A Rïver That Is aý1 uy wie lo con ho veryany iilg aI tilmes, alasmksfun of îny in]tenesl ini îLe TaendWC ne,r cross il: or seýe iltou ber asig-rovokýiîîgy: "Wblal did youi - tywas ibe( namie of tbis ri;ver? To r gel evenl, 1 alwayý3s bell 1erl that weIlknowîîst'ry of Job-i P mnsIs It is, aodff deserves to ho, quito a"s faos.ls Dr). Jobnsonoi's remankr îîaî "tlie iloblesl prospct a Scotch!- flan1 Cver sees is îLe bligliroad that,ý f bea~kds blim bc Enlad. JLoBro Trace o)f tio House of omn twýo mlv.o3, 0fronsi Caîaa,îL c- oîher froî Le ntd ttssm lie was tig hgîe passof tho, RiverThants.Said IheCadan "Mn.~lw, Buos hae ouIVcr seeni a th~fle St. Lwec?,And die Arn eenÏcanl chînîmed in: "Or the Missis- mipi?" in avoice of iIbtmnder the- Honorable ohnl nepl2,ied:'Geî- c nI ae seen those riostle - t awec waler, the Missis- SUpi is nîîiddy w,,ater; that river, c g.ntleanis Iiiuidbistory b" And Il is difficult for us to -tisualize flic hamles as it was onice painloîl 'y îlec poeîs - a placid, silveny a stre, .flowin)g betweenm greenî ùikcoed, wiîb ail sorîs of fisb, i;it swos foatng pon il--as il 'tis for uis 10 tinki- of it wbnhistonic - palgeants incidlent to wedc(dioigs, bo crntosandî( ï bebleadings, weroc bngporformed on ils boon owV ýmay andi blow royal we re the p.ri- asoners cvydosi iî tli Ibo ower aad thence 1 ise blocl! it was ct'ce L9ndo' kta(st 'igblway,' 'w:i1h broe or four ýlme!s as maoy lcoats for ire- thlercon as thlerc.were finhckney cocbs-whiici) ici-Il, with, lin, as, mwi li s, degeneraîted mbt "hack." Fr ai ils; oiarrw wvidth the Tames lmay hoe vr ougb, and et i as a lido wbicI bias frequently I caniodthocarceess boalman 10, d1es1truclîî London0î Bridge was ac- cepld-itwasalmost prebistoric; but getneahly 'lie ereclion of bridges was tteodeduý b)y scenes of niol on elle pa1rt of lte waletrmen, xvho f oit that tbey woerc go(ing 10 o dleprived seS ui foni'stars"on enie sido 'e!fo sinMs onl î1- other, », o) means ceti iwhai stirs 00c voul'I lod. As (asone said1 of t. nover- - îd enlemnI0oking for pr3efer- ient-, , 'ic Lie embanhýicc- WitL riLe li e ml swim, TJo St.Pai's or 10Laboh 'Tis ati lie Ici h3in. As lve apraclie nlorti end of gelallegorical figure of Queeni (,I Bodcao h elbn ido, and t1iis givesý uis our- tu'ring point, for a001-s way i long fihe Enîbankment 1asfanY as Blaickfriars. It is a broad îLe ii5 wit gadonsof x(juisite bovlinss o 00 sîde andj "liquid listry pon the othenc e Lea ingbc Monujlmen.lt, ive mnusi îkl.le a delur, for a motnand hav a ookaiLondon Bridge, j l'eue bebense\ eral bridges 1 .IîSt aboult beroe, al! known\ als Lon- donl BrÎige. For i)ver a tihousand - yearsIbis l.as beeîî the principal approacht tc, Lodnfroli tle souti of Enlar.di( anld froin thu- C-oliu- t' îtfor aI ibis point îLe, rivecr is >.arroxver blaîîit isete aoeo îecent ~~ lime bis bridgeovs bi of wood al! wias tLe moipidlur- esqe îrtctreOf ils iîdin tihe worid. Almost a b un foot lng, îi Was SixI V foot abo(ve the watoýr at ow bide;ý it soen-meed Fae street fieil wasîongýhüt . 1 . magni- ficenit andl Io doubi was. Il Lad a beautiul ôti caplel etectled to the memiiory- of Sinit Thiom:as a 'the m)osl costly1 andI popu.lar, in Europe And "Nonsucb House,", 'mthichi spanne(IdiîL bridge on an ei-ch in fie centre, near a draw- bridge, 3a, sma1-lî buit magniCicent j.alace bt, ini Holan ,tirelY of -. , ivoo, nihlycarved and giided, ta- lýn douwn, broulgliî to Egadi letins ad reeroected Wiilîout the Brough Triumphs-Margaret D.-upanit (le ft) ofBelleD.1 congratulates Louise Bouh after MOiss Brough-l defeated her tL.) win the Winiedon Woimn's SnlsCaminh for flt third straighit yea,-r. Later, she teamed Up 1 ith Mr-s.Dulpont taý win the WmnsDobe.StilIi 1ter, with ric Sugesof South Africa, thie rugged Miss Broughi achiev ýed victory ]n th3e miixed doulbles championship match. thec Newvs IBilletini, put Out by tule Tor4mitc Aîîgiers' and Hunters' Asý- socatin, nins p a point whicà sblould be of inlerest te maîîy who --tunthiflkinlgly-do, harm .to the very ceatures they try to befriend and protect. * 4* * Net long, ago a friend broughît te that wnriter a snall, 'voiîng bird vihich lie had found in aý stoney f ld near a body of water.ý From îts long spindly legs and niarked grey downî t vas soon identified as a baby sandpipen. The baby bird had beein cakight with the- best of intentions -its capter betieving that il baýd beenci desentod by dthe motherbird. VWhiclî brings up the point that l'as been stnessedIbyIlaiblihand g,;lmiie de- parîments lately thflat perzsons inithe ouit-of-doors sbould fneot handie or caipture the young of any vvilO crea- ture. * * ni1: s i bcauise, in nianv ý"cse- su1ch as ithat of a yomng der-it 41bould s'he deectonil anuytrc thoumgh yoin doflot happe'n to sec it, lis in ail pnbab (l iingna- by whiere yon c atch the youtng i~;î-f ouliand1e it thie chanceýs re tha she ill lhave niothing more to dowiîh il.t * * Every yeuar ilhese are it-aniy in- cidents xlhei- kindly and Weil- r.learing folks feel tbat they are f oing at good deed when they res- eue tlhe young of soîne moose, deer or ird from apparent desertion, w heni, as a malter of lac t, tbey are roally doîng harm. And it isýaIso pointed out that it is against the law to take the young'of any wiid liie in the closeri season unness yon are certain that- the mnothier bas beeýn kiled by some accident. Evers inI sucb cases il is best te gel i.n touch wîth the local ga.me warden a-t quickzly as posib)le. Downi at the Polo Grounds in New Yo)rk this Sunday (iuly 30) they are going to lbrow another of those "Old Timiers'Das, fea- tinig some 'of tbe Giante of, 20 or so years ago up agailîst their anient and bitter rivais of the sanîte -iintag-e, the St. Louis Gashouse Gang. *** Il should be> interesting-evý,en if a b1t painful te thoso woce- member them iîn the days o hi greatness-to sec Mou 0Ott, Blonidy: Ryan, Hughie, Grilz, PepfierMar- lin, Joe Medwick, Lýeo Drîrocher, and ail the rost of thmin uni-- form once more, oven if 5some of them are hlable to bust a gusset tl-yinte 10roach down for a grou nd.. oir, or require oxygen trealment afler a dash'aIl the way from homne plate halfway te firsî base, On the iiound,-as opposiîîg tarï- îîîg hulrwil! be, Carl Hubbell for the- Giants, and Dizzy Dean. for the SI. Louis cnew. And whilo base- hjall bus long been marked by keei pitîhlllg rivaîries, thore are iFew that haàve matched the spoctacular duels \Iihinvolved Ibis parlicullar pair, ma-yhJe Cail Hubbell wasn't the greatest southipaw that ever ived;, but we wudntmid making a small »eagerï *that you- can't name tlre btter. ln facî, we wouldn't n aking tho ame bet with regard Dizzy Deaczn, as a -righl- The Dizzy onicbroko in tig Itague bil wmilh a bang. Gabby Street was àlmager of the' Car- d linals b1ack iii19,32 wb len Deýan aýrriv-ed andihe ewcmerwas so, cocy ad babyself-confient tht efore many cdays h2d pass- ed verhod conI ie teamt, froni il anager doln n 1 water boy,,was longing te see him gel hîs corne- iuppance. Theechanlce 1, sec thàt bu got jist Iibat, and in, pblintul measýJ'uecameI ou i rfter bejoiedth.e eam. [in an exhiblition gamec icePild1 li Atheîis wregivilIg ie NationIal i tan - 1îîlng ,onIb ie encb - Lept Sîaying: -I js wst as in *-1, ad p l* an Ilxas 1] ayinganSnaeup i el:sSmmd çîfis ife V Igiic, he I A's Lad îLbass ae~wîînbd on't, W'be tuned anid yeiied aI izy 'Gel ýi Ii thre and)(1pitcli and I enly strodýc e 10 îLe plate ani1 ca11ml1 vnd lackMikeCochaneabout à a; aytheCards knew tat wle pion sounder-oifer, ho ailso bad Someîhting 10 s -ound-off abkIout. Hubbell oa a tIle Slower in rnaling bis tu uvrhapparenit l1 he ias;but we01 ho, iîdwell lcrcyeas ho wws knowni as Ma-i- ag1r Bill, Terry's MUeal Ticket, whib as no bad description. One of the rý.eally oustanaling double-, headers of ïal l imne was the one ism 7.'hichi HubbelL and Dean took, part, a'ithough nol as opposing 1ons Th'is w-,as on July 2c, 1933, wben the Cardi-,s aod Giantswe shd 111d-10 oplay twin bill. IHulbell ptiîcd li(e opener aainsî iTex Caretti. Basa hoelo;jabaîtie ing verfromTexCanecton in the F'or i îgaleriin Hhbî m edthiem idown iljlst abouitas fastas beygot u ter. n h ei menhîning Pa New York run tckdacross t'le plate, and fthat -'as ail Cal ýneeded. HF- won h y a score of -1 to 0 gîving nup 01n1y-six bits; fanning 12 and issuing 001 a siîîgie pass. Dizzy Dean went 1to ue mound for Ithe, Cards ii0 tbc sucud gae, l, ith Ro y Pannialee serv,:ing lhomà up for the GaTIt vwaà anoîben niagnificienî pjitchjinýg batile, tLe onfly runof the game coming wben jobnny Vengez teed off a one0 of Dean's pitches for aý homJer. Two gamnes-twenty seve4 n înnngs-and cinly two runà scored. And stili they- try and btll 'us îLe 1halli na. lielier Iban il used 10 o (. Altogether Deaîî and ubel pitched a gainst one ýaniother a toýtal of ton imes-w t Le great iefî badrtriuinsingo ca sions, Sunday, îbey'l ho fac-ing one' anotber aga'in. Wý\onder wblat thley'l I'c tiniking iabout, c evnif îtý's nlyi ing thiat Old F-aîher im lle wVould gel v-nsy and sbif t lwenlty Or fIetv- teyea ffIheir res'pective shotil- dors. WiIb ere are elots ofotes ndotby ay annýjIl1s A"bilbil toesrs fo ave LtuaI sort Of han- keinDn-ce in a wbniiel.1 TIIEFMM lFRNT Clean your grain before bar- s'est is a piece of advicerl' -ivc pr- bably beard before-.but it's sucb an important malter Ihat anoîhei-rne- ginder needs no aooyFrthe ilîsocîs that lwrtho grde o your grain, and csyo a loes ivhen you comern eitulili, do flot gel mntothe bin along %:Ii ttbe ne.w grain. Jo mosî asstheyý'i- -in îthere vjben yon put iii ile newC Cieaniîig and sprai, ing grýiain hins is insuranco ga s oscbla, ae XVlsshould h bc ruhy wp donFlors-eCspecialiy îLe -corn- enis àand blwe îestîîdng s bmul ch sel n craýped. And us>, a good idea 10 ýSOcc 0ilthIat hIe sweopings are, huno, nce tbe ar hble10colain eegsand larvae that migbt gl ,;,ck into the hins. ** Steel hins sbould hbcao,,iked ta 'rmake thonmr vaiepoî Ittake wooden bins and ,:,ranaries as tight as you 'possihlv- cao, .* * Wals, ceiliîîgs and floors shouid he sPra1yed witb, a five per cent DD emuliision aipîda the rate Of _o'ne gallon pe(r cone tbousand square ifoot. Or-o, an ake a I2Y/2 perccent DDD spiray y adin lwo poundis of DDD weîîs,l pow &Idon 'Ive gaIllons ofi atYr,)Tis Bllixînr sbuldho pplki ai le rate Of t-galn hprtousand squarefot A prolen Iat frqueniuy comnes, vp 00 aniusuiams s o'v 10 kili stumps anid peetrsrui IThe flowo ugetin VilJ ho -1 hope--of'vle Amîwate (uuoio ufnae lias been successfuimv l- used in man' places boîL b kUl to tup n lu stop any repoln. i resit- )y dIt sttlops il cas1, ho applied dry at tLe rate of abýonit 0onounce per inch of troec dîsmeter. Vou cao aiso use this aimaiile( as a spray for sthiump srus wdsby dissýolving ilin ate tho rate of on puîd ergalo CI,;water. Il sboldholaplied'o cool, cioudy. moýisý I dyswi pan are groîving jrapidjly.Spray spronts orweeds until tbe hetbrtîiy! wet, 1 any vsorts of tnppot a a tsoho illed ,wïib2, 4-D), 2 5-T1 or mxtreof tie lw"'s)2,4D rea,,r 2, 4> 5-T or . itr ter rebst ian eitberchei, lue by ilself. *** The fact that dm bycaît cause a tire is llkowî1ai ruiosl everyone livïing in afain communiîy.,Yet for aIl tilal t e baîlf of ail farrn fines staurî i0 IL' baymow. And îLhe criticai Peiod for spontaneous conmbustion fine s 1is penerally about a mnîtb atler lavy 15 pttmbto Lebarn, H-ow can you tell if y~otir bay is 9getting too bot? Usually vou cati trooli a strong burning odor in tLe barn. Later a steam-like vapor May' riso from ,îte by S ureSt systen tbou)tgh1, s 10 take tbe temporature o yor ay. This- can ho donec asl wiîb an ordi- nary dairy tleLrnîonetuùr. A10-or 12-fît. piece of pipe, lar ge enougb 10 lower tibe thermoniterr mb, us è-'cven mb îLe býay. Thîe Ihr- m nometer thoen is droppod mb îi'Le plipe on a pioce of string. A pointed plug in one Prilof tI, pipe WilSimplify the job of ivCi- ing tLe probe imb îicLe ay. Anida series of tbre-ightlbsý-inc bholes> drjlled in îLe pipe juot 'abovo îhe pu.will give you, a mono accur- aie reading. Good, qualiîy bay sldom wil Sreacb a' emperalure of more than 1120 degrees.If tLe lemporatune gets up around 160, degreinu, check the, bay frerjuentiy, Anld if bay S& CCCNTI G Ir~in N. Soom.77 Vk.teria St.,Trno BAYcilICEiS- SPEC UAlL, wbIUe thbey1as , ten wveek nid Lgrn 86 5.7 5. Also stted( c(hlckls Lwo four Nweeks, SendforspcarecdliI Day old chieks for Augiist. Ol-1,r pullets, ToP Noteh Chick Sales. ulh Otro PRfOMPT delivery on started pullets tWO weeks, to ten weeks. Tfurkeyýs t-) weeks 10 forwieeks. Nonsexedl, sexed hens, sexed tm.Summer and 1Fa11 day oH!chics. We caler 10 Broiler Raisero tb yeararon. Alsýo pullats 8 wekis foayn. pcilbar-- gains while they lasi. Pufllets tea weeks Wbite Loegborn Bac inra x White egrsNew H n xhrea hite Leghorni, Wbite Leghern x Bre ok 6.5 TresBronz, WieHolndto weeks 5cet.three weo910$fo Lwek 113. TedeChick 3aceîsLmieFergus, BUILDING SUPPLIES ASPIIALT SHIGLES $31a SQ THESE lnterlocking ahinglis are mat ont of our inany roofinLs and asphaî-t siding hargains. 210 'Lb. Bull Shingles$45;165 Titeloc $3.98 per 100 square teet. 5" Thick Insulated Sdn rc or Cedar Cýrain design, only 68.65 per s1 60 Lb. Red Granitsefotin , .25. Red! cedar.,shingles 5x6" *ororeý,. cloe butta, 61.17 per bundle; envers 25 suae fsL. Above prices F.OB. Hamilton. Many other bargains in theae factory seconds. we doubt you cao tel] from tfiraI grade stock. Thousands ot items for, your newN building or remndelling lob. Seor! us your listeanadr we will quesyou our 1,w deliverer! onces. ALUMINUMI COitKRgGATED SHEETS only 67.50 %per 100 sci. feet. Deliverer! Ontario. Çluebec and Maritimes. A!l oew stock,, 26 sauge, various sises avail- aSIe for prompt shipment. Send measurements for fr-ee estineistes. Gel yoona now. Stock IIOBEIT IMNE8 LUMBER CO. HAM0ILTON. ONT. FAST jaily ervceonDeeopnsan ri!nt- me g8 epsr rol. ,nDeveopedand 1'AI ART Pitd30 cents. Rpina5 ets sacS. Doýuble-size, in Album 4Q et. ernA 6 cents each. Write for cmlt celisI. Ideal Suapshot Service., iatnOtro DVEING AND) CLEANENO LAVE SOU anything seeds dying or dean. inérî Write te us for Information. We are glindte answer youn questions. Depanîment IP. Parker's Oye Wonks Llmited. 791 Tonge 'Ore.Toronto, Ontarioi EXCHANGEý RACHANGE woùeen Itaga for blankets. ont. FAIlS F086SAL PIIOSPIEROUS 170-acre farim, jmat bortS of Gral ton. SoIr! fully equipped, or farm nly.1ý AIl buildings newly paioter!, in perfect ri- pair, IOcal for' goor! farmer, or country est:e. -For further parliculars Write LONG BRUS,, Port Hope, Ontario. FA1RM, 200 acres, gond opportunity. l1 miles from town. 20 miles from North, Bay. tliness forces sale. Write C Besulieu, Bon- livd. Ontario. -FOU SALJE ALUMINUAI ROOFING-inimediate abiPment -85'thicle in 6, 7. 8, 9, anr! 10-foot Icengîlis. Price ta apply >1019" et 69.40 per square, .016'" at 68,25 per square deliverer! Ontarin points. For estimates5ý, samples, liter. atiore, ece.. write: A. C. LESLIE & CO. LIMITED. 130 Conimissioners ,StI, Tononto 2, rece îLe lenîciiperature of beate. bay as niucb as 10a degnees, Hay can ho dosed wiith il througb the same pipe you used 10 check tom- jîcralure, . Whenever you'necheiicking,,sus- p.iciously warm biay, avôid inhal- îîîg the funmes fnom il. And what- ever you do, don't fal mb a spot Ihat bas been cbarned ouI, Waik oîî a piank laid across the bay. Ôr liec toards t10 .,yOur feet 50 you have extra support-,. ActuaIly, most haymow oires could easily ho prevented(. (Cruisbïing stems ,n1 the field so bay ,dies evenly is onle solution. Anthnis 10 dry hay artificially in thbo mow. Or store your haiy in smali quani-- tilies and pro-inde good ventilatiot'., Mvows contaiuing 10 tons or leos are flot likeiy 10 heat much, Tborougb euring in, tLe fieldi, of course, means loss oF valiahle bcaves. But overbeatinjg-asie ro the dalîger fo10 ibiîgs and i e--c stock-can ipoojs smc nutritive value. Cao you tell- wben hay is saf e îenougb to, put il mb îL te haro? Farm specialisîs say it's safe if lîoisture content is -under 30 'per cent, *** A good home-made lest sIill is lime old system of twisling a band- futl of stems in Itwq. If un0 mois- ture appeans, the bay probably is saf e enough 10 put mb tiîte mow. FOtR SACLE MO0TOR CYCLES. SlHarely rd-avido. zNew anàd cscd. bought. soIr! exclosnged. Large stock et uarnter!user! motorcyclos. Eepariis by facîory--trained mechanies. Eicycles, and comn- plote lino et wheel goo<ls, aIso Guns. Roass sund Johnson Outhoard Motors- Open evenings until oins except, Wednesday. Strndr!Cycle & Sports. King at San ford, Hamilton, 6' CLIPPER Combine wtih Motor, 'Tank and Baggor. Sell or trade. Garnet Westlake. Beeton. Ont. IIAY PRESS aulomsttîc pîiîup sud self tyiag with wire. tractor tGoneral, for sais, apply 5290 St. Patricke St. Montroal. ATTENTION asoo Cansdian Berry GrowersI Try olîr ardy erlifier! British Soverîgn stra'sbe--rry plains for large profits. XSer.e plants rw 4inchea taell, ielding 2,000raIesoftmarketahle bornies per acre. Ou ing eir pieriod of Production. The barries aretaeet lrge suad firm. Last winter they withatood 2 5 below zro weather whilat othoi' fruit trees suffered devasattng damages. Place yunordor beforeAug. 151h 'iu erder that ,we may be able 10, propogate enougli ip4lnts. now for the sprîng shipments, Comn- pýlo.tecultural instructions trith every order, Sýhippqer in special containers b manure salfe arrivaI. Price $3,75 pet 16 plnts,prai. $20,00 pr 1000, Prepair, Thel.5.M. trw borryFarms. Kelowna, BC BALED ËiSHAVINïGS- - FOR SALE - BaSer! soitwood shavings, carload lot only., Write Plus Products. P.O. Box 75, Montreal. 3. GENERAL Store and dwelling, new building. Present owner muet sell due lu lit health. lImmudiate Pusseseîoni. A,ly GousialStore, R.... Gadshill(Hahy1) McCORMICK-DER.INGtractor, lbrnd nev, m'odel C,-equipped wiLh bell pulley, ihs starter, tires losdod, wheel weights. fenders and sculîlers. List Ponce $1,810; msotar sll; sacrifice at $1,600. Froe, deliverî Behtel \lotoro, New Dundee, Ont. Phono 60. ,FOR SALE, Greenhouse, steel and Cypressa construction, 50, x 25 fet. Muet ho dis- mantled and removed. Includes hoiter andS heating Pipes, excellent condition, $1,10t. lion Thumujon, Watordown, Ontario. 2R-16. SIEDICAL CRESS Callous Saîxe-now gel relief. Four Druggist sella Cress.-' It's proven -every sufferer of rheu- matic pains or neuritis sh2uld try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin .Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid UNWANTED HAIR Eradk sied from any part of thse bodly witli Saos-Pelo a reinarkable <$îsceverY ofethOe age, Saea-Pelo* contais nobarmful ingredient5 andI will destroy thse hair roet. LOR-ISEER LABORATORIES 6719 Granville Street, Vancouver, 8t.C. oOO8TINITIRS F011 rIEN %NI) WOMI6N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADIN~I SCHOO0L Great Opportunity Learn .Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession rond vvags thousands successful Mo 'vol graduares America's greateat syalom. lllustrated ca logue free. Write or Call MIARVEL HAIRDIlESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Tforonto Branches 44 King SI , Hamilton & T72 Rideau Street, Ottawva IHO0W TO, SELL ,BOOKS BF MAIL" Complet- course in Ibis profitable business pls onymaRing offer, Don't delay. LI-mitedquniy Only $1.0. [N5IEL ENTERPEIeSES ~~~$27l VancouvorBoc u er, B.C. W'PnTMER'STUJNIIAUGH " & tComnpany Pateni Saol-eltera Establlhed18 90. i?6ü Ba Sînset. l~Oritii Rotlils ot ormailon n Cirejuect. TECIER ANTED WA.NED, our ualfledProl-tatleachera. for Schoolï Ar-esno Belinont and Methuen. BDba 0 ommu-ence Sepleml r the firstl 1950. Salaries froso $1,800 .00 and 00, Apply C. F. Senug Sec -Treas., R. Il. 1, Ilavelocle, Ont. PROTESTANT teachera wantd for tCardiff Township ScSool Ares, Salary for qualifier! teachera. $1,800.00 per annum, Applications froso permit leachera ,tcill ho considered. Apply Secretary-Treasurei, Highsland Grove, Ont. ASSISTAN\T Continuation Sceeol Teacher, for 10W two roorn achool at Lorîng. Ontario. Latin and French niecessary. State salary expected, qualifications ard name of UasIin- spector tu M. Sommacal Lro Otro QAIEDCaîholie TEa'Cie- to CS Osgoode Salary $1,.0 Ermet 0 pupil's, grades 1 lu 8. Apply ttn qeii cations tu Oswald Fox.,e.Tes. aoil Station. Ontario. WANTED WANTED lu lease: farso heure near iMage, - er or more; nomboal rent Roed, -'0-73, AdelL(adeWest, Toronto. WA NI 1D AT 0NCE-G3ENE'tIA DUTY NURSES 44 H1OtR Week. 10 Slatutory Holidays. 1 montS. vacation with uay afler 12 montha. F!alary $175.00 per month rising by four anni11al incremnents tu $205,00 Per montSý J .-st Lworiing eeatitione. Duncanxr iii auiî,stenl mýidway, hetoveen Victoria and Nanaimo, on heaýutifu1 Vancouvert Iland. Present nurse shortage due a to 5e100aceurate aîmoy CupidTeleram r hetter 10 Rings Daughterb' Hospital DumnanB.C. Quickl Stop itching of insect bites, Seat rash, eCzema, hives, pim ples, scales, scabies, athletes foot aud oISon externslly Eauaed sîrin troubles. Uise quick-acting, soothing, antiseptie 0. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaselesa, stainless. 51db stops or your money bock. Vour dnuggist stocka O. O.D,. PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 30 - 1950 BRIE ich in flavour! e 'e \ Bas- s-,.5s... - Mer Clasi@Pd Advertisinlg., j-.