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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Oct 1950, p. 4

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ïNIC W1ERKLV TEMES T, The Otrno Weekly Times Auhrzdas Second Class Mail, Post Office Departmient, Ottawa. Advertising Rates on Request. SuLbscrýiption $1.50 To the United States $2.00 Publishied every Thursday morning at Thle Timpes Office, Orono. Establishedi January, 1937. R. -A. For-rester, Publisher Cheap Food Therýie is always soi9netbing go0,d te write îabouc)t, sdmw'j -oinebody tells us that tiis seais'on will 'see a bumliper poftato crop, w feel that Mt Nature sud Damne FojrtLune are sm-iliing at oue sud thie selfsame moment. Still, the miatber bas iissrenious Siie, becauase me ilway-s seek te study a Vimng frein the other f eilow's pout of view, nii;n 11215 case the "othen felloin" is the 'pgtate ,gmewer binmsel-f. We_ ietalize tlhe -work asud woI'rryetald in the grewing of aý,ny eomiodity vpon 'a largo sicaIýe, and potatees are neo exception. The e epense la sieiltee, Now Mtfiat wod as goe abroa,,d tihat potateues wiliLbe IcomnparstiveW eh5beap this ye-se, we w«ld like te ten-peuroui- satisfac- tien wth a wor cf waraîuJg. Do net overlook tihe -mn and +tise farmi faillies wibo have w-orked bard and long lu produoiing à f3okd whichi vdllu nali l kelihood seul at miue-h leurs ithan ,- its actal orth. Fur- tdeiore,ont forgat the invarÀiaible result of a bumnper icrùp of po- itstoes itlh resulitianit's, uamiely, a secarcity and wcstllncýss rnex Y'e'ar. These thiis siiould i dleet Vise thlnking cf those bu.ying pela- toes. Thse moik cf production' ls lËard sud ardaus, and should be conpensated for ami subsidized as anc otlher thiaigs. Meat at a docl- lar a peuud lis net a fîttUingi nucomipaiîPent te pob4aitees a twenity-five !emîts a bag. At t toastt 112s prtoe as quotedi te us recently, although bIse purdhaser mnuet do thse dlgging ai hrvstni Someiehre aloug -tIe way, we wouldi feel eonstrained te monder wfhere a steak dinnru maS gointg t i figure lu tjie lives ami nmen and weinen -mbo were gre(w- îng po(ititoens or suaIs paltry prices, unless, of icofurse, lhey hadi a Ilittie cache tuoked a awa.y somie place 'orothr Black and White Day It inay n»t 'have ccurredi te the casual onlooker tsat ine as a ioe-alityoas boapjt two Agnric-ultuiuna Feinl one, We have refererice ïte ,tIe "Black anxd Whlte" sectio>n, 'or tfiaI whi is contrelied by thse Heistein Friesisan people oef Central Dur4ham. Hore is' an 'industrs, widhhas grema frein a snmahl beginningi, and wbIieih as h'eipod make t.ise g'enenal 'Fair a mnueh more inaestnsd wir -,hlenvture. Siaice its inctitoî soume fuity years 'agio, bbce kee-piîig of Roi- tIei cattle in 'Orono viiniity, lias fhld areitwitb h 1e hst elffrts of siniflar na,,ture, sud t-day, inn cn bea',st scnocf tlhe finest and m'stvaluable hlerds ou the -Noirth 1-iAmerican continent riigbti bore in ouý,r con-ititucn'cy. Tlie legical 'men te conitact f 1r infomationl upen, HoîsteinFisiu lovýe would be Mnr. Sunmerýs, Agrîjcelturýal Repre- enaiofer Duiwai, or- Mr. A. J. Tamblyn the Filicinfor ti parut cef Onùtarlo. Studcyin'g any suLbjec!t tends te bring thatpriua sbetsiiteresat into bold relief, tand wc vonture to saythat a i t- iedelvinig inte tho e why anid we ofr f "Black and Whýite Dy m ibring its roward for tise enquiingmd. Only those wlio hav-e c dfer. live stock cain apeit vaugf really goîod lifre stock, sud lt listhe presencýe of numie1-îu fasgie and ainhlticins peoplbe l ni ghborliood whih has ciAde a Black snd White Day ppassible. Anslg vaed'ib h bbcFIr_ cacii Fall, Black andi White Day miakes for, the piesýen(e îof fine iivý_u- stock sucli a.-mordinarily inliglit net be seen execep'tïllg I hiblw _1cbts teCaInadi-an Nationianl. It i-- a tibute teghere talent andA * * * a H-ý,drio Conservation niocssiy fr hdreconser,1vation blas risdthe preOPosal aISion of day' light saýving i turne. W ,trithe plan w,-,onldjý oe %vide ine do niet kuein. Loý)okçiiig at the matter fiom a dpoint, 'we fcee tIsait theaae f armeir la giad te e 1of standardtme once thie end of September le reacvhed. ple have 'argued that ituhe lime Aih-ou]d ho l'ft unchan-tiged( Ornd, eliher asstandaýrd turne orayi- f svn'ime. whatsvlng oah ho effected in hy-dre by' vdjiagging dayý- ig time into thse darin eekaý of Faîl is te explain. ainaçilans meiiu,,;tn us e i p asd about early in tisemrnn isequeilt consumption c lighb anid power. As for tIse ,i-ý iany of thesew'k around thse, dock. V(2ry ' cilemmendble eal tfe home's, institution,, sud fcei~tesrve on hydre. , woriçe a double aiataeinasmudh ias thie blsekeeper ith a litile lesa of a serývicue charLige if reine econoany has iit initi beîngi. o f our peuple had b' opod thaýt tIse needi miut peiner 'moomics had been 'passed a year agi). Nomw that îndustry bais re-veirod the situaion', we wM Il ai ave te ýys andm meis tsucve upon liglht, peower andi beat. These wil1 e-xtueld far'beyond ithe Faîl seasen, and a ineli dircctnd foe public cane and economy miglit well benefit lihe'Win- baIlie abead. ,uniately, the demandcisýf receunt parshae eaused env Isy- siuers iu Ossttarie te broaden e ut i ire meitteir of hydre aqulipaneimit. Apparently, mnore stulil is need'ed if m\e are to with tIse timers. Ore by eure, thse utililles crf the paiet are tb-inn lu tue lgIsI of tise present and thse future. Hydre hese Iôs transfürmration of oui, lives, andihabits lisalniuest Thse anualiprobleni cf the -Fiail cinevrfrets day- audard li-me le selgteedfuie ea-rby Ibze aggravated prevailiîng, but we drnubt -%nhether prolcnguxsg "daylîgbt youdi its 8secmJugly useful perýioýd ii lprove anrthuing more isance andi liconveiienee it admittediy la. PASSES - failed and ho inas complled te re- tire 'as a futIl-timeinnstr During hie reirement he wâs au assistant 1 i SÙ. Jofim5s cihrchi, Petertoro. Wed- A keen chers May rM. Jameýs ichard Was a Puet Presidental ofiue Peter years 1,0','os club. He -,was alec ai hur-ch, )Îife maber ard pauslt president ef Eliza tise Tornnto Cirers club. Rn had ld at mon nlumeurerre trophie's lin chers. Lon, -la iM: tmwo sol uo, and Ch< "a Bai- Christ withL COD F THIANKS i woihke ati tis tlime -bexpr'ess my arecitote y frend elra floors fritai!enquirijes dur-ing myrecemt ihnease, soHot e R- beka e Locgo n a special th' ste CARD OF THAANKS Mr. obe'nt AlVin takos tihis oppoir- bunity cf thanikiig lber mnyfrieinda forc Ui îvey cards adsud onttrsrw co viile in liKjn g st o i Gener-al H'oe*pibail, aISe frein bbc W.u. s., W. Ak. and W. C. T. tiU, whiich 1 ap precitod verpy nuch. Mra.ý D. G. dioc)oer and Mrs. C. F. Aindre ttendied tho eddinr- of iss Heln ooperi, daughiter cuf MW and Mirs. V. A. HoeToronto,' 'yn1Sit- ura,'ctcabeýr 7Lth, at Deer Parki Unitdi hurc~and receptio)n at the, COMPLETE LCI Net wheni you have i uards youg ýrt to-day.g CALL PORTERg )NO, ont. RKeal Estate farm on guod open road, 125 acres, some bush and orchard, mocstly wralopen spring, ;steel roofed barni, 9-roomedi solidi brickî house, cistern and well at door, electricity, good collar. First time offered Ternis. Leroy iHamilton BROKER Phonte. Offfice 32 r 10, Res. Ir16 01-ono, Ontario Inaiisbranches Fire, Automnobile, Liability, fLife, lHospitalization, Wind Plate Glass, Burglary, COMING EVENTS A bkn sale and tea will be heA ïla the counncil a h ,Oroion Snturday, October 1V h, unde,(r the aupcsof the Or'0 leni's In- titute, froim 2.30.m b u e The Aniiversa_-ry Servi-ces of thie Ken]dal Unte'd chuicb 'wil[ b b hld on Sunday, .Octnober' ait i aY. and 7.30 pim. (Sti dard ie), wheni Rev. E. Edehi 'of. ~,will bch 1ureacher mrn 1g evenirg. Ken- dal choir will rer thejnusic jin %h nmring and Orono Choir linthp evenig. b-38 c. NOT'ICE 1Dr. E. C. Sycr will be in Top( t attending a post -,,,,a uelourse elven hey"ho "Ota o d<Asco- *atio" at Su11nnb ro/l '0, spital Orto1er 174jltlh Vo21 f a 37-p. ANNOUTNCEMENT Thie reguiair meet:nig of the Orono WmnsInstitute wifll h held on Fridfay eveing, 0$tober 2Oth, at 8.00 pn. in tihe Township Hall. Paneol diecussions by mnembers of varlous orgzanizatiors, are "Comniunity .Ac- tivities" under the l.eadershi fMr. Fred Lyceft, Cbntleîenspeciahl invied. -'Niel Rres) menits. A Ib t )p11o TulJra Mention held uth e Roôyal'yrk Hotel on Novero- ber 2nd. Bus Jle, %-npg Oroýno1 at 8.00 a.mi. Phonie naines to Mns. V. Roi>. inuon. 'Members $1.0& return trip, non members $1,50. CELEBRATE 25th ANNIVERSARY M.AND MRS. CECIL MALLEY (Cen-tiniuedifromn page one) cauled furth the vtows and cwenma- Iion. Thie bride, Toimrmy Wilson, wore a fioor-lengtlh quultedi satin skirit. orchid in colour, full and fliowing -aettlhe floor, VilorPd nusi t- led &i lhe ,bodic, with mnimiportod Feenelh b1ionse of heirýloom laice with ai darngnkli a md ful 'oeves.ý Her lar-ge pic.turehlat of a dep or1- chusKad was very lbecoinýg with heaiax nar The atron of H-onouir, Byr'on! B)ruit, wnýs the -eiitro- of attracýtio-n ait the weding. Hr appenramce was, stbikinglion figure. subimneaisdlher legs wereon of this w'orld. SbhP should get sonno dates after thks ap- peParance. 'ihue -roJuine Wilsonl, wvoruý a black evening suit with top per hat, and seomned satfied i tha' fifty-fifty bargain. The groomesman, Helen Turner, wýore uavy trousers, red sweater and a bowler lbat. Toe littie fiower grMr Charlie Glen-ý ney, arriving in an express wagon, vwas -eeet ini plaid skaiting skirt, yolow% blousre, and diity py7jamas, size 2. Hler sulistantial s-andwich sustaimnod the entiroe vdding party. The ite andi fathor 'cf the bride,ý Mr. an~d Mrs. Jack Moffat of Enter- prisýe, stood the aIrain bravely and' the, audience soemed Vo (yenjoy the woleafaidr, After a sýcnd 1sinig-soug, raany people cme tb conigratulato the wd ding coupafles and si jgn1 the guest book. . -A 1,very fine lunch, includingzý thec wedding cake wýas enjoyed by ail. Maniy relatives and ifriends camlle fromi a distance. Mrs. Grant alo' parents, Mr, and -Mrs. Heiniilg of, 1owman ville, were presenit. OOLUMNS WANTED TO BUY Dead or crqppied stock, reimoved free of charge. One heuQir service. Highest p-i'c(â for old hors s.-Mar- g-ill Fur Farmi. Calt Collect Bow- manville 2679. Wee now' in a position te! Vacuum your Furnace or Sjpace Heaters. HRYF~. Li<CETT Orono, Ontario Forty five rdPul'ts trtn to 1ay. S. li Gronio. a LOST A child's greenu pullover in the svh;end oif Oon. inder please leave at the- Times office, Orono. o' Trea su re's S ale 0F LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE COUNTY 0F fLURHAMý, To Wit: BY VIRTUE 0F A WARRANT is-, sued by the Reeve of the Township K'cf Clarke, under his harid arud the 15sfal of the said Corporation, -bearing. date the 23rd day of Septeinberý 1950, sale of lande in airrenars of taxes in the siaid 'Township of Clarke, wiIl be held in the Council Chambe:s in thec Village of Orono, at; the, houri of Eleven o'cloek in the foreiioon on Monday the 151ih day of Jnay 1951, unfless the taxe's and costs arel soorner paid, Notice is h1ereby givenj that the list of lands for sale florar rears of ta-xes -,as published iuTh Ontario Gazette rn the 7th day of! October, 1950, and that copies of the! ,said hest may be had at my office. Tieas urer's -Office, Ororx, Onitarîo, this 29ith1 day of September, 1950. H. E. MILLSON, Treasurer Notice to- Creitors EN THE ESTATE 0F _MARY HA-IT NAH ANDRUIS, latie of the Vil- lage of Orono, in the County of Durham, MWidow, deceaeed: Aill persone h'aiving disagainsý tiie Ei"tate of the said MryHanlinah Andrus, who died oni or about the 2nd doy oif 0ctober, 1945I ,, al'e hereby! notified te sndtoUthe unidersi-igned Solicitor on or beftore the 251ý;h day of October, 1i950,. their names and ai- dresses smd ful ptcl ar f thei claimrs and the nature of tihe securi- tîes (if auy) 3heid Ïy hy tl, dilly e fied by 'si u;-tor y declariaon. Iirmedatey fte'r fthe said 28th day of Octobei, 1q50,' the ase ,so the suid deceased wvi]1 be distributed aogthle persones entitieýd theýret, laigregmadoly ,to the cdaims ne hchthie Eeuosor the , under-ý sied Solicititor shah then Inave no- tire. Date atO'ro~o this 28th day- of RW R. WADDELL, K.C., Solicitor for- the Executors WITII CONFIDENCE A éT - Art's Car M4aîket Mfain Location 175 King St. W> Bowmanville, Ont, HOME 0F Better Deals oni BETTER CARS W. Buy, Sell, Trad e in very good USED CARS I4-ow down paymnets and terma Can heu arranged to sit your budget. SEE US AT ONCE Phone 2148, Bowmanvîlle Orono Electrie Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORg PFo Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. B'arrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISiTR SOLICITOR NOTARY Ooffi 25tu Roideno. 4M BOWMANVILJLE, ONT. ÂUIOJNRER-S TED JACKSOJN Auctieneer and Valuator 1ConductâAuMction Sale. 0f ail me end tt reaaonablo rat«. Communicato with him %t ut ;Perry, Ontario, or se bls Clrk, L E. Morton, et Orofto, for date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Atitoneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates LIFE INSURANCE P lension Planls; Educational Polîex-es; , Protection and Savings Plails foe Children aand Aduîts; -Mortgage Ln,, surance Plans. -F. E. LYCETT OROINO, ont. - phone 20 r lêt The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 -- P.(). Box 6j22 Port Hope, Ontarlo STAFFORD -BROS MonmenalWorks Ihone Whitby 55q 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITy MONUMNENTS ANP MIARKERS Let us ercct a ha.,ndsome, dig- nifled monumnent over the rest- ing Place ef your lovcd eues. It's neot expensive. And geeing this last tnribute will give you evdIenss comifort A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office fHour. 2.00 t. 4.00 pm%.; 6.30 to 8.00p.u Sundays and Wednesdays by alpami tmýent ionly PHONE 47r1 - ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PH1YSICTIN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Heurs: 2.00 to 4.00; 6.30 to 8.00 pau,. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment ORONO Furniture Hsia Reupholstering Repairjing Refinishing Antiques Dought and Sold se. Our line of Drapery materîal Kitchen Unit, umade t. eider C- F. Dunican Phono 79-16 O N We wiII be pleascd t. pick np dead or crippled faimn animalg and lpay hi'ghest prevaiiLig prices. For immzediate SeCrvkie telephofte collent Brookîjui 62, Cohbourg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636.ý CORDON vnhi l U-1F . >, k> OCTOBER 1950 5bet&4 a6AIVDA SA VA/6 S BONVDS "a&& -aà .a&P~ x4dtwSee4. d2 k, i4we à '~Id 4 Z fp 4efri à6ead 7 ,PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO-

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