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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1950, p. 5

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GRONO WEEULY TIMES TOWRSDAY, JULYL 13, 1950. LETTERS TOTHE EDITOR Decar Sir- ENGAGE31ENT Mr. iiid Mrs. Hairry Lewis, Oroo,j isijýh to annoiunce the engagement of] their dtul-hte. Héein'May, t6 Emil Orono 15 -ind-eed fortunate in hiai- Schniid, son of Mr. and Mrs., E. ing twio suchi capable people as, Ruth Schmid of Switzerland. an-d Dune Found in charge of Orono_________________ Comimunity Park. I 'have ohserved, as I *ama sure many oftiers have, thutprtyhsbenstlied this couple have a genuine interest It takes raither remnarkable people iand fine influence on the s'mall to amomiplish- this in so shiort a time. la, Let us hope, then, that Ruth's and childiren and teen-agers who are the Dane's faces will1 be familiar faces park's most frequent visitons. As a round Orono Community Park for result a spIrit of co-op eration, go od mnany, seasons to coane. sportsmanoh,4p. and respect for pro-j A Grateful Citizen. Raliter Equipment privat, Ambulance 0 NQrthcutt, and Smnithg Funieral Directarsanmd Furnitur* Dearnies gKTNDNESS COUYRTESY SERVICE g U Eqmipped te take carset the medeet funeral at the mest o reaenalecharge au weIIu the largest and' 1raiabe meat exacting0 gTelephene: office 168 -Reeldeje: 58 üd 726 0 9 Telephone Collect Bewmanvllle. OuI. 0 ý=o o=>c:o=>co=>co= <O=o=co=o=>c=O QC=O=O O=OC=OC=O 0 0 0<=ýD'Oc0c=0 OC=Dc=:g= 0 %% egg g g g g... g g .... .@ FASTER g O *GWENITLY 13 ' * Largo e Cpaciy Tub 13 ~ . Sturdy Wninger 0 Heavy-duty Mter Avoitlable w1th g 3-HeIp Electro-Rinse for0 1Qukk Dr:ining (90 seconds>) 132Fust Suds SCorne in and seinsfine Washe 1 ~ emonstrator Gainsday Washer Mode 19 0 4)1O7NA, regular $134.00,..ow..........c$1 0 0 Plus $15.00 value of FREE Merchandise TRADE IN ACCEPTED EASY TERMS0 0ORONO ELECTRIC g0 13 Phone 55 r 1 Orono, Ont. 1~ I Thursdey, August 31- Women's, Music andi Arts Day. FAlday, Septeimber 1-Presis and Radio Day. Sa'burday, September 2- Manu- facturers', Floral and Athletiic Day. Monday, Septeirber 4- Labor Day. Tuesday, Septembier 5- Interna- tional Day and Wednasdey,S culture and Liv( Thunsday, Sel poïtation and lers' Day. "Red Seal" Cohoe Salmon, 1/2 E Maple Leaf Canadian Cheese, Clark's Pork & Reans, a qualil low price,, 2 tins for....... Shirriff's Thiddingsý, 2 pkgs. fo AEROXON Fly Coils, 2 for. 5e. BONELI or dozen for 25e. Lamb, WILSON'S BONELE Fly Pads, pkýg. 10c.- Veal, I D. D. T.e Fly Spray, 16 ozs CHOICE for.....3e Iambi 1with 5% D.D.T. lb... SURF le. SALE FRESHI 1 pkg. Surf plus 1 bar o! Bacon, Lux Soap, both for.. 36c. THE RED & WHITE -STORE on Monda.y. Mary Roseila- Paterson, of Tor- ,ýnto, is hlidaying with ler grand- pa9rents, Mr. tan d Mils. J. A. Paterson, Church Street Soutbh. Congratulations to Norah Wood on passing her Grade IV music exani îfith honours. Norah î s a pupil of 1National Health Day. Mrs. M. H. Starples. Sepîtember 6 - Agri- Mr&. H. Walsh and Miss F. Cob- ve Stock Parade Day. hi edffck sment Sunday in- Toronto, ýpteniber 7 - Trans- Miss Cobblediick gioing on to London Comimercial Travel- for a visît with friends. teber 8 - Inîterîpro- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar iand Mr. ývice Clubs' Day. and Mrs. Colin Taylor miotored to ýpte*er9 -Citizens', Fairey Lake, Muskoka, over the piteilbe 9 -week-end. _______________ Mr. and Mrs. Thonias Lewls and TAND JOBS famîly are on holidays. Mrs. Jas. Bur~gess is in charge of Colemnan & Sfrein page one) P>hiilp store. Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Warnecr (nee counry rl7 ike Carnda Geraldinée Bock) of Hamillton, visited ly thlere will'be poolis with Mrs. James Dickson on Thurs- oers in ont part o! the day last. idemand for themin r the mnen caint be ex- Last Monday evening Bertha Cain ýe bel! acros-s a coni- eêter-tained, a nunvber of friends and Stheho{pe of! ftnding relatives'at; a birthday party in lion- ould, use up all their ýmofuî. !er cousin, Mrs. Miifred Sher- uree, and they would Win. i te iete o Mr. and iMrs. W. J. Leamien spent Sunday wîth Mr. and MUrs. Gordon 1eniployment service ils Leamen an'd family, Scarboro, Paul W, workers and em- Leamen returned with, tbem for the t can be a sta&bilizing hoîidiays. ntional economy. Mrs. Craven (ne-e Madeline business places along we wt Ms amcoupleso d s ent t are receiving a fresh route ito ber home in Bolivda, South Orýonio business places America. tidy tbrougb the yeara -cýait credit ta the busi- Mr. V. J. Noilson paid'ashort visit Is just as easy to keep to bis brother and leift Jýoan Neilson ,ht and attractive, add- to stay for a fewdays wibilst he con- the business, portion tines bi!s way East on business. On thait the merchants are his, ratura Joan will leave to go intt id wide nwake. training as nurse in Winnipeg. We are pleased to report that Mrs, 'ilson's "Dia- Leroy Hamilton is progressinz favo- on n d Jubilee e5 ably' in 'Oshawa General Hospital whare shie underwent n miajoýroçpeara- ingerale, 2 ige tiion on Friday of last waek. We hýopE Ltls.. ..2e, for ber a speady and coraplate re- )ttl .... 25C. covery. evon B r and The band concert ait the park or weet Mixed Sundav afteraoon was, as usual, mosd îckles, Special, en-inyaihlla The traffie was :sio h-eavý that it was bard for everyone tc )-oz. jar. 22C, hear, but those close ito ithe booth ap. preciated the splendid selection% lb. tUn..... 34C_ by tihe -band. i lb ... 9e. Suaday visito'rs ait the home o! Mr i lb ....49C. and Mrsý. S. E. Annis, Orono, werl ty bea at aMr. D. B. Annis and son Bruce o .25c. a aWbiltevale, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin An . ....... 5C. nis and son Lorne o! Brougham, Mi 19. ad Mrs. Ralphb Jones and fainily or .......19C. o! Clüremont, and Mr. R. D. Mille o! Broughbam. ESS Mr. an d Mrs. Arthur Brooker an, IL. .. 69c. family visýited wiîtlMr. and Mrs. Ker ESS Normna and Geaf staying the weel lb...... 62c. Formeirly o! Wesit Drayton,-Engluns iLEAN they are now living in Hamiltoi Geaf is stayiag another woek. W rg sPeil, were very pqeased to bave Mir. an .59. Mrs. George Butters on Sunday. ,IDE This Satu'rday evening at the par Llb .. 52c. eight entertaining ishorIts will b _____________ shown on the sereen.. Wihiat bette ________ -place could a plerson want than te s! We initihe ervk in, the cool o! tihe ever We ~v~r ing an enjoy a show thae is know to be eneertainiing? I.-, GOLDEN WEDDING Local News 1 ANNIVERSARY I- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Eigelowv an- Mrs. Powers, of Milton, is visiting nounce thiey wil be at honme (Open ýwt Mrs. James ficksonl. Housie) tu ýtheir many friends on their Golden Weddimg Anniversary at, Mrs. Chas. Wood spent a few dày.s Manor Pride Fairms, Kihlby, on Thurs- Jgst week-end visitig with her bus- d'ay, July 2IOtb, ut 2.30 p.m., after- band in Kitcehner. ________and _______________ Quite a iuniber fro-im Orono took in tihe l2th of July para&_ at Linid- NOTICE TO CREPITORS ýiy on Wednesday last In thé Esiate oif ElizabeVh M., Tam- Mr. and Mlrs. Edwar-d MiSlson are blyn, laite of the Village of Oronoý -oiaigTL hewe iiigwt who dded on May 30th, 195Q, aTere-~hldyn o h ekvsiigwt quire.d to filetheir clahms with tihe finsi re en unidrsigned before, August l5th, Mr. lîaro1 d Dean uderetan 1960. overetioni on Tuesday in tihe Western W. Rosis Strike, K.C., Hospital, Toronrito. Sohi1citor, Bowmanville, Mr. HarryCak. -sotvst Or Wesley Elliott, Executor, ed Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MeLa,,ren over Orono, Ontario. the, wýeek-end. b 26-p. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geary have heen in tmwn whlle their new hs DAYS OF'1950 CANADIAN i5 going u-p. NATIONAL EXHIBITION Mr. and Mv. ruce C smaof Too½.visited mr. P. J. Chapm),âan Friday, Augusit 25th Op ening and faimily. Day. Mrs. Winter of Coibouing, vizited Saturday, Aiagust 26- WarrÎiors' Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brlw lasit Day. week. Mondgy, August 28- Children's Mrs. Norman Winter and son Day. Larry visited bier parents, Mr. and Tuesd'ay, August 29 - Automotive Mrs.. S. E. Allen, ov&r tihe week-end. and Electrieail Day. Wiednesday, August 30-Food Pro- Mr. and Mrýs. S. E. Allen attended dints and Merdhants? Day. the finneral of their nïece, Mrs. Stew- _pt/-ne- Arie lvliAk-e11 i orn" AR STRONG' Scotch Inlaid Linoleum, embossed patterns, priced at $4.95 a yard BARED TO THE SUN .... Flattering . .. cool . .. easy- to-tend. Our gaily floral prinît- ed seersucker sun-dress with a diminutive matchiag bolero top) -perfect for quick donaing and country Wear. Many colour choices. Budget- priced at $4.95. to $19.95 AYLMER FANCY PEAS 20-oz. tin 20c CLARK'S PORK and BEANS 3 tins 2-9c AT PLAY You wilI want goomd looks as well as comfort. Foýr your sport time weariag oy we fr short Shorts of Cor-droy vel vet i l acolors. Esyte buoy AT$37 Cotton Jersey Tops), laiý a var- iety of clus PRICED $1.40 to $2.95 AIlen's Apple Juice, 48 oz. tin for ...... ...........26ÇW" Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz tin. 49c. Orange and Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. tin......... ..... 49c. Certo, bottle............5. Rubber Rings, ý2 cd6ôen 15r 4e Freshi es, eachr.. ..... ...5. Salted Peanuts, lb....35c. Ed. Sit's3athlïPbottle 18e. FRUIT and VLGETABLES Cabbage, lb.. ......... 7e. New Potatoes, 4 lb f or . ... 25c. Also Caulillower, Cueumbers, Tomnatoes and New Carrots. .~ THIE TIIRILL 0F A LIt4ETIME DONrKEY BASEBA"iýýLL Corne and'see the funniest game that hma ever been played - Newcastle Bail Park When the Members of the Newcastle Lions Club wi 11 play the Al-Starsof. Clarke Township under tihl management of Ted Woodyard, Reeve of Clarke. on the evening of Friday, July Ià4th commeneing at 8.00 p.m. There wiII be f un galore, a thrîll a minute, when the donkeys bray and their riders groan-a real game of ball on donkeys that are sleepy, balky, stubborn. Admi *son: Adults, 50c.; Children, 25c. "GARDEN FRESH" FRUIT AND VEGETABLES NE W CRISP Carrots, 2 bunehes...19c. GREEN, FIRM HEADS Cabbage, lb ...... ...... 7. FRESHJ PICKED GOLDEN WAX Beans, 2 lbs....... ... 27c. LARGE, WHITE HEADS Cauliflower, . .. approx. 25e.) 288's SUNKIST Orantges,- dozen.......35. JtrICY CALIFORNIA Lemons, ý5 for ...... 19e. NEW, CLEAN ONTARIO Potatoes, 6 IL for ...... 32c We expect a lat shipmeat o! Straw-, berie s today (Thursday) Phone 12 r i Ladies' Silk Knit Non-Run Slips............ $3.25 Panties .......... $1.15 Briefs .......... 95c. Straight-cut Silk Slips, Lace Trim, reg. $2.95, for .......................$25 French Brassieres...........$1.35 iBath Towels ...... ........$1.00 and $1.25 Floral and Lace Tablecloths......... $3.00 to $4.50 We stili have a Special on Aprons this week. MRS. L. REID Al i lil « a , 1 ill he 1 (

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