eCHARLES DRAKE - COLO M1ONDAY AND TIJESDAY - OCTOBI FOR JHOSE w MARCH 0OF TIMIE SUB"1JECT "MacArthUr's Japan MOVIETONE NEWS CO01OR CARTOON,* WEDNESDAY - TIURSDAY-OGCTOBER 18S- 19 "Outslde The Wall" - ALSO - 11I Was A Shopllfter"1 1 Mr. P.M. Lan ad h n mohe-" Puent f rom Texas, ae'rtrè andatendngtu bxusnes in Detroît Mr. obe Lurnu, wo asbn in, turne'd 4nbih, me ron.II LEMr. and MjýS. WJ'E. Davey nhave -tu ined hom afe a Le-wý ER 13- 14 dv a ekvisitinig earShar bott Lake,coonilng hseby 'vayofPter- b)oro, cdi Yl -uMr.-and Mr's. Gaver- Mr. aiid Mrs. Glen Taeniblyn and D~ane, ellvill, wre thMr. 'und M. -M. J. Tamhlybý,n fo)r tfeeoidy M sBrthKRId, fZMiss 2z;Hazel Red Mr, an'd Mrus.T. -A. Rei. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. lrester, Mliss Jeanne Forester ndM Miss Ethel Bour4k, of Toronto, anid Mrs.ý A. W. Forreater csf anio, speit Thianks- gýiving weeenj id li BUffilo. Mr. a'id Mrs. GeorgeBal formcer- 'y of Oron, c ýeldbvated their golden ~'-1dni a'nivrsry on Tuesdaiiiy, <1,4oer ~t i oe oftheir autrMrs. lHenr-y Pearce of Bowmnil.Fien-tds a - elatives wr - - resnt fz~mOnou and district, to extend their congratulations and best R CARTOON WIsheA", 'Vie Don anville B»ranch of the ER 6 -17 Cavadian Leigion witl old té e IM 16 17 guiser monthly ,--eeting at the A r- mnoure, O.-ro, -on Thursday evenn, Odober 12ÊP %A] veteraris are in.-I vited' to attend. 0. A ~Mies. H, Walsh is -viiting friends OR Hin etroit. OR! 'f 2 's g PARK ST. g UNITED C!*URCHg 13A. E. Bustaàce Sundcay, October -15 o e.J. K. Molfat, cf Simicoe St. obave c cre f'b otil, se ics j-Sieî aiu--cby tihe 0hoir, v 10 I CORNI1SH' 'Div , (TIIIrIRP (Ontains Beef, Suet, Spices TIAU iiSurrING 'c ad non When water added uised for stuffing fowl, rlbs, etc, or may15 be eaten as is-Save tinte. Get your pkg today. Oniy.----- vaues.. ;p, Pound Pkg........ ..-- --.---- 29C. .pkg. for -...... ..-.................... 51c. ESE, Skini MiIk Cheese, pkg.... 20. ýrsey Cream, 2 lhs.-----.......... 7c ;for......................... . youir needs of Christmas Peels, Dried whev fiies are complete and prices iow. dropped ARRIVED FROMN E-;CGL AND\ý1 SPANISH ONIONS, 3 lb ......2. GRAPEFRUIT, ', Sweet, 4 for............... 29C. ORANGES, 2885s, Califor-nia, -dozen for..... .......... 39. POTATOES, Firmn, White, 10 lbs. for........... -.... ......19. GRAPES, Niagara Blue, basket for.................. .5e CRAINBERRIES, lb. pkg.... 2. APPLES, good cookfri'g, 6 quarts for....----.............3. - Bow-MAN1vil )AY - OCn-TOBI r 1</T 1/t/I COMTORT 411 Y1 R ~ROU P LoalNews 4r.dMr.Hw1ownd ng relat-ives mnDetixit M1isýýs Aatdrey 1Bi! il gS, Toronto, spept the meek-end with M l'r. andi MIrs. carl Biîllilmgs. Mr., andMr>s. Oumne GarrHai ton, were A their Oroni ýhome for Êhe week-end. Mr. ami Mus. J as. GilIfilli an d ehl desosf :Montreal, vsisited Missý Viola Gilfilin. ML. and 3M. J. Heinry hune mmo- ed to thieir new hoie irece:itly pur chI -asýed frcm M11. W. Lyniiý. ,Mr. ancd Mvs. Foster, Fei1gUson) at- tend-ed the fu-neral Gocfmus H. Philp i Stndug hast week. Mus. J. Lcîsehman, Toro(nto,' hasF heen vlsitiag Mr and Mss. M. J. Thmsiblyn. Mis Grce udsnTor-ont-o,, spent- the wmeekend wt Mr. andl Mus. J. Hludson. Mr. and Mus. O. W. Roliph attend- ed ithe ra.ces at Bat-va, N.Y, over- the holiday w-eek-end. Mr. an-d M'rs. Ben Ca.-nian visited wvith Mr. andl Mns. W. H. Carian on 'Sundîay andl Monday. Mr. andl Mus. O}wen Faigan and son Mielhael holidatyedi with Mr.-and Mes. F. 0. Cooper over the week-end. Mîiss Mangaeit Flinitoff, Oshawa, visiVted, witil Mr. ýand Mrs. Os Cowani o-v'r ùhe wýek-end. !miss MîCrjoxýie Mebaren visited her parents, Mlr. andl Mrs. C. S. McLaren, civer -the hlriiday week-end. Murs. Au-,thur, McL4aren, we ýare glad to r~eport, retuuned homie from O-sh- mwa hospila on Sunday .Miýss Sue West and girl friend, of F)roonto, epepint thie holiday with Mîr. and IM. A. E. West. Mr. snd Mus. Ail-an Cornish were hofliayviitrswith Mîr. und Mrs. Hlenury Corn(ish. ML. and Mrs. E. E. A-nnis ,spert a few d-ays at Biioul-gh',a.m nbefore lea-vinig for Itlei new yhome at Athens. Mlr. snd Mr. Bey. THendeeson ad Johni, IMr. and Mrrs. W. C. Cuossley spent their ThaI-,ksgiving -at Apsley, mna otre pits. niutd M1s. Noran l Uni, anali.. and Mirs. Hario1ld Allen; îo dayd t 'a Lodige ieur -th ali Mr md Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick and MissG Fbore-Cnce Cfbb1ed c i1pet Sn day- whMr and Mr.Thoîmiipeon, M Ar. and Mras. Murray ,ý-Wibsn andl baby anid Mr. Gore Coline of Toronto;sPent the holiday with Mr anadlMrs. S. B. Rutherford. Miss Flkoee Lînton and Miss Shiiîle(y Fintoif, -od O.i. C, G(ueslh, 1bsitded nt therir rspective homes cîv-er tihe Thsnksgivin.g week-en-d. Aroun!1-d 1>_U) atten1ded tÙ11e dniceý îr Orono Ions iHaill on Fr-iday. evnfgof hast eek, n lie ans- ~fcsof he lintermefdilate Softba-l Clilb. Vstoswiliih Mrs. Fred Cowvani oný Suoday weeller sister, Mrs. 1 ah HPeny amdMms. Wilamon of lu Petebon), àMe. îand 1rs. larv HerI Miiss EhlRuiither"fordl and Mr.. iand SMa1s. Roli CI. R ev. rAndMurs. A E l n"tacew-ee 1et boîme to thi, ensonTh dy vhna lnrge numober of nop, cal kardlades oured tea, and in the, evnigthe Orýonio ladies. M 's.I. J. iTaneblyn showevd th lileusthroutgit Sthe nemi-wy daoned sd fuirnis-bed f icnmS, w1ihicl-roet a the resuit ?f a irat deal -oT pan ing iUwork Sby the Parsnnî1ýage Conmittee of tîhe circuit. Conïgraitblasbiis ito Mr, R. H. Wood cqf Oroino, who celebrateal his8th bithidaiy on Thaiirssgiviing Day, Oc- tolber 9ibth. Th-e guests present at ttiis celebration mere Mri-andl Mrs. Wesley H-oýs-kini, Mr. loWa,,,rd Hoskin, Mis. Drlei)t FIIintoif of Osbawa, 11v and Mrs. Herb. Ruinda'il, Bownianj vile, Mi. Wesley Wood ad Ms HavyCuiitais of Oronoad ay frienals and acquaitances f-m the COA4L f - --Let us showv you fthese featurest Lifetime porcelain finish - in. s ide and out. Lazge oven and ,cooking top will look after the needs of any family Oven fin. -' is~hed i porcelain - easy ta cl ean as a china dishi. large ~~-.--~,a5 irebox bornas 24" wood; hoIds hOALndWO dy wRANGEi - a arge frebovamaeswit iae sevir ll t rha ta t sht time.Ove Etalargestfamily. Emasyi modefa eatean arick Pr biced aoit $14.4a RO PR HA Drt îIýOEliý £~cap-c- - fo r he 'ISTRON Franikly feniniie fitted Coats cap- ture ail that's to be desired by smnart town standards. Eachi is f'asisioneal cf fiînest 100% wools . . . . one is favored with luixuius Fox--.Fer. 'Y' -1 A Beguiling Hats to suit your taste Priced $4.85 ta $6.95) NEW HAND BAGS AND DRESSES Arriving Weekly Seeded Raisins, pkg. . Icing Sugar, 2 lb...... Bulk M.vacaroni, 2 IL White Beans, lb.... Libby's Pork & Beans, 20 tin ...... ........ of the 'Iman -. ELECTRIC PRANE ~' Baut.iful design; easy-to-clean, glist- ening pocli iih. Enjoy the adva gs of cooking with elec- tricity in hot weather - 'be co- fortable with acosy coi orvod fire ia colal weathier. Dependable electric oýven with automnatic control. F Jour Speedmnaster elements that lift up fo)r easy cleaninig. Coal or wood firebox with two cooking holes keeps the kitchen warmi in winter andl burris kitchen garbage at any timie. SEE IT- COMIPARE IT -- AiND YOU'LL CHIOOSE 177. Priced te clear at $295.00 TWO INTERESTING SHORTS IT'S NEW , 1/ 1 D~ CH]