CLASSIEIEU ADVERTISING That "Morning After" Feelin-DIr. Chatrles F. 'Lomibard, g-rim- aces as a penlumlLii, swinging at thie raite of 10 Feet per second, crashes into bis plastic test blmt'Lmar )wo 1er-wenit the jarrinig exýperienice In) the interI-ut of scece opesthle nwy devIopd eadea ~vI1reduce ijresadfatalities amIIOnI- thle rankls of foo'tball pIaý erg. Exhibition gaine wi thcheBrooklyîi Dodg ers, "In thte fift inning hieraesoi 100 fee-t and robbed Brookly7n's Roy Campanella of a triple, and Paajsibly of an inside-the.-pàrk-homýea, ,vith the most aMazing- catch witnesssed in the Stadium since iagi' job on a drive by Hanlk Greenburg a. decade ago. -DiMag-, siationied in dead centre, broke toivard h'iý right wvhen, Campaniella's bat con- tacted thechall. It was 100 to i and ne takers tha the blow .vould be for extra bases. But DiMýFaggio neyer gave-upl. With chiaracterit.tic grace he heaed for the bljeatcher fence in left-center somne thitty or forty feet short of the 457-fcot sign, Joe, going like the -,>ind, his back to homne plate, stuck cut is gleved hband and Made the c(-atch." Thtshould have been no1 g for a fugitive frein the hoSPitaî, but flot for Joe. "Thie cheer, which were deafenling, haçl hardly d1;ed awmay wenDiMaggio came up te the plate a minute or two latand, after wvorking Roe to a J and-2 counit, propelled a terrifice drive irto the lowver left ifield stanids. The. hall landced about twenty rows,ý up and, needfless ta report, tlhe recep-1 tion which accompanied bisleue. 3y trojt aroun the pa'ths was 't leas'eqata,,!t the one he gotfo Lis incredible Catch",~ Weil, we we real,1t1 hose 3ines -anId we only wisb we had b-een. there inistead o! tryih-g to find excuses for flot starting ta do a littie gardening-we smnashed thec crystal bail, chuckýed ou, the tea- Ieaves, and started oveýr. We know" th-at the New York Yankees dov't figure ta beat the Bostoni Red Sox, WVe know thnat thcy pulled a miracle last saoand ilat miracles, like lightnting, seld'oiin strike twice ini the saine place.., Still--tliey're aur pick. 1Thai, gentie reade, ihhow we Onîce you hav e cm chut u KEEPTHEMTHERE-that'sthe advice hanilded out ho floc-oer !)Y MidlVestern poultry speci-. aIlÏs. -By October È5hthse ex-, perts Say,3- it is desirable ho have yaour layers ouedfor the wimter. Thley hlave rýcords whlich convînce theinl, ah et th lat conIfinemjýent Of layers l;senthuccswihh GiVe 'eM. Ple-nty o! Feed. Layer-s won-'t ay wtotfeed. A dual-ii-urpose breed in heavcqy pro- dliction wiIl eat .32 ho 38Foud cf feed Pei' 100 puillets cdaily; Leg- hernýs, about 28 ho '32 po nper. supply enough f eed as tepllet-s aapidly increaise in production in ýhe faîL. This nmay 1resuit ineapremiiahure matoria slmp inprdcin Another poultry specialiot,, points ont that hca-vily eatiug ifllts needl plenty o! ,'lùoron ah the eed era Wenthegainan m-"ash systzin is tsed, at leas3t 30to 36 aunnlng feet !6 appr pace l neesa y ft100 layer. 'The siripe ayte fiure tis is seauhiwihthe Asuerican League. prosect away lot pri;and you can im1agýine oturaae ntwe- .jut awek o(,r- go, and wîthMa'Ur DiMg tifrîiislinig a lot of h 1 nto te irsi lt,-Hwvaee the weweeîît Orried ma-ch abot urr*cord blcçause heure is ho-in thuýencotimn already quote'd NationalLageprsecs Wvhat about the National League, yocu say? Wellï,, if the Brookly-n ogesdon't by at least ten 'tfiFteeni game1s, there just e' any jujstice. They should ouitclas2 Ilthe othes by s3 mh tht te race m-ight be ail ovea by jîîly the Focurthi, Philadelphia Phils miglit 'ne second, and St. Louis Card.inals Athid.But te Dodgers appear ta be the bigest cinch ta appear ini sports since the d-ays oi Marx ligtremnember, wjho onice ap- peared ta be home 'free, and Cynhd scond ta a thungWcalledUpet. whîh oLyýý a couple of ees ogo tha ilste way î wsBrok SECOND y hen.So, you cnlpic'- tire our tah'e of ilid 55 Wý Set teliteuiHsnsg htatfnalusBrook-- ynPiygaie on fitat rnxra1e Sunay ftrnon.The situa;tioni ma, indeed grave, The Philles-, looked asuif hhy had had in and il seemd Ota, or onceMyewere go- ling iho, be tt 1 llr fa rc f But al e cecltatends well, as somebody probably alredy rermr- cd. Juost wen ef ver21ythiiug iook'ýed blace-stMesrs. shbuîî ind sis-. lrr Lame 'ta our- aid, 'Even ifl 11y by theuurest C.ofhlread Our nbae strngis tii itat;aîîd oîr m clients who make a hait of hkn ouri elciosandtht btig agailsst thcmn, didn't loliteir shirts,7 fo iotde h lasiuneruningfootls Thebopes of course, muoit be kep fil of fres manish ah taillfms Good Way ta Stop "Blowoluts" Eversion of the oviuh o - lapsýus, often ieads ho cniaim This uisually occurs wheu a iflock approa-ches the peak of hleavy po duction iniiihecfali, and at h t hue wben the pens aruId ofylayers. Quihe often theicpufltry raiise-r goeýs OUIt ho bisI ayinlg boue inid- miorning su qid finds one or hwo hu vihh their ventscopeeypce oekosfor sureu just whaqt cassth;s cnito.Often the bid anl be cauighh satnm enouigb afher thje protruinrg parts appear- that hbey can be washed off wi wamwatea aInd carefully replaced. Thený, if the bird is k-ept isolatedý a fe days, it wý,îil recover. o eve-r, b-Ird-(s are usuaýlly Blot cauigh in hum habe given a ý%treatmleuh n this kinte anhi-picking devices ta the b&rd ýa te!,mehy ?are bocused Dor uî MAKE MONEY IN MOUR SPARE TIME Seli Leading Lady Csmein Nour bomte locality. Exerinceflt ncessary. We trainl yon Write Ih, A. J. -McVeigh 0. L2182Javie sStreet, Toronto ?, Otro "Ailii CHICUS P7-LLETSý1. 12 ,veofk7tohLayingIlevv PIlorumifree stock. The kind chatuaLisfy, Twed!eChic* HatchiîceLiitds'eg dOand EEPI' ad ccunin Iel.c. Pniere in îIo v 1 mlesfomSdb 12 ElajO St., S., Sudbury. mg? iWe î us fr ii frton. Web- ari ga t av e r e' ogr uuest mjin0oe FAItES 1(".É eSAL'E i lad msi tuDer-cul Tivt, Cu bankbarnývitIwaLrisytemgooddrid fleurStroiford. p. R JcS -.;Rol Eauk BidnStatterd, Tel. 1203-2OIT . F100 AREýS M- I-1,atbop I l s 1ýtrom cîul t Te i g droilgda be wl wrnc eil rich e ,uipiaek ho-Î sonpl shd. bveiy7 rorn slid ric farm, Raeet, owr retiria ise.1 acre f-are. We tZorra O mua fro elt birive hed god1 4nk huac!leu' debeak theun, Eithe mthd i control the trouble Mont poèurmen like ta debcak, aýsittakes lesS time. Th'le 1upp) er hek ut lbck abat ouce-tbird of thie way.fronit1the tiphIo Ilhe There are very econiomiical de.- lbeakers ou tlle mreor cquihe often hatchierynhauve then avail-. able fori-an o their çustom1ers. Whiere Floor Space ýReally Paid As houising :osýis icrease, w find a growing tendcn1Ucy ha crwd( the birds. You've hecard before that crw ing desil't pa, bt bere is fur-ther proof fromi recordls of a big DemionsýtratiouFlck Records mere kept on 14 flcks1 with anaverage (of ssqaefeet Cf 0,0oor spaïce per 1bird, as 1'coin- pared with 24 flocks gettpng an average of only 2PP~ square feet The uuerowded birdls laid an a ver age Of 223eggsproded $223pro- fit, amid made 68 cents pe-r square foot of floor area1Onl 26 per, cent were los. ' By contrast,, the crowdcd bird averaged 197 eggs, produced 0111Y $1L4 profit, and made 57 cues per square foot of avial pace. Thryoeper cenit of thei died. New Reinedy For Blackhead7 Pefinitel the best irug develop- ed So far for tde prevtntion and control of blackhead i0 Enheptin T and Antîhe-p, now beving =ar kehed in fecds. This ycllow-pow- dered drug,,(sýold a 20 per cent Imix by edmnuatrrs ep eut hca-vy lo-Dus, oice 1birdsget this disease. lu recenti yeairs black-' head bias appea-ýrud lu flocks more2 frequeutly than eve before Tests ahth[le Crc Uiest Veherinary Cleesda te x perimeut stations, howevcer, show that the remedy,-used for ýchickenus aud tres-sfot 10prcent effective and should b)e usecl adong with a good santary progrm.The Co)rm-ell experimienî udr r.E N. _Moore also mdcaedthat thec dsug didn't affect grwth vpry mucb, and dcfiitey didn't stmulate if. However> lie reporbt tastere waýS 1no detrimieýtal ceffect oun g 1roduction or frîiy LàEMORRMHMO0-11 2 Specia Remiedies >y the makers et Mecca Ointmcnt. ifes ifeRemedy No e for Protmudg Bledhg Pils, ud teMMoàdon bstp Pe, or interuniplictin.5rc 5. AMecesPil Itemedy N.2 la for Exiema1l ttciugPie.$id ni Jar. sud le for oxteirs ue nlPries 73, rder 111 asmben fros yuur ugit FOR SA\LE USED SHO6E REVAIRENII OIACHIMNER -LÂANIIS Sýtteher. iibn acIe ig or utchsgmachinie, shoe Pr1eaaoe.s fack. $08.TIIi. 10 Grasemere Rd-, Toi- ente, LT. 2795. LOTORCYCLES. H1arles' Davîdeon, . and ueed. bought. eeld. ecune.Large ;tclç f ut arteod ueed motorcycles. Re- pairs hy tacteory-irained neethanics. Bi- cycles, andcomplote lineorutwheel gouda,ý ise Guns. Burseand 3Johuen Outhar )otra ',n evoninge unuil tinnoexo ai SantIC'ud. Ilailion.ýf AL'UHýINUM jIZOOI,'N( Insmediate ahIlpmeni -AU1', thlck Ilu 6.,'i 8, 9, 10 fo.ot bnth.Price cleivered 10 Ontarlo pnten apiatin , Fer ot aie s smpies lteet et oc.,. write: A. . LSLE &CG. $IMITED 130 COMSISSIONEItS STRIEET TORIONT6 0 2. (INTARlO ASFIIALT SINGLES 82.35 Threse itroc-gshnls r )ue n eor -imns rofig daspbaîthrgie 'l" Thick tslae sin:Bick or Ce- dar iGrain deian eny $9,45 pereuro 60() lb. ced or gre GaieIofn,1.5 seonsw doubi yena tell froreOrs gae stk. fnar,,Quhee n lrtms Ail ano- toko2-aue ai iA. aureent ferfr;,einstes. Lot your RORRT OE URER SPORTNG I- 02 RIFLsb EScd6eo RericeRife n l $210.Spoallyý1 mdped for de rbuntio-. 2" barel, C l u a p a r u n c e. S m o o th(10 - at i . A reatbagan. u,.ca t oee.Order OaI?. "87(ji"s 2.0~vt btrPPur,,,nDse e ifle, WIIiîno Ogi rdr e llisC aa tvl SPORTNO RfLESe rite fparnsloreet ueioisting va ron harganspreme. 335 ElginSret ttwOtawa. $1".25ExpRATr s' C4ýasetrctr ~'C"Cae rctr,"VC"Csetrctr CRESS CýrtN SALVE CRESS. NEW,2-',ay sondo tahetsbuilda blood. 1- 0enervos fs.Groat for impe rtbpop. vn!mge, Ru 1 fortrizal packageLarge oonomy iye., $2 1on0. UNWVANTED HAIR Endcae roon eps'part e'?fî01Qhoth, etthns .SacaPelo centaino n Iagai- flii-edben,ýi t , ia lil desiros' the bair ,out. LOh-BLEE LAH'ORATRIErS %OVE WONDERFUL L I1EF E3- 2FrCtrhetStmh.pia u E- 3 ForRhmacPin E- 143For Piles E'- 5 For ivrantid deGalEadr E- 7 ForPaîpiduna Heurt E3-j OFor Soubat netnlCen E-b FoLr Ne'rous C-odiionduete,0 ar Oshol f n 20seoteLIleî 'uvliheset e ynpota r0, dirocis ', , fre oulaorie re or 12.00 ISATO 1 mL RESARCELMl e 1 d Skai n cn i tLIon Jue bansd 'b-[lu MINARD'S,sunoteth qjuick ] lc you get. GeCet %butie today: kýecp il hardy. LA R G ICONOMICI a"ir, 65c POST'S EZ AV 'IN'Ehetormn et dryeczsa raltes sud v ee iing intouls.Psi'a Eze- ïis Slve willioui Idisappqoint you. rlnivrmpiple ad abeesfont. ovi repod ead'ly totebsiîesores oietregzarless of lho-w tubor6o hopeleýss hey seem. PRicil2 8.00 PER JAU Seni Po'si Frceeon R olp tf ric, POST'S REMEDIES ap ï ll ed ,wSil yneat', Oi.3f ' 9 ERSERE NOWfor Pull rpïllnuog tas £,pcles Tvensb l1niped. Panted ue 1000u spart-: 25Il, _,fo $2, 9 . G lnI hiito GronGuide wliheery udrBobkdale, KigwyNurserles, 1 B olmanvills. OPi0I'lU0TESFOL stE, & OMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER SOIN OANADA'St W..ADwN oHL 4 lnaîdrStn, Flousnt dguifed pofesion, ntodwage Write or Caîl S 1t8o ' L o; r î S 1 W 1.. ,Tu :Into i-I 44 RiStneSt.,Iaml ATEMMS AfNi OFFRae l vr neirLe ti Pl!o un n ou IIInformatInIlo feï neya , , 1 ak tE etZ , < tE> -wu. ISHE SNIUG &1 Company Wlsy $treet, oron- lo VUoietOut n'rma - ýý i~uo n e Neet. g oCe moOed-$1.20. oinou bured 2 pil Eît e bile cIrnt olis20cnts, rep7l rdutio egiv cge 50 renied o-iySrvice, Eux 82h, Staid oDrokspl. Tbe tiep lgonlil! e tie cutive Ps itio Irgf 'yot hae igb echoo efducil,."n ton Ave. orento MECHANIC-Exceilentepruiy 7- periened ma lu wrk oninke3n truntee. Siady emloynsnt. Alvscnn Younee sarha frebut once ed itero contruciongives BuUs any k iof bard or sotcoal, iincluding ALberta han 'is W A RMTi every MORNING rgardless of h wete.The ou-ly heater o! isiudin fthe wo ld, cOre tha a illion in, use, AskI you7dalr.Write for free lluaa i,,,'e , Uan i j>l.,triliîtrî BOON-0 ,SCAN CO 'i 0,L T H EFA FIRON