GRONO, au mm au au LYý T ES Vol. 14 No 28- ORONO, ONT.- THURStDAY, AUG. 5rd, 1950 Sut: bscrip,tion $ 1.50 per Year Orono Volunteer Fire Brigade Reorganize With New Officers 0-n Moniday meeing last the Orono'ICanadian Holstein Is First Fr rgdinorder to establisha Wt w 20 b eod -by-law for a Vol)unteerý Fire Br-igade jt'w, 20L. eod i the villge Eight memibers from I___ the fixe dapartmuent were present and ut this time the brigade was organ- iizd and the necessary by-lnw pass- ce-d. The by-4aw enities the 0,"ono Fire IBrigade to an annual fire grant fromr ,Îhe Provincial Governmrent. This granit will amount to 25 perýexnt sub- fidy on ail current fire brigade expen- <it'wres and ini ost years will1 aimounit to a sum cof $125.IM}. Pire Cie-f Wmr. Davey spoke te the ;aeebin~g and gave a r,.esume of the n3erviecs of the Orono Fire Depart- mxent to the illage since its forma- tion in thie year 1893. H1e also said, that since the law rio-longer permit- týed a person holding the position of frre chief over the lage of sevenùty, he 'was resig-ning. On motilon of Win. Riddell and N. Pozter. it was moved that this myeeting go on record for the ap preciation on behiaif of the tire departirent and the village forL the -very efficient service given by Wm. iaey as fire chief for the last forty seven years. Nomrohauions and election were kthen ealled for in order to re-organlize the local tire 'brigade. The following poûsitions werca then filled: Pire Chiief, 0F . Cooper;, Assistant Pire Chief,« ýA. E. West, Chief. Eingineer, dG. Wat- son; Assistant Engineer, B-, Mercer. It was rnoved by ýthe meeting ýto have onfly twrelve firemen (fou2 offleers and eîight volunteer fremnen). It was recomnmended by C. Tyrrel and N. Porter that the Orono Police 'Trustces consider purqcasiag two ,oxygen masks for thle use of tne tire brigade. L A eomndain'y Wm. Riddell and N. Porter to the Orono Police unnui7Lalily twenty-five, dollars and1 ~Trustees that the lire ,chief be paid that thie tire departm-ent receive fif-1 týeen dollars fo)r eyery lire. The eein was very informative afwscenci-uded on nmotion. $100 To Person With Best Menu In C.NE. CenteÇst A huandred dollar bill will go to the îinan or -weman whe can plan the best week-end mnenu and shopping list for ýa fawily of five at the' Canadian Na- tionaq Exhîbitio, h i is announced by1 Xate Aitken, diretor of the Wo- r1en's division. Teo other prizes of $75 and $50 -will :be awý,arded ýto the runners-uap in this Week-end Budget comrpetîtion to take place' Sa,ûitrdaty afternoon, Sept 9th. 'Each contestant w\ilI, plan a menum and shopping Eist ýwth quan- itities for Saturday night suppe:',j A cow in thie herd of Albert Se-il- ing, EliaQnt., has just compieted of over Î200, lbs. faït, thus heceming the first Hoistein in Lthe werid te, comnplete, on officiali test, twe re- cords, each above 1200 Iba. fat on hree tines.a-day miilking. In fact she la the lirst Holstein in Canada te twice exceed the 120o lb.ý mark re- gardiesef times mnilked daily. This cocN lai namned ýSeiling Royal Wing and her latest record vas made as ane year old whea she produced in 3G65 days, on three ' tmes-a-day mniikiag, 28,714 lbs;. milk containing 1215 Ifbs. fat, average test 4,23 par cent butterfait. As a seven year old she produced in. 865 daya on ithree« times-a-day milking, 28,505 ls. milk centaining 1219 Iba. fat,,average test 4.28 ýper cent butterfat. These two individual r-ecrds are the' fifth and sixth largest for fat ever made la Canada la the clasa. Acýcording te Mr. Seiling, beavy production hasn't harmed "Royal Wng", as she still looks like a four year old and whea she freshens again this cemniag Septemiber, should be ready te makce another outstnnding record. One of thme unusual things about "Royal Wing is the evennescf her at Nto production records. During ber first 1200 lb. lactation, ber bigli- est day was 109.5 Ibs. while duing her- second 1200 lactation,, ber best daty was 109 liba. In the former case, hhd. 838days ever 110ûIbs. -produc- tion and hin the latter,- 27-7over 100 ibis. wbile at the finish cf her fint 1?100 lib. record, aile was i-ilking 63 Ilis. daiiy. and at the end cf her, sec- ond 12û00 lb, lactation, 65 Iba. d'aly. Durng her latesit record, she ,ýhqd 14 [officiai butterfat tests, raaging from an evan 4.0 per cent te 49 per cent, for an average of 4.3 per cent. "Royail Wiag,-" has a 86Y5 day re- cord as a five year old on twice-a-dny milking of 849 i"os. fat fromr 20,898 lbs. nilk, average test .06 per cent butterfat and a85 day record as 'a four year old on twic-a-day milking of 14,626 3 Ifs. ilk and 575 lis. fat, averRge test 3.93 per cent butterfat. Last yenr Canada, including New- foundl'and, exported about $100,000,- 000 of fisheries producta, making Canada the world's lcading, fish-ex- pemting ceuntry. 1'9unday breakfast, lunch and dinnen," IMra. Aitkea explaina. Cahprises will hea aarded for la- tenet and vaniety of nmeals pianned anid for tbrifty apeadixmg-to obtain best food values. Current food pri- 'cea 'will le provided at the contest. Prospedrtive contestants bave until August 14th te complete their eutry forma wbhich may lie obtaiacd nov by writiag te- the W)om.-e's Division, 'Canadian National Exhibition, Tor- ente, Ontario. May Open Shorthorn -Unit If Breeders Co-operate, Ifa geodfi per'celitage ouf short-1 ion c attie breesconsent, an aitifîcia insemination unit viii lie set up in conjuniction xith the pr'ea- cati ilostein uniit at Belleville, Ont. The Holstein unit came into being tve yeans ago w,,hen the Quinte Cnt- utle reds'Association vas foi-m- cdi for the punp'iae ouf purýcbasin,-g and 'hmploying .higb grade HolIsteini bui mlu aiificiai bree-ding. It lias pro--ved very Succesaful. Toda-y, hetween 1,500ý and 2f00 aiymn 110 from Durbanc euayare members of the Association. Acrigte Agnricultural Rep- - santative Ed. Sunmmers oufBom- ville m pn eo pieù have inquired vht1r Shorthora ni couid lie included in the Breeders' Asca tien. Workinig under the impressim that many vwould lie la faveour of a proJect cf tii nature, thme Agnicul- turnl Rerc, atv bas despntched aquestionn-,aire -vith an explanatory, k..letter attached, te 'those people thoughit iintcne-(sted la improving theirl 'sthrougbh an undeittakçing ouf -,nature. e,!f e11ou1g, beef mel îndiciate they Nvaut imle service and wo-uid beceme- -inebrs", Mur. Sunirnsers, "thbe &Shorthon ibulîs cf very high calibre \vould ie puréhasad and ipiaccd at tube Belleville unit". A lifetime memberhiein the Association vould ccst $25 vitb a funthercareof $5 for, lreedinig. Tt ila understood that the tachai- clan lai charge of the Hoistein buils ait Belleville would assume, rasponsi- bilîty for the Shorthorn cattie aise. Siiar te tise area incorporated ii thie Holsie Breeders' Association, the Siorthora coucern would include t-he Counties of Dufrham, Northum- beniaafd, Hastingas, Prince Edvard, Lacnnox k&2Addîington and Frontenac. Cer-taini districts cf th-e aboya Coun- ties 'are recog-nized ns having very few -beef cattle, but Cartwright, Cianke, Hope and Dnrlimgtcn Town- shipsaîla Durbami County couid cer- tui benefit from the artificial la- semanton lanoffered Shothorn If Shothora catt]emen vwere to associnite, letter tye Iulîs. could le purchýýase-d anid besidlesa împnlýOving mnot purîahred banda, they would11 ha, ai boon to; the grade bards. Ifyo baeatrcvdavce of the tenlt-tîtva legýnnings ouf a Shoethora uniit, conttt Durliam Couuit's Agricuitural1 Rapreseaita- tive Ed.Sumr for explicit iafor- Winnéers lu Field Crop Competiion 0f Orono Fair The field crop conipetition heýld an- annualyiy unle.r the auspices of the Durham Centrai' l Agricutural So- ciituy was judged this week. The crop thîs year wý,as oats, and the foi- loing are the prize m wiiers: lst-U. K. Squ'air, Bowmîanville R. R. 4, 98 ipointý. 2nd--John, Cruickshank, of Hamp- ton, 7s c "td-Garnet Richard, B'owmnanville, 91. 4thý-Coin J. Smith, Bowmanville, 96. i5th - James T. 'Brown, Newceastle, 951/. 6th-W. F. Rickard & Son, New- castle, 95. 7ith-Clare Allia, Boýwmy.anville, 94. th-Alfred Alin, Bownrianville, 901/. 9ti-Wiliamii Boyd, Orono, 1,0. l4th-J. 'W. Boyd, Orono, 89. ' l uth - C a r es T a m b l y n , O r o n o , Many AttendIlancock- Family Reunion The beautiful Nichiols OvaI in Peterbororug~h was the setting for the annual get-itogether of the Hancock Clan on Wednesday, July l9th, w vhen somre eighty niemibers of the clan gathered fromi Ottawa, Belleville, Warkworthi, Orono-, Bowv- manville, NewcastIe,' 'Newtoaville, Port H'ope- and as far west as Van- couver, from whence camne Rev. Wil- ILs T. Hancoc'k,, the oldest of thie clan (85) haviag. corne the laetdis- tance. During the afternoon a good pro- grami of sports wavs run off w-Ath rcsand conteýsta' of varions kinds andi PHzes Lqhé vdnes A bountiful supper wns pnepared and eajoyed by ail. Speciâl table decoration was donated and arrang- Exteofion 0Of New 2A llighway Takes Shape A trip from Oshawa to Bowmnan- Ville, with frequenit detours south- ward to the site of wýhat wili be the 3extension of Nýo. 2A Highway east- SWard fromn Oshawavý, reveals the stag- g-ering amouat rcf preliminary work wýhich imust be done 'before the actlul road building begins. There are cul- verts te be built, gullies and ravines te be fihled, and la this link cf the traffic artery, a raîlroad to be moved. There are several culverts being installed on the $700,00O project be-i twveen, Oshatva a nd B o wmanriv i11e. Each mne necessitates the use of a large mass cf cement-mixing ma- chinery and a large gang of men. It jia slowý work an-d a good deal of it h:as te be done by men -with wheel- barrows. There, are several major projects just east of Oshuwa. At one place aIbout a mile and a haif fromn the city, a culvemt is being- put in deep aloag the tboiftom cf a ravine. After this lis done the guily, -49 or more feet deep, will have te be fi'lied, prob.. ably with eaiith from an adjacent hill. Ia order to rua the high-way 'be- tuwveen the C.N.R. and C.PR. tracks, just east of Oshawa, and thus ob- viate the necessity of another level crossing, it will le necessary' to miove one cf the rail lines. The ne- tuai inoving lias net yet', been .started but bulldozers and other earth mov- ing machînery was bedag 'puit to work cutting down the banks preparltery to moving. A third centract, net yet let, will takçe the hig-hway another three mniles eastrward beyond Bowmanville te ewate It is estimatue that it will prob- ably be next suiimier before the grading- is finished and the culvert and ofherintltos made. High- wýay buildinýg in the area involves a treýmendeus aumount ef moving cff ll. No further work has been done on the proposed underpass te take Wil- ýtü Poad e4 tehgiq%,y.A h praenert timie that area ils a the precesscf being graded along w-,ith the remainder cf the rond in the1 CJLarke Township Counicil meit on Tuesday, Auguast le, with Deputy Reeve Lowery occupying the chair in the absence ef Reeve Woodyard. Aising eut cf the minutes of the previiouss meeting- those preseat dis- cussed the' eestutof the iii read and dam. At present the ap- pointed solicitors ferr the-i Co-op and Torwnshrip have yet te suibiit their agreements. It rais saîd thut a r-u- meorhad been heard that the Co-ùp haid aeld its 'water riglits and were contempiating the use 'cf hydro, how- ever, this vwas raid ne ýte ho authentic. Ceuncilior Brcwn thought h wouald le wise, if the dam wras net te lie used for water poeer, te investigate a stagtroad eat fromn the higfli- way and that whea the work was te lie done that ýa first rate jorb was ceýmple*ted. The councili avmng no officiai werd ýon any change la policy on thbe reconstruction, are contiauing with the drawiag up of an agreenent wilth respect Wo the reconstruction on the miii road. Ia thbe correspendence it -vas brought te the atteetion of rthe coun- cil that the Radleay Cemapany wouid pay M(60. as their share cf recon- struaction on the railway crossing at Lots 14 and 15 (Broken Front). Pe vio'usiiy the Board of Transport Ceo- missioner hiad set this rate at, $1,500. This matter was ieft te be saittled between the Raiiway Ce rn- pay and the Bourd of Transport. Mr, Reynolds, Keaidai, la corres- pondence, did net feel that hie shiould be asked te collect monies fs'om the villagers te cever the cost cof the cal- ciumn dhlenlde placed on the stfeets. In muny cases, he, stated, the vil- lagerýs wouid net have asked fer the calcium chionide if it w'as theught that thley would have te pay fer it. The couneil agreed tbat if this sr vice was given free to Kendai, îiL wonld- ais hava te ibc giVen uac the saine conditions Wo the &ther cen-1 tres ia the Township, Couriciilor Broyýýa mov'ed to have the Reeve, Doputy 'Reeve and the Rend Superîin-1 tendent +.n ,rdt TCen.dal and pl'g,-tÇi1 After the sýupper- the gatbcin.n *ar wascaled o o(le bytn P'-Psd,ý 1-tý rek Hfl tora Bing 1The Clerk infermn-ed the council- R'oy llancock, who voiced the ap- JossWest f MNewcalonsthaC seme .2,000 acres are te be preciation cfthe offiers for theoce- Là Y~ ~IL WPO purechase-,d in the nonth wegt corner opération cf ahl vbi'ch miade the day cf tube township, and that the projectu n rplenant one. Officers "VereeLc is being bnnled 'by ýthe Provincial ted for 19:51 as followa: Pesdet On Friday afternoon cf lint veek Governament and the University 1of Mori'cv Haacock, Port Hope; S3ecr-e-,a frenk 'five minute hall sttom left Toronto. This land la ýtà le used tar-TrnsuerMm C.Alla, uftuousandsa of dollars Ios lar itis vake for rescarch by the parties that Newa~1leSpots'om tteMurs. ft) farmers wben lt struck iia a south- are iavol-ved. *Couincillor A. MucKay Victor H1ancocké. Newcnstle, and Murýs. e-asteriy dire(ctioni from Gre Rick- asked if this lnnid -would lie taxable. W. Tepple cf Bowmvianville. ards and W. J. Clermeace te Lake On- Those presenit hoped tbat it weuld Baseball wa11 enjoyed by thbe teen- tre be, for that a cut la the assessmeat j usea ac]theanailf r t ~± --would reduce thie townvisbivp revenue. plensure in the ruides and other items provid'ed hy the park. Th-e 1951 pic-1 nic is te 'ha held atCoug Park, the date te lrie arranged later. - Schmid--Lewis Nuptials A pre'bty weddiag v as solenizied on Saturday, July 29tb, 1950, ut the U'itcd Cburcb Parsonage, Newcns- tic, cf JHelen May LeP-wis, nly daugh- ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Hlarry Lewis cf Orono, and Emil Schmidý, son of Mn. and Mrs. Emil Scbmid of Switzer- .and. The Rv Lawrence Turner cf Newcnstle of'itd The bridle loekînig chqrmîin inlaa frock of b1ue n nd ývhite flowered ny- Ion with whit at and accessories, and o'sg fwht roses. Miss June Glanvilie of Orono, cousin of the bride, wvas 'brdesmaïad. Her gown vas of yellow crepe. Sbe wore a white bat vitb white accessories. Her corsage vas gladolias. Mn. An- tony Kieg was best man. Folloving the cenemony a reception vas beld :at the home cf the bride's uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Clan- ville cf Newcastle, whicb vas at- tended by forty guests. o Hooey Transport Extends Service To Other Centresl The H. Hocey Tasot rho with lass A License, bais nov c(-x- tended ita service outaide of Oronio and is prepar-ed te serve the villages cf Potl9l Bethany, Ca-ena, Cam,.p- bellcroft, Garden 1111, Elizabetibville ard Kendal. These centres la the sutiliouniing Counitry vilii raceIve thie sanme service as rende'red te the vil- laige «c Orono. This centrant vas recetly obtaiaed by the Hooey Transpoit. Thme tops of miangels of Uarneti Rickard were shraeddad te a pulp, as vere toma-,te plants -onithe farin cf James T. Broyai. Stýanding- grain wbiich would have beau eut iu the near fuLure, vas threshe-d eut sud la many cases only thc strnv vas left staniding. On thme farm of Charlie Glkes neot a kerniel of g-rain vas laft after the passing cf this destructive wa4 oe f nature. Appies' v ere an- otiber item isat suffered he'avýy Ioss,. especialy on the farm c f Lavwrenice Cobbledick, vbere, the bail liternllyl tore pieces out cf the fruit. Others to, suffer from this 11ev 'vers George Allia,, A. Parkern sud George Wai- ton. l1t la reported that the bail atones vere ns large as quartersansd aquarter of an inch tbick. Restoration To St. George's Churck In Newcastle The cargtoof St. George's Cburcb, Newc'ýastlc, bas formuiAted plana for the redecorion cof their cburch. The curcb, vhicb has tood for the past ninety-twýo years, is nov te hava ha vwalis coýnpleteiy cleatied, aad te painit th(, east ,iid veat valis cf thbe chancel, alonig -vith brbigilten- ing of the preseut dacor-ationas. The roof of th~eedifie la istfe ha repaired prier to tbe redecoratioýn. This vonk la esýtinmated toecost lui the nepiglborbhood ouf sOea ,2,00, wbich for the cnrgto is a con- siderable sumn. At pr-esent a drive la hein.,.g organized tic belp finiance this vortby project. wortblesa. o Church Contributions Previous1y acknowledged.. $19,749.70 Local---------------- ------------2090.00 Mn. Fred Clark,, Carievale, Saek. -....... -..... ...5..- Dcputy ]Reeve Lovery inforned thbe' couacil ithat la the Couaties of Dur>"nm and Northumbeniand ne fox bounty vas being paid, bovever the woif bounty of $25,00 vas being- kept la force. The Orono Pollice Truste-es request- ed thec cuncil te repeal thae'by-latw enforcing Park and Centre street as stop Strepets, and te pasa 'oaa making these tiwo streeta througb streets. Davey and Lowery tbcyugbt that the liraitby-lav rbhould lie given n more fain triaIl, as it bad oaly been la force fer' a moatb. Counicillor BD-ory feit that vith Cburch street a througli oaa it gatve more protectionI to thbe achool cbildren. Hloveveur, tbel by--latv vas repied and a nev nea pnssed, reversing tisa former and makiaig Centre and Park Streets thr-ougb Iistreets. Of the roud aporain$10000 ls left for the tovaship e 1xpenditure Busy Year Repor Coenies' A busy year is reportet b-y Cildrea's Aid Society for the Uni Counties cf Northumjberlandi Durham, accordiag te the rett sued by the Society recently, There have heen ~a ntu¶ber chang-es made ia the staff durng pnst six monthsre pltaeents li bee-n made and the work is stean geing ahe'ad. Child Protectieo over the haif y period shows that 121 cases w handled by the Society at the beg ning of the year and the numiber nmv cases was 135. 0f the ca closed by the social unit there w 120 and LIme number cf cases miii tive are 136. Childera in Care were 229, ci dren adumitted te care 98, chhîdren turned te, parents 107, legal ad tiens U2, and number cf Chlldý placed for adoption 26, Unumarried parents record sho-,v being supervised by the soicety -w 17 cases being closed. There are aise the si fvenule and faily court lished la the ipast few this Phase cf Lthe work i iy satisfactory te the wa'o'ove the c1ild ol )f toan be becomas the' aduit of tomoirrew,. The Society employa three social worbers, an office' staff of three, a superintendeat; Hillýiest Lodge, Pr Hlope, bas a maried couple as a slhe-- ter staff. President cf the Society is F. N. Belyea cf Port Hope. o -- Albefta's natural g-as may heip in~ ithe defence of N-oi-th Amierica if se- lectinn cf a pipeline route permYitaý serving 'ýthe big atom1ic energy workt- at Haniford, Washington. for the remninder of the year. Thaý rond supernateaident stated thiatne- ly alil the graivellinýg hnd been coin- pleted. Hliiaso truftth-at -veet sprnyving should be prnctised t1ii year niong renids -spraýyed last yet-r. Mr. Perrin szubiittd bine prit plans cf the construction cf thbe Mili- son bridg<e. This project is nov lin the bluci priait stage but hias as yet neýt bean passed ýby the goverment.. Mr. Peri a sid that n great deai ci earth has fallen awny frorn t,,hi s structure and that the wving walîs are' now cof little use. An extension 'te the width vith a vetainiiig wal aith.- eut dec'k wns thougbt wouid cr $6.091, and with ded, $6,70qf.. ThesG prices are whea using part of the old structure. A totaily new a tructure, Mur,. Pervarai inforied the- couneil, would .ost close te $i1,000. -Cevinil-. ion Br-own thouglit the lest pFace for tihe extension -wou(-Lld lie mne the nertk, sid,, fer thsouIldallow the rond to lie straighteae'd eut. Ail belie-ret t1lnt this %wns very 'practical if thne 1 a, n d i s aall. Further glana aire to le arranged on iia pro. jeotï vith the Muntiipall Einlaer and Mn. Perrin. Duingoý the monith of J'uly,14ise e ri were killed lu the, townisbip atl-acst The meeeting ofjourtied. 211,000 Trees Planted In West 'Tract 0f Ganaraska Excellent planting weathei total f four plnnting machines vaâiled l ' roughout the season, fromr were u.sed on thie pr»ojecit. Due Io the Comimencement of planjjtjiig on Iesýtenisive ref ll more haind plantjng Api 2nd, until termination on Mayv was done tha[ oldnralyh ljBthi. Somie delay was, exper-ienced- thecae wa-itÈig for ronlds to become passableý to he oret aeas Du tothe '94 Inispection in- June indicate a gen, drought, much refill was necessary. eralsial of about 95l". -PlantaitiOn refill, 299,00 tr 518 acres. New plantation, trcs on 2'D9 acres. The Ganal-ska Pro jecit ha dJvidinto Eat and West suevrdby 'C. Bry,,enton Yuugianre-spectivPly. Th, sien l Sa ahog the Clanke Townsbip iune. Trees pianted on West-Yract Trea-s plauted on Eat Tract The dep ec-, inCeýsi ci-8,s1 ls b ÉTira -o étp Blue Prints Submitted For Approval On Milison Bi WEE