F"ALL FAIR TIME IN ONTARIO 'VAKLEX HIILL-Fir,-t -and stecond prizes in white and brown bread went to Mies Alice LeR-o:y VANKLEEKHILPîewiig blossomns, and a radiant- smile, combine to wa;ýý«kezaattractive picture. -Agranid-looki-ng pair of H1-eavy -Draft cham-pionsý-Dick andDc-renb William iWoo4,S. BEAVERTON-Prize-wininïg iRobin VAN KLEEK H1ILL-First prize winner at ma.ny FaIli airs iti this gnose exhibited by D. A. McPhee of Vankleek Hill. Gem Sow, with litter cf! eiýght, prcducts io!) the Du, YTWUEED-ReaI :ýssterly Icme-Ile .Jane-t Savi gny sharesanic-rem adwchwthsm, býrothier David. THE PICTURES SHOWN ON THIS PAGE Were Tae-vByThe As A Public Servicej FERGUS-CIowns are always an outstanding femmi~e at Ontario FaOI Fairs