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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1950, p. 6

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htAf TIe t fNG!wt à«RlTY ~ Mb~ IN 1906 PAS NATIONAL RUNNING. CHAM4PION AT TWO, FIVE AND UNJ MILES, PIE AMGIVEN HOO YTITLE OF SCIIF ARATIiOM* Yet afteràa prairie fire, howý quickly, antiho gloriously the cro- cus bloomed in springi omho wild: roses -surviveti. Tiger liics grew. 'Jo is alwaysthat way along the Soilth ]lranch.- Badi luck.' Mis.- fortune. Hetartbreak, Anti then wîld fowers that nimade you want to smile witb the, sbecer joy, of, liv- ing. :You can woo'the prairies, 000. Patiently, carefully7 studying the, landi contours, you may construct a dugout to hol water or throw up an earth dam across a coulee. Sun andi a fairly stable, water supply will do the rest. Vegetables anti fiowers, huge spikes of sbowy gla- dioli wbicb mnake Saskatchewan gladioli the envy of the continent, sweet peas to scent the entire bouse, petunias anti inÉredible suaptiragons, colors thlat have to be seen to be beievd-they are the highlight of the .sbort, sw,ýift-growing season. Êor the most part,' tbey are the work of white womnen wbo came anti matie the prairie of the Southb Saskatche- wan homie.-From- 'The Saskatche- wan," by Marjorie Wilkins Camp- bell. U.S. AIR FORCE BAND e'MR. EX TU FIEARM FRONT Wlîen 1 rau across newf about the 'latesýt substitute for' eggs, I coultin't belp tbinking of Uncle Eph Palmer, back on the farmi in Wellington Couinty ini the tiays of 000 long ago. Aunt Hetty hati just returneti from the village Where it tvas ber, custom to'trade iii butter, eggs anti similar truck' for store gootis anti Uncle Eph inquireti how much eggs were fetching. "Thre tozen for a quarter," Auîît Hetty replieti, '.and likýely to go lower they say." "Is that aIl?" seiti Uncle Eph. '"Heck! That bard- ]y paýyS for the wear anti tear on the poor hens!" Anyway, accortiing to the dis- patch 1efrrtut at tae begini- n ing, over ini Norwýay he ' per- fcteti a chiejiical procc;swbicbl outrodccsone buntiredti, tholsan4( bený,s to tiaily trainsfoýr.i anite Mf codfish wýaSte in1to syntlî1etic egg Wite, Onle pouni of thec artificial produict is sai(j to be euvln to the( 'albumencontane in 150 According ito Chemical ant i E-- ginerin1g Nexvs, the synthectîc al- bunmen containis 80 tu 90 per cent, p ure protein anti can be ueti -dfor, ice-creami, may-onniaise, andi pharmnacceutical products, as welI as in the textile anti paint indfus- try. Albumen us',also uset inidus- .trially for soap, cosmetics, anti papes.. One ponti of the synothetic proti- nct requires aýpproximàately -Il pounis 'of waste from o he Nos.- wegian cotidfislî intiustry, accord- ing to tlîe report. Trial production of more thaui 600 pouîuds a day has been1 st -arteti by two Nortveg- ian firms. Production is carrie ti ot by a comipletely chemical - nmchanical proess from thie time thie fish entier the pipe Eune at one enti of the plant until the endi protiuct emerges in the forni of a dry white pow- der. Norwegian fisliermen baul about 1,,000,000 tons of fish- from the sea each year, of which a large portion is processet i nto margar- ine anti cattl3 fotiter. Well, al 1 have to atit is that if this sort of thing 'continues, pretty soon tbings' will bé betier --or worse-than they were back in Uncle Eph's day, anti there won't be any "Iwear anti tear" on the bens at ail. Maybe there 7vonet even be any liens,.,in't Science wonderful? Recentlya groU-p of prominent Canadian agrîicuhlurists anti farm editors took -a tour throuigh Ve r- mont andi New HUampshire wbere, for thie past few years, an etensive -gr-asslantiiproývemenit program bas been id progress, thýefoston there believiig ithat hiighily produc- tive paIIstueIres ar âimportant part 0foprvn ant ii maîntaining rural -Vobile ohere the Canadians saw prosperous dairy farns, for ex- ample, with as mnuch as seventy- fivc per' cent of their areas in grass. Many farms were able to maîntain a dairy cow on two' acres of forage per year. On one farm for a herd TIItN N PKS11tT NIE WAS PMPPONTUICp tA INANA6ER êo 'nmr W,ûRlI LARGEST NNIJA& EXFOSIrîOM Aw190 UOE 154J RECORD BF Za$ê.o AT TilE CANABIAN NATIONAL EX¶BITbO of Guernseys (26ilkitg) enoujgh forage wvas obtaiti froipi 47 acres of, hay and pastuire. Ilin ost cases_ ex cess grass was hreseiand, preserv-et as grass sSilage wbicb wvvas fed in dry Weathier ini summiier Whie-n pastures were relatively upoic tive and, dUr'ing winter to keep up milk prod'uctioîi., The New Englanti farmers use no essentially'v uew ideas or méth- ods to achiieve thieir sulccess. Most of their grasslandi(s are the hay- Pasture type wýhicb are left iii bay- and Pasture. forifive years before re-plowing antir-etig No seeti mixture is standard for the area. One excellent Pasture conisisted of laduino clover anti orchard grass only. High Yi elds are obtained by other farmers from mixing suchi grasses as timothy, brome or orchartiý grass- 'with legumies such as alfalfa, redj ou adinoi clover, depýendýiug on what miixture baýs been found to be, mnost Productive. Good results arec b tainieti when legumiies -are seed1ed :1îî the faill and grasCss durinig sprinlg. No farmsq visited util more than 15 p)ouu1ds of seed per acre. Hlighy productive pastures wîere fertilized witih as mucb a-,s 1,00C, pound3cs of fertilizer per acre at the time of seediing. For maintaillence dtiuriuig the inext five y-ear-s super- phiosphate was applieti alone .or in mixture wvith potashi or a comiiplete mixture depenidîng on thie seed!used and iieeds of thesýoi1 as deteriined by a soul test. Alter thle initial treatment,_ top-dressing \witb man- ure or fertiliizer is standard prac- tice each year. The general consensuis -f the visiting group ,vaq that mlethod's useti by New lEnjglaïnt farmeirs in, their grassianti programjshioulti be carefuly stutiied ant i emlatedj by Canadians xvho are lookýiîîg to live- stock as the,main source of in- corne. Potential benefits are twvo- fold: (a) Production of low cost yet b-ighly nutritous feeýd.' (b) A paying soil conservation, programr-someiuig that is vital- ly needed for Caniadiani farl- ands. Ail of 'which suu îslot onfy interesting, but miighity sensible anti practical as weK, ant i 'm glti to pass along thes- suggestions to airy readers of this colun-aiid 1 hope there are a lot of ,you-to \ hom they may be of value. Thrift The MacTavishes went to a movie, taking their very vocal baby. At the ticket window they were warueti that unless thie chilt was quiet during the show, thley woulti have to take their monecy anti leave. Halfway through, the shoîw.,the wif e turned to her huisbanti ntmd is pereti: 'What do you îhinl< of it?" "Rotten." "Pinchi the baby. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Wjthout Calomel - And You'lllump (Out eî Bed in the Morniing Rarin' to Go The liver ehould pour eut about 2o pino, of bile juite into yens. digestive ts.att everi' day. If ibis bile is net dlowiug freiy, iïmay neot digest. It mai' just detay lu' the diges>tive tract. Thon gas bloats up yens. tomaFCbl. on get coutîpsted VonYeu el sous., suh sd the world ioos punk. It takes those mild, genue Cartes'n Little Liver Piils to get these 'z pinits of bile flot- ing treeli'te make 30y e el "up sud up." Gt a package todayý. Efci xu malunt bile flote fred'. ASk fo Canrterse Littie Li-~ pilbe, 35d et aly drugstore. C,ùlassified Advertising,.. ACCOUNTIN4I BlOOIOEEPING & ACCOUNTINO 8ErIVICE rvnN.Shoom. 77 Victorla St., Trno AGENTS WANTED (JILS, OREASES, TIRES., ats'es ans Electric IllOtOrs, Stoves. Radios Rtrlgera- tors, Fast Freezers anti Milk Coole-e, Roof Coattueýs. Permanent Anti-,Vreeze, etc. Dealers, wainted. Write: Warco Grease and .011 Ltd., Toronto. BAIfl CIICKS DAY-OLD (chic, ! broilrv cicks, colder pullets, ton weeks to lym.Frecatlge wd CbckHtceies LiitdFrgs.Otaýrio. TIISE Uecll poir es fo' ths wek andtnext I wks, at,,70c., 11) wks, at 50e, i121les. t 81 2 14 ks't 81.40. 16wký at 81.5'0, 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' -is t'17, 0tk . 200.22 wks. at 0.15.Breds-Rck Leg BRocks, SusxXRed, -R, 1. Res . amr's, Leg- bona ock X Retis. Phno S8 oiect on orders off 50 andI more. Lakeviete Farm's& $ltchery, Exeter, Ont. PULLIET SALE' 6-112WKS. to ready to lay pullets,, Raised under gooti conditions f rom sp1eciailbreeding sto)ck. R. 1. Roeda, Susse'X TIRoda. RetI X RcB. Rocks, N. ItamPs, Rock X Leg. Sale Pre fer prompt delivery. 6 teks.St 65c0, 7 wks. St 60c, 8 teks. at 65ç- 10 teks. at 85c,! 12 teks. at $1.15, 14 wk-n. St $13o, 16 tks. at $1.45, 18 teks. et $1.65, 20 tks. st $1.95. These prices for p)rompt dellvery. Order fromn aud enclose this ad. 10 Per cent deposit. }turondale OTulcitHatchen. London., On4tario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTICE Homs and Store Oivýner,. 'etvertis- lig Agents. Fou can, note purchase qualiti' weoden cabinets. at manufacýturers' prices. C'ustoso sund,(tiiS.tity production, For infor- 'nation wrIte A. C. McOarvey, Wootd Pro-. ucaOrrville, Ontario. PlH1TOC RA IllT iniiulattention. 8" EX-30e,1-- Soc. 16 .3' -l) 20. 0c, 35.'m, 1U X.1.25. TiuxSudoBx68- . B. Leamin«ton. Ont. HýAVm You anythins neecisa yelniî or eIeam- in%? Write tO us fo, 1lfermalnn. We are gladtiateanswez gour questions. Devertisent H. Parkere Dye Works Lmtt~ 791 Tonge Street. Trronto, Ontarite FARIIS FOIR SALE: AR,200 acres, geod epportuniti'. 14 miles from tuwn. 20 11miles from Nortb B?'. 111nes5 forces sale. Write C. Beanlien. Bon. field, Ontario. FARM, 82 acres. ail woý,rkable. on N.7 igbihvsy near s5c'ooi and village, bydro andi acod sprnna tester., 30 miles east Toronto, fal posession. Appui' te M. Gorniley. Brook- lin, Ont., FIFTF-ACRE f an for sale near Oween Soundi ou Provincial 1ighway. Twu-storey brickl bouse lu excellent condition teith run- ninit tater-large barn witb hydre sud wtes mu stable. driving shed asud heuhouse. Oive acres bardwood bush. This yoar llfteeu acres teoro lainPasture, iiftoen lu bay sud balance lu tro. Imedatopossession. Terins If required. Open for inspection by apiniment. R, Pst.. teronsud Son, Rosi Esýtate Brokers, Oween Son.Ont. Telephene 166. Nigbt phono 77. 75 AýCRES geo,1i lndou uidngstock. miacbinery sud crus, oun eoiroati, neas. village, Frank Isaac. Castlef ou Sprinit 'ater sud creek 1r acrs lere soeapati eared1.Tmeradwil more th1banpy for place. .1ifiefo uci ah sale 88560. Bx27 Egea. FOR SL ALMNRROOVlNG-1imdiate abilpment -019- thitls lun 6. 7, 8, 9. anti10-foot leiba 8.Price te piy .019", 1 $ý,40 Per soupare. .016- t 8MM25ve'r suar Oeiert Ontain oinsF0 stmtetmjieH, liter- Mur. tc, ie . .LESFIE & CO. mteswfliumg mahin nfo bad stes and irculas.rnes'Ail- arg ciru.s a 55W bits sudl hulders. W. îB,WiiasG- tineat,, ubr useti, bougbt. solti xagi.. Lar e ok offgaatduedmtrces Fteira by factory-traine i mecianits. Bicycesandi cern- and J.ohnson Onutbuard Siotors. Open eelg ntil nine excen)t Wdedy tadCycle All-Camesailtop BtbA i codition Phono Mil111br,,,k,25W or WitPox 11-1, Mili- NIEW TIES L-'EIM > DEAL FOR DEýALER (S OINLI eaesrequiret, te distribute first lune Oufttai Perchba Tires backed hi ' Gutta Percha tifetîe guarantee, Large 5ito f passeuger anti trutk tires lu pupular aises available. Exceptionaidisconts for -duration dlIfsale. EnonIrtes tili hoe rumptllooe fter. Write note for dtaqqH of iI nei--ie tue efes.. TireDprtsn, ecle ae Limîjtedi. 1120 Dundas Street West ootu. Otrio. ISSUE 33 - 1950 FOR SALE MCCORMIC-DEUR-INO rcor rndnw model C. euluipped witb boit ipulley, 'lights, St-trter, tireS loaded, wheei wcîghts. fenders and scufflers. Liet price $1,810; mUst Soul; sacrifice at $1.600. Free dehives.y," Becbitet Motors, New Dundee, Ont, Phone 60. SODïA fountaî at gilU hpei tools. Refrigerated. 3 sink unfts; Bcst offer. Kay'g Drugs, 216 Queen Street East, Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIRS STRII\OED Musical Instruments repa.lred aud refin ished. For information Write A. C. Met- Garvey Wood Products. Orrville. Ontario. MEDICAL CRBSCoînSalve-for sure relief, Four Drugglst 'c'Crss.o FRUIT JUIÇES: The principal ingre- dients, in Iiixon's Remedy for Rheu- Matic P2ains, Neuritis. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin1 Ottawa ____$1.25, Express Prepaid____ UNWANTED HAIR Eradioateti trois ani' part of thie bodiy witlt Sacs-Peooa remaritable gisooveri' off the ae. Saea-Pelo contains no barinfuli ngretilent, anti tili destroy the hair root. LOR-BEER LAIORATORIES 679 Oranille Sireet,ý Vaneoir. B.C, FLOXEN for Rhemte. Instant relief. A, soothinit, beat protiuciug salve dlscovered bY a Promirent Swd'disb chemiat. Approveti by Sw odish, overument hosp)Itals and Insti- tutions sud extensively uséd ilu Sandiniavian ceuntries ivith excellent resuits. Already' mani' satisfstI usera In Canada, Yloxen givesý best results fer. Rlheumnatic pains, lumbago., inflama- muatidnOn ffthe joints. sciatIça, neuralgia sud musculas. pains. POetuaid, $1,ý50 a jar. Scaudia lIeume, 425 Ilamî"ltoni St., Vaucou1ve., B. C. 'B E A H-AIRD RES-SE P .ON cAN"ADAý LADNISCISOOL Plosan dgssfiei rofession. gooti wagew thuani UecersfUl Marvel graduates Anmerica'iigroateat aýystem.llustratei ca e. baefree. Wr.ite or <(Isll M-ABIVEL BAIRDRESING SCHOOLS 3688 Blocs. St. W.. Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hlamilton &72 Rideau Street, Ottawea PATECNTE FIETI$ERSTONHÀUUH & company p&teal, BoU1ciOr, RstahIiled 1890 850 Bas Steet I'rnte Reirklelt ofnfrmation on raupt. TEACIIERS WA'NTED TWO QUALIFIED TEACiIERS wanted for <S.S. No. 6, village school at>iQu-adeviile sud NO. 6, Bruceton, Ce. Rentrete, Dutien to coul meute Sent., 5, 1950. State saiary expecteti teben' aPplYing to M Ifennelly' Sect.-Treas.. Quadevilie Ont. A PROTESTANT teacuer wanted for a rural school lu School Ares' No. 2 Inulafîl near Barrie. Minimum salary $1800.00. Maximum $2000-00. Apply R. H. tubbert, R.R. 6. Barrie, Ontario. WAIN IED WANTkD AT OlNCE-G.ENERAI. IUTY NIURSES 4fTOUR qXeek. 10 Statutor' Hoiidays. 1 ntb vaaiutiti, psy after 12 months, Salar' $15,00ver ontn risiug by fous. anusl icreen Io10$20560 nos. mouth. Ooodwerîngconitins.D1'uncanis situalted midway botîeecn Victoria udNaaioon beautifui Vancýeove fIsant. Peset nrse she0rtage due te Ilse tue ccu ate au h Cuoid. Tlegraruor latter ite lt-iug's lagtel Hoapfal DunanB.C, WANTED 1f'3" 2,at " atnSfw d ani' kinti lots.loa ROBERIT JONELS LMBRCC. HAMILTON, ONTý'. WANTED, Baled i Whet, trw1re bales. I. J,& B, L. osieBi.Michigan. Holwever, uniemplloyment insur- a ýce has enablet i-jany. people te obtatin cars who neyer would have oDwned them otherwijSe. I Was -Nearly Crazy, With Fiery Itch- tIntl Idîsoverti r. . ,ui'.Zaing- ly~ ~ ~ ~~~' jirue - .B rsciio. World -opz,, bipue.ciltliql med.itato speeda ,p este sud oMforttron cruel ihn causo ' ec m,"inplo, se tites i rapliaio cocseon the ImOat intense itch r mouïGe ( bacit. Ask drugisit for D. n. D. Pecpto ordiuary os. extra sts.ougth), Tired A hn "~R 17 u; Tender Feet *' ee~ four feet mai' Oc an iilmot that you thÉnIk youu ntgoaohe tp 0 re ie Your shoes mai' eel oI hyar utn igbt nto the fiesh ai et '10.6 ol ?MUalaM dry ui w ith the pain ads rud ,ýI conomc ise65 thins to get relief. Eooie T Viror t PPica tin f Mooe' Emridi0',1,after e o otfotb ti lu i5 minutes ,theni ndsrn ss'ds been. If von have 1t rIdEmer Oit01 thon yen have tsoma O st bottie todai ', if Y ani' ugstre [)YÊING AND CLEANING

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