F rhurder WIino to inestiaethoub lhe admniitedc 1<heinvstigt ion w1as nxei2reUly -lu- -1You catt ma s murder ont of tpis one," I grumbied,. "Comýe -on home. We're astingeach otses WKep ysoshrton, scibeh,.[Let-'s IFok tlro(ndthc joint. Ivealay home looked like," ."Your stiuiwastig tému.Rau- daîl mas just $999.999 short of seiug a omilioar." Tis was t> rue, 0Once apà mnn mnember of,' euppr backýets, An- direw Randall's fortune depletecd tediyfor the pas', doxen years. Evnthe Ibouise was lmortgaîged. "Who's goiug t1 inhi iis buncb fdet,,I asked Van.ý ."A3, fer as Ien figure tliere' nuly one Hling relative. A young- iter uanicd Barry Roister. -A nephl- ewi by nsariage. Ho, Ikes iniMii igauY, 1 ~I"Icireîd)ligIItly.7,Atmur- der prospect! No vnwat cosstise mtie be?" Van grinned again. The draing roomu of the oldi bouse contaiued tbree fairly good oIl panins here were somnesilveýr sud a few antique pieces an-d a car in the garage. Ohrwsyouuig 2,rc, Barry Roister of Micigan wans going to fiud it biardly wvorth bis rosle te ïaks tce st iewlo? to collec bis ihentance. Outide, Van sighed deeply, 4'What a pityl There wvas ajhac for a swell murder casesud it turus out b Ite notingbutanordinar'y "Lordit's geti so a man can' .honestly kMl biself Ibese days wobitbusomiehinquisitie copper try- ing 5te dramiatize it. I was sesnt up to Princetowýn and iben down 50 MiamiÀ to cover- d6e air races. So it was More than iwo ,weeks; beýfore î returnedi to New, Yýork, Thday sfter my ar îa 'dropped in on Van. lleic ooked brîiter sudsatisfied. Aotlthe Raudal muLrdeýr," le laid. We'vegostbe kilerl 1 stared blauky. Thon suddnly î r;ýeembered. "That wasnt u- der .It wae a suicide. Wbiat do you mepyoui've go-, tbe killer?" "Barry Roister from Michigati. Remiember? The nephew by user- rnage. Ucý did it", Now look, Van,"-'I1 eld. "StopD talking lu banches. Why wouid Barry Roister wenî t.«kMI penni- Iess old Andy Randail? "Beccause of the paiutings. You re- Àinember those tbree paiutings wc saw in tde drawîg room?" "Ireinember il-at they wuee' snyshing t. kiI an old iman over. Jia!"sid Vn1Yu esse mn! il Neyer ges bbiu h5eues Tloo supirc,!cial. I suippose o ee he(ar7d cfCabTrk? "No, ýI nyrbado ae Trask?" "WeVl-!i,be's an atisi. Prety good îoo. 11ïe painted. [hlose olàs.Tbey SOI(d!for Iabout !$50 each. Th1en C al ebL died So wbat akwas happens wbcn a firly good artist dîies? The price of 1bis paintings bits the seSo Caleb Task Iied 'n>iiMichigan sund Roiie binlg an art Coinnisseur sud kuowig otnobs ,ditantuncle "'Ah! 15 rgs. ToRoister it lookýed ik'ie a set-11 up. jJcleý A idly bas every reason tacommit suicidJe andwo oudever suspect a disannp - ew livng inMichigan %wh1owoî only inbnit i -bunrch o(f depts? "le Roiser -nde a quick sud muraderous ctri0 1Unce Andy's sud the rturedtoMichigan. Anrd when be passadvised lie batI lu- beniied a lot of debrts h6e Came bac,,, sud gave is unce a desent bunial sud tooli the paintings sud left evrtigelsc for tic depts. And a week sud s aîf laer 1 read ln theiç papers wihere tlie Trask oûlis had soltI sor 5,00 each." Van igb sud niued. "Wb'at )apity youl EABLE TÂLKS What a I apidetteto- imato Crop 1bas b eenlî AtPU-ast tats thle fsein my part ofthe xov. inc, îtoulisomie Cof my re'Çadiers may avc found iio- lack ofi ttbat grea"t Ibouseblýd sad Perhap, oo, y famiily is differ- lint. From. the timie ithe tomatOes ; star, t:o)turn ink heysnaýtcb tblem off tielvinS sofast bat althoulgh i 1always think we ar pin iougb plants for13C entir neigborbod weu i omstimeis tu mie chili sauce and thlike Ialways a ve to go',c Buit this year, when I tried t dou awbati a sbocký I gotr. Rýipe tomlatoessc'c-epesv-an noszt 01fltem te os hti or-dinuary seasons- , wed tbroW aa. HoweverI i manage ti gt s om]1e in;t - 50 - d - looking greeni ones; an(! if theL pickle shelt does look ýa tr*f le grreener shan I kno tlIat thecon()ten1ts of those jars are goýing to be miiglbty tasty. Oe r-e- cip)e 1Ilsed is ti;s oefor yRE EN TMATO MI1N CEMYE.1ýA T 4 quarts fhineiy chopped green 50.. m'atoes (ab'out 25 , nmeium-Size tbumatoes) 2 quarts parc£d, finlely Chicpped tart apples 1 lb. raisins 4 tablespoons3 minced citron.,leo or Orange peel 1 tablespoon cinuamon 2 teaspoonis SFlt '/,teaspoon aUlspice> "teaspoor l coves 2¼ zcups browu an ugar (fivrmly pecIk'. cd) 2ACUPS granuleted sug-ar 3.< cup vinegar ¼1 to lý/, cup lemon jliice 2 cups water Combine ail igeinssdco mxueSlowly untiltedr u sligbtly tbic1kened. Stfeque(ently to prevent stickinig. Pu into bt sterile ijars auid sealý, _ThiS îrecipez, miiakes about tbireequrs A reaIllygood rcietori, da Curry is lwas e lCoe, s u d tbnat's wha:t this is. Indian Curry 1 onion, caS fineiy i stale celery, cut iluiaal pee Bacon drippings or butter 1, apple, cut .lu1 amaîl suces icerrot, cutlun mail suIceS 2 caps Cooked lamb, CUbed, I/ý Cip raisins 1 tableapoon brown stugar Juice of 'Aý lemen Lamb gravy i teaspooin curry powdcr, .1 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoo-,n salt Fryv onion and cele lu r'p pingis or buitter Unitil golden,, browu,_ Hlounid urdler-Whjle more than 30,000 spectatiors alt the Wecst lBerlinPolice Sports Sho aplauedthis tra-ineed Police 110- cleared a high huir- dle Wtha graceful !eap. Upsiddows s Prvet eing 9 13AQwI.l 4 O T 3 nH ~ N WVL Addapiad car rot sî;cesý. Place mdouible bo)iler, add Iamb, aisins," brown rua,r idlemon 1ui c e. Makegray -om fat in sýkillet and add 1lambgravy asud water. M ix togcier curry', flour sud saDIt, and add to mxtrein double boiler. ÀA(ddt grav-1 Simmer i-geutily for 1 seer l ors. Let stn vernigbt in cool pae eetaid taste forsuficiut e ~sonng.Lct Sim- curyseve ri. ù SPANISH HASPI Cntlargeolnins in i 7-'inch sli- es. laeptde scsuin a r wel ra- sed'baing an. Sea o otaste -ut sl 'I peppr ai icover each uce withcookd (Icopped teahslce. Cover and )ba ke in mderteoven aout40 nmin- s ee mihtomnatoctsp Evu lhough bte piceo o cuis ofmea'c bs falleni 's still 61gb enou~h il]priece,gons kuo, 50 ake auly %wolàan con- an spparently staie c ine to wory or-e tbaIn a lîile, So any recipes ýthaýt vwill ibelp to sort Off ' glamuorize' somne-of Lfbe cheaper cuis will neyver Coule amIiýs. ca 1 oaîy %wsb thaut we were 'sl Like B ern- ar1-d a-ii ege- tarian But sbose occasions are nex r wen innelr is cookýijg, or even whnîîiî('s on tetable, aIl ready for action. SWEET-SOUR BEEF 3-4 pound beef chuck, bottoii round or rumrp Dasb pepper Dnsh uutmneg 2 teaspoots saIt 1 medium n )ton siced i bey leaf 2 talespoons cbopped parsley /4cuip cider vinegar %cup water /4cup sugar 2 tabîeop ~buter or margaine 2 thespons tour / cup soa'ked seedîcs raýisins Mýetbod: Rub mess wîtb ppper, nutmneg sud saît. Add olobay leaf suod parsley. Heat vngr wtrsdsugar to bjoiIlg, pour- overmat let stand overuipit. Drain mapreservinliquidBrown menFýt inftil, av skillet or Dutch ove; add /2cup of the liquid suid oio(n. Cover sud simmelr very slwyabout 3 hourI1s, until imeat is ovnudd "-, cup of the liquid as needefd. Reml-ove mneat. Bîend fourwih wMauersud add to gravy siring ovet Met ot itick- ened * * LAMB STEAKS WITH 'MINTED STUFFING 4 lambI steaks, 'A4-inch tbicke 3table-spoonis fat 8 elices brcad, brokzen in samail piece's 1i-,ediun, apple, sliced fine 2 tblespoons finely choppedl 1italespooli chopped mint le'aves 2 teaIspoon's poultry seasoning 1 v, cUPe<(about) fruit jUi.ce or water Method: . bread, apl),e2, ceer, Minl, leaves and poulstry ;sea'soin1g i large olcosenwt ri uceor wte.BrOvn one s'de of ste-aks i ot fat in skle.Place twosteks rowedside down on ra i Ishalowpanl. pile stuffIng On tpof steaks. ,Top eacb ith a second steýakc, bone ide up. F-asten wih ootbicks Bakýe5, un- covered, i a slo.w oven (3-25 de- greesF. about 45 mïInutes, 4 serv- Bearded Banitam---Deszpite [lie reassing hi-Iland of Jànc ale thisbeadedwite-crested Polish bàjant-,i hen had oinbt scowls 5for the phAotog-rapher. i-;inch lansb cubes (1Ilb. shouilder or cliuck) Vcup salad oul 'cup vinegar /cup fiucly cboppcd oni i clove crusbied garlic 'l, teaspoon paprika 2 bay7 leaves Sait and peppcr Mletbod: Mriate b lamb as ss 8 bourslu m ixturceiofoiî, vinegar, sud seasoninýgs, Etraiti. Seea.- ternate cubes of mnt witb- onions, ojr pieces of tomaI'-to, or tmte suid muisbroomis. Broil unil we browuied, turu duintg boligto cook evenly, tsking a tot1al of bu 15 mnutes. Scees 3-4 penson"-s. STUFFED VEAL (Pressure Cookcd) 1iveal cutlet steak (about 1 lb.) 2 cups crunsibled 'ra .'/' cup onion chopped 2 tablespoons butter or miarga rine mellted 2 seblespoons Ihot wat 1 teaspoon saIt Deeli peppder I/ý teaspoon marjorami 1 tablespoon cbopped parsîey 2 tablespoons sliorteuing 'Mcthod: Hïave butclwb fate mrent or pound ar home, -Mix bread, onin, tespon slspepper sud butter. Mix ýwelli.-place nuirrl of vea-l cutles. Skewver. Heat pres- sure cooker anti add shiorte-ning. Bro-wn well 0ou ail sides. Season vWih eminïingingreiu.Acdd wate-r. Placec over ou cooker. AI- lo t 0low ow f rom veut Ipý- )e tO rea sî airfrom oke.Plc indicatorighs0ou vent pipe sd coi,25 minutes at 15 ons rs surec. Let 55ce retnu'o down pos:ii. Thiickeu ravywiih'a passe madle front corusta,-rcb udC waieF. 4 seýrvings. Note: A 4 0-pudsodr of veal mnay be2 douýe lu tbe same' wvay. Have boues reus-ciover, fruou shouilder, maikiuig a pockes focir stufig.Stifwid iis,-týgclemessor bread dressing. Skq ewer -fie ro0ast togethen. Heat pressure cooker, stAI shorteuing sud bouross wcl ou sîa ids Add 2 tablespcoons water. Afteýr iidicatïor weib sou sudc cookiug pesureachie(lcook 85 minutes. Tikugravy vwith a, passe madIce oL-Qun sud syser, 9; 1 Tint.4: 1216; 2 TCm. 2:15; Golden Text: Finially bretiren ,whatsýoever things; are true, wa. soever things are lionestq whats;o- e-ver things are juet. wliatsoever thinges are pure, wilatsoever thinge are lovely, wbatlOCver t hiliga are ef good report; Jf there be eny vt tue-, end if tliere be eny pri'Zse, 1: on tbese tiLnge. Phuippiausiý il cradîo sud tlevision brn us ce na pus ey vividlyBut rali- er than deceareig tbe amount ofý reduJone, thiey miay ser-ve it, stimulllate u t ore reading. Bt areý we, readUg 16etes1t? Thle av- enage uewssssnd bas mauy magas- inLes -l'ose "e-ppa"cover is aný indicattion ù,o f is conitents. It is ipsble otiu fthese 1and the ganigste coi oo s coUDs- iug under the description in the( memor01y verse. Inýste-ad of edifYin!;g aud bepig 0biid sawr Çrsiucharacter,ý these tend ta- dý%eelop sex perverts sud ince g1angsters. But thec condition caný Me reeded by a chnge in the tastes of the people. There wud' 16e muitcb m1arket for Ibis "suif i Bee3here thecse -"mo1re noble people "4received t!1e ýword witb aIl readiness of mmd lsudsear.,chedi the crtre day. A Bible readig natin ilkey 50 6e a Gd feningnaton, If -we ail obeyed '56e injUnctionèL ou be GoldenTexthow nmudii befter we ouild b-e. Heretý is a rec- ipe foir menltal bath fi we ti oni su1cb tipg, thenou wrd wliil ot be backbiting orý evil speak ing, btuton th conr iy be Ml miitrgrace to tïhe beareers, It is especialy imporctantAM. tbe0 miniister read atidite It is' sa"id Of Jobu W'"ýesley that he ws ml-an Of "neBoo)k," th-e Bb 1Certain ltat ougttto 6e thie Main book for, it ~contain's God's messagefor Uman.Suersbase atdiy thatno other maer hars. lIf e wouild be srngChis.. tion, thn C we o, sboudseaMcl the Srptures diy. Modem iEtiquet Q. Whaî is the pOp.rlegthof è timie for a young wornan to wearý mourning for her îfather? A.Tis vwould depend etrl uipon ber feelings in, lie mtrTh cusilmof weaCring munigis osI4 so) strict ais it formierly was. Mn people (d o flotcousid'er i nee sary- at aIl, Q. When passinig a pitclier, a'? any other receptacte with a hanidle is it im.portantý alwa-ys t. have .th* handie towards the -person receivý~ A. Yes; ftbe han lboudaiU w-ays 6e preýsented' Q. le it "ecesSary to thank doorm-an when lie opens theu sioo for you? A. While i sntconsidered Iî-cessary to thank itiStijl a fri'- Mndy smilesud nod of 6e head ae neYver ouIt Of place. Q. Is ani unmnarried -woman pm- sented to a inarried one when ma.qk- ing anl introdUctioný A.3>1es a nlss thecinge wG- man ai s cou-'siderably odrthan theL iimarried one. A brIdoftny ye-ars shou11d 6e presented to womýan of fifty, iregardiess oF; whtertelte r imarr'ced Gr single. Q. After the knif e bas been used to cut a bite oiffOod, what shxmOul beou with it while cneigts food to the Mxouth? A. The best thiiug is to la dhe knif eacroaýs Élie upper rig-ht. biaud cdge of thie plae - bu'.ýt iIeer with the blandle resting on thr tablecloth. Q. What le considered the stnL- dardized fee for the bridegroonx.t e give the mninister who pérforxns ise., wedding ceremoniy7 A. The- ' s n s1 da10e fe Thei bridegroom sh-ouLd giv,ée a cordig ta o bismas. Q.When ; mani is rgsei aa hotel for himsielf, hie wife and their sixKteen-year-o.)Ld daugliter, how should lie aigu? A, r.anid AMrs, Chaýrles L. Al- leni, Miss etty Alleîn, t: site. exerte chare 8. 1)eenumb tZe,2. uces ,4 n Ae rOS . egusr 2, lwl ms. 6Ârb 1 idsmaIcf4 5 rfzmalg2.Ntv ea epr 4, Sfsude "on" ~eot> 2. 1~enilin ne 7.Horîoa n ms.