Her oP FRIDAY and SATIJRDAY Septemmber M _lP Durham Junior Farm- - erSl' Tactar Compei- tion. ls r i z e e 5 l0. ea sh, plus Evei B5eauty Contesi Govn doated by Ir.L .Iar Caif and Swinè Clubs - Amateur Contestl Midway - School Exhibfts Stock Show - Hlowe Depart-nents j HorseRae-tse A and B ýSaturday Night DANCE Town Hall à%' Irs. Futcher (Ckotinuod f rom page o ne) We oaa-e, on board early, and S0011 ,aft-r 11, cables were Ioosened, the ga-ng piank 1f ted, paper streamners th rownr to friends on Ite dock as a .at farewell, and afteýr lod blastq 0cf de-parture from itire hoatf we e off If elalmoat lk hrce teut of thre fairy tales, saillîng into an eacanodrealmi. A lump in the ,Lroat muakes mie ask, "Do 1 Really w7ýant thotkeVs trip?" Bye- , -anrly1 STORAGE 0F EAR COR~N Bar cora t[hat. is Vo be kepjt for feeding -or rmarketing is usually- stor- ed in om kind of crib immnediately n.fter * i laharvested. This storage la iecessa-ry because the corn may ýontaîin 20 to 30 per cent of mnoisturej or eVen lyn 1V t-tI(tioio of harvt, and soùme fuier drying la required ia order 't0 prevent bs from 1spoil- WeilI matur-ed corn, containing 13P to 25 to -30 per cent moistuire in the! grain at harveat, miay be stored I sadely la crIba in easterns Ontario and Queoc, and areas with similar con-! <~ .itonapr-ovided certain precautiona: are taken. First of aH, thoro la noý ipuapose inharvesting- the ýcrop ear- lier than necessary becaujse thre earsý dry faster in thre field on the staîkai than anywhere else. Therefore, I 10oV the ears Vto romain in the field a lonig as possible before harvesting in ordler to reduice thre moisture conitent.l In harvestinig, ne husked corn ahould be renoVed aS COnrpîetIly -as poý1Ssble! before cribbing anod all green or soft eors sortded out and fed at once. Only velil matured clearly husked ears should ho placed -ia the crib. If the c-,ornu ends toa'be on tire high mois- ture side, )thon delaying harvesting unitil the cooler rweaJher arrives is ai second re'ason for leaving the cornr ix thre fiek as long as possible. Mois' e1ara cibbed in warm weather are more hiable to apoil than if cribbed when the weathEýr is cool. The type of crib used may be of a temnporary or permanent nature but; lnarianyrcase it should not exceecd 4 or 5 fo in diamieter unflesVire coru- h-apponis to hot very dry, that is, down o around 29 per cent mroisVir-Tire crib floor should ho well off thel ground Vo provide ventilation fromý undfernet-h and the crib wals must! Ire constructed of slatted matercial ina ordor tVo allow g-ood ventilation fromn1 al ide.The crib should ho located: on nw drainedl spot and well ex- posed -Vo the e movemnent of wiads whiih performi the drying. Cribs ma- be, circular or reetangular in s;hape and flled to a depth of aboutj eig-ht foot. Snow-fencingl has been comnyused as the materiai o construc"t tire sides of botir rounid and rectanglular cribsanad iras proved' very satisfactory, Roofing of cribai teo protect the corn against bad wea- trris advisable. Whiee he oitur-e lathe corn la un.usqually i ir, that is, containing nround 1.5 Per cent or, higirer the use of vniaospae insýido the crib o assIt ir circulation is go prac- Vice1. Where iV is qb-ovis that thej corn I o immature o crib safoly I isboter Vo decide to irarvest the crop for slg or ct and stook nand use as dry fodder, Futrrinformation on the storagei of er ornay be obtainoed by wib S ing Vo Étire ivision of ForagePlns Central Experimental Farmn, Ottawa, At JLan-e 1, 190 Cnad' opula- o Vio 7 was esthimated o Ire 18,85,r000, nincraeof 29-,&0 la in12 monthe1. I Your motor's idling silently, your bands are on thre wheel. Ever SO lighily, yout touch a 104--taoth1e accelerator. Away you roll, gining speed as rapidly as your wl1 dictates, without aniother more one your part! Rough ronds or smooth, steep, bis or stop lighits, whatever you meet, you sit stili, int perfect eomfurt, perfect ease, relaxed as ini your living- room, For you are driving a dream car! lits name: Ponrtiae! Its mngic: Hyýdra-MIatic Drive5-the truly-automnatic drive thntliras outi-moded the clutch pedlal etirely. Every detail of the large and luxuirious seior Poniacs-botb Cbieftains and Streamliners-is de- igned as irar-fa fiao- car. a 1wonderful perfbruier!l Your ciroice of itirer 6- or 8-cylinder engine. *Qmpdonùia, extra cýe t n il Cifiin and Sreoniin.r modds IGEHIRAL MOTORS < VALUE i 8-CYLINDER 4- i A GENERAL MaTORS FLEETLEADER SPECIAL 2-DOOR SEDAN COUPE Dowunaniville You want an impressIve car witir beauttifuil styling. afuiil-sized six passenger car, with room alentY for ahi six. You want a safe car, a powerful car, but îlbrîiy to olierate. Youl want a dependable car, designed ta stand up to Canadiant condlitions. You want a car wt a igir reputation bore in Canada. And if, with ah thlose qualities, you dmn a car tirat's priced among the lowiest . . . thon,. sir, thie car you wrant is. a Pontiac! Ponitiac's Fletteader, offeredl witir eithier standard or de luxe equipment is a marvel of fine-car vale-at a rock bottomi price that will startle you. Sece your Ponktiac deaier for thie complete, îmnpressive *toiry of Poilliac Fleetleader's combination of quaity RîOY W. NICHOLS F A - NAEDEOUSF1H CANADA YEAR BOOK FOR Paymients by Canada'us seanro4i -a of buildLina of cquipnment Whie ispctig abeverdamf~195t) NOW AVAILABLE iwaysinli 947 finr maintenance of way, led 278lj& iently in the Townsip çof Dranmmr, ________________________________ Conservation Officer Windsor Jai 'eteinborough had his attention The 1950 odition of tihe Canada drawn to the Stream- ,. bod below t4 Year Book bas just been made avail- u dLan by the Sound o--f somethîflig able for distribution by the Rt. Hon. & A OI '* MT'l ithreshing- about in the water. Among C. D. Iiowe, M.P., Minister of Trade cattails and rubhish Officer Windsor and Commerce. IJader the auspices of Durfiam and JNorthurnberland Counties itnessed a battie taking place bo- Bac fOtroPore' soito tween a water snake an~~~ a fi~h. Tho Tis public*ati4on is obtainable froon Bac fOtroPlwe' soit wenawtrsnake ad a fism oldThe t he King's Pinter, Ottawa, at the w edd y c o e t of'ejs and was hrying t get i rice of $ per copy, which covers 1 out of the water and on to the shore on1V9ec5to0,ae, rs wr ON THE FARMS 0F in wlich it finally succeeded. Aftor ad 1 iding * tue fish ceased its strugg1in1< on the Ppn~on ois<' epr GORDON VAN LUVEN and HARRY TOYNE shore the snake completed he task cae for $1 iby houa fide teachers, 0 AT1lR of swallowing it, which took about unliversity studonts and mnisters oîfi 1five -minutes. religion. There nber of these Cop- mijng Th e snake was thon killed and les is restricted and those entitled to P IELS mgg brought 'to the District Office of The purchase t3wmn are advi-ed to glace PRie nec laswl epiZE incsadT -ù h au ge. Departmient of Lands and Forests at their Drors pron-wptly. Applications, Pizsleehcaswlbeaiiics, ngodtotevlu Ir Lindsay where it Nwas turned over to togethor with remnittancès, should he ltEie 1.O n,$();3d 8O t~$. M ~~ r. J. C. Weir, who is the District a ddres-sed Vo the Dominion Statisti- sPrz,$20;nd$1. ;3d 80;*4h 6A Biologist. 3Mr, Weir opened thieclan, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Lnhssre ret iwnn uce snake and1 found that the-fish it had Ottawa. sw,allowed was an eigirt and one- served on grourids, quatr cFsee.Oea id roni1 J39 to 1949 Canada's net No raffle tickets wilI ho allowed to be sold on the grotund. sur states that in his opinilon water f s~ bl ~htprcpt u j i snakçes are fairly serions ?redator5 crreased from $279v8G VO o $94 LEONARD MENDERSON, Preî. JOHN RICKARID, Seý againsit specklod trout as onbner- Of the 7,000,000G fur peîts tknMfibrook Newcastle ous occasions these onake-s hav in anada ia a year, about 90}% ar been found to have speckled trot in *d fui-. ~,thoîr stomachs. ee. Lé >1 las*% M ý.ký MI