E-E LY Vol. 14 No 30 ORONO. ONT.- THUIRSDAY, AUGý. l7th,> 1950 Subscription $%1.50 per- Year P.remier To Attend Anniversary 0f Bowmlanville School Next xeek xviii mairk the tweygty- Ilfth -birtildayv cf a school about wbich 2all tee u;ttle is knewn by thce verage citizenl. Yet, it is one cf the rnost imper2tantt seats of learaing la the province Ibecause its job is te reclaim icaladjusited jnio'iir citizens and de- flect thi (Ilfri, unilaxvful careers. Thsis thie Otarîo Training ScIccol for. boy-s at BRcvmanville. bousing-aL the mnomenit nearly 200 lads ranging in age fi-cm 114 te 16. Ycuger boys are trnjiined ahnbt ach seool la CoPL The nieed for tfraining -schools vns, seen a quarter of n centiury ageby the SrviceClubs an;md the(, vra met f heprovine. Until that' trni ene exprmn at xvrk hAd beeidne but lt was feit thiat an or- ga ize! ho vas requii-ed la wbicb boy wold e-ive briangby ad' - îs b'y a ceurt. laBowmavile h oe J .R uydenated a.1 Gooaretfor.a'ttal cf 300 ac) mre, lcIng penyof rom mfer rig The chol'sdeveepreatis a Stery et ceeperaien. erv c cubs con tîbtdfuods hichaýss'isted la the erehnof bidig und ia gymna- da.The enthus :;ia si taff deveiep- ed pi-erarn xvich included acadeimie sujete fîing,, bandicr-afts, pub- lic seakig, a-twevrk and miaay other (pciliedcurses. VUndern!eatb the entre ranin ian the t heme cf teahin bc beyvs teo ccept 1resýpen- siblit; t aprecatethe,,satisýfaction whîc cores fom chievernlent aieag il vr b Po ince ef Ontal. .Un- disip'ia d xvhentbey e ter eb achel, l ont ilong beïfore the pa- tiet tadf ýf andthe oterboys have ceticdtbern thattbbc Tr-aining Seboolneedsxvhatver talent hey have pte offei te fis fu, inteiresting resntmntuntiIilite byfinide lmn- sefa egrpaii.pats. Mayof bbc cboe's gaduaes ow Ibold ha- porttp itleo thýrougbhoutthe country.1, In rdeed , one grad!uate, is ne em , f thie sehelI staff. Ný,exbThilii sda aflernoon, Pi- acir esieF;st KC. iii makeb bis feoficia viil te lobtîe choeiI ttakepart la a anierar pr'o-t gram whic ba hee prpare. H Insttutons nd eadof the dpr men xvichadmnithebcTraini c Cheaper Meat bl'aJ.S. Said Wfill Affect Canada It woald sei by report that bbc high en p inlaCanada arc duc for- a drep' - in bbc, acar future. lb i rdce!b kis and butebers hbt ia nohe mnbh iyeu'l be poying o b<i 25 e a apouar! les fti ediuruality ounid steak. Renîlpices c(f beef and pork la tble Uir!Stat- 1es are xiecter! te fou os stuppies ai- ' for 11 cda lasb y cr.'t!% e hcr:mëcdin lIce United S ~ ~ ~~1 atsnfuccsbcCanadian imai- kýet, car. pri1-iiCetelox bbc theU. S. p)iîiccs," V. S. Mlbrsecretary et - lce ntaie Fedteratipa cf Agricui- Anobi(,heî- rens-on fer loxver ment prce s that Oatario-<groxvn cntble, rourisbed on bbc besI postures lan y arsaie oreiviag la increasîng oub rs o 1bb mai-bot. And before bbc( rnid'dl etf September hhere'li be mor thn cughte meet bbc demnr! But bbcbiggest factor-rn leaner m"nt piices mth eaffect oethtie U. S. ni~n-ke, paires areed. At pioesent bbcU Smaroitisgraýbbing '90 pýer cent ccc anadan cthie thon lb xvasa yar go.Tais le because cal, ilc supply xi-as wîay beloxv bbc U. S. Hewvcr U.S. ieait ouhput this drbiciy ekecp wibhli heirb- get. tch 370QMt ofth"Ie ega wluh pr"seted b the nys ad vwÎi.in- clud gynacicsnumersby lthe w el-traned ugice 'band 1and other ila tere'tîn diclays Tbepulblic is la- vitedte atendse bliot tbeyxviii bhave a etrpictue of the ( work xvbicb isbin ccomnplisbhed. Aise pi-osent xviPi be th(- fi-st stuperiat>endent c f lIc, shboîýL Dr. G. Elimýoe Reaman. ncw professer cf Englisb at tbe Ontario Agriculturail Cellege, Guelph. His successer, A. R. Vi-gin, aelw Du-ec- HOIN. W. EZ HAMILTON tee et Refeirn Institutions foi- tbe PrviceetOntianie and W. J. Eas- baagb, bbe prelsent Superintendent, ot hotbh Gait adB'maviescirols, au!Wm T. Littie. eco f tbec Gait Bînc xiii e nondpîlymîc bers-ýol et1be riinl hoaf vb;s SUR xývibb11,tho chol e .Ï. Bîcîva, la charvge et ice B'xanviieshool. Over 30É,0 Entries In 500 Bushel Pôtatoee Clubi Mor ton 300 ntar Iie PeLote growers hae thîs year made en- triesas conestants laOntarieW00 BuhlPerAcýre 'or RigIc Yild'Pc- Lýtbe Clebfs. Centres freai xvhiib c'a) trie-s have ýcerne include AIgema, Cochranne, Duiff cia,, Durlcam, Ontarie, Pari-y Smuur, Peel, Renfdrew%, Rainy Rer, South Siance, North Simcoe, udu-,Thunder Boy and York. The conteste are organizer! as pro- Sjeets cflocal branches of the On- Staie Crop lImprovenc-ent Assocation w th the Objective of rais-iag yields, hnpecvng quality and redicimigý costs pr unit, la bbc groxing cf Ontaril Growcrs hbeiproduce more thon 300 hchet per acre and have Moi-e thon bree a resetone variety, are cilgile t ente bbcChainpionsbip ctetfor tbc province. Final ,wrd tre ba-ser!on yield and mar- ketabulle tibe,.-s per acre, dry motter, cooiag quahity test aaid an exhibit c(. f one bushel at thie Royal Winter Fnl-rl'a Noveonbcr. Fi-st prize le $250 la cash plus a haadlsom-e trophy. Teri prizes in ail are a-warded ear.h year. Walter C. Thomson Enters For Ontarîo Liberal Leader- Wýaltcr C. Thom,,pson, M.P., toi- bbc nouner!at Liera pi nie a - qu'ilPoinit (,rCuinltlytat Ihewui content the ioafrship e b na LibralPa t t bbconao Lib Since bcth sgneiaotfarl!quharý i Oliv-er as On1tarlo LbeaLaer eery tlins ycar, bbc ,post ba s been ivai- cant, xvihh- Mr. Oliver corrying on aýs Heuse, Leader in bbc On)torie Legis- l'ature. Mr-. T:hmpeca xvas ciecter! oteb Hoase cof Ceaimons in losýt Fedceral cections. Duorham Crowers Visit Empirei State Potato Field Dayi The- sevýenteenbh Aninual Epr State PeItet Feid Day xvas Iceidr!o bbc taiofetMe. Mauice Plp Chafoe. New Yorki Stabe, on hus day, August 3c'dd As Chcfee le cmciy torty 'ails 1soutIý cash cf BuffalIo several bundrer! On'ý laio Grcwcrs bý,,ok advanbagecof tIbis edumoationil programme. Durbam:'u Ceunhy sent bbce largest delegabieni xvhieh teballer! one hundi-er! d11 txvenby consisting cf ithrcc bus liads -'or! two cor lioads. Visibors ibar! bc oppo1rhuaýty t shudy the vorieity ýpl ots,,wed sapra,,y er poeand the led macmaey. Tho - The thi-.c bus Jlat r!sf-m Durbýýaro - carne borne by iagaraFalls Yxvhore ie ncojority bar!tuetill tsen the fous frcf i-s tîjtieude tIbat min'y dir! nt e i,-Ic hunce unbîl the xv insall heurs Fî-iday lmoring.ii- !Two Pheasant Shoots This Yea-r For Peele Island'i- Twe pheasant seosons fer P ele Islandr! xiii be required te pi-perly barvest bbecrcop cf these game birds. This xvas decided( July 3lst at'a meet- ing cf Deparîmeýnt cof Lands and, Fer-, est officia is vitth be Pelce Island Ceuncil. Pheasants ai-e se numerous this yeae that there are compi'aints 'of crep drainage.' Investigation md on bbc Island show bIcot about tenl tbeusand ben pheasants prcÂuce the ideai pi-casant crep. wbich is the lai-- gest suppiy cf birds xithoul damcage te ci-eps. Dates preposer! are Octeber 23rd and 241h for thbc rsI shoot, and Octeiber 27tb fand 28th fortbbc second. Bag lirnits suggeslted xere aý total cof eleven bi-das for ench shootd, xiba maximum 'cf 8 cocks -in echbut xith tbree bons pei--ri,,sable in the fîrst and seve-n la the second,,(l shoot. Bul ing Fund Lack Few Dollars 0f_$20,000 Marb-ýk Previou-3:y ackiîowiedged- $19,954.70 Loceal-- 5.00 Mr. Artbhi- Manning, Osh- awa --- - -- --__ 10.00 Camhray Wcrn's Asso- Divine Service llefidAt Federation Cap site Onebude!adbey vmm tien etAgf iultîe aten1ded bbc ~pirtuaiserice ondutedinitheir cameit bybbcPedratonon Sun- k1ev. T. G.,Hussard, t M 1ýîiirook, offlciated ait hebcserviýe at xvich itime he spokýe cf bbc great bcauty of tbc tbe banke et bbcthecreek 1lnt its3eU fte TheBr ote rsfirom INewc-as- tie, foeaing n coreneICt brio, playved a nambehýr ocf musical siecio 1,3is nccnpanîpýied ila the hmnhd(',gbb Service. The great m'jerit-y cf those pres' ent teck, advantage cf bbc setting anad re'ýa7alner! with their2 picni.c lunches for the ifternoor" teoing extensive reneovatien at its nexv site on Nelsn qSt)eat. lb is ex- pected thât lice officiai npeilng ef the churcb xiii take'place c i-st Sun- day ln September. An interestiog rep>ort rcenitly iý- leased 'by Jamnes Reid, treasurer: of bbc Oshawva Rotaîry Club, shows thaý -duiîg tbc 194,9i 1950 Rotary Year the club's expendijtîres exceededi is meceipts by $,9.9 Total receipts, inceluding dFnti;ons and other amounts xvere S$13454.35, xvhie ex- penditures arneuiited te $11,450.84. One cfie oldeat etbiisbmenits ila 1st, xvhen George A, . KennedyofSr cla hecace tleoficaipi-cpi-jte "c tire Coucb, Jehaston aa'd Crdra store l invg Street,. Mr,KennedyI.!. wbo bought eveiything IncudinýIg stock, fixtures qno(d good>w\ýil,!_ anI eýxcopting bock debtplans extev menovating eperationýs inhi na futuie. 1He bnted thatnev neoe mercrhandise xiliiput liia an appear- once very shortly andredcoabn ighIt begin ila înidwinjter. 'The hulanfsbing reports at, Mar - rami-a vs, broken on M nYivlast Fxbo Emer Gibsen, cf Bcîvmanvilin, wvb'e is occuipying eue cfWilliamBoa- ter's cabines at CexeLobe, xvas us- ing a Heddon Caz Crawler as sur- fae ait, geýt a bite about 9.30. Af- b-i battling xith thbe flsb abeut 20 mýinutes, the uine breke. Out cf bbc h Gat jiomper! Limer and xitb bis bore bonds subdued the maskeluage wxvbicb men,,sured 44 inches andxeîhd1' pouods. lb cias týhe angiers fýi-seicl Biaby Dauigbter Br To Princess Eiabeth Piacess Elizabeh,Iati 11.50 aý.n (6.50 a.rn. E .T. gae -l te b t Ier seen-id child-a daughtIer. So'ýurces close tote ccroiiuetiite!tew prnincesýs wjigbed la the neiIih-orhood ef 71",pun .Thie rylbuIc pi- týhs-eId P-aeChaîles, aet laline le, bis mother ila successi o tec PicsMargare(t, an un for the se-onýd time, meves bock te fojurth place ' l bbc une. ERer chanes cý f eýver xerigthe crexvn are becc'm- ingpaccay non existent. The nanmeef the niew baby prob- obdy wÎ11i net be kioNewn util the chisteniag by the Archbi'sheip ef Canterbnry l'a about a -mcuth. y IS ýs i s ,D uirhamn Central Fair But Three Weekçs Away NE WTON VILLE Me. Ira Thopenisvi ,vn ith bis aunt,, Mes. Samuel Arne1tt. Meýs, C Reid, Toronto, wibli ber daughter, Mrs, Wilfrid MW)oed. Mr. and Mrs. Chanton, Buricy are visi1inz - VT,. M,4 m- p -- The Dur-ham Cenitra-Ariutra the cry of 1a1i li-ce sotwe for- it xiithen) be four -t-irne for thouse cf the(- village aind sýuri4oUnd- ing district. Activîty is aiow aIppar - 'Fit ameniogst il-e direCctors ýaaid exhiL- for ti ann]ul arclua hw Dedicationý Service HeId At Tyrone On Sunda The mus;ical bckgruad toitI bbc con Ban. Te boýndaseplay- pr - icl L) i-t 4 (,tr thie servi'ce xvbici xva lcld a Tron Pak.At this bytoefrcm bbc theac iy two enoilploiques wieh aidora the caincgates tote bcpak vce dc Cated, tebewo lest their lives hit tic( 1,1>-É g-ntxar.11v Ci-esc well, a formIier mncetc charge cf thie parit e't1bbcservicjýe, w thie -localmiitrldlpryr Orders For Trees ÀAnid Fish To Be Made Earlier Cornmncin la l 191,bb eaduine foee revn plctosfor f ic fer i-a stocking ppoe vi eMic ic I. ý Thisi an avance eoft bvo o tirs ~ f ovrta'f p-vesyeoo-s, Ap- plicaiens ceivd att r ich 15;t, 195il, xviii b)e rcde ad heid over for tteniondu-,iaig bth ollexving The advance cf btcexpr date bas been mode necessary duc(llebo tbbcila crcasing numîber cf Iappiceations i- ceived. Ten years zagebbc Depart- ment bandlcd a-bout 400)0 applications. Last year thbc nnber lIcad - reacbed 60,00. Applications fer oi-es tee re large auiunhers.These m uct be i-eý ceived by Agub151 bH, n oder te riceive attention for bbc19 51 plant- ing se sýon. Zone uFeres,ýters, Johni Bel] and YMac Kîkxili beinspecting lIc plnblg stescovredby these- ipplcatinste qsec, thatbbth e s cpidfor are suihable fthebcsite ihus prevcnting tbc possýibIIity et asigboh t;(-e andl aour on un- Couonty kAmiDistrict New4,S The- Selina Advenit Cburc-h w-as o-ar osed'r! by -je Bexvmainviile Bnp- lest Mission aaixJs po-eseatly under- '~ N N N N N N -N N -N '1 N N N N N -s N N " ',, -. '"" p1eer uY '1The prize list lhas ben pinted andoý ley.i now ini 'the hands of thosep who arýe Mr.Leushnler, Mrs. Lawrence Gil- ini a poiio o ehibit ait the pFair. mlerl, Peter and Paul haive returned to The ustýuial1 e of exhý1iits are agai-. Niagaa Fais. h~isyearli~td, aong ithmny spe- cuil prizes, ait l is hopied that at * We are sori-Y to hlear of the ser.lous moruthn usýual display is bogtot îii-nss of ii.Fr ed Whittnkcr in l'he- drili sdied foriugngcaFrd hos-ipital in eot.Alil of Fred's S er 8th. olcd 'time friends -will wýisbh hl a speedy recovery. i gdyc teFi ilbe, forý th laoity, on. Satiuda, Sept,ýebr M.and Mrs. ýButtery and Ma'n th hnthe lvsokcasswi Mrs. Muinday and Mary. Mesý. C. ý udEd ae ithth-ohe(,in Welsh andA family with Mrs. Johnfaue of thePar Hres acn Lancaster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. n oyraigxiitkepaei h Villalrd Lockhart and Florence, ofceielortainment, and add ti(edc to th iis le. Niagara Falls, New York, are aise o beuachckwaonrace which liidaying mwith their nmother. s ofiï dda -great dcl( of xcitmen DeoainDay xvas heio~n Sun- 1fori-the ciagfansý."Thle amaýteu.... dayaftrnon.As usual both Unit- a vi h rn od nte e cd Chiurch and Presbyterian Churh ddtin e hefar illbiterc clsdto -attend this beautiful ser- "l vc.1e.Mi-. Lancaster preachied toriving a-nl mainanceconltes-t, a sermlon wich wl ill not soon befcr ) ooord y h Dlirham ' Counity gotten. "What Meas These Stones" Jno o-es hii stcgt Mr, JamsSwabîkof Knaldxii ict eyPplreta ïin thiargngof the hlmns. Mr. T.aonsfteyon"feer h $33.0 ws tkenla ollctin. e perefor thle far. knoow thre re onybusy peopleo who brinig their filowers la the 'xora1- DncnGo te Necite -~ ing and alo ohes wo orne in the mmt oHl nFia vn ,Sep- cantbut feel teymisa-ret1nrclmn for theDramC ble ssiig !and piieein nelt beci1iÏing laIlFair. 0damle 1back eoch yar b ollurth oseTovn alo Strn1veig1h who' have cearr'ied thle lurden on 1be- personnel for' thiýis hwha ens- fore and nox arerestng.ltdfomtendatsspefr- Stephns atend dldeceration day ists arer voried i hir talenets, ci se(rviýce and vjýiited bis father, Mr. as ,corned'ion, amoic laer Meoses Heard and isterMrs. Chanton con Ju-- recfmganasnggne Brow andfamiy. crdeoi1t Several cf tbpe farmers bei,-(ei"' ometadviiig h;usy threshing 1last week. Mi, and Mrs. HnyRsPort DuteC aasipovdnft boe ave been hol,)idavying '-ith their otlt ae ftecide oi daahte, Ms.S;1dHollowell. J 98opoia5l 800lvr ceeevon Sundayý-. Prom,- 1the enlmlcf WrdWŽ lt Mr. ad Mrs. Hiýlil l mponad Jnaylt 90 mirns fom,,ily arrived 7home on WýednsayCnaatotlld32 3; i tr 1nl losI ofter speodiogato ekc a er f112w ano 0 81in croi n lathe Umtii;ed Stabes-. irns Therexvasneoevc nSna ointeth111 esof hemiite. he- rep'rethn77 000 tacir 11ev.~ ~ oil iih s(, ow'ill, esepovdi teodnayn w il Rv Trn~ son vcten m enol. th fitendonce. Th pes-l ebuies isusinilxesdci du1ent, Mr.tPeLri opeed>thl eel ct tehcvIlisocia dum-ig Auust AVler thie secretary an trasuersoet metig i h ho cidat he rererts were given, M'"irs. . iHlle omec i .JHnok Fui-m NowBin oin e At New Uitehuc the bui!,ilg cf thle awPrkSretbe cmeodo hees sd preentie ecesa- wo)r1k is1)bein1g d.Ti vekbst ecomlploýter conpetd e s t levthe ic n bf e1n thIl"k o beca- tors onthie dîffeeni-t uesof thee cw Afteribe f11 '1 la isl, petd h edfifice. rnext so vi e h aigor the, Thefoudaionbasben cmplt-thlebiling Wenthegiriders- r ed th1p1 lsmae, fohecarry'ing la lacwih i edenle by il cf the( steel girders, Illdethe euside rnbcrfesxvl eli apae cf the felunidation haus be-en piastere'd adthe first floi. 1r l. Aftrhi with cenent. At the peei timie the part is_ comjpleetesoeis pautsideoflth f ouada.Thion lbeing will be on th-e J )b toe:eiethe walis, pnntd it ar Tislebiag "ap- If there is ne holdJup l'a ay of thtý p)lier! 5e ýothat ne darnpness xiii seep ablove-mentilne -enris ,teci-urcl througb the 'cerent bloclks. On Wed- xvii be dlosed ini -wth the 'comljjg oft aesday Me. Lloyd Taylor beg-an the! Fail This wili allow the insiçJe work tedfieus job of placin.g in the filt' becompleted! deriaR. t1le ,iq around thre outeide of the foundation montIcs, cil