N4O WEEKLY TI-MES TIIUý-RSDAY, SEPTEMBEIR 7, 1950 SALE REEGISTERS at 1ýG .00 p..,three hrse,35ctte ~M.C. A. Cooper, Lot 7, Con. 5, poultry, swine, 'baled hay, gan a Cl[arke Town-ishîiip, 1. concession south' chipery anid some furniture. F1'w e of Kendal, is givinâ up farming' and partî1iulars, see bis. Ternis Cash., wxill sed by public auction ouý Wed- -Jack Reid, Auctioneer; Fe y njesday, September l3th, at 1.00-p.m., cett, Clerk. ail his farm stock, implements, etc. ___________________ For further particulars see bis. ARÀE Terms Caeh.-Jack Reid, Auctioneer. AR GE Mr. Roy Nesbitt, Lot 18,-Conces- Announicing the rnarriage of Mr. sion 1, Broken Front, Port Hope, 1/2 W. Aiiiberso ,"ýeriry d Mrs Mary mile east of Por~t Brittain will. seil E. leing, by ev. eorge Teilord, by public auction on Monday, Sept. M.A., B.D., at .nrwsUnited V~th, at 1.W& p.m., ail his farm stock, Church, Oshaw-a, Tuesdayý, Sep- implementsi, grain and some furni- tember Sth, M1 2,30 p.m. After ture. Ternis Cash. No Reserv- a otr np rod<g t e Maritimes Jack Reid, Auctioneer. and New En.lan -S4al ehpp Mr. John Hendry, Lots 18 and 19, couple wil esid, in the villae of Broken Front, Clarke Township, 2 Orono. miles east of Newcastle Beach, has sold his far-m and will sell by public ANNOUNCEMENT auction on Wednesday, Septemlber 20 aaai1o. n+i Orono Electric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and BTOUSE WIRING, Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prommpt and Guaranteed Repaira to al makes of Electrical Equipment a-id Abpliances Such as -Motqrs, Water Heaters, Radios. Stoves. Irons. Etc., One .22 sý new. Phone .. a ana, n5 vvI Uýsng,,,t with ihem to the FOR L Low inle so iifle, good as: L~, 3 p~. Phq .NI CLASSIFIED OOLUMNS FOR SAJUE Three quarter lot iný'"e Village of Kendal, cheap. Can be K.n by con- tacting M '. F. Stoker, '(enNl . c 434-p. FOR SAE Quantity of Cornell Vo.59ý5 seed wheat. Guaranteed il \p routed. J.; H. Davey, Leskard. N c 34-p.' BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, -AT- Art's Car Market Main Location 175 King St. W, »Bowmanville, Ont. HOME 0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS Buy, Seli, Trade in very good USED CARS dovn paymiets and easy terms can be arranged to suit your budget. SEE UTS AT ONCE ione 2148, iBownanville WANTED TO BUY Dead or, erippled stoýck, removed free of charge. One heur service. Highest prices, for old horses.-Mar- gi Fur Farm. 'Call Colleet BoW-1 manville 2679. NOTICEF We are now in/ position to Vacuum your \Vj(intce ArSpace HARRY,,J%,LyE TT WANTED iNiunber of -reasonwble priced farms for waiting clients, W. C, Evans.1 Phone 84 r 8. Orono. c-82-c FOR SALE Elecury,- Bissel] tractor plows, 2&- plate 8-inch tandem dïisca $170; 14ifr ýo-Mastic tracter dises for Ford (hydrolic $1507); R6bey culti-vators for- Ford $131; standard 9~ ft, $193; Empfire jeep pow-,,ered tractor $875. Order your Woiods Co. electrie grain grinding and rollin.g equipkment niow before rush season, materials in short suppiy; aise freezers $4715, stoves $18û; rangettes $70. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15 r 2« ce- 31 p. Carrots, CabbI<, Beets adMn gels. Apply to/G~e Btes Orortoc, Ontaio./ a-82 p. r Ail acýross Canada ininctjreasing thosaus eeryyear, imore.and more pe are statIing their preerecefor Pomktiac ili the one way Èî t .t eavprve thýey mean it-wih heir new-cair orders! Bieabuyers are sîgito the larg, lxuronsPoniacStrEeamn- crs îin tise Iowest-price field arle fiuinghowmucIb 1more valuie they get ina P icFlelae that's priced right doIwni with tiise lowest. Yes, P'ontiac gives you ulmosi value. Ask your Pontiac &laler for thie proof. 4-DOOR SgDAN~ Oà%ntarlo P rofessional Directory MEDICAL A. ýF. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Houri: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.M. Sundays and Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 47rl ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and, SURGEON, Main Street South Office Houri: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 te 8.00 p.L.. Sundays and Hoiidays by 11Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. Phonos: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WAR1) BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY Office 825 Phones: Resîideno. 49 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED-JACKSGN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducte Auction Sales of al eso anid et reasonabie rates- Communicate with hlm et Peoeê Perry. Ontario, or ses his Cierk. A,.x~ E. Morton, ut OronRo, fer date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Con-suit me for ternis and dates pbone.5rlR19'.nw LIFE INSURANCý, Pension Plans; Educationai Polies; Protection and Savings Plans fer Children and .,Adults; Mortga&ge In-. surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO. Ont. - Phono 20 r 1(i The RUTTER GRANI'ro COMPANýY Dm1l 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers STAFFORD BROS P3hono Whitby 552 318 D)undas St. E., Whitby FINE QIJALTTY MONUMENTS ANPI MARKERS Let us erect a handsomne, dig- nified monumnent over'the rest- ing place of your loved mnes, It's flot expensive. And seeing this last tribute, will gîve You edescomfort ORONO Furniture ilospital Reupholstering Repairing ]Refinîshin-g Antiques Bought and Sold See our fine of Drapery Mvatenial Kitchen Units made to order C- F. Duncan phone 79-16 - ORN W'e will be pleased to pckup dead or crippfled farm animais and Ipay highest. prevailiig prices. For immnediate service telephone collect Brookiin 62, Cobourg 1266w, .Torontto Adelaide ~p.~ r'fwfffmv UîhJ'z~ Orono resideuce, 7 verandah and glaszsed-in uni, also large summer ,n, stone founda tion, ce- cellar, asphait shingie hot air furnace, lectri- cistern and good weli Lovely -rounds iin se- uptown section. Terms ýossession arranged. 1 Phone:- 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Qrono, Ontanto INSURANCE i ail its branches Automobile, Liability, Hospitalization, id Lte Giàss, Burglary GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PEOPLE PRtEFER Pq*bTIAC(-,FOR:- APPEfARi-tANiýCE e LOW PRICE 0 E CELLENT DEALERS' SERVICE ,NDABILITY e MHTRADE-IN VA1LE.eIJIGH REPUTATION 0F, ITS DEALERS H' REPUTATIlON 0F THE CAR e HIGH REPUTATION 0F ITS MANUFACTURER ORONO M a