ORONO WEEKLYTErMES THIJRSIIAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1950 The Orono Weekly Times Authorized as second Class -Mail, Post Office Departranent, Ottawa. Advertising IRates on. RequçQst, Suibseription $1.50 To the United States $2.00 Publishied every Thursdlay mnorning at The Timies Office, Orono. Established January, 1937. R. A. For-rester, Publisher Novem--lier the Eeventh Wle are now on the theshhoIl of Ariice Day, Satmrday, No- ormany, its observance is very close but a saurpiising numliber toco vemriber 11lth, a day whipI needa mno ex.'pJaaiaioni as 'to its ýsignlificanCe. lightly regard the loss and sorro-w crea3teddurg the grýeat batties of the wvorld. At present we are , otawr of aay service or organized oh- -eunebehsg held i the vIllPage incme ain of whn.I&h this (3.ay signifies. nithe;, hghve wo e .tfhe village or the townsh:p a suit- able plae wliere a wreath co-ld fittinigly be placed3. No -eno>taph '>f even the snmalest description huis ever been ereot4ed, flot even a plaque w&îth Vhae namies of those who frýom tht townsiip have lost their lives fightirng for our freedoni. Iii the village we have mnany place5; that a simll cenotaph or. plaque could be placed. a bronze plaque in tthe new churcýh 1m1igt ho fittng, or a snall cenotapli et the pnhek or i front of the Town JÀP Hlli Any orgianizaftion or the towniship would p7ather themsn-,elves piueh pres-,tige in sponsoring sc a venitiare. llaving such a plaque oýr eenotaph could possibly help create the înenitive liecessary to organize a serývice to ho held on Arnmlsitice datys. POWER INTERRUPTION -gurnent between thre manalgemnents cf i SUI1-tire two lubs dning !tire annuail Suay, Nevember 124th, 195,0- meeinrg cf the Ontarie Hockey A Frin 2.K)0 p.ni. te 4.00 p.m. (DST). socIation Ias't year, w-hici wes noveri Power wibie off effccting a'Il con .settled, but 'hope CIbt an agacement ~ueson Bowmeanviiie Rural COper ,vili boe air at'-tire completion cfl atinl ra nri -fHgray No. 22 1this gaie, Tins promises tLo ho a and includlng Vbikge. of Orono. Their ult t1mir finish, as tire Orenio team ngixe interruption to make necessary fee'I l ittuere s1isueir line and sub station. alterations. ORONO HYDRO COMMISSION Mg-r., E. Dent. J, 1b] bO efore e eV rthe BannaIýr adSpel 0,-11saturdny, Decetaher '2ndTh W A . wold like to see, this veture'a,i 11111e success tihlis year. Reserve the date -November 241th, for !the preseatation ofe the two act opretta- "Miss Polly's Patchwor-ký Qit"sponsored l M, Bow' gropp of thie W. A., Newtastle. It w,-iil e given in O.-mio TI)wn Hall u der, the tisrices~ of Orono W. C, T. I CIJB NEWS The Oronio Wof Cub -ak sa ver,-y pIeaised to see so ay Cubh otesbur nout last Mondavy ni,(git l The itereted ornpwere ïaskod Lto iak roiund :and see the ,work of 1the (Iifl'eremý,t sections und they wýieelas folw: The junior cuhs were tatight te Ie Lub pr i-Ise and the( cuh, law Iby KyGarlimd ',he boys,ý whowee try iiag fo- t1heir Jirst ey vetee leaining lelets, nInd UnionJc, taig¶hlitby Aae Muen Mý- Kenna and he ,boys tryig for Sec, eV.deye were leanig[tiree omIpaýss J aghtbyBahoo(Jack Wlo) CAR DIjAW (oiiudfrom pige one') fast skating lokyclubl, the1,* -lyden Reekts, anil 'the local Orphanis of, ourcomniy TIosz gnme originaited frorn an a Th hglit ofth eening ill ho tho rain e tire .90Celdet & dorseagoing to thiehodrf The Orono Junior Hockey Clulb hipe that Utire pÎeople oftbths coin rtîuity wil heouo+ in fuil flore to show, their apprecýiation ta -sucl aý sportîng organization as Lbis, n thre club -wilb not leave a lsnedun turned to bhring imore laur>els back to Orono, «Ai-Good Place To Lîve". Local Nw Mrs.R. . L~anrecoived word on i na. of tir deaith of her brother i.n law.mr, AleXx. Elliot 'of Sainr Johin, N.B., relie passed awny i treý Gotneral Hsptal here on Suny.! Novebr 5th. after a long illness. tr. E'llîtt was weM knowa îninlBo nÙuAtle, hiaésng owned n jewo'lter stor-e there prior to geing te- New-1 Brunsvyiqk axer twenty eas go Irifty cdildren fri.n the oninrunty attfendied a lalw'nPryhldin the Suniday Scliol nRocn of SA. Saviou's Chiurch on Moneny Iighit, October fltlh. Tire baýemnt of thle hal wa deoraedwi[bh Hallowý-e'en decraton. Ms.Wm-. Mitc eon tetineud therechildrn wit ganmes, prizes and](1lunch was also served CARD 0F 1THA-Nks Mr,. and Mrs. Jainùý E. O'Boyle wýish te eprsstheiýr lheetflt gr-atîi tudo and ldee pp1iain the, conrrnnity o O2onofoir therna mesaesr condolenice and symi pahyind for tLile beai;fu loalof ferngsextnde tothewni ;11tbe PtIa gric br'S of iro(ir de-ar s n; epcal thanikýIng the Revereind Mrý. 1,1 tac for. 7Iis great ndes nd tobe They ae prend te kne tha:1t Bria lad o mngocd friends aInd cr ft'tee bIthoothoght t111ntlihocws se webu likod. ANNOIJNCEMENT The regula-r mieeting o-f theEen inig Airlir )f park St.Ohrl wifl be held at the homye of Mlrs. ac iRi nunsdyeenNovenberi l6th. Guct speaker wll'l be Mrs. Doctor. Slernon of Bown!maillle. cars wilVloue Mr,. arlovws ut 8 >'Jock. OVrono Tinshopý We Seil And Instai Peà,ase iHeating R. E. LOGAN Phono 18-10 SIPJLT'MILK TO CRY OVER o This accident is your respona gsibility. -Are you insured? Ifo o are. you are also protectedg against ..inancial lees. ..T o beO gsafe, insure.g CALL g !!~~ N. F.PORTER g ~ ORONO, Ont. Real Estate MORTGAGE FUNDS At the present tinte I have cals on at f w clwic-e farm and towi plroperties -whele First Mortgage funds may be placed with e:xcellent security and 5% retitru n 1your lmoney, at ne cost to you. If you have funds, wcbyolt would like to invest inay 1 suggest thbat yout get ln. touch %w-ith mîe. - Lerey Ha'miton BRZOKER OfqiceiL 32 r 1(î, Re". I r 16 iNSUIZANCE Ili ail Us branchles The WV. A. Biazuiar w"il be heid oen Siaturday, December 2iid, in the Orono Town Hall. Dona-)tions zto the diferent boomds WUi bchegre'atly ap l eciate'd. Booth convenors are: oume Baking, -Mrs. F. Tai-mhlyn. ap mmn su Ms C. Wo A; iaAdcRe tsé%rs M. Tambly-n; counitrya store, Mrs. E Raiev;oanyJuices aInd ice cr-e'am, Mrs. Ed. Milîsýon; knittinlg, s. C. BiMings; hot supfper, Mrs. V.T- Robin son. A t supper will be ser-ved IMPORTANT Wili ail tihose -wihsing- to take theý women's Institute Sewilng lassi phasie CaIl MATIs. Barlow tlhis oe ,The flrst meindg wilbc e a "utting lçout -and puttern choosing" demyon cs'tration conducted by Mviss Basnett.ý Pease bring a tape ineasure, paperi amnd pendu lto, the m-eeting ai fMrs. -Bcrllow's orn Tuesday evening Nov. 14th, at 8 p.m-. Tire Junior hockey tearnin l racent practise gaine wiiuh tire Orono Senîior c' ub at Cobourg- outsione tire latter: club by taking a four goal ioad. Tire local junrior onitry in tire 041.A. tihs yo-ar will be intrýoducing a niun'ercof nlew faces te ts Supporters. fHow eve r, ýthere wilb stilh hoe five or six "'f latt year's ýpînyeis on land and tireseP boys, kt wofld appear, wiEIh carry a gro-at doal of tire boad for ýtire cub. Don 'Mencor mnd Raye West -will,. ne dgiit7 ho tire power ýIhourid tlire t'eain for tire yar Me-rcer in tire gune witirtire seniors siowed that ho hmd plenty 'et speed t'o offer and. abong wivth West, Trewilbliger and Robinson, shouold Inake a srowing for thern'sIlves ii, JunJor D hockey. The, 'rew face-s te tiretei lcksao înig ard skating ability ut tis tume but irse lads wiro are mekin ,g- the big- Stop into juiqr hceiy ill u,, qi"e tIinsý as tire season progresseai i ad will prove aileepyesr tlie yaslotir tri laintins longue. Three of tire teanr's players were neo prýesenit for tIis gamo. Monduy ocn ing at tirh OirwaArome ,wiren the lceL-as meet with Ly\ndfiurst, a teani cf tirir owý\n group ing, wvilb givo btter idea cf tire calibre of tire Or pinu]s fer. the yeaIr. Thre rprn rust ho cong-ratulat Pdon tire biýg siewý'ing -whiîeitliey ar- staging tlins M oada-for te irandle a lucky < on a car is noe simall s.Tire proceeds will puyv thepir onmstn osses f rolu inst yenr and aso put tire lub )on a souand asis f o Ibis seaison .Tire club htis year is ,Ison pos niimga reno senior ýhockey teanii whmeh, wliher thoy -go tire onvs'ut- cf tirir:bodios, wil] for the suppor'ters cf tis winite, Se it's of teOshwaAren'a whec- Menoiday reoIsaorand eretir, beys h opetestnrt tube sensen i f COMING EVENTS,, ABand Concert under the auspce of thre 01ro1o0Band willb h e lnthe Ororie Town Haillon' Friday',Noe- ber lObh, connmencdng -at 8 15. Also on tire p 'rmwilîbe ho ie Hircock Trieý frorn Cobourg. Folliowing tire above will hoe a danýce with Roy For- rester's Orcestra. ,Lunch 's te ho served. Cone e (ut and support your local bnnmd. Roserve the dite Novearber 24th, for tire prosent.tiorn of Ülretoac operta "isPolly'sPacwr Quilt" sesrdbY Ms.'Bron' group of thre W. A., Nerecasfle. It will ho giveo n laOreno Town Hall un-1 dei, tire auspice-s cf Oiiono- W. CX T. U d-4ý1 c. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sunday, No)vemi-ber Uti,'at 7.0O0.m in th-e Masonie epOrono. L.' Dy- son and V. Ciapp, deneenessos. Farnners: -- Dur-iamn County,% Fed' oration cf Agicue7Lture invites yen toi attend a meeting in eonnection Mwith inrio-ne tex probkems ut Township Hall, Oirno, on yedu, Novombher1 2l-st, at 8 p. D.SMT.D, J. Giili, De'pt. National Revenue and others will answoa questions. n 41 c Tyrreli D;-ug Soewillbeh .ciosed Monduy, Noùvemjber lSt.h. F 1 NOTICE On Wednosday, Novembler 154th a bus wili travel to Toronto for tire Royal Winter Fair under the auspi ces 'ethtie O.rono Wci-eo's InstituLte. Bus louves Orono uit 9 a.an. triavelling ta downtowýn Toronto, until 2.30 p.mý1.. tirence te tthe Clilseuni. Buis wil t 1aeve tire Coliseun after thie ovenling per-forman-e. Bus tickets for round i tr-ia $,5O. oliseuynitieckets (green'),; v ncluding amsso,$1.75. Fur*itirer iniformuntion amd tickets cvalabie , from1i Mrs-F. V. Roýbinson,ý 25 ringl 14. e EMPLOYMENT WANTED Part or full tIno. Experienced in. ýistore, office and otirer work. s. F. nFerguison, Orono. n 41 p. FOR SALE nt W 7hi ltovoer honey, No. 1 (WeTs ftom). J. H.,Anot-phono 52 r 11. il Orono. b 42 P. l' ý FOR SALEi 011 sPace heater, large size (Qua-1 tker),v.dthibloWOLnUsO(d OfllY one Ter,4j2-p. I r I r s r t [I r n e We~Soî AhKiads of gCIIQICE BEEF ANDI PORK ~DaIintwîAbattoir i o HAMTONONTARIO Dg,=- YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH of -Main Street The towns of Canada are great places. Our town was a fur trading outpost in the early days-now it is part of a great forest industry. n And servicg that industry-and us-is the bank.. a branch of The Commnerce. Our manager is your friend-he knowvs how to give the type of service that cornes with long acquaintance. Yes, our Canadian towns are great places . .. and thre men and women at your Commerce brandi are good people to 'know. iu.so~ Treasurer's Sale 0F LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE COUNTY 0F DURH-AMl To Wit: BY VIRTUE 0F A WARRANT is, sued by thr ee of th-e Twsi of Clarke, undier blis lhý-lmand d the(- se'ial u of bb saîd Croatobearing date the 23rýjd day cfSeptem-,ber.ý 1950, sale of bins in arasof, txsi tu sid Townshp f lake w-ll ho lheld la the CuclCab' in tielage of Or'oro, adtllthe hour of Elevon o'e-loc:k ii thre forcinocn onl 195i,1, s lla h es mQ, ýdcotar soonor id.otie erh ie said list ]a!yt ho had atmy v ie Trosurr'sOffceOronoOntario. Treasurer BUY WTITIH CONFIDENCE Art's Car Market' Main Location 175 King St. W, Bowinanville, Ont. HOME-11,0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS Buyv, Sel, Trade in very USED CARS good Low dô)wc paymccts and easy termug cat-ho arranged te sujit youir budget. Phone 2148, Bowmnanville 'Orono EIectric Ph. 55 r1 COINTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SA,,LES Prompt and Guarantteed 'Repairs to al makes of Electrical Equipmnent and Appliances Suchi as Motors, Water Heaters, R-adios, Steves, Irons, Etc. ProfessionaI Iirectory 1 PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister. and Solicitor IBOWMAN VILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 11ome 553 W. F. WARID BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY phoues : Offic 825 ReMidenffl 40 BOP;MAN VïLLE,, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator ConductsAuMction Sales eo flII gun and at reasellable rate« CoMmunicate with 1h1M Et ?me IPerry, Ontario, or Seo hi@ Clertr. A. JE. Meikrton., at Oromo~, fer date, JACK REID Orono's Lieeuaed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for term and dates Phonîe .5 r 18 * LIFE1 INSURANCE Pension P~lansEuatoa PoYîics; Protection and ISavinigs plans fou Children and Aduflts-; Mýortgige ïla. suirance Plans. E. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phonîe 20 r U0 The RUTTER GRANITE. COMPANY Dm1 321ý6 - P.O. o 622 Port Hopie, Octarie Vlnuments, Gravemarkers, Phiono WhIitby 552 318 DTrndas St. E., Mhitby FIEQUALITY OUMEINTS ANM1 MAMRERS Let usoec a haqndome, dig- nîfled moniument over the rest- in- place of yourloo ces. It' s not expenýsivo-. And seeing -thus last trihute wl give "OU endloss comifort ORONO Furnitore Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing, Antiques Boughtz' and SOM, See Our lice of Drapery Miaterial Kitchen Unts made te order C- F. Duncan- Phonte 79-16 . RN We W;11 ho pleasod te pick up dead orucippled farm animais and 1pay highest prevailing For immediate service telephoniev, collect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Torontto Adelaide 36396. O"LAS8IFIED OOLUMNS. n Bank of Commerce "The Comnmerce" 1 1 A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PITYSICIAIN and SURGEON Office fHours. 2.00 to 4.00 p.mf.; 6.30 to800.u Sundays and Wednesdays by appoinltment only PHONP- 47r1 - 0ORlONO0 E. C. SYER, M.D. PHY'SICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office 1Hours: 2.00 to 4,00 P.m-.. 6-30 t0 8.00 P.UL. Suildays and Hloliday@ by Appointment