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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Nov 1950, p. 3

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Slept In -coffin Wore Black pyjamas, Ever- silice themdthrebn thse pepuLar and Somewbat syrupy saDng, "Thec Isleeof Caplri," was firsi Ian1Icd, iosi peole- have dr-als- cd of isih that rmni an off the Ba"y of Napljes. Mr. charles (Grave-s çlS hte answer te the psychitrst's prayer- tecure formfustrtn6 s andinhib- tIens, wbhere you cao e-bav1ie in a iway thlat w'ould get yen I, l ckediu 'or certifiedanyhr else. An Italian. prInce-ss Ite saw there aiways worc a biack skuocp, blacl pyjamas, laek sugn-lses, and sfept every Qinhaa busack cffn.DuI, I~ o [lie-Piazza came - 1 aIli10ted crun~rbn.dwith ted cap) tasse]1, ludicrous mescamand carryin1g fisrce embr1)1oidered b1askýets overIbis -hudc.A yologYaok Oon leave from the U.S. secterof Auý stria wal'kt.d the Piazza for tw 1aysz dressed up aàs a Tyroeaii peasant, fthrand-,aIl. Wlh-n ne eue tc ooIý ariy notice of that'i, ke chaugrd loto fil Ce"Wby ,costumiie. A man wbo camie Ironi theman 12a1(lSix months ago, sasnand appýarýeoty nrafirst grew b is h-airt long, then bi is beard, aod 00Wo% ;Parades fthc Pia1zaa;11 stiaggio black beard and lcs îpo i t",il be- pbotographed.TaL swa Capri ddte hlm. On.e oelgirl tHl ;p-lays ber - tamblourine ld ances tIsetarntela-toug sb's ightly 'Fice islarrdlbas a teicîdet"' ce-me-- ter, çll patrenlized by peeple w~hG jum of thle prechipitonls clilfs tfiat yawn lovei-rthle- ira, spe-ciýaly ont Meount Tirerias. An àartisýt, LncyFangn h won a '~eligart nhlrbpu Boston, .SA, Iked Capi naei much tIsai she refnsed tego back home And ived fer tbirty yearsiho thle Hili eber ose dliing roem1 i';s sill huog iber phtures. olyv dnlriig lber llait hines id she -ver %is;i t tIse-maihlod. Whe-11n the oews re-acbed Capri tIsaijshehad dhed ho Romene-, Imloa pe-san)ts risda sabcriptlion ta bring ber bed;y backta br spirh.- tuai hoe. ut thie cost of Irans- poîinog tue-coffMpovye-d teegreat Sc they had ber cremnated, the uri be'big sent by poýrcel poýsior EVety-oIe,. boweverci, fhad forgotten' tIs-ai thc Roinan C atici~c Churcht dlisapproved -of c-remiifon, The local Ariesî bereforrfdAte bury ber ashes, the jocai C. ofF,.rpesna tCe aise refned ta perferm the as riteîs because o'ftIe R.C. priest had be-en as1ked firi. Se for nioenthsth ashes nstood 0on a sheli tuntil the pr-iest riel-nted tce the 'x)n f gir- iglier an nnosertdbuil s ifshe hbAk4 be -, asuicide. Vhitng the m=ny grottes for whhch Capri is iainons, Mr, Gave found tmat tje taostentertaing spectacle Was a se-res of fioating ssn ops. SceIng posteards, cotai- ïieecklaces,-pesket knive-u, scarves, and Sa, on. Entrance to tIse- celebra- ted bIne Grotie-sixty yards long, thirty wide sxy e- -sîhronghý a sar1fOw o pening se leý)Vvthiat fibe boatman had te pullhis boat 1n by a hwsrwith hms-l ad passe- grs buig aosmt fOaton theér bCks, ODne vister ibad dî1ved ie the fan-i tas'tically blile wt-- ihturnjed to ail uncanni-y poshrsee whe1ii an oar dpe ooi-n i body looked I ke a pale bine înega- Alorey spot hc te night cub cf tIse Hlotel Caesar-Augtfus atïna ecapri, wiiîne, f lg>and pepper irfees and oleand)(ers lit wt oc-i cd igting rondth ne floor.1 abreathiesi J"neolghi wih .-i he peïtrfme -of jasmiine 10 )tbe air ;t Ès agreat place for ioVC17S. The Or- chestra isfrs-ai and thre singeýr as gay as a iark as lie- sings bis Neap(jItan soligs. Wib"ihte fal moon Dverihead, a bottie ofehl s pane4 at tbe tble and the crikes %mrpog, h is Mme goammons than any Mmee-eutof Holywoodwrite-s IrN Graves, hoa firss-clss iluns trated beok, "ItalyR-istdwhc teIls fthetrav-eiler aIl hewa(',t know of ths e Onoîry from thflicakeI's nutIe- oortbte apri, "Say," le he-ard a Yank isiter asIe, "are there any snake-5 on this "Surc," rephrîd a Ne-w York gir, "and they've ail gçt loveIy vla. FABLE TALKÇS abutte 1m)ibo1Iknw whoseC mo-hr as c oa inIg hlm to(I eat someIIfood Ihe isiked. ',-'Uomilý" me1(1 somefThillg is ,good for ImIe, iIL makes 1me w a nt ll o0d I n!p it1o1theý funoY." F'il h:veit & hec ýhil syho 3IogistS to figure on)It.weersc a_ remilark beitkeed someIt1hng d:eep seatedly wrong ith the 1lad1s innerinature. That's what lhe îaidl, and shere are lot of youotrsý lk1e film. Buit' f(%, of themii, thlank Gouod1eS, necd ýT,-,b)ccoaxu'tcdt eat honiey;: ni hoey is il fini ely good for mosi of us. Th1 lindusim, ý ianIcienit timesbelived hatat- cîg honcy madve people stronIIg, wis,, even tithat I madc them oo-ooig.Tarsco""c- inig quîte a;1stretch of ter-itory. Stili, hifs a flue fod, alilndonvta Ille ads lt jtothekepg ai desstsandC1 ~isdry cout lw ly an ry -ver isiroe- wti Wony but redluse the liqad by a qualirter-caIp for ec cup of honey uned. Fr examie. rua recip Fig and Apple Crisp c4cpdid f gs 4 apples 2 tabIespoon.s lemon juice 34Cap honiey 2 trablesýpoons suga r 3teaspcon cnFý 34Cap brown ïgr 34teaýspoon salit 'j cp butter Method: Pu oln ae v- 11,2gs. Ltsan ine.Dan cnt carel 1wth Iso, Sce niihalo 1bain dsh. ýPeul-r le-mon iuîce nd holney ove-r them. c\ idc2-1tabl11 poons sgar and cdio'.- namllolis. Make lthe 'cispart by oringflur , rowosugar.,sat crmly pread c(rn-mbs over 11preiand gt ndbake 45 min-. oisat 3500 F.), -ýServe îvarm with top milk. ;if an an coIiu se tevon "* aod asLk you t uredryour Poli- ticafl fredo , promiseo of giving yen e-ýcoonîic Jreed(om, kilo hlm? d-ownistairs. For once YcII lose yoar pouluiiafredos n U)wilbe bune position whîeve teargue 'ihether I yo'n U hv gtecomi redc or nl."1 -David Low. -Will Durant, MOTHE"LRS An 1everlassîolg rmoe iYoîtr Baby's Shoes Preserved Forr THOMAS ENTERPRISES BOX 525, AMEERSTBURG, ONT. Upsldeewn tePre lt ekn gagW O .LSV -L 3 3n:531T .Z d33SMOu O 23/4ý cupasSiftea flour I esonbakinlgsd 34Cap shoýrteing /cup hney 34cup brown-r ogý 2 eggs, iw.eiibeaten 3tablespoons oinl Icap seiesraÀiSn Icup dried 'carrants -L cuip chýop>ped dates 4caip cheopped nuts Mlethod:Sltfnsoasaad sýugar. 'Add ýgýgs. Ad4 îil, dry oiixthorugbl. Liop fonste-a- andbae-ai400, ïF. IU te 12 inl- H eyHard Sauce !' p ca utrormaarn -tr eup loey Honey Date Bars .4cP sotno icup îioney iteaspoon vanfla 1 ggs or 6 egg yoike S¼cups î,i-fted a11-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baklng powder Y4 teaspoon sait 1 cup clhopped dates 1 cap chopped nuts Confectioners' sagar MIethiod: Blend sotnnhoney, anidvalaunl creamy. Beat in egsone at a (ilme. Sift dry in- gredients in î gg mixtre. lnd Add nIuts and dates a stir just 10 distribuite eve-nly. Spread in a greaïsed 9 x 12-loch pan. BDakçe in rndrteoe 35u n t1Iifl gold- ")0 brw 0o> 35 minuites. Cool. Cnt',în bars and rol!ilin con f ec- tiones' sgar. Make 3 dzen. Uoney Frosting i c-up honey 34i teaspoon Sait 2 egg w'hites Method: Heýat hoeyunil it spins a tbre-ad wheoj it drops from aý Spoon. Add saItit 10 gg hites. Pour hne slow1y over e g g wbiis u~icb avebeen beatenl Stiiff. Be-t til. frost-ing holds its shae. asi-st to do 011an elec- Honey Spiced Broiled Ham 1i;lice hamn, 1.inch thiclt ¾cup honey 24 teaspT.oon cioves 3tea,ýpcon Laspice 3teasIpoon dnanloun Mvethod: Wp etwiIi kdamp me-ýat ail ie,51:u browned, b. toi) or ron, cCeeROS S MWOR D PUZZLE 1. 1wyardn 3y Pera te crsnsr M1In Add iti t .Abs 45. DryaIsro, f.7 iostr3ne4 18.Late 48 L3 Ennls oi p5cture liihRid 0f£re "i. oolike pr 26, Movbl o lbarrier 31.- scraped linea;Y 32Exacted rat- Isfactioxn oastng oc e'-. ~oLangfuae the Scott!?sh 42. Anger 46. Masalink Rameil C ,, -m A Tribute from Calvert to Canadianis of Polish Deseent v

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