationsý. Duriný t meýddiug supper served te abî_out soveny iv gue thtie hride cut ire;wediugcake mî,tir tiresanme kifhrmrr used on ber wed- Gues>ts weîepeseut from Clinton, NTi,igaFai.Toro,)nto. Pcrt Peýrry, Linsay BmmavileOttamu uud orgigaway tire bride were a aavy andwmite priuted silk dress e itir a uvy gabardine cent ivitir white, accessories. Sire wore a cor- sage of gardenias. Upon tirir returu from a trip tirougir the Eastern States, Mr. and Mrs, an will resido on tire Lake Shore Rýoad, Route 3, Newcastle. ut tire lake on Thursday evening. Af- toir tirey iad flnisred playing hall, tbey returned te tire scireel bouse wirere Mr. Deug. Burnet, miro is leav- ing tire commuity, was presented witir a lovey lentirer wailet. Realize O ver $6OO.0OO At Local Doinnybrookl FaIr . idst upplause tire Orono Baud -ira -ied .inte ,tireagicuit-ural Coiemon Saturday mo;ning'qus te open tire auction sale pîomcoted by tePais.ornuge Commitef 1tire W. A fOr(ono, Kirby und' Leak'ard. -wpt tr nlet metrrtire Dcn~brckpro\ed teir e a ve:ry merairmUleeepisfo irenthee reopta weLre totailed tire tidy anroIi cf QM1.6 mas reauize'. i Tire ceniittoe are gîateýfuI indeed Vo a"i! l mio irelpe'se cosistently tg mnAke tis succeesis possible. To Mr. JacIýc Reid, nmanster coremnesand huielpers miro glave their serices Sen i inlfiee -ratis; te tue coui- venoi r -nd elper's cf tirelunch bo teir coLutry storec andl bot do-g stand and cf great importance, te tir euasosand tire cnes rlio donate -, tire rticles sold. Tire commiiittee misi Vo) espe-ciually tirunk Messr. Caries Tainiblyn and Lamience Ho-cep for tiorgenerous donations cf hve stockaise BillHooey and Arome MeL;Tareaý for the use cf tirir trucks ir gaIhering tire larger articles. W.C.T.U. MEETING T'ire rocgulai meeting cf tire Wo- m 'aCiristian Temrperance Union wa lieIidion Tuosday afteruoon at Miaý. Wm. qeymrrur's Iirome, mitir a go' uý,ttendanice, Miss Sierm\,iiinnd3Mivs. J. D. Brown aaitdMis. Homve mitïirtire deoe- tional and al repeat-d Étire 23 psalm lu uison. Ms.Walsirapo>ke mords of wel-comie to iMis. Jackson and -tire visitors. Tire treasua'er gave,-( a splen- dcl re-prt andd mas iequested te eiTder n niumber cf nom White Pirbon pins. Mi-s. RàMextendet' an inv-\itation te have if'July imeting ut her bom-e and it was ceciced te iroid a sîlver tan tirere. Tire president cunducted a very u n- terestinig clip sot"rfi accident projbIim", -pro-ing tint tcire-rjority o)f accidenits are, causedt troughirnl- terrprane.Tire meeting closed with tire -Mizapir Bojnedicticu.' 45th Auniversary, Celebrated lAn.al Horticultural Picic By Mr.. AndMrs. B. White Ild At Orono Park About foflty frieuds and relatives The annual district picaie o~f Dis- gathered iat the, home of 'Mr. and Mrs. trict No. _ was heMlu i the Or-ono Donald Grahiam on Sunday tofe e- Cornmiunitv Meimûoriai Park on Wed- brate the foiity-fifth wdhigaiini- nesday -,ftern,,on, June 211st. About verýsary of MY. aud Mrs. F. B. Whyte. sixty mnemlbei-s were present fromn Supper was s-erved on tables on Peterboro,' Omiemee, Newcastle, the la,,wn and tihe tablesý were decor- Wooliville, Stamfor-d Centre. Ricli- ated with orauge hloosoms. Ad, )n ili ond Hill, Hiniîltoný Toronto andý the centre ofl the table was a larg-e Orono. weddirvg cake. Mr. Russeli Heard was chairnban Bjouniie ilrahami presented her o)f the business, part off the meeting, graindmothier with a corsage. Mrs. aind ra re-,elected District Director Cyril Frenicl renid ta greeting to the for the vear 19U,. Officers of the On,- bride and gr-ooml-, and Herb. Murirray ta_ýrio Horticultonai As:sociation pres- and Donald Glna1ihm presented them eut more, Presient, -Rev. E. Rigby, with ai tri-iight; inmp and a waluut Huilo;past Presýidnt Mr. A. F. end table.' Jolinston, Stamnford Centre; Vice Mr. Whyte thankeïd.al wvho, welre President Mr. Robert Little of Rich- present, voici 1ng their complete sur- moud Hill: Officiai Lecturer, Jokrn F. prise. CiikOntarlo Defýartmeint of Agri- Frienýds we-re present 1.rom Toqr- culture. Partiîiamenit Builýdings, Tor- ou~~o, Highland ~~~Creeik, saa ~w rt.Theste officer i aeitr manville, lý'ichimo-nd Hill1, Pouttyýprol esin oadresses and Orono. A distriîctflower show wi be held ______ o"i Newcastle on, Wednesclay, August Many Attend Iiecoration t diciddtn lhold tihenext an- Service At Oreno Cemeteryl - the Pcrestry ,Station 'The aernuai l oaiu riwJ ove iefoesad iawnIs. The ut lhe ronoCemter washci ,un ulic fîiuish1ed wît a bo)untiful sup- Sunday, Jue 2twith a are er number oif peopie heing pree L.M HbrSou'ý,!presiýdent of0i'the aee.Contributions To Church Fend tory Boýa, acted as carmnfor- the sevie.Pv. 1), R. Dewdney Newcu,,stiespoke to those reen1iPreviously acno wledged ._$16,661 60 with 11ev. E. A. Eustuce lso as------oal 49,2 70 inig ln the service. Newcastle Lions Club 5... 0ý.b0 The iflowers, decorating thiegae Miss Catherine Stewart, besp)oke cf the emembraplce )f those I Kendal ----- - ---.. -- 5.0,0 who had, pussed ou. -Alsas in! Miss Amy Sargeunt, Osh- other years, where ltho Oddýfellows awa -- ---.... ----500 uaend uof Mlqusson na rM. A . C. Britton, Oshawa 1.00 Tahme rn cf flowers. Mr.Charles Buckiey, Tor- The Orono--- Band --a- present1 to1 ashtprga of musical seletio-ns Mr. C. A.,.Johnston, Bow- before ard u ýftcer the service. manville...............5.0 0___oMr. James -Patterson, Bow,ý- manville -------- _ -----.- 5.00 Conrac Sine Fo 'lle R r. S. W. Stuples, Tororito 10.00- On New Urned Church M arie T. B. Rail, Caýl- 53 The Fiance ommlittee of Pr the, ue(w Park SietUitd Crh est sbawn )b\, the foilowiihgorai- res igedo jensa, Juoe Sthid The wal f h huciar eb lonsto rdurBiinFo. bult f nw toeIreacos oc ~The Oddfellowvs aud Robek- The ol stonowhich as reuoved eather Lode apreioa frmtefomreunainist o donlation of...............-------71.00 sol, s her ws et noghof it A, Ladies' Club............3170 te comiplete the wabf s Group No. 3 of Evening Thefunaio hihwilhoid Auxiliary -----.1.....20.0,0 uin ck w eiirtd i Juiy, A donation, in March from with the tnewikbig xece he Orono Rîgh Sehool 50.0 mte th utee;y pr of thest Orono Figure SaigClub 100 010 mo t fA g s.Local -------------2'0.00 Mis. Wallace Wlh Wil- DAVID VAINrIAIIU s------- __.50.00 Misses Lenitanad Edua Mi. David Vaunatito passd aay Albert3utedChurch,-,. 29.50 ut his home ut Kendal ou1 Frd , A Friend, K-ýrbv -- .---- 10.010 m 'rning, Junýe 23rd, followiug au iiii -Mr. and Mrs. Gillis McKuyv, neiss cf' a few weeks,. He wus1 in his Coiboîne ------------ 10.00o 83rd year. The foilowing received Mi.. Vunuatto was born on iithe through Dr. C. W. 11ie- Tentb Line and ipeut' his eurly y- ears m'on, Treasurer of Oh theie. About thiirteen--years uoM. aaP(s~eyBiling2 and Mrs. Vannatto came to(vein Fond the Village cf Kendal. .'bT NrtmusheUie The funeral service took place -ýin Churcl.Oha. 50 f)( Keudai United Church on Sunday' -af- S'mcoe qSt. Irn*ted ,ýCÉïrh 10.0 ternoon. Jue 25th, the Rýev. H. A. I-Ge. tphsB - But conducting -tire sei-vice. The. manvile -- Os-,w----5.00 hymn "Jeisu Lover of my Sl!, a Sim coe Ste0.00qý,,i f favorite cf Mr. Vanuto,'s, w Ssung Garden lli United Chucir 15. ';0 by Mr. James Swarîbrick. Port Perry Uniui ourir 20. 50 1The, palîhearers were, Me-ssrs. Rai - Cedardale IUited Cirurch 4.4 per Carscaddeu., Wm. Robmnson, FredFddUntdCuri 80 Brimacombe, John Patton,-JmsNntnil utdCuc 50 0ýwarbrick and Wm. Ja!ckson. The 1 Pickering 'Uuited ChýucU 702 mnauyireautiful floral tributes paid C1rem-ont > rouira,-. 6350 --ilent rýesp)eict to the love and esteemi Greentwood, Mt. Zion, K- ;n which Mr. Venutto was hield. Left to mouru care bis xlidow, foui, ae 32 ýous. Audrew - aud Willi4m James cf Rm5n Wme' ull Poi-t Artiw. iirey cf Port Hope(, te .300 au1dCcfil ut homre. and two duitr a uo ae'Srice iv (Mrs. Percy Burley ) cfKed, Clb. 100 aud e (-Mis. Leonard uglhtied) ïTuno ilg 57 of W,,eslevvillýe. Mauy fiÏeinda wh Wh tvIutdCrri 25 had known M. Vanuatto, since 'boy-'Ml>s. A.-u efeyI~o irod came from distances te puy 7uUitdCoci 50 tiroir lat respects. In'terment was<cutcePstrl:hrg ,4 '9 un Newtouville ce:metery, bnze 07 O Wooklin Uniited C'lohu cr l 59.) o0 Pupils, 0f Mrs. Workmiran , ,' 1 ,911 Present Piano iRecitai hnee On Mondýay eveniing iu the Masýon-ic St. Paul's, iomnile.. 57.5 0 Hall, Motirers, -Grundmothers andi O ro no Police Trustees -Set 8 Miii Rate For The Village Dy-Law Passed Dy Clarke Re Garbage Collection Thre f olloming bylaw (in part) tirat is cff interest te tire resideata cof Oronio, mas passed by tire Township cf Clai-e Council for, the Police Tins-- tees cf thre Villag-e cf Orono,: Section 1 - Definitionss (a) Ashe.s shahl mean thre r-esidue cf auy bousehioid fuel after sucb fuel has, beca consumed by flue, but shahl flot inclirde thee residue fi-cm stears pemwer plants. (b) Contractor shalllimean tire poi- sý11on orosons or firur contractîng wvite tee Pouice Trustees c)f tire Vil- luge cf Orono foir tire, collection, and, disposai cof garba'ge anrd usires. (c) Garlbage shnah meanu ail reject- cd),miadoned, or dcardod bouse- hioldmatete animai or vege- tabe, eurug ppaelsmeepiugs and aill cHrer ionmcstlic refuse; but suh] p net-Incudeitire mastefrm auy mranufatuiug establishrment. Iu tire case cf auy irotel,' restaurant, or apartmrent hoiuse mirere table and kitcen msteis, îemoved separateiy, for pig fedng grbage shah jin- clud(e ail ]E-tirer kitchen and table wuaste wircir ahi re b-kept in separate conttainers. (d) 1Rooseirolder sah eanu ny omner, eccupant, lsetenant or any pensons in charge cofay dweli- u'ng, hotel, r-staurnt, upurtment hiouse, officebulng public institu- ticu or other building, The Orono Police Tr-ustees rmet on Mouday eveiiing with al In attend- auce. At this tîmie ihe membeisrs ds- cussed the side-waik prcgr-am-, gaýr-. bage collection anid set thre milii fate 'for tire police village cf Orono. Th-e sidewalk'porlgramn for, the y-ear, j9.50, lu which the trustees bavre lr.:ilt there uew ýsidewiks and aise,- reptirs te eothers. baýgs cost the vililge ,nu amoanit cf $624.215. A-n apia tion was reùcpived by th ire mi-eebe for ai new walk in front af Mr,. Rer-. aco. York on Chnr-ch St. Southr. The trustees stateci thalt it mýa- nufoi- tunate thut this liad beenorerocr cd, but thrat if it wus ut ail possibl e they weuld sep thaýt tibia -,pieCCe ha constructed i!ia year. The tute alsio reque-sted BueTeunait V u n culvor't di) front of his bhomeVop- vide preper da ilge s the 1-i de wak ut tis ufluce 1husi-beoýn raisod. Thec Orono, Police Tustees icus- hage rmvlin tir ilae sbeu carried o(m tsaccy A motion was nsard insretu milîs onr l la-rth 95 s Tiset<2820 c isvlaec Section 2--Garbage Containers Scin6Shdi (ia) Every irousehboldor shah i!Pro- The reuluie videOceord metai garbage coutir.th s a' Yud tio tnile fi csusfficient te rontaiiis iouscrcitiscolloin cfu g lun eaud uii- griagemitirout ever fillling; an'id seet iSid eAsahfî p sucir containers shahi e cf a size Midc i ylm (b)Gargeshlah be Mmapped bh.o- f tis By-oln Shan fnofit aid pi (0,(c) e frhldnomgstaoa ealye' net lesn-ti ised'ýIy cveedte xeudvfins uWdCensfroaiofncndind prevnt ire scae cf~f ne et- iedaeC hosA ymentocfmt cismod Waftr'enir emptying. ti-ueJstccfirPocmyms (d) epuaecoties inlbiiO- iormarn t oysui i usedfor oldn uses un !-, 0,deotsbvAisreas nndseet' t shah irekept covred outi empfed; gooda nd l)se'tr fedr hodg cadpurabxeasd ahs Ccoién- feqnders, din tieWas"of e d ma"d at rW ngnfeunde eut cf ' wiicIh- tire fne a (e) Box e mi ncirhe heen brokn rsa a mh eve tei trePu tins foI'i -,o ll o r. r n"(1-e- st't3-c11m n ac n t 1 a lýelw o t iers t romainf on~~~~~~ orhsdetr ad l or l u tirev are emr>tid. (cA Tt shau ir otie duv cf tie cou- tr- -!oi-te o llet 1s1igh inie nd reir-od ,iry s ir sctin (aý) cf tus secton l accr-dfce itisie i toilein Siredue A ftsb-i, la. rt garinge n ,and Tau otiessnh r lcdu tir0sid cf irerondnon tep ade Grass SilageRem end For Dairy Cattie A cow produ'cing upwards of 30 ýoright or tîrerci1 pounds of miik peu r dy eu at o;0choAPPed gra enough grass to suppiy ail her needs vueting end st provided the grapssY isalbe. ht greater than th is the long periocbyof ba:ni feeding "toing the sur thattaeýs the joy ont of ryn.f ter as ha.E pasture uculd be, transplauited inito )Should maike an the barn for the wiuteur a considen- lge. Beside% UNbe sing in feed cos spWud e- R 15 a ut suif. but Weil mnade grass silage xiii aud prograim give the same resit. states JA Il be eut early y] Leefe Senior Agr-onomist, Expeim. tlÉous. This ail mental StAIon, Kentvile, N.S, crop for pastu Gass stiage made from grass le-1 Athoumàh oS gume ixctures, cmt fm ight teare aaa )'fn twelve inchles hlighi-, Wil be close to tii of s* age theoriginal herbage in feeding vainc- e. niad, It xiii he supetior Ate ebest fie!ill id h n . reqjn curlled hay miace from the anme mi- Cor detailsth terii. r the Grass silage can he inade in up- PreptatiSesh siios aud from k 4 .~.--..