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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Sep 1950, p. 6

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VACLIUM-SE'ALE D * m;iht maiXnage to get. the jreSt of. ___________ per hegd fre wi'%'tboùuttçoo n trouble. So I 5rabbe;)d one or ~~ With bot ands ansi hung con for W N IC-deaslife, Togethier WC rockecd backý n"4ani fortb--the beifer, the fence 'andi irne she pu-llesi back Sn far 41 RrARMZD Shouglit thle whole fen'e was &o- ntl hrs P C c~rue i g-nd 1i& Yt.F51nall oh etecn seîes ting! eifer -quieted dowu a bit andiý1 ell about drîven us iD ,atuagesi te get thý thp of Wb hôr JUt we tta0c. 1h rolgh tue squawe esa, Sure o sake tie best Luse of , uuL fliwý at ,v's e ?arînr swthes the nicessary. Ilun ewsmcondaDrow-. li ýfo1i One fieldl to an- Sey had hmerhuhobasi, bornaansi also into a sral[ patch 4aP, mee once lmreShe backed at the bak of the boue. huarriedly away andi !"nptoMY sur- th ighî Wevytime eu she came runnng up to the thieir heaàds~ off, expect - bellwed like a bullWbhersabe tutu tbem ito another a mçi t ume or the fence I1 tst de sain as a pit olu'tkow-but fourtnniately sheý bawl unilbcegets bt dd' try getting ber easitangls Abter being dthe h bak- P a"yMme, 1might asi that al cowa were wors, tisu the tume Iwaa doige ercy se here they were abetla actuthe Otser 14 Wcow eealstc fei of apples ., n i grospesiarounsithe fente bawlîng rd thut -mosjust watth îlstily, Thy didîn' sake the work leresi. an air eas Ike hat avbile tbey ý-were feeti- wouild bppnif the fen1ceshoulsi lX homse 1artnes asked coape. onestly, coavS aare the 1) an eye , on theus »rbýile enssedest tling,>ýs--if Y0u11, ecus pto tde back fielti to lix the e 'xpression.' bic.tey dloWt -get usso Sunday afternoon we bad another w-iue under tce cherry cow adventnse. Daugbnter aione ;ioned Partuer. SA I took of Our niecweeurefor tle beana and sat on the wee1kenid so mwewent to aceamck ho cnt theni. That wýay, o thýe farmu looking for chiohe- 1 çould not kee'p the cherroi ies. W also wanderedintol ew al the liime I could One of'Diour nîbbr'fieldis where ce teet if bey got ay- tserewueeaUtm30 beasi0otcattie the barbesire. Every- Imedttey tbey saw us tbey qiet and I osight how caise accoas the flîs on tje sn. ue bbamfug tbeelves ovave yoil notices-cjows are 1 Kg neir tde isbed wre must inquisitie thiis besides be- nuldely there -was one ng,-;ussi. As tbeiy railse nearer, liow--like animal i e rnsiansi faced tbiemansi they nped-to niy feet -.. ni stoppe-ideasi. We walked on ansi ýt thie beanls, of 'course, tbey came a'-fterlns aga)in.Th' Ien- he back of tde yard .,, Tippjy camie rniuig ort of tise Drowsey, ope of ouf bush aniput thera to rosit. Icalles sies- comiplete w-ih er off, tbîkngtecý altiewol b its beairght through now be ready toeleave us alone. lence. Now -bat to do! But ' no, aback theycaneagin s Partuer always thougbt %We hasi any a littie way to go e in sMc ganemergency ho reach the ýfence 50 niuce Bab eb quitlnicnt one tokt'aber heels ansi was oves il ie w-ies ho release the like a sisot. Dnitransi I -ere 1 H1e bi eçplainesito te qrealy Saaresaltbough if you, if ieft to puil lierseif get in amiong a hessi of strange was lhable to do a lotý cows yon neyer can hýei1, cto tIsefonce. I coui Wbchrem-'-inda me-a few weeks ove tuat as 1 watchesi ago we had a visit from,1 tw-o goverfi- pnllig ansi tugginig, this ment inspectorsa, -tacking dlown ba, 1hI stootl el- utch eLri) disea,)se They tolsi us nsbring that Partnler hasi that acsoss thie roasi these appeasesi fece t2piers wi-th im. te be nrione ,cat orebut tha t a ihougbt ho myself, "b' huge, angry ufl l scsesicbem amage dh ence anyway, . of the fielsi; They idn'insM t as wellhoep ber do n wsbrthe odm tr1eeso3 ta got inti the next fekl rw wese disGud or ori. CI 110o1g Ceryqut,lytintil So thiere yau have it-altbongh 1 :ing the heîif et. I consi aid.o idea tiwas going tofl f 1 cotld oly get one thîs cluuwitb cows wheu I sat ,tbirouigh te en e se 1wî t rite it. 5.,Reoe .6 eabbrusis 1 e rain hotai a0.PSounds-- - - 1 -i 19,, Ireiand 3 10, Trigousomet- 3 rîcat Sanction it. Labels 17. Mindanao Strihesman 19. Importune 22, Deserters 24. Keystone State founder 25. Ibid tsack 26. Yale 27. Curves 29. Progresa marker 10. Nlght befort Mt. Man's rulck- name 34, Continent Z7, A.guatie aniîmais T5 Thscountry 41. Box 42. Pedestat part 45CNurs 415. Requosta3 47. Olive ngpssuus 48. Rip5 50. Eveis cor 5L OWnS Mdargaret's 20 -- This frié portrat of Princess Margaret was released to mark fier 2thý bîrthiday. Svrlnewsjpap-ers expect thee Princess toawan nounlce lber cen.gagemett oÉtise V.arI of D cihscoOn. TIhinkfIt's TIOoHot? Too Cold? Read ThMs look ;ai somIe o teï ffcii igre an( et'sbot asiCONs lcs gatheresibyLise Natýioni o graphic Socciy. £ib%, for exampl e, -ure the higlu- codsontetmbr13, 1922, as 136A degrees Flr~ct The Unitedl StaztesalsbOs s bot sptor 1w-,o. An of4ficiaI reading aI 134 durcecs Pu, been tken in Deat lui Valley, sou3th-easteru al.- fornia, wseetise Unitei Sa Weatiher Bureau ,sasaino the aleyi'esge. - Aloiig ite cosî f te Persianî GulI in southiern ran unafficial tompeature of(50 to 180 degr-ees bave been recor-dsiin tise boiling sun. Tise 10w-n of Abwaz daim il gets up ta 150 Icgrecs or Ior, w-ile ou Abada Àianiat tise top oC tise glftise mercury ài nupro- tectesitisermomneters bas beieil re- portesi ta climis tao à Io)fty 189 For those nterestesi in seeing bowlhW tie mercnry can sirp- tie plu ace visiâi isce n&rtheru Siberian village of Verkhayansk-. Toemaus tisre bit 90 degreesý below zero bin Feb--ruary, 1892-a w-ord's ~ i or ubfrWiieeZing CG- john IMark. hoMade CGoos Acts 12:12, 2.5; 13:-): L; 5:à36-40 Gle Text: I can dO ail ti~ ItouhChrist which steghnt Cu.Pil :3, anivda l whýO, houigh nc labllsi allre," ëmerse uti jJ n Mark. H-e lhas i amîe 1,rayesi ani dwho opneiberboe fC't other-s to gaîher Iani pay w etr aY in prisonl.Banasa cuiand Sal; took arkwi tLhem t, o Atohfrom erslel Then be teywere iinl cleito taike the Goýspel to ibc Geties tey took john lsoCo thrugbCypyand were turning andrfnse toallow LMark! tousc~- co lan im (on bis s-cond ms boayjourauey. Jnst Ihow serionsws hs alue n-e do not kno ,Perhapjjs lie hnc neyer ha gone.iTe UHoiy tbs hlad Said to thu Chnicb a Ati Stu fr heworwbnere1o Iha cales tea."MarkH-lad 1no sut' Diiecaîl. He jut w ýenlt rnar- allywitb these men wbo bad3ý brougbtýhim fsom ýJersalem. Pet:- basthe rigors of tue rad d- terred him. Perhapa e bcam iouîecsome for Mothes ans i te p ý,cns honme at Jesuisalem. Johin Mark uIadegoo, Evecn- 1-aul came toi recognize it. From prisonin rRome, in bhis last lt tr lhe wýrote, '"TakeMak an binjlg im 'with beefor heispo fitable to mie four the ministsy.a lI iThmotbly 4:11. -Tradition epe. Sents im las the ýcs atedt atnd interpreter of Peter, ansi as the Wer of PMUerstean gs. S w-e have the Gospel accordsg t Mark. HI-is Conviopsabytk pl'ac at tfeipraye(etinii i bis, sntbr' ouse ý w'bn Pte cýame teefrom pio.Thusiq tould bentrlfor Pte(,r to cal! in "mny soni." I Peýter ,5:13.,Thrui the power of Chlrisýt, w-eeauali be' bauI jd ansi-ar askýinsg for yous ago. We basia hard tu11e ofit L'But vwe botht off, orown home11Cansi a goosi bu1sinesýs, w-ich w-e botli work in. WC Te ave a soni ania sianter, Yu' )on coli look the w-orld over ansi neyerý tii 1a lmore Cdevotesi copl-- "Unritil ,a yeas agýýo "Thn ilyI hulsban;d clanged Cmaisiabouit evevytiu!ýg ansi ,toppesi takcingnts places.lBy a-icci- denit, I fonuida leittes 1(0 him lfrom- "That inight -e dscse t cl mily. HNe hasifallen in love -bisE ber. Th1ongbit olten of ieaving me, bnt coti n ot bring hilisCîf to , à -n inIwaso kinsi ansi (lgoosi to- isr.' !le was aimostcrytyn bý- endi tie afi eoeIfous "So I triesito bhel imforge bier. 1 I thong1lÈt1I bas,i. Bu!,egre - worse than cever. cu uotp1as hýasi sioppedsi seinýg the irlsIlue- h.asi promtisi - bubeconiln't get bier off bi mcjýM., Ne sisi fe colsi not stad beingu'isonesî or meani ho lme anly longer. Ne ashes i me to stick by bui ansi be mo-e under- bstnig Mw-he egor iK ibse juoosis. AI am unotsure thetheoves me aymore. Butt I'm îl Io 1(Id ths(orunyhigyou sayî eas I ov im. "W bvetaikes ab)ot loytakin thd binas e avin M M gfo: a wbile, 50 lie coisi w'rk hontbeter b goinig aafor a chan11ge, loti. N does flot want cuer Woo.WC are s5 mesnp * Ynarebi ie to sadb *youir bsni11w-. Wuîb the epei elp of Wolscy !o co owprpaefor Senior1 Mat1riculation i yonýj1r Uown home in iesure -cturne w-ile cottnilning day-time epomn.Proa atentin assured by a staffo 100 îqualifiesitachýers. Lwfees, *payable by ifal >nîs Prs - pectus fronsilG. L,. Clashe,.A, Dietrof Studies. Depi. (0)\P3 WODLSIIW HALL, H A.MIL T,)N prtygiftl 11us kn-iîing rsed ùor1 Koit a cariage-cove(r or aga fo 1ab.I's light bt war. Pst Lana Weelr'sim-ov-d -pat- so silimple ,-tb ls cl;t, photos ansi concise directions. Sensi TWENTY-F.IVE CENTS in co)ins (zstamups canotm b )e ac- ceptesi) for this patertaBox, l 123 Eighteenth St., NewToono Ont. Print pany PATTERN J NNMBERyonr NAME ansi AD- ORESS. Paper Dres3 Pattecrna N Ow 10Years Old pulctons txhib specilize u maigof papes. patterls (for w-mnsCloth)ing. Aithoug-'i ihomle dressn~kng bs oplayedsi lspart]in, women'is luves s incetu ime tsoruit is ouly in the it lunu- dsiyears ihat apspat hnave ben ilbe , This1revointiion îIr hoedreSsmakin,,g came abouit, snirprinlgly cenouglu, bouli te lamonscokrzeprt ssPee- ton. SIte visited Pri !-ib e fiusband ansiaangiufzor a seguilari suipply ùof FrencClu fashinplates to be sent ta thena for inclusioli iin their montbly publicationi, -"The Englislis woman's "D omlestic MaýgazineC." These platesbeaes pour that people anc tucp) te ansi Mss. -Beeton decides, inhocnit pst- tesus from dit swihwouild be suppliesi to seaders o apliaton - These enabies isl PEnglisýis wi-amen hto be fashionabiy de'd a distnu1ýon enjoyesi before oiyý by tbiose w-ha hasi money toen, lyapoesoa -dressmaker. Statistics show th,1at more ans- id more womrt ihr botthe world are now- studinig (dressmiakntg ani makînýg thir io-w-n clothes but po bably f ew peoprlC Stop iho thýiinkluus ~paper tpatterns garc vlvs.A great deal of cr-eative ani techn,,cal akýi1l is needesito make a goosi 0. Fasýis- ion staqffsin! Londoni, Paris sujd New- York sed esines al he ats. a setc ans a6nshd odelgr n1-iet u nsinis ma, nde from' ibis. A p)tgaheicp f 0ibefinial dra-,vinýg, wiha writen escition of the gamrmenCtuand -aIl eear whch it ait, is then lcfsent 1o thie ptt'Il,]ig eprîent ansld given to a hi Iigly skill,1cd cuites. Shie of trnfrin it kthito shapes hat, w huissmblsitvilfýj hobaypapes whlicb eentaiv becme te Master Pten -A. tisae l ct fom bisau"!ssiset ta a dresamalter wlbas 1fLtpcini gaýrmen1t j1il one of tIse sIggcsted m1-aterïials ansi for il-le firs;t Yime -ibis isý triesi0on a living mod(el. FEveryone (, - conne3Ctesi w-itb maiiugbbc at- hem attýzenlds biffting s eer seieailis checked. The rcs ani ise archi's drawinig maii ýcorýrespon-d ealybectnse lusrwîesdl tfise pCiture 0an ibe envelïOpeC o- tainig Éthe paftern ansu1(i tise finjaesi garment mu1-lst look xahlilke ts pichure. Tri-second stage of cn ý 1 nse esewhere ou »tRis Page- tifs, iplC e ketces as guides' to the varionSssages of making. lI'ternls of du-ffereut sires larel euit and laChaai drawn, givmg euclt- tinlg-otdigrmafor use Wýithb mat- erials eof (ifCcerveniýt ,% idths, Lastof a,; the patterns are cnt fr-om lthe maýster svhicb is piaced ton thický piles of Ctiscepaper antmi tbo idines cnýt by baud with aý finýe !blade. The pieces are then foldes ansipake togthe wib istructi)lii n intei enveIopos. Miss Pegler pointedontithat Ce very fîtrst paper patter-us weeir- ect coies of Pais mnodels This pIactiCce asSOOiscoiwiltiued and fo-r nearly a Cenitury patternlS were M~ade b)y an individuai decsigne(r. This yr.for, th-e flrst timie [nc he 1850's, direct çpies of french models are being made" in papes patterns for ulhe honte desae use. Teemodela a-re îescomF-. plicated but there are many gros easy-tomake patterns on sale. The home dressmaker can hae comt-i plete confidence in tbem lfor tueC nsaiîinsdraionofthiedsges after corr-iect fashion detail, i, to ecae a gasmentthat s aimple l' possible to malke, "xpet hav given îit e ery atnio, si Miss Pegler rnerigiy. m tat nmae hom so diffcuit, ym are g:iim exactl t o-Al *su1pport he, needs. * It is dfiutfor ia wif e to ra- e -"ze Il bathier hsad ga * trogh nrngsuch a ti eO* *sse by thememrie of tlse * "b ilw bich creC2ps upon 1dým, * e is milesaayfrmhs ie lihesem a tae. A\Il the * îrnhm aie s thatthese cmouds * are1disIoy ali and be is in bief ansd m~aîdcnlitvt u *self. * hg e i",like tis, lIci huas * radio,. or go off witb the cbý ildreie for a?, w hIile, Kep -'in auc 1eerf11Al *mood, as tbough nothing unus- us Sune tîmeswhn e s p ! ike hisel, goont to'get1her to " vid ay îmenlton of the past, "Iand let 1':11sce that yýoui-lasr * isjus beng wth im.TaIlk about *the cidesfutître (~dyours' * and hiis) and so drawl i,%him gad * lyback iito fml paswhere Shis adice is needed. Graduaily pe hsememori etlîcodsmatlue WCliwithdaw and bhesoi lbewcs * Ile aso weilýý rm * s o hschuLrch hjabits y Cik *~ ~ ~ ~~~ l metin akhi owad his * o go wib ot andth.le cbhidrre, *- but s{ïlont press it. You are au onteright taci. Yonr hsband oes indeed love *youi, or e ondlot 1be so com*- l'iUCai' muncaî ad 'so humble. He is *a)ppreciating il you do1 (1, wbether lihe says sz'Or ort. 'Believe ini * ths, amin;d loo twdtIte future * wîtbh ope and wî'vtbitb The wife who forgives her ha- 1~adsinfidelity rnust use alilhmr tact and tenderneusa tû cdraw iî) back again int the family circle, A.,ne Hi2'st il here with practicalý coUnsel to belp. Wr t- r- " t i, 123 EgtenhSt.,NewToa. to, Ont. Here's Sp)eedy Relieffo -a5s ht southii, -vu rnt go a*- ofls~ teo~'ov Sonsmay feel as if týhe stc e1;ttinr rk it'110oth* 51eb. You tee kýie7t il it vs i the 1),i,, a trtore: go~d ive ayhigto get relieî. Two or tre aplcaios C o"e' heen.if yu hav flotrie Emea i U enyo ae oetig50 00,,. o hsue toa s A 2 ARuegist i Forias relief from, heaýdachec get INSÂNTNE.For real relief get INSANTNEFor pralongfed relie-f Yies, more people every day are fln-ding9 thait IN;STANTTINE 15 one hn to e&ase pain fiast. For headache, for- rheumatic pain, achecs and pains of colds, for nUlritic or neUralg:cis Yo11 can dependC.IIouINSTANýTINiE tO, bring you quick eomfort. INTNIEis made like aprs criptiont of three proven medicai inrdet.A single tabletusa!ly brings fast rele. ie nstauitiie leday t sanin i2 Tabli ht250 ecnoial4-Taiblet k3offle 69ý

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