3RONO WEEKLY TIMES THU'RSDAY, SEPT. 28tb, 1950. OLASSIFIED COLUMNS COMI1NG EVENTSi The Kýirby Wome1cn'sAsoato aj., havinig a nntsup)per Litd sl vnngOctober 9tW,1, fo1liowL'dIby: Pictureýs showa iiby Mvr. C. Creh Furter'artculr ext weý--ek. a 3-5-c A Danrce xill be hield in tlie Orýono Townjslip Hall on Fday October cti, -unier t.he auspic)es of the O-ono1 IniteVimeâYate Soiball Club. Roy Prvester' ancd bis orchestra will fur- ninli the music. Corne out arnd enjoy tihe firtst fî dance of the yeair. Alli em'hsrs 1,st Bn Midiand Regi- mienYt requessted to aten-d Tenth An- naiveiisariy Reunion at OshlvauAr- rnrouries, Simeos S t. N., Oshiawa, Saturday, Sept. Stb. Registriation 9a.on. Plan Vo attend thleGr Guide-,' Tea ttndHomre Coioking, Sale con Satuirday, October 24Sth. "More paeticul-ars THANKSGIVING SERVICE Thankgivin S < ilîl ho bld i St. saviourts A !i il nChurých, 0 o1, on Sionday, Octer 1st, 1950. Serlvice at 700 o'lk Rv ari sigston, off St. John' Ç bùlýhlh Bow- mavlewill lie in cag. pca miusic hy the choir.,h35c ANNOIJNCEMENT Theo ebr n deet i Krn,îirby andLckrdC4o are odial invit(rd by Rv.A. E. aind Mrs. EUeýtaýe iaid t1he WoI, ',s 1 Aso iaonto -"OpanJHouep" t, be day, Ociober 5h,19,50, Time - 3to 5 7., C7.30 to ï30 1.m b-6c S ANNO)UNCEMýENT The Woni's Missionary Society cf Par~k St. Unied Churc~h wiM cols- bmlate its 65t nneia at the Autun UmTankofferig seic wi-ii h 'Itl be held in the -Maisoniie Hall on TusaOctoher 3rd, a 2.45 p.n i. is Moore, mwohoas speii ~om y ars a isonr China wiil 1w t hbc go2erst sekr i imVen are cord111ýiily hited Vo attend.' REFORE-STATION The:( falof th(, year is thesse1i time fornail of Ou rent trees, wîthl th ecetinof theý Sort Ma1,ple and( the Elme. Thie colletionofort tres sed o isett he inicrea.simg re-I quirements of the bemaotaent's nmn- nerien u s a nmajOr tas'k at t seasýoni. Mariy of the speciesý, nmaiflyhad ?Wocdnq, are gýatàered,( by .trainedcew empioy(d by- thre De pantmIle it, whl p(ciens sucli as Red Pire is gathered 1irgeIly on a contralaC basin by people living vithin, the aesweet!Ke de- sýired seed lis availablep. Red Pire je istIe mýost valuaIe Spe- cies for reforenýtatÎwn ipuriposes. Ihi for unaelyit bas a haplraar ne irig habit ard ithere je ,often a mc as 7 to 12 yeairt bet3wsen g& se crp.Fo, thlin rasoverv efor t(s mae oIolict as Pmucli seed of' Ibis species as possib, whreerth pred may lie found. Inraigdem)and f or Red Pine ma~ke conspiknigalcaiejb Ary person winhirig Vo gat IiiVs spcesnust it ýe's sCUre aconrac wbich state1s' tirequliofcoore quired, the qatiyailoited alId the price ùro be paid. The privie offeredý thsyee for m a turce dean jjcones in $8.OO per bushel Contracts for pik ing mar be obtalard at the Depart- )Ient of Lars nd Forests office a-t Lida.Pick-ups wili be arranged, atvrcecenitres in the District, on Octoher 4Vh, WANTED TO RUY Dead or crippled sto-ck, reniovedý free of char-ge. One heýur service. HighQst picsfor old hoirses.-Mar- gi Fur Farmn. Cail collect Bow- manirlle 2679. N OTICE We are now in a position to Vacuum your F~urnace or Space Het Hs ARRY E. LYCETT Orono, Ontario Apply FOR SALE 3-buri er coal oil shtoe (Mon- Good as new, for $10.00 cash. at Çhono Times Offire. FOR SALE DeForest Crossley radio. 5-tube ifoor model, ,shor-t and long wave, 38 inches high, reasoniably priced. Also ladies' bicycle, practically new, gelnt's rebuilt bicyele. Numerous new parts and a large size C. C. M. J 9yc£yele.-- Apply to W. George Crowthers, NewN-i castie, phone Olarke 3723. 0i 345-P., WANTED A used ooe silo witl rods,. HnadPayase, Newc'astle R. R. 3 Phone Clarke 14,22. BIJY WITII CONFIDENCE Art's Car Market Main Location 175 Kig st. W, Bowmianville, ont. HlOME o0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS We Buy, SelI, Trade in very good USED CARS Low4 down payine ts and easy tûrmsý can he arranged to sui.t your budlget. SEE US AT ONCE Phone 21418, Bowmianville Orono Electric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTOR$ $FOR FAMand 11011E WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES prompt and Gunranteed Repaire te ail mak-les ~of Electrical Equipment and Applianýes Such as Motors, Water Heaters, Radios. Stoves, Irons. Etc. PARTRIDGE SEASON Open sasnsfor t-hte sho(otilng of Partridge in thev Trent tit du.- ing ~ lýe 190bv rnannloun-ed and are s flbows:HalhuronVictor-io courities cwilI hve wo opnraos Oter7th toi October 2Sýth, and No- vebe lffh to November 17th.' Tri oruberadadDurhamuý couiaties, with theý exception oý-f Dar- iiiiný-oiiTcwa-srhip,. the Open ýSeaýsn isý f;'"111ctbr7tli Vo Octobepr 28th. DarLlin giton n s bLvip enga ReguLl ated Gamle Peeveae, h penl Sea-'son forPaidgi-icle will lie consist- e-nt+ with the O;peln Seaýson for Pheaýs- arts iii thaýt Towniip arLd will ha Noeibe rd and 4tli only. Al dates, are inclusýive. Maïskironigejeso closes oin Mon- day, October 2-nd. r- USED CARS 28 Chevrolet Sedan 35 Ford Coach, new mnotor 30 Durant Sedan 36 Plymouth Coach WATSOUN'S GR SALES AND SERVICE FORD AND MONARUR CARS AND TRUCKS FORD and FORDSON TRACTORS and EQUIPMENT WHITE ROSE GASOLINE ADOIL GREASING - CAR WASý.HING, Phone 42 r il Orono, Ont. Prof essional Directoruw A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office tBourg: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m Sundays and Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 47rl ORONOJ E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Bours: 2.00l to 4.00 p.m_ .~ 30 to 8.00 p.,i. Stindays and Holidays by Appointment PHONE 74:r ,19 ORONO Lawrence C. Mas., B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAN VILLE, ONT, Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: Offilce 825 ResidencQ 4e BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ÂIUCTIONEERS TEDJAKC4 Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sglem of ail uimus; and at ~reasonablo rate@ Communicate with hlm et u Perry, Ontario, or seo hi. Clerk. A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK nREID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize hi Far a ad Furînire Sales Consuit me for tenus an4d daes LIFE INSURANCE Pensio#n Plans; Educational Policles.; Protection and Savixags Plans foui Children and Adujlte,; Mortgage la. suraxuce Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont.- Phone 20 r l. The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Diai 3216 - P.O. Box e22 Port Hope, Ontario STAFFORD BROS Monumental Wrk Phone Whiitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QLYALITY MON'ýUMENT'S -ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsomie, dig- nified monument over the reat- ing place of your loved ones, It's nDt epnie And seeirig this last tribute wili give you endiess comfort- ORONO Furniture liospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bouglit and Sold Se. our fine of Drap.ry Material Kitchen Unit& made t. order C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORONO We wilI be pieased to pick up dead or crippied farm animais an d lpay highest prevailing prices. For Îinmediate service telephne collect Brookfin 62, Coboureg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636, GCRDON YOUNG Ltd.