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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1950, p. 2

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Theres a small butgrwi el dairynswetInel u; htte waste f rom 3ito45 inuiites erry day by edn hircw w ery24 houlrs insteadf if oly Once, Intead of feedng splage, grain and hay both milornilg and (vening, they feýed ol once a'l y, and they cdaim fthe rc-ssar higbliy satiïsfactory. * Now myper:sona nwlde the subjCt i s abouit as sohi! as it possibly couldj be, and3ôI knplw there are those wh'io thini. that the idea is foiladbouind ta esi in oSsteý. owevýýer ,here are- sanie xeine f those wlo ave tried tins PLanU Onle of l mayon an whalc is regarded as one ai WisiConlsini's better diyenlaibe sinig the oc-adyplan fr wo yas and is thoroughiy sold on i.S A ;are a nuniblýer of lis nleiglibors wIio M ocwecd hoseape 0Wy doI likei?"lesaid, ~/~l~aily b -ca s h ss abor. In- prcad of humring homie on Sun d4y aiternoons to îake, care o eil- "edgwe have a litle Mo re timic S'b pend üwt utfrien(1 d" nds1- ..64ves, On ccký days ' spenld 30 ta .«Y inipu1tesloïgcnger l te oods 'whecre w'r ceariag moreln ,le hlahfgures ta proue this oneadyplan- isn't liting milk prýoduti.onin i tice least. Aiterï the ýïrst year, lishds buitterfat aver- age jumped 27 pounds. The next ycar thf aveage ad increased 35 pannd-makig a otal gain Jià.? pounds i w years. 0f course, oer ifactors p'-obably conltribvte1,d to thlat ;nicase1 to, but ta hlm' it is proof that oceada eeding ekoesn't bharm fouti O p eratin a 240-acre farm wý1ith the hep 01f'a brother, the youngl znilks friom 13 tu 2ù cowsý tlailis feedingil done in tie ewmunig aftemilking is f-inished, MWe feed the day's ration of corn adage andi grain before we go in for reafst le-eplainis. 'Eachi co4w g liwen40anld 50 pounds 4-l silage. Af ter r a sWC leu es coms go outsde, provîdig The weahe In'too sevpre. This gives lis ' ch)ance ta bell. the cw 4îown a-l >d put 1:11C day' stsupplYa bay (dliopped brome-alfalfa-Ladi- uo) in frontr of 'esctandhlionls, Tbat copee ic ay'sfeedinig pro- gmlwitl tue exception ai sweep- ing up the letvrlay ;in tle m"arn1iing and ivig t he Hie figures liesaves an et atnp in'to the iC ayoand feed A-oo Ii cadCI day. Tis 11sutS lua daly sav i of betwee.30 andl Ov£er in Mnnestaý, a l ntheLr yoi~n daiymanlias been hor ouhysold Don the rýadvantages of Engesad WiQfinds thile plan aýffords lm m l-ore lisuîe, keeps bis hîre manhapperand ten1ds ta eqllmize botli mrnig sd evc- ning nsk yieds fnde Jwce-aday fcd." -S silage-abafit 20 pounds peT aul- mal, This silýîage is made ù aa alafa-brome ý cgrassmxueV Ih Ralp putup hcautse lic was Me lu forbreakfasL w no bIarn, t1ic att1ce2arezturtted 0aut for artPniom, andIgtount OMS zutal are puta what's leit (,ai th sag.By that te ftht cotvs arý auiu ato bckbt thtbarul tor th gai.Th slgc-graàbu mixtre l cîaîte upina huirny and 10a'cackfeedintg oai îay govn al the4l} B ig I{elp-IHector Manuîlel Nee,8, ai San Juan, hueýrta Rico, giv-es thj1ls, rafccp a 'hepin hadas do lots 'À yougstrs whabeïlng ta dhe Puetîrto Rca Police Atietie:Éï Lge.Police sponsor m7tht or- ganiization a(f 2,00 chüoî kid(1 as am1 safrdch Now lu aIl probability intpa tesevsciu-dcp il) a mai'ss ai trubàlebecause i înyin tawege ion auy ote eson ihauou i iu fact, anc ai aur che» au duil nstvivîd 1memieis is that ai wacigwhlat 1happeicd ta a ce- ani evenbnrg dawn lii Tonontio's once- famousStanly Par distictaact sud4 ,wlfcengaged in anýýc ai hei coupfle, Pactîg w i th a1 uaimuity btifltabhld mncbteyn- seufted an otic'satm tot srett fun, Atthis late at w canatpiorecal i h i thtthate re fmbe tat it ws ht ay h landhardestt. We hope that lui son appien Sphcre tht ýgetleman GdBakproml-isespacmes. We kuow that for !tht nCxt t îeN ts orso le Spon1ted ,ont ie t-ht m-,oat vbdshinrs ehv vrbhl m;stakable riîmpeSs ai a weddiing rin7g. Brother,, what a swctt left that ldy lad! sunce tIen wce have tnied, wih indillerent sjccess, t'ein rn goat;ng iitao,0-ten lk,-'buies One ,f aurfvrieclanactes-aýs we ave prob01ably told you nimru thn cc-bas ilways been hc k bu unday School bo, aiten heaning aIl about tht persections suffenetfi by thtm Israeitcs in Egypt,-cas asked by tht eadnchler diduc't c"n1%erKig Pliroal a despcabe pesn."Wehl, teachler," cpe tI i imply bt hnsty "i nee oenthinn' tame, But tlerc's alxvays gototab, a frai lý imie ionevry i.And itodaLy wefid ursehI sonly te'mpteti ta fractue aurlongstandg nuitesMd stick aurDfingen buta som-iebady3els' pie. For today ithcee arcaprnl wel-foudt ruorsthat: Jot Louis, zseriously cnem :t ngagint. bu * e* -S-z We knaw thv 'ere intan3y ueap- sur-thnges ad Chisel expes Wc.ha bve Ien l bledig lmfr yer.StilI, àt loks stbu soetsig ill hqv(i ta bc, d'ne. Sa 45t i -L~ou leged mmd ta wrt aI n etter t1' a goo dailbo- tIc o»l.V j5rs6n, 1 seelil()vl"oas a chance tY put asol t ht iai iSea le devtlo buta ont aDi tht sonr- DEAR UNCLE SAM- Together with cauntiesas ports fohlawers the wor-ld over, we learu that anc of your best knowr ciizens is about ta do sQmiething everîybody -will] regret, probably including hilm- .,elf. This W.K. citizen ia one JOe Louile who-when he had it-was anc af the finest leather-slingers, eTen seen. He defended tht hecavy- weight titie aitener than anly other Man and-in the ring at lest-can- duicted himachef i amanner oai which any natiaui l mght be roud. And what le la 'about ta dio is, ta putIà brbefly try and engagre ilu serous, fisticUffing, .Noýw, Uncle Sam, it la rumored that tht only reason Mn. Louis is cantemplating this regrettable action ba becaulse he is deeply bu. hock lie youn incarne tax atoiiss deeply that befone le gets himself out of hock he is likely ta be tniP- png over lis long white wikn clim-biuig juta the ring; and Mr., Laubïi's wusesare fan rom hite, no do thley grow auy tao qicklÎy. F'unthenmnone, Uncie Samî, durng the past f ew yeana aaid Mn. Loufis inust ha-ve conitributed, fnomn timne te tîmje, fainly large chunka c f .foýldiug xnoney Cta thase saine incopte tax authorities-ian more than. you ever gat frain auybaody oa i ishumble~ begiinud plckoaieariy opr Sa wh-1at we su'd a lot 0ai the reast of tht boys wý,ere tbinking, Uncle Sam, la isthat you are bu a position ta rnake a very fitle ges1ture. Why not make a lice quiet littît deal wiýth- Jot Lous-A deal heeYoya wold declare evenything squaare ne- arigtht incarne tax natten if -on lis part-.Mn. Louis will agrùe neyer ta, get w1,ithiu a quarter mile af a pize ring again, nat even on a skuil, ,Yhich is a sanscrit word mieaniu£g irte pass. Because ifyu do net mak:e some sud dJeal as this, Uncle Sam, we ' fear tlhere will be mare sud more sudh specta'cles as that of Joe Louis ibi bis neceut mreet- ing xith Ezzard Chales-and sucb spectacles are rthnsckeing in a great, country like ausevenn i an elýctio)n year. Ycturs Lvnletc. VJltat jis a rough dr11af,(t i t sort iltten we propeýoetosn sanie woId-jiainIter 'ta brush it up a might havea chance i gîing tou. natures thanthe oldh o arsenýic forSth. Venus De Soap-This 7-f oot- copy c tt riinl turnedi tp in a op-avigcoutest hdi a TQokyýo departntl istore. Tht clittie apneegirl at lef t 3i iiirig houw malny Saturday igh ts t.E 10 pounda of scoa<pwol a AGENSTS WANTEPD MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIM)VE suel eaing' Lady Csmetin10your born, 1ocality'. icot nceary e train you. Write The A. j,.ceg Co., 12Jarvis streef. ornt Ù2iOtarl, BARS I liCES FULLE-TS. 1)z2 eelrs ftela iwbev2 maroe, 1Rensali, ont. OUCNbe sure of "odbroiler ci evry ie Yeu boy."C'anadian Apr'o- pr-oducetion ,Older pu1Lt 12 weeles tm0.y ing, Caaou.TedeChjlkHacere Limted, Fergus. Ontario, rSTABLISHELD ugeeral store anl"ivn enatr ntown III ilsfo ubr onTas-Cand igwyTetre riirload and Ltourisi tradle. Scile we unmablo e taîmnage. l .s'e o 1 tinvesti- rate uns= interwes.vrtou dvris 12 EgnS. . u~uy HAVE yenaytigneed. yen o ean-e ilng? Wrt0te"s ,o, fomaton W aere clad f0 ansIwer your Onsicns. De- partl-nt UPrkrsD"esWprks 1liteS. POUS e( t ALE ing, piceresonble AglyNin oa and OseS. oug 1lýit. oS.ecani ,l arei pair be actrr-taînd aSo Ouns. Boo ngeýsud l'lices trd 01lior h1r en eveha nilon txi ate taefrdvlilmeton lvei -, d ;nti rt urel i t et ou Divisio, F0. ox E30, Jottwan Ot Immditeshpmnton6" blk 6m3 038, .10 otlnts rcsdlvrd f A. CýýC. LESLIE & ýCfo.,ia MS11tED LARGE a 2,orimet anS bettec aes WrPl,ite fer aesi catalea iig Ivaru t2he ce Sretco OtsallSaro al" CASiiElitAor, 3'5 Csetruàlater 'She Castra i "A" ae rctr aouver7"act fr. BR obDeretrc of or."Vts trat,,i ct. "iC Caseitracter, Efuipmenf Licted, Phene 2110 Stilna ftaria eWntIri a a-1ciîeld weptby widsof Ialmerot ale foind itemiten boyserwonfiseconze in teSld Tea InteforCouy Hoiilýriplowiug Asmettiiaotveion, Thus-C day, oal-ir 12, ý!at h en ationvl-\- Aiton. Whuisil) the we 10e10est cald in a ( iucl' nslle cow3ta aoterfecit fr ping.i \ei, o Thlirteei-yeanofdIvn aeldo of oi3-\-ints thulith, other membed ofLicVcoria tueanlis osn fan,,id The Wentwoant ý liCu t team rcoýNsietiug a Geolrg Makldi Balbnt o udTom BSlvinaitli altdo Acaster wouPo e ond lacke.1 Theseki fouruboyswit a tnp man-ý lie appouie bytle n tarlia 9JII. SALE ASPïýiALT sIIINGLES e 3 Tbsse nteromklg alloges are uit n of Our marieroousngandms ait bergylns. MO A1 b DdttShingles $5.2ïSt )65 tiee $4,I0 per 100 sqnars feet. ý- -Thicit Insuflated Slng rick or Ce- dam GraiNoml = ny18.5 ver sonrs. M0l.rd or green Granis iolig.1220 j f an y etiêr bargaîns Ilal these tai'tory smee %Mtou"u oMncn feutrm iraet grade stok. ALMNMCORRUATD HETS enly 88.68 uer 100 sei. feet. eie d Oýntarlo ueecanS Maritimes. A%,il new tok.26 gue ain se available for pop hoet eSma suremens asores cotme. GaCm ur p10w. Stock limited. ]ÏER ON]ES Lt',3BRR 00. Hmtn.Ontarlo BALED SHAVINGS camload ilot nly. Wruite Pins Produis, P.0. Box75. Honteal 3. Booklt. buch pln anS pie,s e, 1e CtRabtrCiliiacke 1C, f NSIW. imorteS cEnpean poer 'e[Il griUnrs. 3.5.mrteSTreORsESc ilnals Cieeolwa paAtOIt OFFEERDl trie.L P V S ESSi CA S - Neniis shcsuld yhDete's oRemeVP 335 Elgiv 'O(aw $,25 B pi s oPrpai bCEEuSýCOItE> SALVE-f' o su(r rlif UNWANTED HAIRAIl Y C Es-dictes frm aS prset fiae he fu ne ienf.insu si se trý y the p barll LOR- IISE aBoAt oR IIslt Vancourvo'ld Il. anStweepnýdg ekn roles. or's e bopebes tbeylosem PRICE 51.0 FER sA M;SpetPotFr ontcep f re BEOAT'S RREDIES 18-Qie tE.ConrofL a.Tont Rb ,lncing "Ot IG ntb "CORN'theiN"thriewhwnl s begRN e aut 4"COIN RNG" redSe kitr', fcua l mle cf-csa e'c rame fr lntin n rohtn a .$ tas luassone colora lmcompeefh feit bock-it e ro bol ae7eC. .',e wh1cule, please. '.' Bx97 sue swovASCotia. vetos sudEfil i M A T Elen ib e orELa EampOt 07701) a Cman. a tetAm. ormmtelshd180 5 flou an re= ne W ERt PICTrES taton B..ipeorono. SALESHELU LPNTE tejt. j. Y-KILE"'R LI042 Rolyn Srtamp up, 5 Mi (W) Fcouvc'er, MC. BELIEVfs iorbcoi 25nufed rent riish CeolrV includin qýfp onr mgione Send on eue or posageEmre taru ROYIAN GICcelTUt oppotnry. Ex-v pRoyencd an eM womk ;on truk an C-LASSIFIED ADVEETISINGF 't

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