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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1950, p. 2

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w;aubed tlu cILea vour name. She wonl nul ton l hAbbot. Shie vç as supoe Ici ineback aI teo ph' ollepn nul of im telies..1 formaïition i1 wauted. She didn't couic back. 1 camne bore. Abbot' sud that damuidChiiese -kuocked nie onul. Mae i,-" - Web' ajid cIL-vsd over Judge Adrsnti. Ho bý feadi beard the oorko lrs.Now, outlined' in the kitcheni liglît, s tood Ciino, a butch1er kuiiife il is shanfi. Th 1eatýiîery Clîuasman stnnod thcs1lted eyes bliuking, hia' wiry focm ab1ri, ready lu biug ftic kuife intosufidesi sctuss. Croucliin l the darknless, Webb sprang, buliug bis w eîgit at the long killer. The wbeîtéd ksiife cul sund slashed atI liim, rilppnghigls shirt, striking again samd ugain ti b is lhroat. Thle Chinamman movefi wîlb flise swiftness of a cal, bis kuife flashing wickedly. Thon Wohb's guni barrelseul hini lu a iîeap ou, the kilcîsen floos. Webb iutecs stoofi over him. Webh's shirt ba24 been ripped. His ueck simd face sud chesl were red hîod. Hoe dragged the limp form of Ciino loto tbe small bed- rpon sud lied hlm basmd sud font, thon g.agged hlm. JuieAndîers Iad edropped back on Ihe cnt agin, ncousclous. Web Iizz, s lilîle sick. Ho VbeaCrd a dorslaui, îbou the cra'sh nof oe glass. Wiîh bis gui enekeflie ho adle 'for fice front Of tho bouse. o lights burned nw, svefoc that ligbî lu' the kitchen. Thle big living roffm waa dark. Thociee wassflic odor of whlskey sund Lobacco sumoke. Nnw, frnm coi tside,,shofi boof s pounded. Wehb jecked open lime front donc, It was dack. Thie hoofbeats grow dismimer. A basty, desperale scarcb of the, biouse proved fuitless. Ah Abhot sud Jne Blake xere gone. There ias n trace of Mae, but onue of lise be-drouns window s was broken auid lier hst was ou the floor. Webh carried tlic unconscious judge Anders nul of the bouse. lt wxas somo distance 10 the juidge'S cabisi but hoemade it Iu a few miinutes. Thon lho lut a run for the sherîi's home. Hank Roberts was flot home. No- body caflîto the donc w hou Web pound,,,ed ou il. Bs,-ck p the stroot, ruiug, hoe iadagastly iooking figure 'witb isý blond sîiear-ed face sud clothes. Th le bar-n man gsspod aI hlm as hoe sadd1ed bis borse. "What's g-one xvcong, Webb?" "Pleuty, Locste, the 1 doctor and tlil hlm 10 gel over lu Jndge Au- dors' cahu. Finfi Hanik Roberts and tll hlm I'n headod foc the Tri- angle ranch 10 kilI Ah Aboot sud Joo Bl1ake!" Ho vas lu the safidle and gone. He swung bi mrsetbrougb the plues 10 Maeý's cabini. Il was locked, dark,. Thon ho rcode aI a cun, pull- ing 'up aSthIe rsar u.The cook stared aI hlm, wide-eyed. Sn dîd Tex and anîber Hoolt-Oxvl Pool iln, Tex slid off bis stool. "Whýo carvefi you up, Webb?" "Abbol' s balceelman. t'mi goin' after Ahbot sud Joe Blake. Tboy kîlled, Ed Youg sud Bob Ander- son.IPm golu' afler 'm "You'll need cnmpauy," said Tex. But 3firýît. yonu ieed a doctor." bTol!soîl xl3h s dncînr-Abbot's Tex itcbied up is ýguuelli. He tumned >,c. limec owh)Oywith hiiim1. "Tell Ihe boys to "oller uis. Make orBkesanid tlme ,Tagle. Camie The tu ou n,CC , "rîdingý_2 bard C. 1Haàd LîIey 7 sîopp)ed a t the fousld 1Hauk Rbnbswifc, and Mac. Tedolrwýss aîteîmdiug ta soumýe culs zou Maes bauds snd. ,stsîs. Sit Nia S ittcehystCrical. h Csîîîue nmIx eek) Look su art snd youthful for holiday fun!, A slim cool canîlisole sundrosis' easy 10 keep 'spic sud spasm, looks tinsu everywhlere,- vitim or wilhout huiero! Pattern 4606: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 26 sel, 47ý' 3di'. 35-ncli; 23/ yds. 24-loch eyeiet. Thmis pattern, easy 10 use, sitimle 10 sew', is testefi for fit. Has cois- plete iluslcated instructionîs. Seud TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) iii coins (stanîps esunot ho accepledi- foc tîis pattern,. Prinu. plaiuly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Seud order t0 Box 1, 123 Eiglmt- cenuh St., New Toronto, Ont.). ByRev. R. B. ', B.A, B.D., RUTH, A SYM1B0L (OI FAMILY LOYALTY 1 Ruthi 1:8, 14-22. Golden Text: And Ruth saîd;Inl- troal me flot 10, leave llmee, or to ré- rusci from folloîving after lbee: for uchither thon gocît. I will go; sud wlere thon lofigeat,, 1 will lofige: thy people shal ho my peopule, ,asid tlmy God my Gofi. Rulli 1:16. At ,thme conclusion of a reading &t a lirary club li Paris the group 'vece hearty lu their appisuse. One oxcîsimefi, "Wbece did you gel' tisat?" "Why,", replied the reader, "That was wci'blen 2,700 yesrs ho- fore Coluîmbus discoverefi Ameic.' lb was -ime heautiful slocyv of Rut'x Naomi with. ber hushsnd sund tîvo soris had fled from Judsh t10 Moah in lime of famine. Tbe sous snarried two maidens of Moah, Orpali sud Ruth. But soon the tbreumen died, and Naorni, lîmus beceft, prepsred Iti roturu 10 Judabr. She adxised ber (Iughîers-in-iaw 10 roluru 10 Ibeir n-:otheris. Atter soumo bars Orpalh ksýsed Nsomî su ad did as ,,aa sug- gsted. But unI su wilb Ruitb. She umade tho oai choice a, gîven lu thse mnemory verso. It waa nI jusI Naomi, but N1aomni's God, that at- t-actefihec. Thius this maiden îurued rouimheacýthen goda of herchcild- bitodnd dyul.Hors is onue oh the groatest, choices rcocrded ilu bbe Scriptures. God IboonrLdi ber[or her decision. Shec becamle the greal- trauudsutlic oh Dax'id, ansd iie crie of the anLceatoca of jesus, Iber Messiab. Thus a wom-au), delivecefi froru hesîbendom, helped 10 forirî lte royal lune leadiug 10 Jesus Christ, our Savinur. . Masiy are the quips made cou- cecuîiug moîbers-in-law. But Naomî was onue who faîthfully repceseoted lier God sud ber failh 10 ho: daugb- îcrs-ism-lsw. Rutb was failhful la the hamily solo wbich she married. Býut the influence of Naomii flayeuI s, major part luin iouiding Ruîb's lilfe, ibua euiinîg ber 10 m II1akeanoble dýccision). Many are lime wreckages ý,offan lue's todsy. Oln magistrale rcnl sýaled ihlal mosl of the cases Ibat apporedbefsrehlm bI in bbfamihy cojurt wvere the 1cestit ohdrik.Tli prospect oh cleajrinýg Ibe coilntry oh iusoxîstig everage s la nt pr- 1 î,iing aIreen.'U"It individua! boys sud gircls, men sud1J woneu, tanl ho freed from ils servitude by dhe gr-ace oh God. herevival oh sp-iri- tual l(in lu ienais unr great- £st hope.( But, oh dean,%waýs tibere eî or a l;me wlmesimosquilossore 50 d? 1 have hiles sud hbum-ps ail ns orIh place-eveui on nmy beIad. WhyI an nmore allergie 1 t oquio ites than anme peuple I havue noer yel founfi out. Tlicy deiuiel hae wxay oh spoilioig suimmer enng for use., I love tu g el outsid(e ai msatch the birds, but bOw e ali any.ý on ejyb t cilili wilba: neck or anileclu lbc vnt oh a- bacteria w,%lrmljosquiIooswol sr spi-c'd tho got rus arnuusd And speakiolg oh war, briga s arounfi tus ihe dsueîgnu that reachied is iast inigbit.. wa luKore,Hloux' -range it is 1It siieIthicaet anid balk oh, war vusy go u oui hou onths, or ee yce , lîneersd whor7ex'er c;ocs slart, il alwýay's corne-s asa sbock sud a sulrpr-ise. H s' sonuer- tIluig we ail fear suad ytcno hapls if 1h0 cobhmsohfoc c sohved more eucl ,neswr woldfot eeo nraiy I'1 liasbeenonue o l,,, en v. fthout any cosiîpIaiuts aboumlt Àt be- ing ton cool. Fac ronii.Sc i"a cal . scs nucb liuInmdiîty and t v.anled'10 get a lot7 of workl doue during thie last few day s. Ymou see, Lob wvas away for a long;ok-n sund il loolkcd like a gond chianrce lu gel a bit of painting d n uthe 1 bl7cb-eu-a goofi chance b.cýause ex- eriietîce bas taughit ni ,t amnen aid wel paint.are botte kepî part, but hmcouif ad yî w ith îbuuderstorlss olliinp eîery liour or co, asud tue buiiditv ýso bîgh à w ould 1 bave ben 1k,0paintng w :ti a dsmp pitbrush, So 1 lcft the pdaint joa'1 n sd coucou- tr îtefion bhelpïig FarIner witl lte chores and geîting a bit >f wrilîug doue in betw eeu linies. Actuaily, 1 eijoy tisaI ;ob-llse c 1reIneman., I'Lke goiimg dowix cows anfi caltes agn G;in1g the ei ceorna 10 t(' ur-ulack the ock about 2 or.Ntusb htwas aiway, s' nîx'particular obutii IDDughiter w as nd enougi! 10 take vvor. Many things bave ci;auged inl our barn since then, 'but cow s sud calves are nch the ,-arrs as they aiivav,, owere. Cuw s sîlls oa uîd ai. milkiiig lime sud if Ilbey catch a persoti off guard, they s3 tl se îtcb tlicr taillaacrces cb-,cyes of tbe tinoary. Caives stili bawd lustilv as sooti as mlkiîg beginý; ïnid thesi wbeii you tako liîcm freslî, wsarm imilkz, whlaI do lbey do? Thex' î'Ionriptly bunt the pails ansI do their best to drow ti the "n.e who feeds thbeI. But int quiteC if vou, livie once had d deal 'iiîs witli calves yon net er quite fu rget tbt sulîca îbey cat-iidulgeiii. Ouir tlwin bie caives are doiug t re -îbey reah, iild liave differ.. cnt color rilbbon bows arotu'rd'theirý stocks, 50 we could tl buhlernispart. I ot îiîst it reaiiy smatter s, except tbat w lieu I feefi tiem, I natîîrally biave two paisa sud before I caa stop thesm. tiiere are often îxvo heafis suonue pail sud noue Iii lu te othor. (,etting tbeuîsoteo ut l suddecid- îîî g whiich onue laii, t> hicedii firsit anid berefore- had the umî1ost Io drilik s littie short ofla Cinese ul. Now tT w hves'iiIng ma ueib ho or wbiicb ,I 'ani very il ta do alone-which i 1tvery often. But even a milkiujgmahn to it . . r the 10 î\Le go ood u'd fdays." XX 1h liormIIs aIl ruind ' us I w as îhankful eacb inie(wegot iîhrougb milking wîthout a poix or taïluce. 'We did nont think of auy other troubîle, Iberofore it u'asqut a sbock Satuirday migbt xlnth titiker suddenly peîredottfcu iateiy thece ivere ouiy fin toit that hadu't beei miled.XVselît ,foc our "trouble miii," wbo fouî the pulsator ivas a fauI ie sConIs hafi îhings £ iied uso w eeal 10 carry on next nrniing. But w ýhy dd i lhave blspeumxt Bl iamzsy . . . sudjust at iewe lb ixas 50 but? But shouifi w e grumible . , flt realy-uoî wheu we hae lad sudsl a wundcrful uaiîs. It wi h so gond for thle am; udpastures 10 55ý uolhin1g of dime spriug crop arud gar donï-s.Actiually, thelas twVo daIls, it lias been a!mOpSa- sible 10 walcb thie naIs' astd harie v grow. Nowte beat seem b0 h lesseninig and àI s rainiuig gai. A q~uiet gentie rami. That, of course, la fortuniate for frmrsvilli ay t,*11 nut lu the field. Býut tliat's the w ay il gos-one iaui's meal 15 50 oleu anothec's poýion ACRTOSï 1. Append 4. OpposiJte a slss sldle 1 Hoamiresort 12. 1Befoce, 11.Kyid eL doils 13 Idividua-i perf orma ,ce, boys, 2&. Mysol 21. Hot 23. Wagon 21.Man , 251 uer ors- M. Cornm 2& Parent 33, ins,.t 3.Keystone State (au.) 5.Angor 4W. Ewylner 44. lecays, tu Bitte eth 45ý. linbi 5.Poot orig 56, Teuth M5 in uneo Of '~erAuneHrtSoeils vIlL, -vndr haîwruf wt a mat- vwho w hulhe', growing id, ýLgets rnung ideas eau hoproud of. son left, hom-e because bis fa- picked oni tilIe il.t IThere aie only2 the tixo of us siov My husbaud has muade goond inoncv, but lie spenfis it cou drink, gambling, and - women. Our home is paifi for. He shoulfi have plenty isi the bauk; but ho hides bis batik- book, asu d his car, the stock, sud bank accounit are lu bis nanse.1 t'et $26 a week; 1 huy the food, puy household expensýes, and Pa', ix' doclor aud dcuîisî ,it of it .too. Ho won't even take ie 10 oa 50-cent movie, says he ýcant i'- affrd SHALL WE SEPARA'ýTE? "l'Il rneyer trust, hlm. Tli&r-e- seema nsense îrymng 10make La go ofit suy longer. My nerves are jssst about shot, "I kuow lu my heart he'Ill utier be diffetent. Wouiduýt I ho botter -off if vs;e parte&i and each took Our share? DIESP ERATE" * Xour ides of sepacating seems *wise. Toc long have you put up *w ith Ihis old mnan's adolesceut *couduel. sud you have paid a, *highi price. He lias deprived ynu *of his conipanionsbip, bc spends his uîoney, on bis, own amuse- meut, and leam'es you with - *paltcy sum- b pay the fsmily expeuses. SNow your health is faifing you, SHo does flot deser e tory more *consideratiou. *See a gond, lawyec, 2sud tell Shlmi the lruth. He will gel lui *tnuch with your husbaud, and ~'haufile the situation properly. SI believe your chilfiren willap- *laufi this action. They mus t have b een deeply coucerned about ynn *for a long, long wvhileý. TO "MIXED UJP": Ynüu have madeupIllnur11 mmd)C 10get nmsrried. Thiat i, ht o m-1ake Up1 that saile Ilïdiito fiud living quiarterai elsewhecre, aund flot set!e in your father's hiouse. Hoe is opposef tn à,itad Ibat la sufficlent reson whbc oxol make it uncomnforîable for ynu. From what you tell me, ho would nol spare ynu lu any way, an(f l'in afraid ho would not ho ton kiud( tc your nexv husbanid celber,Yo vould' ho tom btwen Ime îw surd even more courfused Ihan ,ou arecow Ifynuir rnlher's haliîglows %vorse after yots marry, ynuý will be caîled 'on +b hfelp out. (So, 1 hiope, wllthe other ilden>Also, your father's ieaof rnîg the paletth'mat Ie vplns wfll brinig ncl mor ;scome, anid thon ynuri 1nothýer tan hire somenne.ý Ynjmir falthe-rs atti'tude th1rough,ý thle year has endauigyun m1ade -ynu nfrai fmrig Bt sînwynur îmd i rade 1up, go altsd-nddon't be afr-aid snyý leýnger. You are miarryiig a finle, rsosbeyouulg mai lin 1loloves ISSUE 283 t95O N ORD ry 38. Ruhiser 10. ancestan 40. Cooks Z E11,cait. 43. Wor thless 16, Aong laving 18 lnch 45. Huisamay te DQWN 20.Gain CO nend ,arry ilomn on ey ,Sernd(Ïpaym1.1 t t 7. toseot .Cael 21.Copper clis 411. Emcaunatlous t. anoled 24., og3lias 50. SoL t drink 5.C5eodegrec gatiioera 52. R"iverý (Sp.) ï, Aaian 2.Puflls a'Iant 53r. il0W dueL aina 29. hotheru 54. IMftsînsacall 7, Auient chaticc S ta te (a'( 1) "57. M' Anser elsewece nithliF page Ïu ycu- dearly. Trust lm n-co;inplctelýY. ~vil iape.Sertd f rom yoU father, you vwill find au 0 org and make itloron I wisb I1 lîad t fcftii pae as 1wer your sorry letter. cari crnly add that 1 hope, you will r-ot let your present confuýion conne X ou are eiitiïled tu a lufe of you,. owýn. This is your chance to get it. 1 arn sure youir moîlier will agrce. T;itlk tbings over w itîs ber.-,Onice you are rnarriod, she xvilknow you, are happy, aniyhow-and Ibat ilians more lu ber thani any thiug else., Courage! A year fronm50w' you , Il smilo at' the letter you %vrote today. Sometimes Aune Hirst relucta.ntly agrees that a clean break is the înoly solution to a marital problem. Vou can'depend upon her honesty- and synspathy. Write her at Box One, '123- Eighteenth St., New To- r-onto, Ont. NPwAn-UMTu Paint Removor Buffing, sauding, scrapissg elimiin.. ated wîhnoix spoedy-action iliq-iiid paint remnover. Remover isbrhd or, loft a few minutes, thon paint is rubbod off ivitîs cloth. For auto and marine use, it removes paint, lacquer, varnishi even from dents ùi crevices that wouid need, spe.. cial san ding, etc., ordiuarily, nman- ufacturer states. Said t0 neod nia, neutralizing agent, evaporating ta Icave dlean surface. Hxampty Put, Together New Huînpty Durnply loy cau hc pushled off wall and will "smnas.4 jin eight pieceà. Howe-ver, pieces fit together again ,sud bal tais bo repeated. Pieces, fltting :logether dnosoly, are, of Tentite plastic, Pieces tbomselves, noushatterable, savs m'sker. W;tlsoul aoml-And! Yau'IlI jmp 04-t et BA iun teMorning Rarin' t. Gû The liver Pshould our out aboGut 2. piinta otý bile juice into your diestive tract every 4ep. If thi4lleis niot flowingfrccly, yourfood L asay not digest. It may jisat'duccy 1m tise digesýtive- tract. Theýn ges bloata1 up your atonsecis. Voïe &et cons3tipatedl. Yo. foc) seur; sMak end the, world looks punk. Ittakne,--,thiose eald, gentte ,Czrter'e LitfIe Lix'cr Pilla to ge ttse 2' pinta, of bile flow, ing freely te make Yeu Led "Up aniS p.' Get a aekgetaeiy. Effective is mekingt bile flow frely. Ack fo)r Carter~ ir to Idve PIa, 35é et any drugstore. Unside down ta prevent peeking, Puzi

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