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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1950, p. 4

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WEEKLY T AY, JIJLY 27thl, 5. rhe Orono Weekly Times as Second Ciass Mail, Post Office Departmnent, Ottawa No Winners? K 4 K K r- 4 K K K K 'K K K 4- K K a, K K 4- s 4 K K K K r r- K r- K K 4- ~4, K K K <4 K K. 1 K K 'a a. K K <4 <4 K r- K K * K K <4 K K K K K K K K K K K K K K r- r- '4 K K K K K K r- K K K K K K r- K K K K r s- 4 K r- K a- 4, K K K r- 4 K r- r <r 4, r- K 1~ <r 41 K K r- K a 4 K r- 4 4' s- a r- s', 'f 4 r- r e K K K r- r- r- a r- K K a- a r 4 I r a r-t IV was -with 'genniine satisfaction thiat we>rndo! the recent p~sefaiou t Orono Communiiiity Park1 for> Agricultural Repuesen- Vatve"Ed"ummrsanid bis goodwie These folk bave worked éconsîstentIy for the education, uii!t aud h'ettormnent o! tbls outire i2ommiunfi*. Pa-i-icularly bhas Vhil work ex:tieded to Vie younger We are sure tiat a rei- bond o! affection e-xista between 'M. S-Lmmi-er-annd Vie ladslie lias seon througlh Ve' nrciso! stock judging., crop selection, -and t1e1)c iad)therl-thiinga w1hich ak up for good farmnig,2. Faring, hoing a life studly, bas somnetbing rew to offer al Vie im-e fou the enqunir1in and receptive mmiid. We do noV imiagine for a m-omewnt that Vthe ask o! representa- Vive ila an easv one, vet 'iV must hoe absorhingiy in- tenesting. Training young people to engagi,,e lu to heset profession ln the land" l'asomýnetblng Vo quieken tlie pulse. Like a wreikoved pauson or school echer o! miany yenrs serv-ice, Vie "Repý" and bis 'wde imay see Vine rosults o! their, faithful toi and examïple whien progr;ess4ive yonng citizena r'efleet the crethatia he'en be'stow%'ed upon thiein. We 111e Vo conjure wiVb sucb n trioug ît as iV appiies Vo "Ed."> Summousn-. Mor-e lcaiePositions imiglit Ibave heen bis thrugi the Vweýnty yenrs in Durliain Couaty , îut in rmiigsteadfas'tly on, ho ias ared the good will o! a boat o! fionda, a ndf will carry a wealtb, -'afafnto nud genuino apinsasn-cb ns money vcannot buy. Onceagain, e empiasize oubele!in ie Rpeetaiesposition asý heing o!fmjorim portaince la Vie commnitynbelle! Mu. and Mus. summners haive so apyjnstified. An AgriicuiltuLral Problem Aisnu agicultur-ai omuitperbapa we could invite n lttie canidid sa-xaiai n( aud dteormine whetbier wo justiy fail into a etategor-y pictnred for Vie henefit o! thiis correspondent quite re- eny.We caine juite conitact wltb ýtwo splendid -youug mou froin dhe Old 1,auid. One o!(ie se wns a maruied mian witb bis wife and two aniali cilduen. The other man was srge AIl o! tiese folk were bona-fide fainecra, iaving farmed lu Eng-iand ail tieir Ilves. Witli Oild Contry- thorouginesa andl thift hey would bave maide excellent and desirahie Candian citizens lu te ruralaea where belpip lasobndiy needed. Howevor, Vie mar- ried mian is trtuungV En'giiand, famýiiy and al, and Vie single rman bas !ound enployment lu the city. Ais, alter only Vwo meon- tfis 'lu n newconLntuy, and at the work witi whicb they wero hemn and raised. What is Vie dîfflculty ? Weil, tiese mon el us thiat their ex- perieuce upon Caniadiain farina bas been spoiled by the ýseemiagiy ne- cepted practice o! long bours. As a rule, we are iucliued Vo view Vlie old coutry ni as slow and hackward. Surpris'îugiy cuougb, thecse imon point ont Vin't more work is accomplished inlu as heurs uLpon the Euglish faina hecanse o! Englial forethougit aud organ- ization. Ev-enboe upon Vie large and weli managed fnrrns, the worin ohursar made comnparable te those o! Vie fuctory. Fic- thrmre wo ould net preferVie outdoos- life and Vie "extras" a arnofferslu iiitie wny o! iiik, eggs, gardon and perbaps fuel. Oh- vo aly, a Ittli mreatatie set-up could ho hrougbt about by enre and panin. ore people a :re ueeded lu the conaïtryside, p- viin'g Ie otnurside meets Vie need. RARTLEY H. BARL OW' FUNERAL DIRECTOR &8 HOME FURNISIIINGS Orono, Ontario 9MODERNEQIMN At Your Service in Time of Need FOURTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) rai OLAS8U.FIED OOLUMNS Moue tVlan a itile uno-asinesbas crept into Vite minds of peo- pi itregar-d to the possible developiments !r the Korean wau. We rýead with iinteesît and sorno qualmai the observaýtion1s o! a wri'ter in a leadi1g Cnda aaie This mai, staýtes, that- it is folly Vo say -Cat there %vil! bho no more wau-s "hecause thie comilion people will not stand 'Clfor thom'., Former fighting mon, hosanys, are so prone Vo for-, geVViebarshis ad scuiicé entailed in war, 'and Vo 'remember oni it glmoir. ie rtileconcludes with tie opinion tInt if fightig bcare gnerlthero would'ho no dearth of "cannon fod- Perbaps, thonpi, we hve bit upon the answeu. We have said bofor';e eitunly'ha too manmy people profit as a result o! wnr., and of the suffeuin'gs o! others. Did àV everoccur to the reader that fu- ture coniflagriationýis my ecorne so destructive and terrible that none will escaîpe thei scathing amd searing beat ? We are sure that it wili, ho pu'blic feeling -anid inidignation wbich will ultim.ately outlaw wTis cannot cornie so lonig as onie section of Vhe world la sup- posel'y benefiting aýt the e-icpense of Vihe theu. Some day ail will go down Vo defcat. 1How stupîdly we stanid by, watching the thiag ha,>,ppen and doinig so itie in its puevéntion. ~Remember,ditne are narrowin'g uapidly nowadays, and Vie rank andl file of peoipie are bound eventually Vo'ho hrown into eacb other's company. - Can hs ho penformed peacefuily? Doubt- lesl iVnan. To hiave wau fouced upon us may see an end Vo Vie civilization ve lhave come to ka-ow and expect. Two worid wars were d-clared to ho the last iu which humanity wo'uld engage. The last one, bowever, wiii be Vie one wheue ail go down Vo irrevocable defeat. We wil!l have thon ionrned ou lessomi Easier Methods Muci of Vlie arduons work o! old fasbioned farrning hlo-day disappeauing 'heforo the trend of!'modern medchanized methods. We bave in mm1ld putcthlyVe task o! haymaking. Any person who bais engaged lu Vis irnnual and alLimportant duty 4s, aware of Vhe bard work enitailedi. With thie eoring o! Vhe pick-up baller, a lot o! hs ii'â.d wo6,.k ,sa eilmina1bed. Our attention and favour wns arrested hy the round bales -made by, somne machines. These bales appeau capable of rie- pelling 'a fouceful, diiving ram while lying in, the field. Bein'g round- ed, 'very little aren r-esta upon the guound and Vhe hale liiterailypro- tots itslf. Storage is another go'od point for VIhe baled hay, ai- ti.hugi turaliy somie caution is needed lu placin'g Vie ndded weight in esti'dted areas wh'er-e floors might prove weak. In dispensing a roun'd bale o!fayto livestock, it may ho uoeadily unurolled down Vhe !eeoding a-sie of a stable. No douht some exýception will ho 'taken Vo the cost of th-is sa-viung and procoýss-ing bay, At the same mo- mnent, aget deai of bus-iness, is fuirniisbod the machine firms turn- ag- out agicutirni units, and wouk iiid indcustry incline Vo btter timea for hboti the fariner nnd ie ulrbanite. Grdaloldmtod give wn y tVo now, aud iV siould 'le ne- caldtînt the , rnwing Lmachinte, bouse rake aad rpulley fork were in- novtios n raica an foessryas the presen1t haler appenurs Vo ho. Taking- the baird work ont of an occu-ýpationi whici is stili primar- iiS Caad'sb s ri oV tgoing Vo wryany of us. IV ail goos with tuej- ma'-ýrci -O! progreas. A Tribute STARK VILLE Mrs. AIf Dobson spenit tho week- end with ber sister, Mrs. Forrester, of Westpout. Mu. and Mrs. Stan Falls and fam- 1ily, of Toronto, b!ad Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mrs. Wm Martin is visiting ,Mus. Colin Brown,!of Les'kaud, M-rs. Thompson and Mrs. Milis have returned Vo Toronto after spending holidays with Miss Norma H4allowell. Mr. and Mus. Jim Stark with Mr. and Mus. John Stark. Mus. Harry Harringiton and sons, of Leaside, visited with Mrs. Llew. Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Elva Ann, with UWr. and Mus. Wilmot Puouse. Miss Colleen Falls, of Toronto, is spending bolidays witb Miss Mary Hallowell. Mu. and Mus. James Loweu.y at Mr. Victor Farrow's. I Mu. and Mrs. Lyold Cl1ydesdale at Mu. P. Farrow's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and sons, of Healy Falls, spent a few days with Mu. and Mus. Thiomas Falls. ,Mu. Aif. Dobson and Mary Lou liad Sunday dinner at Mu. Ed. Rutbven's. Shilob W. A. met at the borne of Miss Norma Hallowell last Wednes- day evenîng with a good attendance. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by prayer, and 'sculpture ueading. Duing the business dis- cussion tbe ladies decided to decouate the basemenît of the cburch. A short puoguam 'followed with piano solos by Mary Lou Dobson and Mus. Llew Hallowell.- Lunch was, thon seuved by the cornmittee n charge. The Orono football tearn defeated tbe Avro toarn by a score of 2 to 0. The ganie wvas a fasit one and Avro said theè Orono boys ran them into the ground. The uefeueo, Jobn Cuaig- of the -Ontario Football Association checked eveuy nmove on both teams and ou boys weue given a botter nu- derstanding of the gane. One dis- appointin*g feature . o both tearns was the poou support the public givo to games. The turnout to s'oe'one of 'Toronto's best'was feit by tbern. Both teams gave their bort and afteu the garne a lunch was seuved by the Orono boys-after they. had dunked the refeuee in the -pool. 'Orono oy go to Hlampton on Wednesday eveniiing and play M[aple Guove on Satuuday .wb;en the gro- ceries will be uaffied off. Orono and Newtonville Tied in Semi Finals Both the iOrono girls and the New- tonville. girlsý have won two games aplece in the sernifinal fuarne of the play-offs. The last three, garnes bave witnessed a wide score between the victor and the losers. The game to end this seules will be played in Orono on Fiday niglit. This game wiIl advance etber one of the teams into- the playoff s. So be on hand Vo hoost the, Orono entry on into the playoffs. Last Fuiday a listless group of girls frorn Orono weuo de- feated 'by a score of 22 to 9 at the pairk and again were dofeated by Newtonville on Tuesday nightitnl Newtonvillo by a score of 16 to 4. However, on Wednesday niglit in Oroýno the Orono girls found their stuength and ability and turnod the table on Itheir hosts to a tune of 16 to 5. This win did not corne any too soon, fou if they lad of lost tbey would bave heeui out of the playoffs. So it's this Fridayat the Park to cheer the 'girls into 'the final frame. Local Longue Standing Juniors Cuooked Çueek Kirby Meuchants Forestry The above is, tbe finnl standing of the local league. 'The first of the Midget O.B.A.aStanding -rn -----f----il0 1 Funeral Directors and Furnitiýr, Deali1ers Port Hope ---- 2 4 d KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Ajax ................2 4 4 0 Orono iMidgât hardhalfl teambas U, Equipped t, take cars of the modest binerai at the most completed their Lakoshore ,groujip by reasonable charge as wefl ai the. lairgeelt and putting the spurs to Port Hope last~ etxen night to the tune of 12 to . Tis' fixacin game enities the local fine to play Telephone : Office 668 - Reuldence - 528 and 720 onff with Bomanville for, the ruPf f hoosaid advanco in the O. B.A. Telephene Coilect flwmanville. Ont. playdown S. Professioiial Directory MIEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIANý and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.m- Sundays and Wednesdays hy appointment 'only PHONE 47r1 - RONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address. South Main St. Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.00 p.L Sundays and Holidays by Appointment DURHAM SWINE BREEDERS AS- SOCIATION AIDS SWINE PRO- DUÈERS A few yeaus ago the Ontario Swine Breedrl Association was organized by the farmers of Ontario to prornote the hîog industuy in sncb a manner as 'Vo protect the breeder and to as- sure moue staple markets etc. To finance this organization tw\o cents, is d'educted fuorn the puice of ec hog marketed thuog noug anized plant. Eech conty has organ'ized a, Coun- Ly,1Buanch of the parent ouganization and each year a certaiin percent of the original deduction lireurndLu each Conne. In 1949 the Durham S\wine Breod- eus' Association decided to spend the larger portion of this m-oney Vo pr-o- moto the hreeding of better type ha- con hogs.. It was plann-ed to assist, with the p'urchase of a hog pig for, an interested farmer il uiech Towvnship. Fifteen dollars wns to be pald Vo- wards the purchase of ai ton or t-volvo weeks old hog pig ou thie sameý amouiit could he apiplied Vo va hog of breelg age. Each fariner who acrepts one of these hogs is obliged Vo have hlm usod fou public service. During 1949 the following obtained hogs thrugli the Durham Swine Breeders' Associa- tion. Darlington - Leslie Coonibes, Bomanvlle R R 4. Car4twright - Howard Forder, of Blackstock. Manvers - Alex. Wilson, Janet- ville R R 2. Cavan - Melbourne Mouton, Fra- sorville R R 1. .Hope - Lloyd Kellogg, Port Hope R R 1. Clarke - iGordon Martin, Newcas- tle R R 3. For 1950 the Exeentive and Diuec- tors made the uuling tlî,t oacih og nmust bave considerable advancod re-j gistr.y breeding. These pigs were to' ho insp-ected and selected iby the fol- lowing committee, Leonard McNeil, Millbrouk, President; Jeu1 Rîckard, Newcastle, Director; i-nd E. A. Suin- mers, Secuetauy. Distribution 1950 Dariington - Wm. Bickile, Bow-. mnanvillo R R 2. Cartwright - Ralph Larmner, Nos- tloton R R 2. ;Manvers - Lloyd Fallis, Pon1ty- pool R R 2. Cavan - ýGlen Batliwe'l; Cavan R R 1. Pope - Fred Whoelier, l cam-pheil- croft R R 1. Clarke - Wesley Cathcaut, Ken- dal. As well the DurharnAssoýciationi bas co-opeirated with two of the Swine Club Boys by furni.sbing ton dollansu Vo' each towauds the purchase of young hog pigs. The pigs chosen are fromn a dam tba t bas qnaiified in the R.O.P. with two dîfferent sires and witb the remarkable scores of 88 and 89. The ýtwo boys referred Vo are Fraudis Tufford, Port Hope EL. R. 3 land Newton Selby, Newcastle. Inspection hy breeders in VIhe vi- cinity or these bogs is iu'vited and of course we hope a largo numhbeu wîll make use o! these good type hogs ln thoir bueeding programme. 0___ Hockey News The Orono Orphans have reorgan- ized for theë coming hockey senson at a meeting they held last week. The following are the officofs: President, Emerson 'Gerry; Sec.- Tuons., lCarl Flintoif; Asst. Sec.- Treas., Charles Hutton; Manager- Coachi, Dane Pound; Asst. Manager, Rýiymnond, Luan; Asst Coach, Chas. Huitton. The Club hils year is ueally going ail out hs year Vo bring to Orono the beat hockey team yet. The play- ors wýho have guadnated on account of age are just as enthusiastic as the ones that will ho representiug hs communit on Vie ice. The first thing that is relquired, fou a good club is Vo huild up finances. and teli boys have launcbed on a drive -to sou tick- ets on n draw for n 1950 Chev. car. This already bas hoomed ahead 'in WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, remioved free of charge. One hour service. Highest prices for ûld hor-Ss .M ar gi Fur Farm. Cali CletBw manville 2679. WREATHS FOR SALE 1 arn now ir a position t supply artificial wreaths at different p)rice s. They may be seen at the homie of IH. P'resc;(ott's, oýr O. W. Knapp'1s, pl- ions 62 r 1, Orono. Ap 29-p DECORATORS Painting and Decorating INTERIOR &EXTERIOR Gu3araniteed Satisfaction Phone For Free Estimates Absolutely No Obligation HIORACE YORK Phone Orono 77 r 7 LEGÂL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 6U< Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Phones: Resideno. 4M LOST A wbite-faced Hereford bull, stray-' ed froin Lot 7, on, 8. Eau ag nuin- ber 35814iT5. Anyone knowing of the wbieretabouts of Vils anmi con- tact W. Cathcart, Phono Oronoi 6 r 2. c,28-p. NOTICE The office of R. R . Waddeii, K.C., lu Oronowiii ho closed froin July 80 Vo Auguat 15, 1905O(, inclusive. b-28-c. SALE REGISTER I bave boon instructed by Mus. Ed- na Camnpbel Vo soul by public auc- tion, on Saturday, Juiy 29Vh, at 26 Fiet Street, Bowmanvilie, a full lino o! modemn household furniture and eleeticai appliauces, purciaaed new within the iaait !ew months. Torns Cas.--Jack Reid, Auctioneer. We wili ho ploased to pick up dead or crippied faum -animais and lpay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service telephone collect Brookiin 62, Cebourg 1266w., Toronto Adeinide 36-16. CORDONYOUNG Ltd., r xv ~ 4, ~~'4 PHONE 74 r 19 N.» 4 I WEEKLY TI BOWMÀNVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSUN Auctioneer and Valuator Con ducts Auction Sales of ail sisuS and at reasonablerates Communicate with hini at FeS Perry, Ontario, or see bis Clerk, A.ý E. Morton, at Orono, fer date. JACKKR'Eli Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fanm and. Furniture Sales Consuit mie for ternis and dates Phrbne îe r 1S LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; EauinIpollcies Protection and Savings Plans fo, Chiidren and Aduilts;, Mortgage in-. surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT, ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r le, The RUTTER GRANITE, COMPANY Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622t Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers STAFFORD BROS Monlumfental Works Phone Whîtby 552 318 Dundas St.E., Whitby FINE QTJALITY MONUMENTS ANP .MARKERS Let us erect a handsorne, dig- nified monument over the reet- ing. place of your lcved ones. It's flot expensive. And seoing this last tribute will gîve you endless comfort ORONO Furniture Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bouglit and Sold Se Ouri une of Drapery Materiai Kitchen -Units made to order C- F. Duncan Phono -79-16 - ORONO I%~A G~AMD V.E~LING~ W14~Ng you'p- ioîwTeR~ ~ VMEL 15 ORPEREP! I It's grand because you can feol secure in Vh knOwiedge that you 1't b caught without fuel ho eiyou need iV, and beca s you save by ordering at low summer, pri- ces. Orono Coal& Lumber Phone 48 r 16, Orono Orono Electric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORIS FOR FARM and H1OUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt 'and Guaranteed Repairs to nîl makes of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such as Motors, Wnter Heaters, Radios. Stoves. Irons. Etc.ý Orono Tinshop i s the tirne to:Iock after you Hecating uv Syste FOR NEXT YEAR R.ý E. LOGAN Phono 18-10 ORONO ;>O<=OC=OC=O<=O<Z=OC=O<=O<=Oý=0----,ýoc=o=oc=oc=oc=oc=>O= 0 0 Motor Equipment Private Ambulanea 2

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