I V cl. 14 N o 59 Diurham Club Team-s Win At GuelphCmptio dre d f( fo yboys' and G i' -ý Club1% iR voq )ý 1miti t r'v m-n i f') enm1 .W ni. AliLs-s mlEWmVl tusor 22% nd. il 1dekivvees 1 s-ths-ôerra- nii- h ovely wcastle choir. n Bows--sanvllcý lsopsPort witls-AMs.and son sFpent Fr1- anan. :nsi Mrs. Roy, s-ad Als. Bratin [Sundny wt racna. -Lowariy visitesi Allia on Sun- n spent Sunday g bues niece. with -Ms. and hamn *IL V Ull V IUL.- of Mrs. C. J. Dix of To-cisto, visited( efiieni, Mals. Ceo. Ovens. e-Ms. an-d MiSs. Jas. Stark 'ansi fami- Srd lIly 'speît Sus-s-aywith brfatiber, Hrss-M. M oorf Cse-oi Tennis - 'lst., Pcs-iltb Colinty; 'The IDurbam) slq-a r( we Paul, orcaWilsoni, t, Huron Cou-m clIudesi comipeti-, bn.Ti-e wiii berlai Miss Bradsihaw of 'Iro ro, pent -1 few d4ays wiilh Miss Anle ep it Mrs. W. C. Lamine blas reiturmied hosae 'after ber visýit witihber son Hairy andi faamily of PlettsvRile. MVr. Wilbert Hancoek bas s-old his bame ani wil1 ashutl~y be maovng to Pete roou gh. M'rs. Cecil Robinson' iispent a femw dtys -wilh reIatives inTorpo1itolIast IUis. Jas-fey d aisa, 'oi Toronsto, sýpeat a tiew dayýs w'thliber parents, MrL. ni Mils. Andrew Reicliradh.* Mr. andi Mrs. Gibbie ýand daugbte, of 0'O'Iaawere SundaY guest8 of ïMr. !ansi Mrs. Melville Jcnves, Mrs. Eraiik Gilimei and son Jim' u'nd Mrs. Stan Rowe ad 4anglterý FIonence spent a f ew days wlîith rela-1 tivos h iNiagara Falilis. Mrs'. Leiox Vasey,, Poý,it MeNichol, waas caled Lorne on. accouat of the i4ness of lier nother, Mrs, Wm-. Sta- pleItosi. Mi.BillDa'lhgto , Kigston, bis xn"ther Mies. AgInes Darlngton of Bovjinivile, and Mr-s. H'aittie Laagl staff Weýre SundayuSitsof M. andi M s. Milton -Rsobnsoncf!Kendal. ~E. A. Sunmieis, Agrcultuual Re- presentative and Pbis Junior Farmner iesapocrary A-ssistant, Bruce Taytior, Enniski'llen, wtho coadhed the teunis, anc- jus.-tly proud of the excellent [tanding mad at GTu&lpb. Ounce of ther jmpoitant tasks is to give fur- tiheir coacbhig to these 'lree Dirha'mý-i Couity teaniîs in 'preparatio'n for theý DonninComipetition tut Toronito on November 13tih. OCTO BER 1950 OROýNO, ONT., TH UU[SDAY, OCT. 26th, 190,5 Swiz&~dFrot Wman Fft Yar J51elFor The habýi1 t n11if' cf thepol lfyya abrsi-ee Clc'bWhentbeywcreaddrssedia'tSounidOsisiFelbows Leoig eJse Iliber t teir eguar ami oatl aîfceturýcy cf activenessrerlipls lurcheo meetig. OscaL6dg N o. 431,- re--o Ot The Club weluonid - a nwmc- obeurn'MM lnaniBOuCol be, s.To LwisOsn , nobis (hand LMigeW41 ani1 0. Qwen ýi-s folsi cf'Licaiism. Also present ýt s--ss-I s--s-aie'bc psc-s-talluxhe themeeingw~' Dr luh-e-, ho h~stey calaion Ms. McRobeaus on been freslo e--s ai is activenase Tucsday eoin-g ouonb îf cfVhse la1 Vh-eoris-iztinthrougb ilhass roeio eLosge. Mss GdrgeMiles seenty s- AlrMoWRobats is as-aking fn e - turnsi ron Switzrlan, bougt V cberyfrom-s a recent ilnessauasii higmt or ic ewcstl Lins bc ore o Spas-si the winter witli bi simpl if e as scees- tbsough a wo- -ie-ce, M.s. Wil'frcd VW-ight, 807 Fiftb msais eVes thut excstài a Qls0s0ofAvenueEnet. sn wcoasim-intaioens anS riai-ri___ -- icy. ontast btiean Vi-e îgs-Strike-s 200 Sticks Ot real:chiagi s--s-uisL-Vins asid ttic,1w -val Iecys was vosy s-s-pesi-- to the a it1w e speaker. The sIopes cf the iniun- Dy91Diggin tains -vas-ýe ofiVei covesesi with fiowerns- andi especia1linMl o bc sig wb-en 1Police fbasian explusive case oný m[ile uipon ile cf N-acésoss--ador rabii sanis Iat vweek-end, but tbey,1 tihe Coe' Every avnilab- las-d ins'got-rtsid cf it la abl-ry. put into ulse aald th(' vis-seyardss wih Heret Tomi cf _Torfnto, wasi arc terracesi up the sides cf the sVukn --arbils cottage at WesleIr -- mocuabfains, mt onily asis beauty, but villelelccli-sg thse gros-s-d whea is-is =-rde gonsi une of UiIs rlAng enu.ss- iborel sr'ka moe box six la- try'sîde. The fa1n- homes ans ituaris, oies belox w l- surface. It was a chse desribesi, wcrc anIl s-s-se one ca-se of 200 sticks cf dy-n.amite. Thora s-oof ansid-cs-Ises coufls i one f[ild ua, ms no top oni the box, and it was ccv- barayars. Ct-te wasc as a s-s-e 1eresi os-ly with a aaw\spa:perý, datas di saisi tic spýeaker,' kept inzcîiSe A-.uy15, 1939. En-ch stick was wurnp crther is-s-tercsting fautt about the cati- pied la max papies. Ic s-rs tatthe' herdsmen acres- 1To-ni ti-s-addite dyna-is-ite oves Vo- drore VM-emt rVs-sled thenui. tlec provincial p, -ice as-dsitbey qusicls-- Cleanliness ly got ppn-sissica Vo get it off Vis-ar Ss-rtzerInld. claimid Mss ils l-g-s. Tbiey gave it te a iigbwayi s-as one cf bthe -nalntand lnoatest Conltracter, ce-nsme thait sho bas ovsesen. la tbep City c f Geneva VIs-c strets wcrcý neyer 'littVoose wtbdeb ris or dirt. Thuse stweats, she sais, w-epcileansi K N A w'ib mterever-v iday. Tho ide ave--ues ila bbc dty, lis-s-d mthca l1r. ans irMss.Richard Gilmnore, Ms-.1 more btrs, mar revry ins-prssîv.Alfred Gins-al()reans ilMs.ansi Mss The cis-ldren cf -Switsrhad wpu Francis GHileorcf pilbrook, ansi neyer sea'n -0n1the street !l i aay foîtils-sMr. ainsiMss. Manson Patton, ofe mannes than Vbt cf bais-s-g spotlossly Grou, vïis'ites- Mss. M. Soper ansiï devan. Mrse S. Patiton on Sus-sday. Mssi. Ms-lis -esdlt f-oreaUtme Ms. andsiMrs. George Clark spent ons thc national costuma iof the lpStiuc eek-end nait Vs-hir suri-n-r home wbicbh% mais des(csi-ieA in lier words a~ s - rc'. beling i vry picturesq-se. T'Plue sous-s, ~h.Blodgett cf Roses-seatth -seia t -1- castastc5, hlad no nationai las-- atviti-g wliisdugsVe gus-agie cf 10e'cavaw lit-s-hn, Garas-n' l Ol aroaice' Thertelîl ansi faniil. I ansi Frea'eb were al iyokcn la Swit- Visions "tb plus. Henry-r Hoy zaland -vislb Frencs-bais-sg poasibly vs-reMa nsiMs-ss. Morley Mullins bihcm(, i extensJvPly sesi, -s-d fanuîly <)f Osba-wa, M-s. ansi Mss Shopping Dos-said Oke ansi f amuilyof Torors-to. The shops la 'Geneva marc very 0Mss. Das-lington ansi Billas-s-SMss. nsioderia nd up tedate. Mss. Milles hMiqIel Langistýaif 'cf N'awtos-is-le, gaiS VMAt the jewellesy ansi watcbiesspt Sus-sday with Mr. ansi Mr.s Mil- si'îlnaiin bbc shoaps -mare s,,Pas-b. ton Robiason. The diffamant syels l sin ïcb achs Ms. ansipMss. Wlbesit- Tonissandi meress-adaems IÀ-s-itlss.Tla Ses- AMs. Wril. Dans-y, Port Par-sy, pM. ansi es-bis-sg thse styles sýic tolsi ofrVtse is-ss. Haroilsi Mcoe-saId as--i daug-sh ris-sgwatbs travelling watchas an(,tsi arBows-nas-svile 'U; Ms. NalIson Me-. "smarcs-ss tapes o c nim ljks.Mss.Roberts, Toron-to, Ms. ans irMs. Roy Mille-r;as-spaineS Vs-at the wrig Vanad ns s. Joù -MeRoberts, cf riatsOf the, maýýtches wrets--res. utTyo1s, ilr M. sas-sipMss. Heob br precisons--ork cfdbbhefactones.ats. The nsmly-fVl-s parts wa s Mving PiCturesagas n -oüttage inidustsy ansi dis liaip Vo Ms, C. R. Canrvetis onceaano creae bc inumeablechaes asi ertais-s-csi mti picturas prosis-eesiby ttyles cf sVaVcsasbeingi sols inlathe-athbcNattional Film Bonnd on Thurs- couss-s'y. day, Noveiber 1gVh. "Pueoplo cof VIse No Unamployment os-g'iihis-strated sillful wr in Ss-yi'zerlaad, tbe speaker claimesi. i-- anS tire ladies dagi a job of s-n -blS sp as a modallsim'o-cacy.hidrdrsemlingi on cadi oticîs.AltUsgh Haerethe peOPlPA hve 's voico ie ven thdis hirlsi-s- as sonieehait dîf- Vis-le sm-ail changes baingi proposed. 1f eres-it fs-cm tot of Vh- ladies cf the The countr'y is fi-sec of begîgars and western iesisisphesre, tV wavasy ar- uaem-poynem-s-t, Hovar , eh-a folttitie. "Graca Go-d" ws a Picture ihat tch-ue-- rules ans ireg1llationfs cftuth tibas industry. The pi-ture woes-so-ietunI-as a burdan andi nuis- s-vas akas-s-il Sweden andi the aiusd- an-ca o tho pa-opla. Tlie govaraýnt ien es--cmasn taksen Vhro'ss-gb the differ- con--tros aIl bui-sisss ansi espaciafl- es-st processnes in thlis--is-s-tryv o tic IV business expansions. Sha citesaiaicus finiies produets. "Canne that the cost -f living mas actualy Counlýtry" -as i takeai s--on haaOn- double cf Visat cf canada. tario ansi sonievs coieorful cnr The toma-s or cities have n-o coini- umas shown. "A feeling cf hostibity"- munitycentraes as in adb-r inlaaskad Vhs-cqu-estion "Mhat imakes us their 'pInce tihey bave the youtb lice- the w-ny me as-se ? " anigava Vhs-ýe stor-y tel ileVscycunlg People nm ay-f i al irss-ls -wasidepribvesi cf the ait-1 whenes--jo il-,t(- peuilarsport cfi teuncandinsihoe Vo uidis- sic asi Vrve-in' b bccl lcgthe seneesna stwis-simen liermotse route cf tha ountrc mn rieSmo- te Second time. She de- la clring Mss.IMiles saisi hw <liiaito exc4l un-er tudies ansi tins ýlasi Vhay more Vo bu hacli laiithe dis-, caîi the attention she cravasi, be, Vas-ct agains--breVhy-oe made Vo cons-mg ia sueccessial ca oarmoanl. ael it homne. 1 Tiere rrator took Vilse udEounebacli Mssr. Milles m-as thakesion bbaîf Ihrmugph the piemme sios-iagtic dif- of the clubvh s Gorýdon Ags-sew,pfaeint ýstages in V-lie gis-ls life mvhicbi ains sheabalc rweeied -a lovely bos-s-qet decidoi ils-r atl---."This girl baS fMoters. a go-oS brain?'bbctahe aos expl)ainesi, cf "bout la a pison cf* a silfernit type, O ~the resuhiti moubsii-vebueaudiffereisit. Clarke Union Homne And MC Lb W.I.Meeting Thereguliarmeeing o i .I Scboel Club irsi M eig~--t SniySho on'o bWednasday afternoon, Octobea r i Vilse Club was s-ss-eti Ï last. The Vis-C ss-ging of "O cahi' ý oQf fihatfi ,consistesi,-of a Peral cxli vit b'y Ms. Car-j on Nv svery - -cr ap- ian'd Mn' l-ie Cooper ansd Itan so--se liýely js--alng a r,n n< fien iscription $ 1.50 per Year ~n 0fLcal Pro 'i The Wîe' n ttt sedtheii Annual Paiel dsuso nFrilay! e-veni(ng, Quefrotr 20h, ia Oronlo Tawavisbip Hlall wiltli a gcod attendl- aime present. Mrs. Wm. Cobblediek anidMs.J. Corish ,wcre oveosFor tis elcti zenship programmne. Mv1. Fred(,i-1 ccitt acted as casae for the di, l cussions i'c f va.rious orîgaîinizaitions anid tIseir atLivities in. he cn-uiy During the evenig the following teswere dsusethe Oro)no Park activjities 'by Reeve E. R. Wcodya'sd of Gbike Twsithe lied Cross,;ý iii-milig pool and figurýe skating byý Ms.W. E. Aimslbso'g, public sol-olý ms-ssic by Mr. Neil Stewart, Oon cpublic li'bnairy by Mrs.LN.F.SPot, tihe Giill Guides training pr-ogra-n by Miss Ansisa Stapyles, the scirool in e latica te thee coiimunity by Mr. Sid Rutherfor. Mr. Woîodrard gave an htseing resusme of the Orono Park fromu ts iniceptiun in 191-1, whien, this oirgani- siatioa ,waas sponscresi by the Paitriotie S(-ociety. The fus-ais contribuited ioý tihe ,so1diers durinsg the, first wýorld oins hai a suMplusof four hundred! dollars ait 't1w, ccecf thie w.Thio laite Messrs. Dr. Neil Colville and J.1 1. Giffillan 'tur-ned Ilhis nioney over tics-ards fi1naiciiig the was emosial gateýs at ithe Oronn Cem-etery. Tiheý park -wa's deeded to lthec'towaeis-hip, ta-, free. sitr-eCt fais-sans privatte dona-ý tos hel'p Vo itpkeep 1)this pa)rk, along wi'jth g:Ovemnîmierit ielp. Thue discussions cn the icprk were as follows: To have permisson to charge for balg aes tc., te inransce the- tens, ailso to helmp build tip a srlssfond for 1bbc Park Board. 1la thc neas fuiture t1be srwiinuaing tanki acf' tcnnýýs c ots ii need repairs and it wasý deciced !that sons-c 'meanis of, reves-e will hiave ;te be dcriveUd f roathse park fo the upkeep of the various repa"Lis. Msls. W. E. Armnstroag spoke on tlhe vai-e 4f the Redi Croýss Society in Om-oao, tc be rprepared fo)r amy dis- aster, cvralf;u-ilie* ýhave bes-s hellîes by this os-'îanizattêm and ccd Clive cil tabhîcts are l$upp1ie& tc ail ,chool chli&en) in Clarkeco Towvneihip. The vrqlter safety prcý-grana j a pr-o- jecit ôf the Red Cross andi bas bes-s c.ars-iesi on fo)r thi-rec years la eus- parýik. M'r. Batgnell of Bî'-avlc as î1ajstructos-, bas given tests Vo) eighty cbildrea la this ye-ar's class. Tire figure skating bas been eaioy ed b'y the (!blîdren cof ouri conrs-nunîty. Lait yarclýasis ,cosniied cf sixty- eigblt grsand two boysý. The chil dram des-ietep gooci posýýture,(frosa tHs fsiesh alir exeý,rcisa, also ît!iey ha,ýve the fua (cf eýb1ibitiag theirl-"tzing and acigin a big fnl ice ceap'ade. Mr. Neil Seats subjecit m asý, bý-at place does' miusic take in th"ý school. lIt is a comibinaition of listeai li-.sis-gingai folk dances. S tu - dents in grae)ne lhave little kow1 esigeOfi siýngin!g, cross is-uh vr ho uibs a radio insi tbcy a- r ns--ssic eveýry day. Reading rmusic is a1 difficult art. ar-d :siniginig is an arti- fi ol a f prosilucingso-ad v-e- a's tallcing isC natural. M'r.Star -ýatd;h Vscchildrein'delighte'd i l thefolk dai-ces ansi singihg -gaimes taugbtt at tbc school. 11Te displaycd sonse veryc interstinsg pýaintingis by sifferoint dbltldren, giving tir ideas of iaîisîsc. Muscalappreciation, le saisi, bas quite.a f ewanls Mss,. Porter spoke 11on nus hirairy wýhiich is' a public libra-ry Association,ý wbich consisso'f a BoIadof Manage mnt with fve n auers&. Granits arc s-s-ccessnry fbmr thc financial s-s-p tce.Ticoarillestyenv gave a Vlost Interesting g-ras-lt cf $5.0ani tE-e gvrmn 'granIt was 06i hsgraýnit a ~eddurùs-g the yeatr. In bhbraryat Vtse prescaeima arc ý2!444 bocks, witb aspi nidju- mens-bers lo!L in niejyiddn E- nwbocks !purcbisasesi. Ihy(do e rossl i abooké "For thbc 111val was'stgigsteithaýt 'a: istof the ju- s-eiebocks eut the library be p'osted cotceiwhes-s-pusclhasing e u v'enile bocks. Miss Ann'a Sta-ples 'spoke o-n thî ie Girl Guideýs training progra-i-.The s-iii of tis organIizsatioIn is to Yike -ood citizesis. The girlIs stait as Brwnes wess-their ea ,a-ze par:s,es th'ey are, Guides, Vhsen to sec- ond~~~~ f dis udsa--ifinially first caa Gie.The Guide Comspany l' a ve- ioq- îganirpatiion 1ansi Mise StapleA gaea fu-sil andi interestin'g report f their activitias tilsrouglionut the vear.- Mr. Sid Rs-stb-ford spolie <os- V-e co-inl rltinwitîh b comua ity. H1e illustilated is talkbyusn irIes ii-the'centre cirche lbe iplaice VýIse chili. Evýery c11(1îs i an indivrdual ansi Vus-els home i-ois-d be amoe sail comn-uity. The -next circle iS thse scIO'l wer thechuS sholsIH be tauglibtVogito aloag.)with other. Cir-~ cIe thmrecwas the ecbuseh whe chu- drea as-cet Vhir !nss ýmates aIfadult -ebs.Circle four is Vhse csssm lOy v fhrgeani ircle fîve Vts-c world oomunuty.At sehool in t'hekner ga-arts-s. tire teacher nmust trv to 1help the 0-ild Vo get alonsg w ith othè r ~bil'den. Seoad'l , bc eulsimust ami-lvaschiasbpsto tbebc hst cf bis ail ity The conis-unàîy is no bettes Vh-nrbt the scIbls ses-id into 1V asid vice era Thene niust be a mutuel undbshaniungbetwean 1pairents ansi tch-.Lastiy, fiheire shouldi be 'la <vppret-iceshi~p Vo living ýa dsappy bal- atn(e il: social ansi physirail activitie. Musca nss--abrswes-eis-trspersed tbrs--ghoss- tre ptgrm,-withls-a vocal solo by Ms. Win. mitchell. and a vo. ca-l sibet by Misses Jean-s- aiiiey an-d Beitty Chapes-s-an. Lunch m-\as servad by c teon --i[ n iicharge. O.C.S. Students Pold Election For -New Oflicers The studenfis of O. C.S. are nowo hakait liad work. DurrLing thepsia. hast f e.' dy ive bas been an electionr cf nîelw ofrficers rsuîin asfows Editou- -- Marleile Canstreil. Pianist - Jovce Suitton. GisOsen as rthe group led ro r the Wliiites were Gr-lnJolnes anid Harold C dQ ip i ig. PF02 the PBluýe, Junie GIanville uind Bob Go-ode wr lie firsit painty o-f thc year bcllh hdld on October 3M.H lw& n ndglt. At îb hiýes *ýwerle the losercnf the flecld 'da-I y h ln ave tj plan 'thse party ansi enîerta"ia the Whit'es. O'n th'e nig't 'cf the' pa'rbtyýas GradLe ý are tewcomns Vob igh eihll CLthis ~yeav, They 'Vare V' be i-nitia*ted b Giiade 1.0. We stinceve]iv wish t-a ne0W sudniathe best 'cfluck. A his reathis one ffoty-eighltb ocail oLSteins W in At Regional Show r -Browa, Neýwcastme, won theNoihss-sbelad classes showa at thc ninfib. Edwasd. dLesinox East-{bnul Onbario Cbam is-sgissid uSimc Hlolatein show icîsi October consecutire yens Peterimboro Fair. fRis juniorrOshawa,, was Browviev Futurity Pict.ie Pmeoftais-o ' l na aclass cftithsirteen ind, hapins tihe o'lo--dby Browvicw Futur- ie iscs-te$ who toîpped a chasîs cof sixteenRve--g sit ail calyes. Bro-w--also had Cénse win'ncmi E) Pete' Thse secra- cas orols- o Bow si. ansisc-Juniorv galra il: LI 1-11 di ormm-ýadet,