ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TJIURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1950 Toaï_r z1950 6ank ~ a' . -9 £' 7 ý -,," ý s lut~ I *d MA N VILLE JRS.- F1. SA. -OCTOBER 26 -27 -28 t#om.,, 9 Great Song bits! ~X?~ -1NOV. 1 I&f~~g rie.H?,< d- WESLEY VILLE Misis Eeunîce B>est speint a mW eek visýiting at Foxhoro), Mr. and Mrs. Clarence N i cil1LS ,were Sund-ay visitors wii hMr-. and Mrs. IHaroldBrrcimg. MUr. and Mrs. Ceci' White and f-am- iIyo Polit Hope, visited Mr., and Min[s. Murray Payne on Sundaly. Mus. Bill Ashtby and chiILren, -and,, David Asby were i-e emdtoth sunday School cass M. An'rrs. P(ei91ljon, Ma-.Har lu tiniad Mrs. Tutt vis;ted in Ut The, pot-Iuck s~prwhich waa to have been dýi ed October 27 hias beeni po1stponiedf untfil November 1. The Yo-(ung- Peiople's Union are hav.- mýIg . aHowIe parîty on the t tof' Octodver..1 Im1. F. A. Hfayden returned to Tor- onýto afte'r visiting with Ms.Len Ogtrdfor bwo wes Mrs. HaIy- dneeii (Iebraied her Sdbithdltvay t aý qurtnghed at Mrs. -Edgar BaLrrow- Mrnmd Mns. Paie, r. and Mrs. ore ecfSulideland, wreSun- day visitors with Mr. anld Mis. GeAo. ý'Tuffrord,. Air. and i Mrs. Avche Ford aind f an ilv,M' anid Mrs, W. Tufford visited with Mr-. Canieron AIIsoîi of Peter- boeOn sundayý. Mrs. S.Mis and Miss Wmnon-a SýieIi. Por-t Hope, vistdMr. and Mr.Harold Broclog nSun- Mýr. anid !Mrs. Wnag, Mrkham ü, Mr. andMs.Ge rge ndL vn et'Wei .on, Miýss Doiothuy MsoPort Ho0pe, waeSundayvsios.wihmr. antd Mrs. Wn. MaIsou. ù,__ KENDAL (Continued from page, one) Is ic. enggood citîz.en olirscl- -s *d es muc% towards eawtîg gonditizesip ini others by force A of eamiplethe speaker étaed. Se- Iectnig ood iterature a nd rejetn that mhlich is iiot of good moralsan dard, systeým.atic edcn'gooe 1self, hloa ice vide iîn tiiothers w;%ere surinie cf tfhe Vhiings ntionied as imaingtowards îgond ,itizeislhip IThi im!portance (of imolier!;s in thev * r h 1hi cilde t c dilhin part "Let us take timie fur il hinigs, make us grbw vcauni, sereine, i Shw Ienitle. Maýy we n 1ve (-b hasity in iidgmeiitt and ai ýaý gene -ous" is, Sworth m while reinmiberinig. Mrs. Wmn. W Jackson gave a nmusical nube01o 1111.1 the p'anco wich was miuch eiijoyed. Curn*eents uand a musdoai ou- test, the latter coduted by Mrs. SCOTTY the pragramine to a close and ail SCOTY.joincielasigiug God Save the King, BECKETT 'afteor niih a -cia1 tme wase- joyed over rfeshet.The nx meeting wilq be held cin Novemnier S th .wben ihe subjeet wtlb "lo Ecanoieis aid llealth" with Mrs. Roy Mecras enei TJnited Ch1urch Anniversary S-'ervices The Kensdai Untýted Church Anii- erayse-v'iees on Suvday, October 22nd, were- very wet'i attea.ded. Rev. f. Udei oý'it' 0on pnçaiclved 'on tihe text " knowivh worles " ii in te m intg. We need ndt nse iniucih oriti(cism as encungire tbdh ii our aly lives alid l ri ni liiureiihtlepreaelier .itatedI. The niý'uiiing wainspiration- al and the Kna horsigtwo -ýve!ly antherns iii tfih' ornin~g under lie direýctioni of tihe coi Mat rM. Jaiie, Swnbrck.The text in the WrentIu ea takeni frolirn the fir-st vreof the- 1221d PsaIliii "I,ýwas Olad (11envtFheyiid unfo ine let us g o in- to Cthe leseof the Lord". The Oironio Olcir r ndw edt-wo nths ini the e3venUing and d Pithîe siniig- of the h newdicli wsa joy to lse o Mas.Ja s S\%abick wa the or- ans t fo Te mninlg servIC ilc n Mrs. Workmn for the evening sea- Vice. Plumlbimg I Rotand ORONO - CapitlHO] Fni. & Sat., Oct. 2, "Love That Bruti Withi Paul Douglas and Jean Pleters Metor Equipment private Âmbulaftzp Northcutt and Smith 13 Funersi Directers an4 Furniitur. Pealeré K INDN ES S COUItTE'SY SERVICIE 9 *Equipped tto a!e care ofI the miodest funerai at thi e ut 9 reamonable chargeasa well ai the targest and moet ,xaetlnt gTelephone . Office 168 -Reaidence : 523 and 126 fi Telepbhrne Coflect Bowmanvtlle. Orut, llallow\ýe'en Costumies, Bearcis, Faces. A large as- soit:n,ýnt of Halloween Candy. Ladies' Flannelette N,,igh-tgownýs, Long Sleeves; O. S. size, each.............. ...... $2.2 Ladies' Brushed Rayon Pullover, Short Sle-eves;r Crew N 1eck,-, assorted colors, each ........_ ý. 98c. Ladies' Cotton Print Dresses, sizes 14 to 4,4, eaeh ...................$2.49 Clark's Anchor Pearl Cotton, balil .......25c. Rayve "End Cui" Kit for short hairgnd nat- uiral curis for children, for- a limited time wi;th free curlers. conmp1ete ............ ........89e, G«T In- SupptY LibiTED No. 19c, f i'I "FANCY 1'l L,-- ý.e -