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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1950, p. 6

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In this truc story, N.J, Wardle, farin safety specialist, toUsF how a farm younigster al- most died. Could it bappen on your place? 'Dacldy, D)add!yl Give me a rd! Littie four-r-oId Nancy caiied as ber father was puting on bis jacket and c.t "Yudbtter StLay borewis Moie.Daddy's got wr to do."; Frank Fitor hd sme calves (o de- liru1, _and ho wa aS1nXious 1 get ts job dont. **',,Ca't sue \wotch yýou fcom onet- mside thlelot '" bis vife askedi. "'m going tu ho sery usy and Chlat ,way shec cao hobut1-side." "Al nriglit, Here ve go!" Frank !zwulg Ille yoctngsfer to bS ishouid(er and miar-cilod out tlise oo itis 3Hancy yeliing: "Gdugiddup! Fsefasterl" "Don't lt ber get ear the water tanik, 'rn," Mary calied froos thet eor. Frank, wavod to tellilber lhe iîad 1beard. "Sfie ,Worric O 00nsch" bughî Frank. 'Tank icStdeep enougli ,Rn ho dangerous,.", Fronik puit-Nancy diu "Now :ou 11p" iay er, ïnd doni't got imb ltice watertn. Tsnho w ont Ici 'osork op tisle cive7s. Alter ai whiie hoe noticed tisat Nancy was playing with a stick ini the water, tank, where it stuck 'st thî-ougli the fence. "Oh; s'saIl riglit; lot lier have some fun," hoe thought a-s he wcnt en wih tije dehiornig. Tison sdeiril(,dawteu n hini tht o ac'be ard _Nanjcy ton- sons tmse He ouid'o ee bon, ithier, "Nancy Nanclih caliod, rnnnming towand the fonce. Thonbuho saomotlflg Ain îb 'ie litte girlouïidust ie utt "uta feu'mor scoîî1ds,on Do1ouibve an open taik nk fot whîch isildrn conclimh bor ifou? b desnt tkemnch water 10 drown a i'tlho child. And ailkidslkeh jiiayin w ton angen, It's eýasy t vrt anksit sncb a %w'oy that stoea Cu inkbuct soCl1ildnoîsl cani't get inito too A lholime and effiort - that rus Y (hoceîso un ae a yongsters A uiqu eror ccumedi0) judg-, an a race at tise Goo)dwýood (Inack sEnaîdon July 27, 19ý49. Tise tW iadinig horses lhad 'lot only flu!isbe sýide by sideoa'tise rail, jug itlsbeid bis decisiits ntil Ihe lsad easndtise phIloto-flîsislisPic- ne. tlut ini tise prinit a ticky lgt anîd-shaidow effct iad madletise hcad or tise tîoan isouse (o.3)ap Pteo:r 10o ethe one wose005 touclcd the flf ishlno. c, No. 3 oas announced esthe wînnler. Ile is \icuras pstd aler tia ay pcltor vhoIooko<:d aI it bacd 0discover tise mistake. .,Seitîg that 11tise ose on tise fiish wa fbac, oknecw Iliat No, 3 I's1' .nt onbecauise its nose was- iieThb(nesct morinig tise track sýtewardls admritted tise error, buût i]e jsdod, notrectîfy if. Wlvisy ptattocs tom d(ark wheu îookodis a uestion that is heinig asedhycnsmosin many parts f Canada. For y"ears sciontliats in diffeneot par-tsof!tise wo1idlave lîeen1 askinigtise sa-me quIestion, but e0 fn ithont 'mulchisusccess. Tisey e(hdlit thaft tise probleosn is an in- 'volod ad copiexne0and agree Iio sinigie factor is responoibie Ibi blckeingof potatoos on ho and suggesî (bat acombinia- t f54Ifl5 sIc pcaysuu-i wvekIbis collumon hiîs1te- a tifbobrady perbaups,-tbat tise aristocnatic Thiproiugbhned -clpcoplo did't appear (o hocwelcomîng,îay 100 watriy, tise Standa!ýrd Bred folksý' efforts at i sakioig lHarness- Hoürse rnacinlg«aijon bal-legue pas- limeû in and a ronuld Trno We niglisî have hen is-taiten, Of course. For al we kn,1ow Ithe mni- ing horse nooc may isac-hor a depaud secret love foýr itise owly tnotters aid Pacens.Butif tcy d (o, their actionss, somehu1ow or otison, nenîind nis of t1 ise uneiroils ais aicfditty wIsicis a, 'tsal veny weii10 d (is (em1bie your bye but %wby do10yon kick ime downl- Btut îisa's ail waîet vr thle dn and tise sire 100. Anyw a ýy, ;in spýtte of r'uci haniidicaps aus isotbin 'allowed to on iitheir cards eduing tise long, summoiiir twiiiglsthus whon tfhousand1(s of iovers of tise Sport frolu a disýtan1ce could lhave and probahly ol'have atfendedICi -tîhe Thionucliffe Racewa issineeflias gooff !0 a very conCLiragiîsg star.î. Torontto novler ws and Ïor tliat. malte isus ye, Ua anni;[ Horýse roi e 0Wst sport ;mclst iii benseeinig at 'Tisornellift'e, if mligh;t Toýry welI devýe4q lop m a rai oTie, and bfoesp vnylong, a m at Tise Tbionnclif1ýfu oi gt cs grand break on tisein vnyfinst day . onIl tiseuoriing of tiseopee;t frienid remiacked' (i o ns, "If tlîey ever lhad tselu ciýto 0 stanLt offPi a niejiy al oulas tise besi kindl of an advenctisement bhey conid psîl e. So. suro esou , w isen asteed calied DANI ,', -ini hiusconid race, camle 10 judgmenuit ahecad of ail thle oIson-s, tise pýaof wt,'as 27,-30 for, fair sort of pricue on any iîsd of lia track, runniiiog on roti .And svhen tlisefigureýs wer posedfor fise Daiiy Double, s'L show cd $62950wisic is dtto, citdto and i pd.Hving a fin r o MeCntality,5 we wuid say tiat thec nows of sn1cb pjayoffs oidotc m6icrc abtendanice hnantigelse tisaI coîuid have happened1, Alo, houso xlio go oîsce arc lmiiist çcn- tain1 to ho epetcfor tise sport is snsart anldsap, prices or no pnices,. Wbih silhavte to- ho enolighis of Hacîîss Horse cacing for lIbis wec, P-rom doIar oid Wimbleton coîses wod iat is ligiy .shocking. Tisene aI: tfis e try neOf Lawn Tennis we havue fise AP reporter seîsding newts ike th1is. "The decisiots bronýgisb on a o isy prece .dcntedl ,-Ilbarh-)it sount(Iddmucis mono like Brçooklyni's EbLbet's Field thais tise normial, polif e, baud ciapping, gatheL-rng at Britishs sportîîsg events --police rosenve(,s focmed a isumaîs bannier in front.of tise mails doors," and stuif like tisat. Sti1l, we wone not so groatly appallcd at sucis happenings as' WCe miiglit have beens iad we not just i is-,ised n eading, sbioiy before, an aticle in gau Enjglish preriodical, Ib was by Derek Barat, aind stas enititledl MORE LAWN TENNIS, LE-,SS LACE PANTIES PLEASE. Recause wbat Brother Barak bas Ioci sy more or Iess oppiies ta ten- niis on tIbis side of the pond m to, bise foI1iwîg iare a fewý quotLes froin tiarticle wic,,-c need iardiy oxpai, ao ovitnbefoce Wim- By ail accounits wo'ro in for some bigh jinks at Wimblcbon Ibis year, Tise only snag is wo may net ho able tb see tise chalk fly fer tired part li t rocss. Yes, it promises to be more of So e t cntnibuting factoirs a' leg-show Ihan an exhibition of usig p 10 o dslou n colraft. "Gorgeous Gussy" tat 'in ae n rd t hl to- d il ail lasI yar-and a very go 1e unfriis ait n stut it was. Altbough barely ini cen0 compex h~ 'a facors thse top flight as a player, she's f ar that date re prc iVO Icteiand away tise besî known n ame in investcga[ios. Thev y ow tennis. fer laco-eded briefs provcd eVer, i!tt tr.ape ano~ ssnN ,te ho first-Class publicity, But isni't Part in iFcreasifgl aing 1i, Amie îhey were îucked awa-ly in a I psc d of th cîr aI da s,orewhere and forgotlen.? eveultually C:ts lise blaicýlsg ** Ihe~~~ -1àtigtç. isv - We go te wimbleton te watch Çoîdfor pi. i, tis liýtte or nria It's the undi-spiuted Mecea bba&nits was servd inpot2- ol thtgamne.As iwellastr.cig toes niatitretl % whent1iise om- th.e sfinest playoirs, it has~ peratnressas 70) dectaes F. or high- something ebe- Ihat indefinable cr, but t ta!icen siicroajsed «amoph ùe< ïst Lordl's -gives wlsen bb the mýpcru\druped, te a Test Match, .r hot great stanids Twickenham ad rut ï*gger.( Red Goes West -Oe ofi nayComln.1ist yoiuths tak- reiturn to their Ihomles iii VEast- ert eray eri]to ni oy sa1mple of'ife ( 4l.hid ithe 1ron. Curtin.Thogisstili ýwearingý the blue uifiorrn shirt of thse Commutnist Voulth Organiza.. tion, hai 'ripe off thse insig-. 1nia, and we-ars tie and soc1ks, gift of the R,'ed Cross, -People flock, thero to catch that 'atmnosphere and see thse gamne fogtout by experts under ideal conditions, Yeýt aready, xveeks befome tihe touîcnsestils due to begiîî, briefer ,lid briofoml-aîîd eveis more 'dia- phanousii - creations for the court arefrot-pgestuff. They corne under such inky tities as "In-. maker," and cosing faning o ù(u-oi fr dts arule fid.Wihi t e tîndie-ostounMis forn than laît yea clubparf ieae chifon loonsers uîsder Jr a balleti, Ncsw t artsortan'of tbirg's ine for tse beach sorta.geutle fijo wth wilt codbe ecom Wmeetoofo Ate lcalhenis club, hich isol grusua Iiy uias much a soilN-! devous-nosr ffive tas anyu pid' toan as sis dopuniifor streîîuosri s. Btis if bat el wiacît ngto oe1 si.betu Af he nàyfil of appeanin aighoi goucthb, d ay very einii,O arent.alwa s uiited oulapoacrossn eye*. ls o f00t ncrou frouisdiso- trac fingto en u flensn pIfctaos of ts etail, a ms ahaveiy-on pitWEbetnbuires ould go crs a sideline. A speciai court couid bo al lotted on a sort of nion-stop cabaret basis. They couid kick off with a hrisk can-cas, flowdby various national dances as a sortr of trîbute t0 competing ucossotries. Thse mai1n brunt of the îg kick- ing ýwould, of couirse, bv to ho bornec by a reIsidonlt chorus. But competitors could participate for lmiering-up purposes-tise whoie thýiog it rspersd with juggling acts preeraiy wthLats and halls. Ce-ntie Courts arecon(Ilcrned(, let's forget abouit lace anld concentrate more on the game At ileast 000 girl with the n igist idea isatrc tive NnyChaffee, ofCaioia Nanlcy, wh cý oine ticse"1Chajraest foreanddrîe snceAliceIMaric, wilil almost cetaily'hot'ie gla- mnolsr girl 0of t1is e ttsurent tis yeair. Bul't 4 "NIl acy Pasts at Wim- 1i.,eoiiî0fr e'5siedeciares. "I al f obecliked f[or usy teniîs- not ,for'N'*.lat Ihveo1hvn loil05 Itl's perhips a uifle early tobh worryînig aotovrsaedhy s m)ost fires ce l (d in iithat mannper occur aIfter harvest. Stili, forewarni- eLd is forearmelid, according ýc 10t old sai Ig)80perhaps tfolio îig~ litrie taie, as tbld by a farmn saeyspecialisît, togeshelýr ith thle h'nfs that folo , 11Uos e ab s "Helo. ohn IFra kin speak- in.'Jhniad .iust arived at tise extensýion office whoitufise phone rang 1 Tisis is DVi, said tise voice on tise wýire. "I'mi? afraid tisat nkew say I 1puit in thse barn about (la dasago ýisuring. Wha1t1 conl "Have you chetcked ix itil a tho rm lome cter? S o. HO o do you(doil" "C(et onit yOlrr dairyv therissomle- ier, Anid a pipe jlargce enougli to lower thle em$ er ito. Tise pipe soi be 10 or 12 foot 1qlg. MIl be right ouit." Whlen lolm arrived at tiseDVi fa1rto, lise found t ise wholefail clustered around tfise haro., He checked ise bay iluetinfound if to he a small pl-oy efive toSl osne 00d Ond iluhe ow. The hay was warm, ail rîght, But with sncb a smail amount, John knew there was no (dan- ger. So he told Mike to relax, thon listed sonle of the facts about hay-hleating. 1. Hay in a- mow i5 more iikely 10 overheat and humr than boy in a stack, 2. lt's isard ito culre lhay pfrop)eriy in ~ ~ ~ II tis oenor10 cl weit's propriy ured Wbeî ai isdry, cr5om j in 'Every Home DEAFNESS resulting fraie clogging ear-wax is' effectively relieved by the amozing eew discovery EA R-X. Prabinq ai your wax.pîLggaeJ ears con be unpieasant and dangerous. Avoid this with ji>si a fewy draps rof,. Suie.,. Pleusatt EAR-X k s îintifiç formula de- signed !,q Ve, oucel$ ear-wvax andreIicevýýe AX- VUAFNESS re. Suitinq fra'i'e ni l.a with applicaio bottle M hAIL COUPON TODAY DOUGLAS DRUG HOUSE 204 Yonge Arcade, Toronio 1, plece s nd me_____bale cfEAR-X cai $,Qeah with applicafar, OLONAMONYEY-BACJ< GUARANTEE. Issu1i28- 95 leaves îssay dry fast w4estemis stili are highin l sosue .3. Crusised ûstm dr faierthonp sofid stems. 4, Loosýe hay i ii continute 10 cure i0 the haro -if it's floýt stredin f0 rnkucllis quantity anid if some oan Af Vntilation :8 provided. 5. 1Hay can bho arttificially dIj-ed in, tlisemow wiîis safuty, BOQR4EEPNG &Al Ok-NTI7et SïERVICE r il;'N. Shin.l 77 VcoraSt., Turentc, ITT 11A, 1happenedl ,ggsare 1upnsprdce ndlkytogo liger Puîrymet will -i;obe ig1is in pric. De't .niss eut. IPromp1t fre tok.Sedfor 0Inr Bargaýin PireforJ 1scîtes. Cen mean1ny- e hing ltigh lOgg fl.ILfile nettueIlat te uhseTwetidle staret 2ek t e 4 wek.Itduei ces for July. Free atloue Odor oullets. Twedtile Chick lf atchenel<s JLimîItei, lFergus. Zntario. BUILDING SUPPLIES ASPIIALT SHINGLES $3.15S. TBIESE lnterlocking shingles are 1juet ons ef our cnany roofi!ng and aspiait sidinig bargains, 210 Lb. Butit Shîingles $,1 5Titelot $2.98 per 100 qae ot à" Thick lIulatoiSiigJ Bic rcoder Grain-designs ny$6 e u 60, Lb, tediGrnteIooig,8.21. Otet -etar sise x' rMore, 1rlerbotte, $87,prbode 1,r,2 qar ot. Above onces ~.O.B itmitton secons, ta tiubt eu cn .tet frm f irst The,,uende uf Itemsfor uu n bilin or reoeln o.Sn syu it niwe MA (IsU 0RLATýD IIETS nly QueeraninMritbres -AJIl ne stock 26gug, leoe ie aveui- eblle ferpr-ompt 'iott. Sendleasurmouits f,,r fresetretsGtlur o,.Stoc k limitetii. 1 Y0ý HAMILO1,mOaT. relt -tc: 6 exosue rol -8r: reprints îc. Setdimat mn e Beýtler ]PIC- tures. Box 104, Str ahrneOt DVEING 117111PCLEANINO1(, HAVE TOU ayhnsnoisdgneo ean- Ing? Write îo us fo- informatInon. iWe are gliote answer -uoù esios.Deperîmeeli R. park-ers ýDyse Won)ïîs Lilolled. 7 91 Venge EXýCUANGIO W-oo ln aefor blankets. Write Flesherton Woollen 1011e, s'lesherten, FARMS lFOR , ALE 200-ACRE Parr, ffor slabout hait wood lot. banl bre nti reie ouse. roasonable erte. Write J.M. Prenýlice, West Guildifordi. I10 acres day b lain at 8acres bush. oseureant crek.25 acres grain, rest'ce bey. Telagoborne' large iilement sedei aIl wth seel eofo.8-romed rickbouse, hadwuIoflorsand ftomate Tw ewells. < ist n. Hdr.Close te e. l anti q3 2,~ ~ ~ L Whne~e.Otîi. 100CEAElr ace ahmdm c' vonience, fbydrelreboeacrsos FOR SALE oquipoI wîýtb es l e-ih Aiooi -01- tbick*,,e C, 7 8, 8ani10-foot legh Prire teV puy ;.1 , S $40per On(tie points. l'--lsestimcs. epes e eturo. tc-,Wie A ,LSLIE &C. usee boulit.sult. exhangd. arge storli ni ~ereicc usti inercyleeRepaire hy ltslino u Te'ot n is, aIseuns. Beets ant Joese Ouhoad Iotes.Open evonings "m nilnies oxceot Wdoao.Strandi Cycle Ki- Sprs Rn t anford,Ilamilton. TIIÂR FON FOR SALE SPECIAL' in' Gallon Cees-kIT. Wood Pre- server $2.19; Roof Prinier, $,4:Asbesîos Rtoof Liquiti, $1,9:Asplsaltie Bas Aunsinuin Paint, $,8 Silo Seat 2,9 Fouedeition, Seail ltuheeIlyireex eprseoatie.4144 De- cari Bld..Monreoil s8 61,Q-16RTand -otog ad l hos lof fersae san-yle arb, gotd, . . sbipping IsrcinspesMoney berk guarnto. Hnk~ Tir. 12 CtbcineStreet Seuth, tiitn cae RT FR155 utuatiHptSupanti self tying with cire racte Genr ocerSale, apply ATTENTION - aser LCnadien Berry rwr!Try ourorîy Crtifieti Britisi Sec~ ~ ~~~~i*ý egg abry lct o age profits. The,,e plnts grew 54 serbes t- aIt, ylelding 2,008 crotes of marbetale bournes per -are, during their porieti of podcten hebornies, are aNiset, large anti f crin Las-t winter they wlthstood 35 below zero wentheri \hiilet utben fruit treos suffereti devasItating damegýes Plls e ur 3cder befere Aug. Lît iu erder t hat ve ncay be ý,ble te, prepesgate ensugh plnsnwfor the sprlng ,hiiiients. Coin- plotsfiulturetristructions wý%itbevo-ry erder. Shiippeti ici speial cetasiners te insiste sots ,rri a 1 VPr i e$,1c~1(1 laints, prepaiti. 1--0pe 00,peaiiTe Mt.Straw-. BATLED SHAVINGS FOR SAILE 1- Balti poftweeod sha-vings, carlod lo uni' Wrte Plus Preducte, MASSEWHAR 111Clier cmbine. 3 yrsý o1l.i, iMA cndtinrsoccable. Lloyd HTchînsonL 11,tit,2Srto IT'S e xcellen, R eal resui:ts after taking Dixoný's eed for rlieumiatic pan adneuritis, MUNMRO'S DR-UG7 STOR:E 335 Elg;in . Ottawa B E A fH1AIRR *ZES SE R OIMADA'S LEADINI SCHOOLTN 3reat oprtni TorLente Brances dr4 St.,iog ito P &ea 2nt idfeauSprfesio,Out wage theusaINtiasucessfuùL Marvel grnd ues -Ameyrîahomae e sysornFreeustoktet. ce ,JuerseeWrteorCo at5 iur St.9W,,5TeRaytu .t Brnces44RngS., amit ttoney & 73 R Iiieau-,1 5Street, t ttwa iýthn urhmeenife re obetheo ARTS Roue Not. Rx 17. IlRl. lR.P1w PROTSTAT fr S.ENN.T1 II'ETHESTONII 1,1GB& Cpnsae lalr Soieltre stalîseti18 110nd a> rees. L'enuie nokli ii teirintlonneR.R.uait A. M LAILAW.11,5.. ace' AtS.S.Ne. Patents t InveTole0sparts St . Otoi,. firot, 1L850, Salarie frocasf 1.800.00ati up,' fotpandoC.eF.tenghlcaed Usevnl,,,k-acOnt. sohnatieteD .D PRESCITANT Ncearse for 5.5 Nues. I19 stopsdomantimNebubrand, te eacb Ist stpoyN.Wks D e. CosPTION 1,N. Cool in any pip'e!f .,.sssetsO'cA,,.5*tiSS' èslct 6. Mo«'s conta-inîng 10 tonls or iesî are nôit likely to-, heat"muiich. 7. Use tof stit or sodîum ibicar- bonate bas 4he1îs recocmmeinded. BIuIs value of the former asn't een proven-, and tets f the latter in- dicate- il doesn'ýt ipi 8. Hay fines occlîr mofrcquentiy- the monts after barvest. 9. Chseck bay tensperattîre1)by in- sonîing pipe and loweing tisermo- meter into it. hie ine tnncks stainig by. 1l. Caubon ioxdefroos taniks tîcagd through ,pipes rîven ýilt.Dtise boy will cool it socIt cao usutally ho removed îafely. *.Clssifed Advertising.

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