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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1950, p. 5

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ORON WF~L-T] TITRSDAY, AIJGUSt SERVICE TN l"N AR . EseWjill be, in ýharge. The muiewllh fur-nished hy the Or-ono' Thiiç, Sunda eveingAugust h ai Eeyn seteddahat chrc srvcewill ;e hied 'IOon invtaio teaten thi penar Community Meorial Par k, col, ivïainrnttTttisoe i -»nncing at 7.15 p.m. sharp. RevA service, III MOTOR CITY I Ct;LEANERS,.and PRESSERS ANNOUNCE theoenn of their Dry Cleaning 418 10 SERVICE MRS. L. REID PHONE .9 r 7 ORONO, ONT. VikngElectrie Hatumermn g New- and revolutionary g -hi~direct drive' Ham- g ermill saves power, time 9 and effort. Overload and gtherm~al' cut-1outs giveG double protection to the g i h.p. motor. Grinds grain or corn average eost of g g i cent.per 100 pounds CO ORONO ELECTRIC g 0Phone 55 r 1 Orono, Ont,. ISPECIAL - St. William's Strawberry Jam,45 24ojr(new pack)............ Top QatyN-11eat Choose fromn Beef, Pork, Lamiýb, Veal Cooked and Cured Meats BoloýgnRasliced ,3b...........39e. Breakf ast Bacon, lean, sliced, lbo 59c. COCOANUT, Shredded oi' SADessicated; V2 lb. pi c JL"jjý0OATMEAL COOKIES, l 29c -Any Pa DERS AFROXON FLY COIL , fresh STOK Pol) 20 oz. WLN' FLY PAPS, 4 to- pkg. ----- KLEENEX Reg. size, 2 for...............35c. Men's size ............ ....1.... 29t. tLocal N ew's Don. McLarn - is oî1diidaig at th-e Miy , ts. Thonian >f Ensileis 9 IS OVIE NGH witfh Mi.x Cee. Bower. g Mis. Peel of Peterborough, is g I ROOMiss Kathleen Green is o oo ,~ Jngle Flig tr~he iptinMus-. and NMs-s. On ç~TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 9envstn r ad r.W.Sy S Comrnecing ai 8.15 p m * mous-. ORON TON HAL 9Mrs. Chas. Wood retur-ned te Kit- ORcenrNwthMrOWodNfrHAwek' 0a hnrwt , ý.ý\odfra w e' -=o v vacation. MissAlcRaetTrnvi- ed Mss. JmsDicksoofrid('yof l ast week. O~PE~ YNow .... while fuel prices are at their sum- mner lowest and prompt and convenient delivery is assured, is the time to order fuel. 'lPick up the phone and caîl 48 r 16. Orono Coal and Lumber ,.y Please r 1) C I Ms-. and Mrs. N. F. Porter- ard Ms-. and Ms-s. R. E. Logan spent Suniday at Bexvdile.. Mr. and Ms.Cla;,ence Duncan have been spedingafew days wîth relatives ini twa Mr-. and Ms-s. R. E. Legan ba(ýve this Saturday fe'ir ia week's vcto in the Mu,-koka district. Mr. and Mr-s. Joseph iWalker and Douglas spent theris- vacation, at a cottage near fBighton. Miss Viola Gilfillan and Miss Viola Gilfilian Jr. of Toronto, enjoyed a motor trip las:t week. Mr-. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crosey picnicked at Peque Isjýind onSunay Ms-s. Albes- Ras-ris retus-ned on Monday fs-om Tes-ente, where she was in hospital fis- two weeks. Miss Jean Wilson entered Bhwman- ville Hospital the beginning of ýthis week as a Nurse's Assistant. Mr. and Ms-s. Ernest Ramin re- turaed last week from holidays at Bass Lake and Chemong Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Rughson, Tes-- ente, have been vissting Mrs. Jennie iRichardson and other relatives,. 1r Ms-. and Ms-s. ýCarl Bililings. Ms-s. H.Baile'y and Ms-. and Mrs. H. J.ý Souch speht Sunday at Dunnsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock and family, of Belleviïlle, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Ms-s. E. Han- cock, Mss. Fred Cowan seturned honme on Tuesday last after visiting' with hes- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ci-case of Bai-rie. Mis. Oliver Gihh and Shîu'ýon. of Dunbarton, visited lies sistes-, Mirs. Ed. Grahamn. Sharon re: iiaiined foi a week's holiday. Messrs. W. E,. DvvadLln week a ebeg nafishing tnip and report agood Fass catch. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Riddell attend- ed the flowepr show in Peterborough yesterda' , (Wednesday), and report a waades-fui display of giladiolas. 1 M:s. Alex. W n ad her< sistes-, Mios ýAgnes FI'nîýson of Rochester, sp)eat a few davs last week with Mr, and Ms-s. Arch-i- Watson, Tes-ento. Mir. and Mis. H. S. Cobbledick and fîiiof Lpqmm½ngtjoi, asre spendirg- a week rl two w îtlîthe fos-ers par- ents, Ms,, and Mss. W. S. Cobledick. Mm sOý W. R ip i is judging al the ladies exhiîhts. aoa xîth those cf the JuniloraadSmbar choc1 stu- dents et the Lakefieid fair (teýmer- sow,) Friday. Misses Anne and Merle StapIetn' cf the Sixth Line. hav e beenhiidv ing witli theis gs-andpas-ents, Mr. aTid Mis. C. V. Cooper and Mr-. and Mrs. J. H. Morris. The ccc eaegaticn cf the UJnited Chus-ch, enjoyed heasing Mr-. Colin Tayltir cf Bon nanville ln a ves-y lovelvy sole et theis- service lest Sun- day merning. Mr-. and Ms-s. T. A. Reid visi ted on Sundey witii their son and famiiv, Mr. W. E. Reid, Crooked Cs-eek, and ettended Decos-ation Services at New- tonville Cemetes-y. Mrs. Bertha Reid, Miss Hazel Reid of Toronto, Dr. R. P. Viviancf Mon- treai. Mr. and Ms. Ge'brerith and Ms. Ethelý Jones cf Bowmanvilie, with Mr'. and Mrs. T. A. Reid. Miss Mury Somerville. Mis. J. J. Cornisih, Ms-. and Mrs. J. Cý Camev s-tusned home on Sady evening after a real enjoyeble motos trip toEaRstes-n sections cf the Do- miîsion.111 Ms-. and Mrs. Arthur' Heekin a-id Ms-. and Mrs. John Hocicin, cf Eik Rapids. M-ihian, with their cousin, Mus. Herivev Curtis. lr M-. ad Mrsý. W.. Buckley cf Nwate and w1hiile here visited with reiatives, at Peterbhorough, L!ndsay-, Seagrave, Bro)oklin and Maple Grovel. Recesit visitors aet Mr. and Ms-s. Jas. Mikddeton wes-e. Mr. George Mes-cer Sir.. M.. and Mrs. Georgpe Mes-ces- Jr. and faniily. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Merces-, Ms-. andMs-s. HerPb. Millar and Ms-. Masson. Mr. ansid Mrs. Leoý laddar and son Bilan of To-r- ente, Mrs. Ge-orge Mess and dau,,.h- ter Gloria. of Oshawa. Mr. and MUrs. Gordon Harfnli. Green River, Mr. Geoge Hanîmila, Fnniskillen. Ms-. and Mrs. John Cowan. Sixth LUne. IValuezs Galore at your g0oa Ha rdwrare Store g ExtensionPR ERIGSPLE- Fri 0 Ladders 'Tin Cams- Free1Ra artons Il- î g '10%oifl Jars -PreservîingKctes Large Supplv in Stock. i, See us fo[ir ail your 0 Roofing Needs. g WeASIIING MACHINES- gNew ---19-50--p o gUsed - 8 modeIs to choose, frum $ 9 wuj DECKCIJAIRS-g g0%Off In Purchases of 2 or more, aniy type.g 0 Large LUNDY FARM. FENCE- Selection Barbed Wire,- Chieken Wire, B1acýkBrc SBuy EARLY Wire, Galvanized Staples. gElectrie Fencers, Hot Shot Batteries, Isltr Og an Clips gColemnan & Phi*lp ElectricU g Phone 89 r 1 - ORONO O Meter Equipment- Private Ambuelance g Northcutt and Smit,,h' l g Funeral Dir@ctors and Furnitur, Dealoe g KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE g g EquIpped te take care of the modest fauneral at the mouêt 0 ~reasonabie -charge ai weil an the largeist and mont exacting 0 Tlephee : Office 668 Remidence: 523 and 724 o Telephene CollectBomnll.O. À and the balan.,cýe of our SU ER We are offerinig saiasn the remaind- e r of our summer dres4ses as long as they last. This is your chance to buy top fasiion summer dresses at. prices of unexcelled savings, bou caa't afford to miss. Come in wiile the selection is still good. We h-ave a large quantity of every kinand size of flakes and bar soap at the, Old Pri-C-e* They have ail gone up in price. Buy this We-n COFFEE BEANS- (Freshly Ground) Pound 89c. Ia An U 8 cent MASON YO R - - 4 JAR Pound for P URE BLACK PEPPER 4 oz. shaker, 79c. McLAREN'S BAR-B-Q RELISH Large Jar, 28c. 1--THE RED & WHITE STORE (For Prompt Deliver> Phone Earlv 12 EDDY'S SILENT MATCHES 3 boxes, 23e. Fruit and Vegetable's Ask for themn at MARKET PRICES MNEATS WE HAVE EVERYTHING (Home Ki Iled) REDPATH SGA Limited Quaity for the Week end 100Ib.$99 KNOX' WRITE H( No. I 4 IL.pail, ORÙNO w Fil IKLY TI

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