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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1950, p. 4

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ONO WEEKLY TIES THUIÈ DAY, AUGUST 17,1i950. CLAS8UFIED COLUMNS ATTETIONNOTICE ÂTE-ýTONA special metin oftheOrono Uli. 0Orono Womlen'shinstitute wili iueSaigCu lI ehl hoi it reula metin oi F idanext Thursday, 'u ust ~t,.t8.00 A'ugu~t18th, a 2.30 4n., atthe in the Oraniý. H 1] AI pa hoelf is.J.A . set wn \and l!s.ents and other sk"dpg c members Ed.l~iiso. st o ictir.s.wliare roýquested to b, pr sent as we bn"e pîsnted y 0some the ebe have very impçýrtant business that on TheStoy 0 Yo~ Soes, Tesemust be decided upon at this, meeting. lectures were comiple by he\ liShioe__________________ Manufacturers AsocaIo o an The office of the Orono Times wili adtoe, lightonyunrotesonl be ciosed to ali'ow thp staff to take the a .,o chiliido',s feet. Conean their annual year ,,y'vacation. The br'ing -yur frind. ffice will close on f îhursd(ay after- noon, August 24thI ani. reopen for 111 1948 oe than 1:>1.000 bae business again on ýIuesdaày, Septem- ptswero taken hy Calnîadian trap ber 5th. WANTED TO BUY ~ifUbb1bm1 ,EDead or crippled stock, removed ~ ' ree of charge. One hour service. Highest priceu for old horses.-Mar- -- [ill Fur Farm. Caîl Collect Bow- ORONO 'J1NIORS TAKE FIST 1 manville 2679. GAME INFINAL£ýS The Crooked Creek softbalilteami, NOTICE lead by a wide mnargin n t Friday We are now in a position to evenin g1 when they met with the Vacuum your Furnace or Space Oroýo Mechans i wha wastheHeaters. Oroo Mrchntsin hatwasthoHARRY E. LYCETT last of the seuii final series of the. Orono, Ontario town league sioftbali. This win lover the Mrchants by Crooed Creok WANTED gave the latter team .tmo straight Numiber of ýreasonablo prced farms wins over the locaý l ad advanced fer waiting clients, W. C. Evans. them into the finalsagans the Orono Phono 84 r 8. Orono. C-32-c Juniors, who have beecn ieadin'g the WANTED fiei lathe19f0 ton sftbliilea Used truck iplatform, with or with gue. out racks; aiso hydraul:ic hoists. C. The finalists (Orono Jniors and P rayar Newcastle R. R. 3, phono Crookedc Creek) met for,,thleir firut COiarke 2811. gaine on Monday evening wh ýen one of the iargest crowds ito attenid yet LOST this year te view ithis beague was Part Pomeranian at Orono Comn- present. The final frame found the munity Memoriai Park on, Sunday Juniors ini the iead by 'a margin ofý last. eight ruas, the score beiag 14 b 6. Dark in coi'r; one oye andi answers The batteries for the Juniors to the name of skippy. Chiidren's Jiûd Terwilliger and Bili Gearing, for pet. Pider please notify R. K. Lar- Crookëd Creek it mas Normn.4 An- me. raserv7iie. Phono 4 r 4. Bailie- drews ,and Paul Getlick. The Juniors horo. orr bave at Orono Times. proved theffiselves on runninïg the bases,; but outside of this the two FOR SALE tram-is'played equally the saine type 100 Rock puillets, layiag. Leslie of bail. This game gives. to the Juri- Coombes,, phon ( 2581, Bowmanviýlle. lors ýeone game lead in the best ofa-0p three sories. In 'such a short series FOR SALE this is a decided benefit te the Jun- I A mkodemn dinette buffet, blonde ;ors in. taking this gromýp.. The second;ý finish' with green trimu. Excellent game is to ho piayed tonight at the 'conidition. 42000. Apply to Mrs. local park, and if the Juniors are D'on Duncan, Phono 65 r 6, Orono. successfui ýit wili fold up the group, a -29-c. for the season. A third gamo, if ne-FRSL cen ay mlghhtaedo Strdy DiningrooRn suite. solid oak. ex nigt.* c1lntcondition, 9 piocos;- McClary ORONO FOOTBALL WITH YOUNG ,elecetrie range, side ovea model, suit- -PLAYERS DEFEAT ZION lable for cottage or homo; congoeurm The Oreno football tram mhicbhasrga Il 9feet by 12 foot.,oe12ctric hee ýhaving trouble te field a com- ýýýt,2 let. A,)l o_ ' plete tram lately, appeared at the- W. Gobelra Beavor Streotf, Newras- park on Saturday aighî with a tram _____________________arke_ maidý up of a lange aumber of teou-B Y -go players. This team, lncking in experiene. as net te ho defeated WITH7 CONFIDENCE for the teon-agers led by a few of- AT- the regulars broke eut with a thiee te two mn LeWis for Orlono, re- celed'tvo i te ai lgoals on twt'sM ar a rket mccurate drives from meil in front ofManLcto thie Zion, goal. The tîroo Orone 1A75 King St. WT, geais were scored in thefirît s half. la Bowmanville, Ont! the last hall, aad in the tyin uin-HOE r utes of the gamo, Zion, threatenedîHOE0 the O rono goal a mniber af times but Better Deals oni more unable te sc ire the tying geai, BETTER CARS MIDGETS WAIT FOR WORD 0F PLAYOFFS1 The Orono midgets who are enter- edi in the Ontario bar dhailipaow are now -waiting for confirmation on the dates of the gaine te ho played la this group. Whea the dates ar- inade public this tranim miii meet witli the llowmanviiie eatry which led the' ieague during the surmmer sehedule. EAST WIIITBY CONCEDE SERIES TO ORONO INTERMEDIATES The first round in the Intermodiate Onttario S ýftball Finals for Orono was te begin iast Wednesday lu the l'ocal park. At thi.s time Orono mas te mort thoeatry from East Whitby, mas nocessary for them te conede this part of tho series te Orono. but through ýdefanît of this tram Orono is now te play against Wark- morth. i, th the flýrst gamoe beiag p1amd laWarkwort.h tItis coming Fiv.The rotura gamne mii] ho plnyed la Orono on Wednesdaýy, -Aug. 23rd. This is the best of three ser- ies. Warkworth is tmonty miles nor-th of Brighton and approximately s',-tv miles from iiOrono. PARK ST.g g ~ UNÎTED CHURCH g Reverend g A. E. Eu Stace 0Minlster SUNDAY, AUGUST 20th g10.00 a.m.-Sunday School. 0 11.00 a.m. Service- 0 "A Good Man" 03.00 p.m.-Kïiby Service. g7.15 ,p.m.-Oipen Air Service a the Park. Band in attend- g We Buy, Sell, irade 1in very good USED CARS Low down payments and easy terms can be arranged to suit your budget. SEE US AT ON\CE Phone 2148, Bowmanville DECORATORS Painting and Decorating INTERIOR & EXTERIOR <Guaranteed Satisfaction PhoneFor Free Estimates - Absolutely No Obligation HORACE YORK Phone Orono 77 r 7 Orono ]El ctric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estiniates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed lkepairs to ail makes of Electrical Equipment. and Appliances Such as Rotors, Water Heaters, Radios. Stoves. Irons, Etc. Oronoinso August -l9th to August 26th inclusive R.ý E. LOGAN Phoe ,18-10 ProfessionalDrctr MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, MD PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 pm Sundays and Wednesdays by appointment'only PHONE 47r1 ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 ýp.m.. 6.30 t0 8.00 P.m-. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and, Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Residenc. 499 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TEDJACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts, Auction Sales of ail *izua- and at reasonablerates Conimunicate with hlm at PWt Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerk. A~ E. Morton, atOrono, for date. JACK REIDTJ Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates Phone .5 r IÀ LIFEINSRA NCE Pension Plans; Educational Policies; Protection and Sav ings Plans for Children and Aduits; Mortgage In-. surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT, ORONO, Ont. -phone 2 0 r l«, The RUTTER GRANITE, COMPANY Dial 3216 - PO. Box 62f Monuments, Gravemarkerý, Rnffraving. Goldleafinr STAFFORD BROS MonumentalVWor ks Phone 'Whitby 552 318 ~Dundas St. E., Whlt by FINE QUALITY MONý,UMENTS ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig.. nifi«ed -monument over the rest- ing place of your ioved ones. It's"net expensive, And seeing this iast trihute wili give you endless comfort ORONO Furniture IHospital -1Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sold See our line of Drapery Material Kitchen Units made to order C- F. Duncan Phone 79.16 ORONO We wiii' be pleased to pick up dead, or crippled- farm animaIs and lpay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service telephone collect Brookiin 862, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636. PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO

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