Discover How' Good ced Tea CagnB Mva ke tea doub2le strength acldwhl aili Ul hot pour into glaees filled wMilh cracked îCe.. Add sugo.r and lemon to taste. - R idelrs for the Pool by G. H, SHARP CHAPTER SIx Conitinued foils ek NOK tise Ho-1-wl Pool mcler (Çame with a rush!, quitting their îunnling horses.illa nýk Robcrtq sismdflic door sligta,2and stood Màih bis back agaj tsslis gui- hniss iand. lis leiir.e vce haltei thse ml. "Esy)oys, , 'M Shlerifff 1Hank Roct.Tbere ,S a blell of, a fight goin' n inidebut there ain'ta chl-ance for àauy manis bre to belp. lindeputizin' very man OF yow, Megrdisa.Round up tem Tri- anle îkes and lold c lu thir4e bunlebouse. Web nd Te-x joncs sinside attendin' to, a lîttie pecr- boldi' tHs doom, an ont of youl me, guad tie back do.Wafch temi, dow.1Iguf -warrants for tle arresf oif Ab MAb and 30e Blakc and foc cvery Tri- Mlfe cowboy. Help me serve l'cm legal anid proper,ý Git at if, cow- boys!" 1,rom lOuftishere jin tlicdarkniess' avoice spoke in a sofa Texas drawl. "And now lIlm a dpfll'Il 1be 4amlned. Sheriff, the drinks is on, nie. Let's go, you oo-Oldepu-_ persas matlobas acsuckle that e-caped f rom tise sbcriff's anae )EPs, The mEanl who bad spokil a giving quick, efficienlt orders, Take ft. 'cm cowbjoys. lRounld tÀp thein Triangle fings anld Cor- rýal 'cmn. We'rcawok' for tise law and mworkin' hardi" P rom-1inside the b ouse Hanik Robiets could liear Webb WViters voîce. "AUl rgbt, Tex? Are yuls ai sAl i ..ailrgbtpardner, I d'Oucl-paid. off Ed's dlebt. HoW you fixed?" "Go01thefIscig bîkof meaf bog, tied aud11 'msetlf;;"'0on bis belly. BtIcx's -voice dlid rot answer, heîfHank!ý Roberts sov'ed open Och door. "PndMac, ïHank. Find Iber!" "Mae's safeso. "Ifs Hfankl,\Vb.'msiin Trhen the matCh il thesbrf' îl-taîd lared. Ifs flme igbfd s-p1are ýlamp )and isee i ylo IgtSheriff Hank ýRoberts iooked ati thse wrckdoom aîid the me Wiso had wrecked it. JCe Blake la srawled on bis face, dead. Bsie sialy the lank11y ýCROSS WORD PUZZLE 4. edestai part 8.Death ïnotice 1.Agreeshiec 1.Vehlicle 13. Tumriis- 2 0. Sel f 2.Lift Upý -28. SprCadý 31. Notay 14. Make leather 35. Parficle 7$. ebrew l effer 1.Card gantec 41. everage' 42. ilied cak es 44, Taiks enth-- silsticily 48 Eactlysut ab7e 5,Pass 1,. E'leont Do. Acro 5Sptnetc 5. A iresh 6.Lir 'I oflentiýal ,,,efai 8.About 0.Itirn pesOn 10. t'rozen water Texan, 2 a gn in his hp ba. He was breathbngbav and blood oozed fromn a bllet isole ini bis sidle., On thé,e floor lJay Ais Abisot, senise- lsanl ngly wet ver onie eye, Webb WMinter-s, bodseie sat on thile beav'y paunicis of the un- conlscioýs ctimn "He's vourl, I4ank" said Webb. Then hand1cuffs snapped. on Abbot's tbick wrists. Webb was bcnding over Tex. Thse Texaýn's' eycs ocpened. A slow gil spread across bis scarredi face. "I'm ail ig1ht, pardner. Hell, thig ain'ýt ioth;in'! just a scratch., I paid Ed Younig's debt. Wiseîflic work is doinc tiis fpll l'Il be lîgitin' out for Texas wbere Ed's- sister is waiti' for me. Can you loan me fthc use of' the, makiî's?" Judge Anders was weariîg a niew black broad iotis suit. He sat there in bis chsair, graveo wbite-lsaired, sobier. UHexvas 1once isore a. judge. Yesterday be had sefencec Abe Abisot aind Chi*no f0 prison for life. BÙt foday ble was servinýg ini a different capacify. Tise couri.troom11 was packed witis meusl, wmeChildren. Thiere vwcre ranchers and the'ir wiývcs, rancherés who represenýted ftistScissor-Bijl Pool. At tise rear of tbýe eourtroomi -werec owbloys wbo bad ri(dcn ;viths tise 1Hoot-Owl Pool. Txjoncs- lookcd vuneaýsy as hstoo isee ncxt fe0 Weîib Winters. Webb, hiolding ,tbc 1baud of Kathleen Mv ournî-een Murphy. Shcr-iff 1Hanki Rýoberts sfood beside1 lier, bis lcatbiery face wnrinkled with- a faint gril. iAnd so," fiiiisbed Judge Anîders, i pronounce you mans and wife." raeybseyes brigbt witls un- shed tears, Judge' Anders kissea tise br-ide. -Then ble gripped tise hand of tlise -w ownier of tise Triangle. Siserif Hank ober-ts was ncxt f0, kiss the br3ide. "Andi o l"ie said, ".e'll, bcad for tise scisoolisouse. And if fbcm ficddiers doî't play tilt sunl-up f0- morrow%, w' i ang 'cm. And you HotOiPool mcl, listen. Tise towvn s yourn. Take care of ifý, Judgc, iead tise way!" THE END I di~s' acusean3oIeof c1]eat- ing: I just said I boped fby wuid playrb~~han f I ad deattîm y, 11Gl gadCIget 13. lelate 17. Harvest 19. G0mw dim 21. Raised in a garden 22. Publie store. bouse 2ï. Saiiing vessel 24t Marks of inJuries 25. Brêathe rapldly 26. Imbecile 27. emnoranda 0,play7 tis e aS 33. Pu--ll aisart 36. Ponsess 39. Qisote 40. Obliteratea 41. Afterward 45. Beard of graît 4ï, Active- 48. Srnali ex- plosion 49. Hunmingbl d 61. Recline 52. Linsb 53. Ladian 54. Cares 66. Sun goS 58. Indian . mulberry Mend That Finery With Starchx A Elcstar-clis, I have fouîdAi aValuableaif0iou-eeigIt Moîd(ay w sbsays a writer in Tise Christianience Montor Yca-rs ago a ludea, iowas beorn a slave il, tishe cp )Soýuti, tlutgliist.e f0 use itfüfr illendinig. Sise said wbnshe' was a s'ýnstIl chifldlber "oks augltht ber te mleld tise ,.lace curtabss wý\ til if . Thlis is ber metod, Whcîî the curta-iins begint breakL a apateis of imatlclisiug cor net, ontfise bai.Sec thaýt ail îfisc edgcs are smnoodb, fittud in placeý, anid fret of ravelingms or tbreds thenl sponge careullywifs a cav stacissolu- finlisalid froîs ry atgain and agaîis.(Carefily hanId lace cujrtatins zcan be kept for. years and tise ming l;Iis almo'st nvs ible2, w-bere sewing -would boc notice- able or mar fise pattern. Thsis mletis-, od works cqually well for oJiser purposes -when tbey do rot recýe bard, wear. Sik chiiffon, when if gefs a wilted look. capý be made soft and as lovely as niew' by adding ablout a fablIespoîs fil of liquid star-c[I f0 ach quart of rinse acr x pericntig wtlsa aalpeeof tise material ncipsigeffîng tise dsrdeffect. C'oru starcliscan be subsiitited for lauîsdry starcis and gives s ce drc-sing to delicate OUne of ny niost r-rdn eus- trrv hstarcis w'as .itIî ais or- gandy d-cvss. iw-s pzle how f0 ee that great bouffant skirt from dringout ton fast. ThieisI1 reiimebred 'a womnn I knew in China, Mamna San,- who uised f0o iron ahi tise family wasis w'.iti tise aid of a clofis and aý pais of wateýr, spongiîig aid ironiîsg, spolugilig and jironixsg. Wby usot for, ny organdy ton? And, wlsyrot, ad-tfstarcis to tise 'uater? Tise resuit was a dtrcss as smootis as creami. I bave used starcis ever silice il pressing1 washiable dresses be- tw'ecn lauinderiîsgs. Tlucystay new lookinig, refreshed, and crisýp more tisalistvice as lonsg. For ccnfuries tise Ciiuîese hsave iscsd starcis fo glue fabrics fogetiser ;instcad lof sewinsg tiseissespcciailyý tilin)ings oftheir esboleis Ifis suds a'lsimpicle stfod, asts for years;, can be easily rcuscw-cd. andI xiii often stand our dry cI,.an- îng. Prize 1.amb-Dale Nelsî0,1on o Morris, 111.1. poscd af the Jun-,ior- Lamb Show here with is purcb)red Sou1thdown _Iait er i+ Wvas ,judgcd Granld Chamrpion. Ra-iise-d as a 4-H1 projecf, tIhe animral weighed 80 pounds aid w as sold af the Union Stock- yards for $160. Mouse Convulsions At tise Rosen'e B.'- Jackýsoîs Memorial Laboratory mice, of a special strain have been inbrcd be- cause tbey go into convulsions when a doojjbeIl is rung. Tise 1mice will make if possible f0 test effec- fiveness and dosage of drugs fbaîý may bc useful in trcafing epilepsy and other brain and nervous sys- f cm disorders., A report ontise pos- sibiiity appears il Science. Tise mice have been inbred for more tisan fifty generations. When exposed to tise riuging of a.door- bell attacbcd f0 a metal wasbtub in \vicb fbey are confiîed, 75 per cent of tise maies and 65 iper- cejot of tise females die of convulsions resembiing isuman cpilepsy. Usiîg glumatie acid, whicb bas giveni con- tradictory resuits in treafment of hunian "petit mal" and Psycho- motor epilepsy, Dr. Gisburg acbieved a redtucfion of 2M per cent in fatal seizures of tise more sus- ceptible male mice. So Srmart! So versatile! fliccol- Aar is remioxable, tlse eesentay, be, w orn in hîgh) or de-.Sot inuch you Can do wiýîLt tiîs casual Pattetu i412 _1comIes iii sizes 12. 14, 16, 18, 20; 330, 32, 34, 338,40, 42. Size 160aks4 lards _3-inch. S This p~en,easy to use, sim- pie to sew%, is tse o fit. Has complete iut~e ntutos Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS'2 (25é) in coins, (stampa ýýcannt-oïbe acccptcd) for tis patteru to ,Box 1, Ont. Printpaiy SIZE, NAMVE, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMý,BER. Saie IfiI kI ,g isjusf about 1îm-. possibleý this wecek 'nd - or evenl tbIinkýing! You sce we a're SuIfferinIg from ,an influx of01theyune genleration-alid wesix young ýPeople get together in One 1bouse there is leveýr a dul1iioent, e- pccialiy wbcn two of theml are'.ew ly ýçngaged aîd. bcComIe the tarz)get ~of ail tbe ribbinig thte othier four can tinjk up. Addled to that anothier of the party i, clebrating ia birtis- day so there b-ad to be a "sulitaie" ' pr-es(et ,"approýpriatLely" -wýra ppe)d. So there you bave ýi, friends, and if anytbing I say appears f0 be witbout rbyme or reason yoüu wil kniow wblo is: resp-onsible. Rigbit at this nmoment there i.s a tll iniii ctivi- tics arouniJdI thouse as thse yug folk, bave, I1 believe, departed ,ini quest of a swmrartner is baving bis fort["w-ksso ;if eemed a good time t o at leàast get thiiz col- unn ï tarted. This is one of tht ew niceck- ends N\ve hav;eliad] thîs summe- neither too hot no to. oo, aId a nice breeze boin.May if So conùi!nuI, fori- ee s iok plnf that ývil1 be bclpcd or hindered a1C- cordiing to tIie wbhim of te weather. Tis e hat is ripeniing fast ad îl possibiy be ready to cut sometIime this sveek. So we are hack aýgain, to that perennial *worry .- . . fear that bail, wmnd or beavy rail il kcnockit'fiat bcfore thse binder gets into it. Last Tbursd,ýay,, for instance. in some districts thiere was a short, sharp stormand wbeat was flatten- cd here and there. No extensive damage but enougb black sky to create that same fear as we watcb- cd the black ominous clouds rol up . . . and then came thaf spirit of fhankfulness aftcr the- storni wisen we found thse wbeat had not been harmed and the spriug crop, still bobbed and billowed ini airy waves with the decreasing winds. It was well the storm dicid di down because I hiad airraîtged to FIEE and THIEVIES. Oehawee a ise and type of Saýf el Cabinet, ter any puivsOe. Vigilt21, o .rHCritate, rir Ca etc.. te (Dept. IV. j.&jT AYVLDR ýLIMITEIJ ToRoNTo SAFE WORKS shle wnted metu go with h ler to hunt up111)anlartist in thiat distrct wbo )specializes îin textile prinýtin1g. S t asfinelen1ii liome but1i asI watitud for thie bus anlother, storm le u-teky' vgot darke(r Lcvery minulte. Finially down 1111camelýý th e i. A l ï I c o l d d , o wa s it in the Car hiopinig the wn ol not get strng enugbfocarry Lus botb away. It was a 'w ýfl Stormý -hail, rai thudc ad ligbiting, Proba-hly,- I have eenworse stormns but neyer have I- becin oult in one quite so bad. Fvcnltully iV blcW over and miy sister -iawý and I set- oIt to find Mrs. Elizabeth Ho-1ey, And wha1ýt al itruti visit that wýas! M rs. fHoeysecaizsin Ihand- blockeýd daewihshedeigs dyes and pinits es l.Her wr is Cexquiste _ýil! bothlouranld(de- sign. ýThecre vwas -alvery good wie up in the Fam1ilv erad ast spriing featuring her work--nio doubt mny of you rcad it. Butreaingabout it is one tbing and sein i. an- othier, Mrs. Hoey is vcry-_ young ,,,to have accompIsbed so munitcb in suchi a short itime-aud iwaysthere are new desigiis in the miakinig. Somne mothers fiind it bard witb Young- sters around f0 keep p with even ordiniary work - btr Mrs. Hoey dloes ail thîs and be1(r art work too. She hJas two lively, adorable itt!(ý girls, toanid four ycarýs d just alnother w'ork oft art you migbit say-althougb ,I 1imlaginlelher bus- band contributed hIis shiare julst as lie also bcelps his vwife with lber block printinig dri the wek j aye ot înïany ,of lus coid laf- ford drapes sucbi as M1rs. Hocy makes-ev7en Gitlulhier charge is actually vcry reasoniable. However, if you, really want somietbusig orig- inal and have difficuilty iii finding drapes that are just rigbit for your living roo M Nr. H1-oey bas tbe aniswer. YLes, 1 nmean that, because you Just choose aniy desiýignshe bas on baind and she will niake it va in any colour scbemc you desire. Or for an additional charge sheý will even make you an exclusive design, featuring anythissg you have in l iid. If you are nusicaliy in-, clii-ned ftben Mrs. Hoey could design your drapes witb fiddles and bows, music scores or 'cellos. She, migbt even tbrow ini a few, grand pianos for good iineasuire and Cie effect wouild stili be artistic. Or youi may be fond of poetry and would like The Song My Paddie. Sings initer- preted in your drapes and Slip- covecrs. Then Elizabeth EHoéy would be the girl to do :É .an4L that thlemle would lilease bier because she likes to specialize in art designts that arce ex;clusively, Caniadiani. And for wedding pre.senits that are differehtli Mrs. Hoey blas place mats in.sets of four, or two, wýitb t[able napkins to match, Tbey wouildn't dIo for mie because I would be iîiclined "C' shove my plateý to oie side rather- than have the place mnat hiddeni f rom view. This, of course, i-in't useanit to be, "sales talk." I jui.mat wated f bring to your attention one more Cana- dian of wbom we may- well be prouc. Tender, Aching, Perspirîng Feet Ub JUýt oune mlinlLutanapcaonf feet wviil llteraliy juzn for loy. Ilo0 p-s,,noDtr'ou1Aeý ron apiply a few dr f 1u "t0eiil0,1Vrtile Surface Cf tha foot lglt and 1morning, or whein0ocea- ajon renuires. jua't a littIe -aud Pub il in, [t's.9imly 'vnderful the ,way it aCts on a1t foot mieryowile Dfo Letlthat e""a with anl offensýive od or,ter' nothina, Better in theoid It'a a splenzdidfrma-hsobia tin of essential i] and cnphrand other an tiseptieso' gýondthtthosnsof baftles are sold anuaiyto id sften Ynr) coros and callouse.. ISÊUE 31- 1950 MiE Answer elsewhere on ffiin page. A. slema ,as .tryin, to se 01 th yun if e an egg timer. "Yor hsband's: eggs will bc jiist ;gh f you use thiis. ' he a:- suiredhier, lighýts and give tileinthree reds and Fury! A Etlt emnwi' lia drco1ig mýoustache d(ashied nto an îmu iand said to the mian bel tli te 2r, "Alreginger aie." HeU slokn so shaken^ that theý landIlord asked hjm w at waas the matter. -1 got home tonight Io find strange, mais kNsing my wAifc!' "Wlwhat did you do r" asked,, the landiord.> "I pickeýd up his, umbrelia and smashed it across nsy, knec ansd said, 'There! I hope it railis!' For fast, proloniged relief froîs hbeadachr> get IN8TANTIML' Thi. prescription-like ,tablet containsuiot juat one, but threc proven medical, ingrtdientg ethat ease the pain fast. &id tht relie-f is, in most cases, lasting, Try INSiTATINE jUSt once for pain relief and you'Il say as thousands d. thut therc's one. thiag -for headacho, .. it*.S INSTAIrTINPI And try INSTÂNTINr, for other aches, tao. ý. for unesiitic or neuralgit pahin.. . Cr for the Pains and aches that accon 7a-cold. A siingle tabiet usua;iiy brings prompt relfief. cet Instantine today i and alays koop il hsndy 12-Tablet Tin 25ý %cnomkcal 48-TaWl Bottne 6P0, s--I P4912-SIS -23Q4 Uniside dowî tn ps-eý.e-t r-