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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1950, p. 4

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flRfNf WF The Orono Weekly Times ,hrzed as Second Class Mail, Post Office Departmient, Ottawa, ertising lRates. on Req-uest. Subscription $1. 50C To the United States $2.00 Publishied every Thursdlay morning at Thý-e Times Office, Orono. Established January, 1937. R. A. Forrester, Pub'-lisherl _____________ I TANK OFFERING SERVICEbý, and Hmot Water Heating CALL US FOR ESTIMATES HIARRY E. LYCETT P'hone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. (Continued frein page cne) fatt o>f Simcoe Street United O1hurch, Oshawa. Rev. Mo1(ff-t held the con- gregabioei in rapt aàtention blrough- nt is ong dincourse, and also at the eveing sevice The choýir, ander the able le-ader- shfiip of IVrs. Workman, throt.igh un-1 tiring efforit, deldvered s,7pecial musici ait hoth services. The special colleotion tà.ken in ati hot«h ser-vices was very hateigto the Board of 5t-wards -,vtihen it was leaniied that a sum in the neighlbor- ho-od of $6700 was received CIIEV. Fleettine Sedan, perfect.....$15l50.04) DODGE Coach, 20,000 miles .. ý..... $1495.0 PLYMOUTHT Coupe, 22,000 miles .... $1450.00 CHEV. Coach, immaculate ....-....$135010 CIIEV. Eleetmaster Sedan ..ý....... $1295.00 Lowmnege reflects god cane Coac h. A g ýrage car $1095.00 are in the market for a good uised« car, cali in and see our Better Buys on Used Cars CASH - TRÀDE - LIBERAL TERZMS SISSIONS' ARG ORO-NO 86 r 2. ,O0pon 9 to 9 p.m., -Monday through Saturday Motor Equipmont prîvate Ambulane 3 Northcutt and "Smith Funeral Dirprtorm and Furnturm DeaIerm KTNýýDNES.$ COURTES'Y SERVICE Equipped te takie care of the modest fanes-al at the meust g reasonable cha'ge nés woflag the largee,-t and metexacttng Telephone:- Office 668 - ResIdence: 523 and 726g Telephone Collecq omnil.Ot OCTOBER 1950 . 6 m eJ eA0 Àd- 94ASA V/A/6S 8601VOS coW ,,~ KENDAL B8ASERA] [AMPS <continued froi page one) Beth-any bpech rtmsed over to coni gratuffatte Ravy Sleep nndî his paeS Thbe genuine spIo- tanlity of thi usportaianli-ke getpie se 1impre(isaed their opponents tliat MaaerSleep sýpoke for ail1 when hie saiid, "Lt waIl t ns -up il through the sr Ts t ceUld junt as well have bheen you who wo. And if you hi, id", kho added, "There wouild have beýen ii:0 disiap-i pointment. lt wo)uld have lueon an1 honour tu have Ict to such a bunch o)f o bal playors and go)od sports." Tlbre tennis liied up as foIlows: 13ethany ..Gin, ss, Byley, 3b, Stewarit, 2hb, Edmiunds, e, Reynolds, p, S;sson, lbh, Ker.r, If, Lowes, cf. Smý-,ith, rf. Kend-al - 1T*mnn b, D. West. 2h, s'f, Kennity, c,. rmton,3h, QntllPGnu, cf, C our<>ux, ss, Co-nish, 2b, Glass. If. Wade, 1-f. L'ino Score Kendai -------42 0 2 0 1 O0 0-7 1,13 Betihany - -(Y0 O3 0 l-412 5 UJnipires, Baghy cJ Pe-tevbhorougli; plate, &sctty Camleron, Pont opDe, 1hases. Orono >%,Tinshop We Seil And Instal Peàna Se à%Heating R. E. LO-GAN Phone 18-10 ~o PIRE ALWAYS g STRIKES HOME! oIt stnikes eeyhr nnigt O nin end jous. See uIS for in- Osurance thatpoec.g g INSIJRANCE 'S 'THE t $ EST QIC à),g o CALL t N. F,.PORTERo ORONO, Ont. Real Estate $6,800. Dalington Towns,,hip fan aont good open roadi, 125 acres, sonie bush and orchard, miostly workable, open spriag, steel roofed bhen, 9 nooied. solid brick bouse, cistera and well et (door. electrièity. g-ood eecller. Fi r:;t tume offered. Ternis. Leroy Hamilton Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE In all its branches Fine, Automiobile, Liability, FORSA LE~ Fomr acres eovb ~o SwNr FOR SALE 67 shits 10 feot roo0f- ing; U sheets 8 f(t l nized roofing-. 5 ~rsllvfr n sirlated Brick 11- $12.00 pr square. Rolp'H(ardware, Phloii 43' - 1, Oronio, HOUSE FOR SALE Eighst 1i00omed famj1USE on0 Main Street. lu go4do(to. y dro, fur-nace, ful h' e lit. Close t' schoo and curhl yb e sc eenings or Saturdays. Apply to' MIrs. L. flostock, Oron)ýo. c-40-p, ýF II LE N e e, rails. able. ,Oono R eas On e 40-c. FOR SALE Used Coal and d stoes, Find lay Ovai. Findilay CjrId od Renfremw Cook io ~ 4 f gd $, E ectrieý Table Top i udragtein go4nd conditioniANjabove are in g'nod conditior a d will giVeý goodse- vice. Priced rlght for quick sale. -Orono Eleotric. phono 55 - 1, 0-ono. , -38-c. COMING EVENTS The Annversary Services of thec Kendal Unted Chureh wi'lI bo heh ont Sunday, Oct bejr29nd, <%,t 11.00 ain. and 7.30 pnLJD .T),we Rp,ýV E. Vdl atn ilb pr-eacher nmojr-ii nd ev,-ening. Ke, du' choir w on, 1the nic l the moinng and Orono Choir ia t.h- evening. b-38 c. The gotd medal con.test will ýbe, held on Friday, Otber'(7h in -~M a sollic Iall, ThorejI'llhbc g t Con testanmts and good hsl program,. Nmith talent "Llil"~ r;e n Bovmavile.A( ~n25c. and 15c. b39-c. ANNOUNCEMENT The eulrmeeting of the Oronio Women's Instituto will be- helýd oni Friday ven,ý1ing Xoer2hat80 tHe Tow11A1ip 1Hall. Pane! discusioisby bmV.,;rsof Various tivtie" uderti~eader'ship 0,fpMr. Fre Lcet.G lcýen 'espeuiallyv bus trir tonth, re\C, enio hJ in the Royal 1Y k 'Hot" On NoVein- br2nd. Bus I1-vngOronlo at 8.00 am. ?hne mnnmes to Mrs. V. ~b injrson. Menom rs $1.00 return trip, non menders$5. ANNOUNCEMENT Clarke Union. lniçtani. sChIol Club wiil hiold t r fij-'t , eeting in the school room cF i& e-,enrJng ý-, October Zth, nb-8S. SALE REGISTER The undietsignei(d auction has re- ceived instruction's from W. Basker- villec, Lot 18, ~n 1, Clrke To.-ýv shîp, 21/2 miles east anid 1 Concession sut1i of Newcastle, to e si by Ipulic auc-tion1 at 1 p.m.l, on Saturday, Oct. mnd inpeet.Ternis Clash. Ja1cký RRiAuctioneer. u PARK ST. Il UNITEDOKCURCH NOTICE WiIjj l-tade or ý-fl iylin ajnd bw i goo'd coaiti4£o..fohutgun. Phonoe 18 ~ ~ M- r 11 rn.afSp YOUR FUTURE IN THJE STARS Thrcee mionth-s' forecast g-uide OR! dotaàile-d eh-aracter analysis . Send bînrthd(ay with if ty cents to Doýreen E. P&irrett, Certified Astrologer, R. R. 1,Boma~v1lOnt. b-39-p. WANTED TO BUÛY- Dea orcrpplelstokremo'ved free of charg-e. One heiur service. HiîghQst prtices for old horse>s.-Mar- gi Fur Farmn. Cail Collect Bow- manviflle 26'19. NOTICE We are now in a position to Vacuumi your Furnace or Spacel Heaters. HARRY E. LYCETT Orono, Ontario BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - AT - Art's Car market ,Main Location 175 King St. W, Bowmanville, Ont. HOME 0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS We Buy, Sell, Trade in very USED CARS good1 Low down payme ts and easy ternis can -be erraiiged te suit your budget. SEE US AT ONCE Phone 2148, Bowmanville Treasurer'S Sale OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE COLJNTY 0F DURHAM To WVit: RY VIR1TUE 0F A WARRANT is SUed by the Reeve of thie Towvnship' of Clarke, unider his hand and the seal of the said 'Coriporation), beari-ng date the 28rd day of- September, 1900, sale <f lendsa" in arrears of taxes in iir,1e said To-wnsihip of Clake, will ho beld in the Council Chambers i tne Village of Orono, at the hýoun of Elevenocok in the forenooni on Mondaly the lSth day of Jnay 19,51, unlIess the taxes nmd osts are sooner patid. Noýtice is herebygie that the ls of lands fior sale for ar- nears of ta-xes was ptiblispd i The naroGazette on the 7th daiy of ctobor, 1950,an thait copies of the(? naid list m-ny ho had at 1m1y office. Ti-easurer's OfieOonio, Ontario, ths 2Sth day of September,, 1950. H. E. MLSN Treasuiror SS. C. PRESTON & SONS A.E. Rustace Mtinistor SI SNDAY, OCTOBER 22 g 1o0 a.m.-Suin-day School o t)3.00 A-innlversary.g Q Mr. S. SaywEl.g Anni-versary. M.J'bies YGUngý Alfltrniat eriit. . -. . During the hours of your bereave- ment our aim is Vo do everything in our powver to llghten your bur- dlen HARTLEY H. BARLOW Phone 18 r 7 . il Phone 18 r 2 r 'i DECORATORS Bewmanville - Phone 2417 Three generations ini decorating , in this district A large selection of samaples, -including WASHABLE PAPERS, I- PORTED PAPERS AND ALL KINDS OF CANADIAN MAX- UJFACTURED PAPERS. Now is the timue to have your rooms redecoreted for the long winter menths thet lie eheed. EST1IMATES FREELY GIVEN Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D, PHYSICI-AN and SURGEON office Hours:. 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.-; 6.30 to 8.00 Sundays% and Wednesdays by appoiinment only PIOINE 47r1 . RONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Mlain Street South office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m. 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays and Holldays by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLR, ONT. Phonecs: Office 688 Homne 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones : Office 825 Resideno. 409 BOWMVANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JAC'KSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Condeta Auction Sales of&ail mSa and at reasonable rates Commnýzicate wfth lm ai ?W$l Perry, Ontario, or see hlm Cle1k à. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK REID_ Orono's Licensed Auctionýeer and Valuator Specialize ix, Farm and Furnilture Sales Consuit mie for terms and dates Phcjne 5,r 18 - LIFE INSURANCE, Pension Plans; Educational Policieîý4' Protection and Savings Plans fou Children and Aduflts; Mortgage in- surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 rIL The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Diail 3216 - P.0, Box 622 Port Hlope, Ontario Monumients, Gravemarkerp, STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phione Wh-itby 552 318 D)undas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANI,ýT MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified mionument ever the rest- ing place of your loved ones. It's not expenasive. And seeing this at tribute will give you ondless comfort ODRON0 Furniture Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sold Se Our Une of Drapery Mice Uiàae te Orono Electrie Phn191 RN 1Ph. 55 r 1 _________ CONTRACORS FORWe wilI be pleased toeckn FARM nd fOUSE ded or criPpled fanm animale WIRING aun.d lpay higel prevaiingj Free Etm tsprîces. APPLIANCE SALES For immediate- service telephone Prompt -and Gueranteedl Repaira collect Brookina 62, Cobouirg te ail makes of Electrical Equipment 16w oet Aeed 66 and Applianees Such as Mtorls, Wa;ter HJeaters,, CI fMYlICl~ Radios, Stovies, Irons, Etc. RDNYUN d FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'ý Orono, Ont. OC=O Oc=>o<==>oc=ýZH 4otdý eV,(£

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