MNiracle Plant MATCHS.14, The hineseà in war - ravaged Soutl oe grows a plans bich ma"y illions cfï poor FChinese peaýsanus re'gard as magia,.it s calle(ýd GIN _[S EN ýG, 11eaïiing "image of 1mon1," ecus its fork-sbiaped root gives it ?aný appeanance cf a i bu bing ils TbrouhoutChina il is rgre doctors"lw have analysed ià and tested itnefetoun\Vsteuers, re- aný t. ur u Net e Chnesedtors. They ower by i a aniallibecr o It in the reet cf the ginseng plant hich is sid te conlta!in thesede. lie. rnningroud it Ored ver a cla l c aI fire, tes (I('lreu.ed vwith s.~~~l - xunss ts foilie ycet c gis ng ia iah as f500 ano linre Ire itsiencfChnab tes exported A milion ollars'wor tbnc gego" te taht contry everv yearbutthi tAerines, rownl onengalis consIi(re aper u titefo tiid fiet iiistnuatingoertlies have obeen knch ptete oC hisepeole fr a ctries. Arcup f inen ts ive eaChinee o bisdatn liýercsud andis o eeinto thewh feret inhea1;rch cf thewld prot euj, e for-nci iefo wlieb Will brîng a inaîl fortuesine I scr esa ne Cia ahese danontor, an- SW neing Wiiiesternsýeicietisw h sas-tý, thr s obo mracicus asbeor ý l! bciefo he\e- Sim mical pofesionh e aille taingiengal' effeî 011 il, Chin esc i ilCinarahe h on Wei- receptîv tol',nsng'iiqaitieso " inseng: Tis » reardmea a elmry e-liln o lii ete rcutric be ti s greatlysuditis bd take as a tow'n te mae yur To(dln ap py! Takes lots of rcugliratru aud always coîns up smiig t OQuemas sock, gay sýcraps for. Clown. Patîcýrîs7,33 ba4s directions for 12-inicb doîl; clothles pttr Laumra Welrsimproveud p-1)1 teumkscrochect sud knlittintlg soi sîimple xithi ts ebamrî, phelos't sud concise directions. -Senid TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ml coins (stamps cannot be az- cepted) for this pattera lw Box î, 123 Eigbîeent'b St., Newv Toron- te Ont Pnit plaiuy PATTERN NUMBER, yos.s NAME sind AD- DRESS. THE COMMUNIST mnethod is ronls sud t truthlessly tramples uýnder fôot ail inIdivéidua ighs BuLt it is effe(ctive aud accuses the feelinig ibat sone (of olirow ho0arders shld lllbe t reated simI- larl-h-Warerloo Courier. Hundireds of crippiejcd youngsters from (aiu -arsc ntai hav benproîdd ospitail care suid medica l treatmenlt by the Shrnes i tis roinc, l'-tngready 'for te biesbig theerig ir*sil Maple Leaf Gardens aý re leïft terîgtack' C. Rm de, W.Reg hawDr. ugen Mongomey su 8 For cripied Kies pieents n iins euein Torenteýild fros cthr2 o7'1 ten circs bcîin of inaleLa Thries yundr he a ifs cfitoe Nobs as es Shre iu . as a It erw ilimarste 8coîsctv hig athre- ingcrc outo bbc sOt îsews azIwrteqSesin. fleCr a we ek nith rami, fog sd cam d skies on every blessed day.Wsfi? N'ot I - . net af er havinug sheels 'suid other hesvvy higahugillg on the lhne fer thrcc whvole as b vý,eek before. BuInltt", esu is; shînino bbc lugood oid sabn maciicieis dýue e ecac'ccc again - il ail thrfoP u alboj(ug.h, ren-ele tb[ink o ;f il, al lbeair-w ick mould lnet coilýîn ais as ithe ki,cheu sîniosphere iiibev witbbthe coînbined eou lï rcfpkls pears, peaches sudcdrenes Stinday afternoou Dsugbîe(rasud' I eîtfor a drive uip -"bbc nscuniiti -wiîlha coupl)e Ofbakt inbs hu .AIdedicdý. 1lu jltnst e IIminute"WC eacil u]ad aserigbit hoy ie ieeof icfrcsb eldehemy pe ., .or isy1ýbe a Jan f elFuny îing, ï i lbe 01J icebut'Ineyr1 ear cfthns iîgused f or îvhnole t hanllli Iîliael o cntntwib ic sud j ils. ,'.V"ý la avien! A\t least Dub saiid il w as-I asfnIouy leking alter tbbc car te ,awatchibei- sceuery. The road w'iîcdsudtur-- r.dlike a suake sumH- aetcf ïun- coiliig itself, 1aîCd the), hfoeWe kuew iseWC ere ona diffe-rnt au-a roa Ieuirely o'tve Mfayhe I1 udn ae enou it aI al had 1'kncýnn how steep) t wa.You Cali bc qite sur'e Iwa drivýiug at pnacîicaily a snlail',s pc j1liot !knowving wbaut Ixigbî he w -,aitinig for us15 ropnmd ute uext Pend .- ,su neot lik-Ing the sharp d ýescent auy te el.e beudc thlat xeuit aressnid ajutîing nai frock w a aost aa rigbit anigle, h ad! visiOns cf wh'at mighit hpenioue lest control of tibe, cal Teeb)ad somie of tLe oeis drives in i bis, and oercoutiesic, are on oiP iî, tise býigidorso icuete Tri katropea snainlhg coniiitntfrcm Erope theRudy Rudyf trie and their trsîned stal- Ilions suid Rl 'diebor l tained This aânnual cir-cusis onIy part arý'is extensive rgai are cubythl bru este hei lper--P p1ld sud 1 udr-prieed ci- rFrom tl',i i sutheraciviie the hriersoperate sud Inaintaina 1", bos'pitaIs n ,the Nri mn can cotient ne cf thiese being lcedin Wiunipeg Pandanother Any crilppled youingçter under 14 otar c ag, rgads of ract-, cLýoonor(re- is eligible for admis,- ien o1 iIbese Sh rine hosiýýpitals. More thIn ý 12"0,(0(0icrippled sud bandialiedcbtienhavereceived' ied'cal care su il1d t realmnt îin the v;areu, bin opias on this coi cil t' - Eveîualy ecanmie tb lIse main road aga isd sopdt,-,visit 4 yu lginarrFied couple wv1Am WC knew'. Thcy bas e a loviv Sltîle wpce- îwc or tbree acre. cf or- icpard Mda ncm sPx - rned bouse v' t a gandview of the"urond ilig cuty Nibîthe young felw uribIis x ife is afraid cf w tok sd in tIle sotlime t 11ey hae ec teneheybav dnc a ' sîrans- ledjob in [lI-e LeitIcen, tnsuapresqsure wte sstnà n boil a nie nd compact s bl jath- rrccempletc witb linieii cl-set, as 1 baveeve acc. Their ~ide ance hail)ppy, -llby Ctive yun: s'ers. ThIi father bs a'Io in an) iindustrial pla:nt about five. milesz f rom home sd mcst cf jus fcllw- wekîs seenste bc satisfieýd with 1itornes iin a part tof t(owuilthat leaývesq ven11etue t sayil is ias miluc a mat- tir c(f tempW11eramet asCrcîta w L (qer ] Ilel Iaelhe( h Pei 'o Ine. tatien siayiti ,ad eudr sta--nd \\Ilvmo)re ycuing fclk e ne buy er build iin tP cuntry T Jruc t, soile of 111em! bave eaisd tha t le dio Sei, a mar ids bt ter is rosu ýin tîse ccuntry îfer p-lnty moe fi more p"oeesnvdt tecounly on amaîl lots il o cetalv ep [le relive tPeCbeIl îîsg ecst on in nar cities and v ns. cam"e wîthuis IIon curip aid 1whe v' 0top Idole isit we]le-t Htoney in Ihe car\.,We car, do itt any limen] e wtbal the windows dewn H ]oncy willneyer s- iake an atesptteleave tibe car buse can icerlaiuly duo sie rwligi strangerscolearcundwhe sh is aee Se we ven"t 111îp)te t lIuse, sud we v'e gtisd acd e kcw hatit w iot Hcn.. ey buit berdoulble - aie sîz, saie colour, bt adieru shp face anl sdifivereult sie01î yî aold tbînk 1Iýa lîtle d(Io", u love Io hav-e a taik vwith cue of br ossu Il n'd. Bu1t sIHue. h nas jelouscf tlie oihei doi su ea oef the atten1tion xve L'gave the~ ~ m1 chlnsdwcuîld notiav us at <aIl, Dogs eaulbe e Ofriýgb[tful- oni Sunlday mer0nings le suecif anvy- cinc anrived(dunite nigbît. I eau lm isr er lbinkýing ta orsl "You neer au eIlhcaesee cftheseý younig fe'ý keep avu holurs - Ipca lr o S ,± Iantof Fear Wher No vsteman 1ba1S e stfooti on a strange slanin the Belglic Conlgo vshlich stands 3in the idd of the Congo Riverýl at a poit here' reai alotfor more than a 1f-, minute in te tre eo inct. to getito"th islanCwhich is nsr 1Y woddand i ene ebeth homecf a larýce ygnis.Tw losît their lil,,ithe racing wa';ter7. from viewing the islnd throuigI telscoes.Scintitsare auxiomns t'o land thýere becaluseheybclieve CIue whicts wil.,l hep tcmesetsblisls tca'mn c oigm w a 1%ýls il)South CnrlAfiica A fe wcks ao arelc opter was sedin n alemp toprobe t he sldsseres.Te pilott flew ol('vr th swiring wzstr ami s 'tud the veelatiniof the islanld asclse lfis e cold. Butt it was ton. Itis iaijmszing that the island is as much aý ý m ustery in 195U as 'it Vjsz;enwblite men flrst set foot on heAficncontinent. Qne ext- Splocrrrpre that on calm, wind.- less darýs he bas uoticed thr br-an;ches as if under the weight of ma r onkeys. FBuIt norelab evdnc s available. WEIGHTY PROBLEM1! Like a bad penny an ld 800.- pond afe is the bugbe(ar- of -Hall, RicharLd & Sons, cea,, Icdalers iii V\ictoria, Britishl Columibia. It jisst keeps turning up. Trying toi get rid of the safe several ycars agaj, the finm left il 'on a vacant lot. Kindly citizens, reîurned it The coa-ldelr buried the safe on the sanie s)ot-7hoping 'to seit tbe Iast cf it. Buit a bulldozer recenty Incrtrdit vhilc vvork- ing on an xcvaio for a busild-. ing in the ernty lt. DetecliveP.a bulited nup tie owneýrs to etnels' r SPLITTI MG s, jFF'Y And the RELIEF ES LAS TING For fast relief from, headache get 1,NST.%NTri5st. For real relief get INSTAN2'INE. For prolonged relief get IN',STANTINE! Yes, mnore people every day arc fanding that INSTANTINE is one tingiý to case pain fast. For hecadache, for rhekimatic pain, aches and painis of colds, for rieuritiC or neunalgic paixi you can depend on INSTANTINE tO bring yau quick comfort. INSTA-NTINE is miade lîke a pres- cription of tlinee proven mnedical iugredieat3. A single tablet usually brinigs fast relief. Cel 10tnts tba e" âAndawy t~% kssp ithl 1 2-Taiblet Tin 25é Ecosiomical 48-Tablet Bott1e 69é IUE4o - 19-e 1