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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1950, p. 7

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INSI Fohrd 11 ikîo it wa lic faions iwjîîd stornui et~~~ 193 rhci esc fre dayýs suld w1icliî caiydvat lic fi iu(if Mapîenid4 itat gave Silas cît1fic iMea of selliîig lis wind- iilin t1 flicown. The licavy g-ales pracfic iymmd fic mill zas iause- fu aiappiiaiîcc, a fact whicli iva, stnaIy unnîprtatas Sulas ~ hd nsflld fil wa.,tcr firece year-s bhforeu. PBu t ifgaveIhim flice idea nvrlils;ifw ýs itIier a m;affer (f pay-iug to hiave flice thing epidor seli if, sud as Si a as a lard-shelicd oid Ncýw Euglsnd Yankilýee of tfifrst wafcr,, flic ides ,f:pyin for auything went sgaîusf' .fic grainî. ]-c waitcd a nienfli aîd then d!roppcd over te lib neiglibor, Asa Grden crs. "How's fliat?" said Asa, regard- ing si in stniiuicn "SeI flic tenu fliýat rccyold windmiii? Sdui f iyýý, yn iascoid higlu- wayv rolihur!'s a wvonder we aiîî f gor t u a inuc iSgsin yen lon1ao .erdefacin' flic lind- Si red-'dencd tarolis cars. "R.ikety oid win1dm'Il! Yen calin' my winrd- iiii rickety? Dang you, Ase, you're luril oncomnatic and onsentiment- ai. It's a heicloorn! It's the oldest dsýnged windmill in the huil coun- It'finie it %vas tor dewn su drg ft then," said Asa.,"If's duat- fcr-iig i ichescencry." The ncxt day ýi iact down town anid tackicd oflier prominent citi- 'es.But lie a as tee, late. Asa Gardener liad, appareufly, thonguf Siides about flic hest joke lie'd lîadin ycars, sud had proceeded tlet cvcry ene in on if. Worst ef aiil, Maplcridgc's citzenry saw' eîe t(,ecwifiî flic selectin1an. Tlucy c ere asily amnscd. Si came liome in a rage. He was serions inls ides about ercctiug fle ic iidmilI on tlie village green, tly hcy were even faiking about gefftiîîg a court order te make hiii teaýr if: doîvu. 1If thcîï sncccedcd if wenld osf li iisme mouley.- The It is ucsayte, note fliat co)- incienc plyeda big part iii the eveuts~ fIl fr cd duig lc '-e' nxf wee. For iws coinicidenice, mnost assurly, th Eat eansed J. Ai- lan Brewn.,)plilantliropist, public- spirifcd citizen of Boston, Mass., f0 peu fichefr that set ail Maple- ridge.agog. Tl'le leffen was dirccd te S. Kent. Hc opencd-,if in the pes)_tottice, witli hait a dozen cur- ion1s Citizens standing idly hy. Within an hour every resident of, Mapleridge knew that the great J. Allen Brown lad spotted Si Kent's wiudmill, and wanted to buy if for $1500 to add to 'a collection ai American relies le was making, Ifteok Mapleridge'about a hall daty te grasp flic sigîîificsuccetfal this, sud then things hegan te lisp- penj. A specJal fewn mîeeting a'as l d. Speeches werc made te flic ifeet fliaf Si1 Keuf's wiudmill a-as cerfsinly a laudmark and if wonld lie: a siîanîc te have fü moved off te seme sunî. \V1liy, Si hinîscîlf vilaegreCîî. Auid wst thata good ides? Ye betif ias A comnîij1ttce vasappeiifed teu scSi lic er iî'.uorning. Wla"sîd Si. 'Give yen M!ýy wumlAffter flic way you taîl- cd? Dsng yen, get offin my prop- c2rfy! Gît offiinif stfore I have yen Th( enmf e wtdr te fi sidýewialk sudcesued i-'rescnitly th,-v retuniîed. Bcrt Egwood, a iswycý,r va ho ,was con- sud1_,ed qife anorf, made s _ speech. He weuîîd up hy otfering $2,000 cash ftelicwincîdmull, sud Si wcakeued. I'inmpiaîîtiy t Il c conmitcec witlîldrew sud Si nufbackinfe lis iuse. Heclcosed flic deor snd be- giii te augli, wlicli was simest A phe nemenon. 'Sarsý, lis witc, loeked at~' liii, ini aseishu,1snd olsi "lfs otiu, Si , îoliin'. nclyC ~~~t's ~ ~ i)I a1 !0ck fnigfrmef itie MOT -JiUST FLUFF E'ditor's Note: Hor9ace Reynolds is a writer', lecturer, prafeýsso)r, and, author (af nany articles tbat have apcrdin Variaus leading periodi- cals. This paean in praise of darlxer, c-oarser bedtfsappeared in TheChristian Science Monitor; and %,,e pass it along ta aur readers, ss ithout further comment. Wlieu fiugs were going el !rad(no."lTen lhe woul îexplain that fIlicsayiug aianoblique ce- fereýnue to flic tact that flicef onîmon îcouple 4 urp ldwhite.bread ùnly ou spe(cial occasions. 1 rieember 1 used to, f ec sorry for tbe poor moujik eafing away at bis blacl,. bread. The other day a friend gave mec a large boat of dark Ilussian îrye, told mie bow to toast if. Now 1 don't feel sorry ftfle T,'ussianus any ýMore. Moem industrialismlias ruined Ai.meican bti read. Pick -up a loaf n i aedpaper. i"f's 50 of f ann .sjungyyencan eontrsct if witli yon bads inldif any shape iapranid eat aslic.e. Tesoff, flîufy cnteris lke amo,îhful o.- podrpoif. The more yon ceaf th,- liu gFîrier yo get. This is what Ain- criea's staff o-f lite has (-omne to. Jt's a preffv sýot staff. The Rus- siians are iaigoni soinethilog more si, lstanitial. It wasn't alwayvs so. In 1900, 95 p er cent et America's brcadwaS baked af home, and, thaf brcsid ias good, honeit bresd, nof flie aerafed boudoir hread of foday.- Now 85 per cent, of America's bread is, bakcd in liakeries. The brcad of, our ancesors was good brcad, fao. The corn bread the fudians taughit thle carly Ameni- cans te make was fasty, nutritions, anîd f i 11 i ii g. Our foremothersi pounded corn iii a mort an on grouind if in au improvised home niili. 'hiea ticy mixed flic resulfant iniai with stet make corn bread, corn- (d,,dgens, corn pone, lînecake, and Thymade fhis bncad in fao fe ti: lc aie variety baked in a pan, lfhecorn bncad of foday. fIe ,u1iLeaveneçd variefy baked in ltashecs or u a griddlc or in a cakillet, éailed aýsh cake and corn 'eiue. ManY a pîsainsm-an lias made îusauy a dinuier ou, cornidodger bskcd ii fthe ashes and salit ponk broiled ounflhc end ot a stick. That is the stalwart tiaditional Lread of America, of whicli this puffed-up varcty of today is a soit sud decadent descendant. lunflie large.cifies, where Ameni- cals foreigu-boru congnegste; one tan gef lichegood bnead of Europe mhicli our immigrants brouglif oven w ifh their folklore. Fronýi West- 1-1halia the Genrusus of 1848ý brouglit thein pleasaut pumperniekel. The Jcws brouglit us flic de- licious Jevuislii rye and flic popular baigel. The Frenchi,flic long hall- bait lbaies; flhc Ifalians, their round, oaud lbaves witfi a respectable dece3 crusf. From. Vienua came flic liglif, vieil - scasolied Hunganian loaf, knowu as Vienua bncad. Froni Fin- la nd, Linipp u, bskcd in tue shape et :an oversîze doughnnt made of- ,uxd wlieat aud rye floian. Frni thceu, fli it. crîsp unlcaveuied clicl sese.l l sle a boatofthfli danký puiluper- riichel. Ifs ny e hasu't icen bleaclued cr "euriclied." Ifs nye ha ,îîit even icéen boifed. Cnt off a couple of thin slices sud put thlini your toaster. Press dow u the rod wlîich sends flic bnead ne flic bottonufuet litoaster. \Vieui flic pieccs, of punîpernickcl pop up, press tleî down again for a second t ,asting. This, is le-rnan f read: if ea~u take if a second, yea, even a tiird foasting. Butter flic toasfcd biesd; place if in flic oven.. As youî est ifi, you will amnend John Ma- ie usproverli f0 read, 'They're eaigtheir black bnead uow." W/Vlieu yeunuexf go onf in flic v.ostna steak roast, take a lsojýf IFre:iclh bread, cnt if ver- Iicýall info slices about six inclies înches cc or othc but le ccrefnb rot te cnit thli .bnem!ad ail fic flioli'. Nwynhv bu Takýe at ofdeta pound etf but- ier and m( ;ieit it ini a mieasuring cup C'I semaîlsacpn Cnt up a suice of garlir ami mnt iito flie melted buter. A il themixture, f0 sM- muer aile. 'Then Ipour the butter top etr fic bcd Now ýputic tîvohalycuinto sa hot ovýi. Af fer fhey have hcomi)e lot, t!take luenu oufand caf. Tir is still aniother pro>i-verli wlichli un lilce this: "hoebread I caf, lis song I sn.~Atter you have esten ffis hot bntt[ered French' bread, don't lesrpie if you find yenr- self lîummiug, Anofmer avriebread- us nmade et vargrndfleur and'if is ý-e' more soliduthaniost liomemnade bra.The waàtcr grou1nd flour is, imnport-ant. Wafer powergrns slobyenugi te aliow iuhe lii- te, .r~i nîciliof fIlicsolibof fHje gr in in cflic are îllàS, tee, thtc fleuar is hlecclediý. I's a svo'der tie.y duon't poa)\der anid rouge t. Mass prodecin cau'f leave go food atone. It must try te iiro e natfure. It liomogeuizes if,v/- nuiinizes if, xicfinîizcs if. 1,aa pofatoees ony ai.tascurranfs, dafe-evn Snshnc.If suices it, w.raps if. TLien it cmbaïlks on a '1,000,000 adi crtisiîîg cauipaugn, as- sanlting hotu eyc and car. Industial Auncrica lias giorifie-d tread flic wav Heilysiood lias gleri- tied flicAnîcrican girl. Man dees' net live by brcsd alone, but it' is What 'The Well-D'ressed juvenile Will Be Wearing Next Winter -Nylonl News! Pint-sized weather pr-otection is offered by these w onderful lightweight ail-nylon snow-suits. flic fouidatieneof our diet, sud our siiced blaves of ceotfou hatting are a weal, touudatioîî ton anyhing. WVhat America nccds is bread wîthî crusfte oexercise flic feeflland sick foeu fli is.hread te streng thefi heant fer fitasksw'iich e aliead. His Stuif May Be, Corny But It' onc-y-Making Corn The ycar 1932 ïhtay be remeni- bercd for ses ral ressens, îlot icast for flic debut et a comedi an monan American raio roýranmIe. Ile xsalhced iucrvcousiy- v p te tbi mjÎiro- phone and said: 'H1alle, follks! This is jack Bcîiil. There.wibl neîv li a sliglît pause for cî-eryeue te say, 'M'ho canes?' As a result etf'tliis broadcast, leffers pouned info flic studio pirais- iîîg lus unusualsund -înonchalarnf style, wlîiclî hitieirfelîad nef heen cxpioited bDy auy otiier comedian. l'oday, Jack Beîîuy is acknowbcdg-ed te bce eue et Amiicica's lcadiîîg radio tunsters sUid every Suunday forrie thirty mýAi,lncitizeuis fune un te listen te lis sliowv' The ',Average Ma-î" I or-Penny lias pertccfed a char- actcnization, trauglît wîtli humsîî frailfies., Uc is, a fypical "Average MNan," a lovable heel, i, man, cois- scdly, nid,.le.aged--but witil Younîg ideas! All et wlici lias endeared lîim tefitse nin flic streef wifh similar tanîts aimd îeaknessýýs wrifcs David B. Williams iii Tif-Pifs. if impossible te get a ls.irni- self.,Ilu despenafioî, sud 0tfli deliglît offlih auien e lcex- claimedsudîl: Ye svld' dace do fis if yinfsar here.'" If srîyeuî dccrî thelictag et "right-lîaud ntîma" w hcee enny i4 concerued, she is Mary Livingstoe isho, ýbesides being flic coînedicune on flic programme, is in pruvatelite MNrs. jack Bcnny. She is îutcd for lier woîîderteil sense etfliuiiiuc, and jack always relies ounlien kecu judgmenf ivlieever lîe's worried about a joke on routine. Alfliugli Mary lias-liad couurtless offers to lie a star in lier ou- n riglit, she re- fuises fieni al: "I-jnsf want te lie Mi\rs. jack Penny," she says. Wlieu fiîy acre married in 1927, Jack recails fliat a big stag din- lier was giie n in lis lionour and' lie f cît veny uimportant. In flic midst of flic procecdiiigs, flic Master <w' Cenemoniescslicd for silence whilc lie read s teicgraii. Lt raiu ,Wlin en come home fonigît, lic sure ttlke eutflic garbag.- George and Gracie \Vlîilc on flic subjcct of mnanriage ift ni he c-as wcll f0 mention flic Çconge Burns-jack Beuny ron- îuîne.Iai sfanfed wlin Gorge su Grci Allen wecbçtrofhed. jack iasp1isyinin lSii Fran- cîsco at the fi ini sd fioniglif le %vould rnb lis uwywdfriendrs. lIfe týlcpliiCwd theu af -t3 jsm1. on1 flucir ucdingîiglt. Gefting an ot la.-iimid cgg"-and l ic e ,ceiver syns ismmcd downi. Sinice flien fhe comne liauis have aiways telu'ploned caci ~otlicr ou iîîportait .ofccisionîs. Wlien George anfd Gracie werc aboun le apelu af ficLoe onPal- ladiuuiî recentiy, Val Paruejill flircsv a paujfy for thernu. unngfic eve- ning George was caiied te flic f cie- rhone. Pickiug tup flicieci e l heard a giil witli a Sotthemn draýwl ssy:["Mn. Bumns? Long dsac . . « eunue ementL111, pîcase! Jack pennf fei Hilwood iv-ýis1es te speal,[ tl en" At the enid of is ýchaýt , ith fusl feiiow comie, Geoge told is net aboutit;,.. "Fancy Jack clnga4l ilieil wayfrm JIlywood jilst ta A-id There He Was'0 He survey te theinga sile ofi self -satlisfaction -,Spread'ilg ars his face. EiBu,t a t nat ome,,nthiq eyes feiltipori the doorw-cAyý1 were jack Bcenny -was saning t Iîad arrived here unhonelav- îng made the journey especially for lus friends' opening night. I-lis prac- fical joke had beeu carried out with the help of film star jane Wymain .and extension telephones! As a-youngster, jack studied the s îolin and af eight years old hewas referred f0 as the "child prodigy"e of Waukegan, his hometouLae lie tried f0 obtain work itha theatre orchestra but w,,as cgae as a ticket colléctor insteaýd! The violin, mucli f0 his regr't, so became notintg more than, a proïà during his vueil appearanices, à.et even foday, this"rutae kýreisler" practises inlis sire tinie and consfauîtly complains aboiis lost chance te make amefo b;imself as a musician., Whe n 3einuy moved his famîiily and radio programme tc, Califor.- nia iin 1937, tlhe very frsîsho there was an enactnt of their 1otrney west. Thc script euie someone to, play the part 'of tbc IPullman por ter enoufced .o f lie train and the role vas awaudeýd ta a coloured actor, EddiW Auer son. lic made sudh a good joýb 3f of it that his one niglit stanid lie- Cam e a permianent engagevient--and fhat's how Rochiester was bora, Benny's gravel-voirced vltand chauffeur. If isflot snrprising ithat Bennmy. liaving made a repvtatioii on thie stage and radio,_shiould turu tû Liollywood to reap fuirtlr lutls býince 1932 he has 'made ve score of films. His best known arec "Buck Benny Rides Again" ail George Was~hinîgton, Slept Here, Counter Attack He behieves in giving the public wîhat it wants, even if if docs flot alvays satisfy the radio ciicaui says: "If took eighteen t af ccvelop flie characters on niy, shOW. T_ýhey're as good as mi wi:ers a .1 eau make them,.-Each ee w' tried to injeet a new situa'oie or character into our script and! filing. tweuty' pages a ekfor- fhirty-nine wek isn't eàa-y "So what hiappens? A uxee Comles aonsays flisowca g reat, the audience loved if, fic script was hlarions '. . , B, UT,,. 1 was the samne stingy, fouipcc- topped, faulty fiddler; Mar,1ywa sifl snippy; Phul Harris uiue as a fugitive from Alcelîcici >! onymous; and Rocheýster , sth same sassy butler. "Now, I've been eaig Fi e- viewer's coluimn for m-îaiyyers anld if's a- darned gooýDcolmn %ut every week, , feeyyar hî columnîst's style ofiig is al- ways the same. ýNeyer hnes I v.ays erlis, prOnnuns auj aii ýdjc- tivs, liydoen'tlie gel soe nwtigs

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